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92 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
The fighters edge with fury
Trained to get good focused on condition
Others train to hurt be aggressive
No regards for others
A punch thrown with power missed
A punch with technique connects better
So much to learn work on
Bring it all together for the big event
Months of cradio so much hate for it
Cardio is a fighters best friend
Throwing punches taking punches
Kicking bags swelled shins tender muscles
Dieting to make weight so much discipline
Starving for success sacrifice for the price
Win by knock out or tko want more
The opponent stares in your eyes
Show no emotions hide your feelings
They are a road block in the path to greatness
Need to move them not let them hold you back
Never leave the decision in the judges hands
Keep remembering what you've done
What it takes to get there not accepting failure
Comeback for more new plan each round
Keep your ground not going down
Not the time to miss this opportunity
They are rare being there is not enough
Conetender not a fake or pretender
92 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Not labels less pressure, they got along. He was free not going back to bad habits. He loved her but she was toxic. Gave up his friends so he could get sober. She would ruin the day if she didn't get her way. He didn't take the nonsense it made things worse. He always felt like a failure, if he didn't get it right for her. Other than it being physical ****** they didn't get along of have any common interest.
92 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
In the car on the way to work
Thought about driving
Go have fun experience life
See where things end up
Enjoy life experiences an awesome adventure
New encounters with interesting people
New experiences tasty food
Somewhere new escape the pattern
Over the mind numbing routine
92 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Another day off hard to relax
Always use to doing something
Older not going anymore
Appreciating life more
Sober living trying to be normal
Not like the rest or made to fit in
The struggle within not so intense
92 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Not married or rushing
Not quick to settle
From strangers to friends
Get to know one another
A true connection
Be much more make time
Share a laugh with charm
Don't take life too serious
Have fun together
Be real a genuine smile
92 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
Laying in bed
The ground vibrates
A huge jolt of the house
An earthquake that felt forever
Silence in this room
With out fear or doom
Not losing faith praying strong
Trusting the walk in grace
Focused on the word
Count blessing be happy
Not more holding on to life lesson
Learn grow and progress
91 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
My mind wired differently not taking bull
Make me out to be weird not like the rest
Seen as crazy, they don't understand
Seen some **** that's hard to forget
In the scary world safer in my bubble
Rejected and disrespected for too long
One day you'll get caught up for the wrong
Hurting others, using people, no way to go
Don't feel right, somethings off
Writing takes away the pain
Helps get out of the rutt
91 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Being called delusional for having a dream that doesn't evolve around you.
Being called a narcissistic for not giving up values and ones self
Had bad leads did  their work it made me better
Dealt with good leads that are supportive Gaining more confidence
Stepping it up filling the void since it needs to done
Doing the work even if others are not satisfied show up, help don't just criticize
Thankful for growing qnd
91 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
He woke up from a crazy dream not able to move.
Anxious about his transplant
Did everything the doctors asked
Now it's a waiting game on the sidelines
Went to work early thinking the schedule was the same I was extra early
Tired of picking up the slack
Last year alienated for having cirrhosis
Thankful for the help still able
Not crippled feeling the pressure
Now staying on top of this work load
Having weird dreams not able to understand
Always determined to do and be better
91 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
Let go of those tough times one has out grown no longer holding on to those heartaches the struggle the burden is not worth it you can relive the moment in your mind but as time progress they fade and growing is the process that makes you better. Lost love will be found with true love all the hurt will make you stronger and better for the next. Sometimes too focused on what's going on behind you but not going that way anymore.
Sometimes you meet wonderful people afraid to replace the old but those people don't keep contact or want you. Living for yourself for once not saving room for people that don't want you around. It's hard to make a connection when you have trust issues dealing with fake toxic people that use you take you for granted, don't let them dull your shine.
Moving is hard holding back leads to regret no longer in that vice grips.
91 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
So many unexpressed emotions the fear of being seen different. Not too wild or crazy when it comes to being open with others but it's hard to be honest when others are too sensitive. So many dreams that mean something but not sure what they are trying to say. Always doing what I love so there's no time to hate. Listening to music can always express myself but it does help me relate. I think of ways to fit in don't always belong not always liked or a favorite. Bite my lip because I don't want anyone hating me or mad at me. It ***** others think they can walk over me they mistake my kindness as weakness. The music takes me away feelings in lyrics or sounds that give my soul life. Taking me away since I can't always be see with everyone but doing it alone and have grown
91 · Aug 2018
Qw #6: on the go
Infamous one Aug 2018
A young child watch his parents be consumed
One on drugs while the other an alcoholic
Both with bad habits that would cause a broken home
The week would be fine and he dreaded the weekend
Pay day so this addictive cycle would take its toll on the family
People change under the influence a child watching these behaviors took away from childhood
Feeling useless and not able to help but blaming himself because of his parents even though he did nothing wrong
Worried for them made it hard to focus that he didn't like being home
He got involved with sports even though it was too expensive once season ended
He discovered the track challenged him to get those laps in
His best friend and him would go everyday being in high school self conscience even though all their life they had been heavy set
He jogged the track imagined him going somewhere better different outside his home town things never changed in his city
The more he worried the more he appreciated the track
At the end of the night he'd get home and knock out hard since when I didn't exercise it made sleep hard to do
He knew there was more out there and experienced it
Sharing his world with others wishing they could go see what his eyes saw
His world welcomed everyone even though it was hard for others to accept
He wanted to change the world make a difference but can't carry the burden of the world anymore
Dealing with his own demons that tormented him
91 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
He sees them together in his head
In public he is whatever
He doesn't want to seem desperate
Not sure how to express himself
She might like him back
Or say you are a "good friend"
Will things get be awkward
Between the two connected not close
Things come to an end
Wish it got better now it's worse
91 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Not my business or my problem tried of bad people taking advantage of good people. Always talking about others the coward never says it to tire face. He got loud made an *** of himself and a kiss *** when he needed something. A lost cause acting like everyone owe him for all the drama he caused. Always ignored and exclude but once a favor is needed everything is good
91 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Had to cut ties
Said goodbye to the past
Embraced the future
Saving places for the old
They aren't showing up
Welcoming new that help with grow
Take the toxic vibes away
Positive attitude can stay
Not settling for less to be accepted
Chose happiness over misery
Not wallow in self pity suffering
Come along grow together
Make one another better
Match energy not drain each others souls
91 · Sep 2018
Qw #80
Infamous one Sep 2018
On my day off I wake up to work
but don't have to free for the day
So I lay in bed stare at the ceiling
Thinking deep in thought taking in the vibe
Focused on good things are not bad
Time to reflect and write it all down
Focus on my passion and things I love
Asking what my personal life needs
what needs to be done make time for it
Nice to relax after being in my head
Determined to finish get it done
Ready to be phyiscal give it all
but relaxing have some fun it's past due
Put on music enjoy the sounds
that take me away escape the work routine
Beats that remind me of my youth
A better time that made sense things changed
Can't stay the same forever most adjust and adapt
91 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Training on the beach
The sunshines while the breeze blows
Pushing your body lifting your feet
To keep from sinking in the sand
Hitting the pads and holding pad
The loud smack from the impact
A high punch to the face a strong defense
A low punch to the body bob and weave
Kicks are another dangerous factor
High kicks towards the head be on defense
Low kicks chopping legs pain from shins colliding
Reducing the power of the push from the feet
Hands up block your face elbows to protect the body
Knee strikes are never ending when done correctly
An elbow strike to the face all momentum
Training for the big fight a year round sport
90 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Woke sore trying too hard
Mind racing for composure
Body adapts to the situation
Made adjustments to inconsistencies
Turn the page, close the book
Start a new book, ready for change
Fix the problems, made them better
Come to terms trying to figure it out
Trying to do things the same
So much has changed
Only going forward not back
Asking why so much regret
Bubbling thoughts back of the mind
90 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
Always working to prove yourself. Bust your *** because it's the right thing to do. He said to be active be more than before. Never settle for average be better than before.
Striving through being honest is easy while lies and complicated people try to bring you down so they won't get in trouble. Always down to work without fear so many people quick to pass the blame instead of owning up and fixing the mistake.
Helping the team even if they don't return the favor. staying positive around toxic negative people.  Some have a bad rep it doesn't matter let your work shine more than what others think. Don't use someone as an excuse to be lazy because you don't see eye to eye or not able to agree come to term. Just focus on the work not obsessing on trying to change on another.
90 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Being called crazy for having a dream only you can see it makes sense in your mind. Having an opinion being different seen as delusional. They aren't helping anyone but themselves why are they talking.
You forgive them and move on because those burdens weigh down your heart. Give yourself peace and closure over holding a grudge. Reading the bible helps fill the empty within. Loving them even if they don't love you back. Staying strong moving through the bad everything will be okay get better. Praying for them because they are set in their ways. Trying to do things with God's way trust the plan. The internal struggle and faith find balance
90 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Another lonely holiday wishing family would get along
Someone is always mad running their mouth
Instead of being close everyone is divided
Can't ask for help or do favors everyone expects something in return
Trying to get something to hold over your head
Seeing a family member be two faced is sickening
Talking bad about a person behind their back being cool to their face
Telling others how to live not living up to false ideals
Practice what's being preached not the exception
Do more for yourself instead of expecting others to do it
Sister with a mouth expecting respect insulting others
A false leader acting like everyone owes and trying to collect
Wishing the family could get along
Share a meal not exclude a sibling due to unresolved issues
Talk to one another instead about each other
Boundaries are set being respectful
Doesn't get your way or change things
Trying to control others stop imposing
Take control over your life first
Stop thinking you know what's best for others
While your situation is not organized
90 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
The 10 hour shifts got to him he wasn't surprised anymore. He just stopped caring and did what needed to be done. The language barrier kept him out but he made the most of the situation. He'd rather work than pretend to understand what everyone was saying but after a while he stopped caring. He went numb the people he valued made him feel like nobody.
Another day of proving himself and not backing down. He made it fun made the most of things now a days it didn't matter just get it done and go home. From being fun to being mocked not able to do anything. He got quiet and let them talk eventually those mouthy people would get caught up in their own foolishness.
The numb mind blocked it out feeling nothing showing no emotions. It was all his he took instead of waiting for it to circle back around. Everyone talked big but no one did anything about it.
90 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
***** how you cant have an opinion
They'll try to silence you for being different
If you disagree every attack gets personal
Over a joke or asking a question
Talking about change but no one wants it
He didn't argue they'd change the topic of discussion
Jumping labels manipulating the conversation
Titles with false sense of empowerment
Debating trying to dictate the narratives
90 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
He was tired of all these rules and demands to be accepted they wanted him to change but they did nothing to change. He preferred to be alone but they called him a rebel since they thought isolating him would be a punishment.
He was use to being alone and didnt care to be corrected for having an opinion. Being told how to act was annoying he was responsible for himself. They tried to modify him when they did worse acting like their way was the best way.
He chose to be a man of God trusting his way on God time and plan. He struggled because minding his mouth was hard since everyone kept coming at him. He minded his business while everyone kept talking when they shouldn't even be saying anything.
A bunch of nobodies talking like they are somebody. Instead of owing up quick to pass the blame.
90 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
I thought we could be together but you always rely on your friends but seem to tell me your troubles. I gave my honest opinion even though you are another person with your friends. You are like two people. I've learned to distance myself because you can't be your own person or be the person I thought. I valued the good times but need to stay away. You are strong independent but you are dependent on you peers that doesn't make sense but that's the reality. Always seen eye to eye but now we don't talk and from friends to strangers.
90 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Writing has my back
It doesn't twist my words
Others try to manipulate
How you feel with their emotions
They can't figure you out
So they assume the worse
Not thinking about them
For not liking anything
My name is always blurted
Coming out of their mouth
90 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Home sick came back
Seen things that make me sick
Worked hard got ignore
While the lazy got praised
Love my family hate being hazed
Talking smack shocked
I have a comeback with reaction
Get the crowd on my side
Just because I mind my mouth
Not taking anyone's crap
Respectful to others who try to run me
Don't get mad beat you at your game
When I do it better flipping jokes
I'm mindful of others feelings
While they have no regard for anyone
90 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Fell out with friends use to be close
It doesn't mean, I don't love is over
Miss them moments when we'd hang
Sometimes the pride changes everything
Ego kills friendship no forgiveness
Numbs the love between people
Buds become enemies divided by a grudge
The safe space becomes a war zone
Wrote the drama down reflected life
If we could talk one more time
Grab a burger catch up forget the BS
Life is hard how's it treating you
Felt like a protector had to take a step back
I'm proud watch you grow from a distance
Walked away you don't need me anymore
Learned to be okay with that crazy
90 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Doing his job avoiding the drama
Headphones in ears blocking it out
Sweaty from the bike ride to work
Keeping it clean part of the assignment
Listening to a mixed play list with jams
Another funny story on the podcast
Laughing and smiling making a joke
Sterilize the steel killing germs
Wiping and dusting for dust bunnies
Thinks about writing with nothing to say
Whatever comes to mind things are fine
90 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Stared deep into her eyes
His heart melted feeling alive
She gave him her attention
Use to being ignored by most
She belonged to someone else
He desired her but respect her
Moment on loop in his head
Captured his heart with vibes
90 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Growth and change
Not the same person
A reflection of difference
Turning the page with wisdom
Age overcame all the rage
Another restless night
White hairs astray
Healing process mentally
Physically took it's toll
90 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
The lost look in their eyes
The struggle within
Refusing to accept defeat
Not sure anymore
From right about it
Feeling like the truth
Now it's one big lie
Keep doubting yourself
One mistake a lesson
Not a life time of punishment
89 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Always reaching out
Making effort to stay connected
Valued and appreciated friends
Told them straight up
Face to face out of respect
Another two face more neglect
Slandering behind the back
Another ignored called
Phone in hand with a death grip
A text with no response
Loud with words
not saying them
89 · Sep 2023
Infamous one Sep 2023
Whats the problem? What's on your mind? Questions I've been asking myself. How can I do this better. Focused more on improving bettering your situation. Getting older feels like lots of time being wasted about to turn 40. Young at heart with the old man mentality.
Having a good time remembering the good old days. Lost in the present fear of the unknown. Taking it one day at a time not overthinking.
Slowing down remaining calm the athlete within refusing quit. A fighter with all heart that got him through the tough training and hard moments. Head down plow through the roadblocks
89 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Air squeezed from the throat
Hard to breath low air supply
Trying to escape the death grip
Someday harder than others
Time flies by without any notice
Knowing its wrong in the mind
Tempted to do it anyway
Protect the heart saying away
Tortured heart craving more
Claimed goods that are spoken for
Stubborn mind in conflict
One wants dive all in
The other pondering outcomes
Unaware of the consequences
A cage heart released into danger
While the mind tries to see it
Make it happen or die trying
89 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
He worked hard didn't get the job about to experience some down time. Tough times during this transition all the pain all the frustration. Didn't want it to change but everything is happening so rapidly. Lost the girl who was never loyal projecting her guilt on you. Friends in bad relationships not making time for this friendship. Trying to be happy others are miserable.
89 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Sitting in a crowded room the loudness, but muted it all out. Kept on writing not like the rest use to being out of the loop. Once inside its the worse. He gets ignored when asked for his opinion. Not everything he says is gold but it's insulting to talk and see their not interested ****** expression.
Everything changed not for the better its hard to understand. This confusion hard to comprehend with other outside factors that don't add up.
89 · Feb 2020
Infamous one Feb 2020
How can something you love
Become a crutch when it brings joy
It's what you love to do
Been there through the tough time
Trust it more than people
Able to relax tell these feelings
Share emotions without criticism
The collection of notebooks has grown
Over the year with new thought ideas
Not drinking or being self destructive
Writing has been ways to cope
Escape addiction tempting urges occurred
Let it out with ink free from it all
Get it out of the system writing on the pad
Feels like no one cares or understands
Not sure anymore but not hurting others
Not trying to get hurt been betrayed many time before
Prefer to not be in that situation anymore
89 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
An open heart full of love
Family love comes with criticism
Her skin tone was dark
A beautiful charming spirit
Glowing soul that's polarizing
The heart accepted flaws
This love was an addiction
Family would not approve
Desire burn never ending
Denied feelings in the darkness
Hidden emotions buried deep
89 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He stood in the room with his oppressors
Not listening or interested in their opinion
He didn't acknowledge them because they shut him out
Trying to tell him how to act and who to be
When he did nothing wrong
This wasn't the first time
He never said anything about them
They called him ghetto and delusional
He forgave them this time he'd cut the cord
He learned his lesson this time around
They didn't talk to him he was use to being ignored
He was use to their worse so he wasn't surprised anymore
They had way more going on it didn't make sense why they came at him
They never helped quick to make things seem worse than what they are
89 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Taste of coconut lotion
Curly hair scent of chemical
A smile that melts the heart
If looks can kills consume the soul
In a bad mood not surprised
Open with tender love
Now closed off cold like stone
Friend to foe now stranger
Someone that one use to know
89 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Walked away the anger was draining
Frustrated with everything
Taking back some control
Lost himself trying to please others
Spoke up everyone got defensive
He went with the flow got *******
Always helping getting accepted
Never got helped back or expected it
Once he said No they turned on him
If he couldn't had a prior commitment
Made it seem he never contributed
Treated different tone changed
The tension overwhelming
Not faking everything is well
Pretending we are cool when its shady
If a favor wasn't honored
89 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Douglas was getting older he learned to appreciate life, after a few bad relationships. Never put your happiness in the hands of others That's your responsibility that's what he told himself. He loved people who didn't love themselves and they would mess with his mind making him hate himself because there was nothing he could do to please or make them happy.
Eventually he went cold turkey and walked away from these people that would make him doubt himself and his judgment. The friends he had would bad mouth him but this bad boy rep did him some good more than damage.
Also learning friends, don't talk about you behind your back. He respected them enough to say it to their face. His honesty would **** people off but it was out of love because he cared.
89 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Missed the moment
Much older now
Not the same anymore
Thing from memory
No longer hold value
Seeking meaningful moments
Change can't be avoided
Holding back all is lost
Not sure how to get it back
89 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Tears fall from devestation
With heavy emotions
No late night calls
Another night
Wandering blind
Following a broken heart
Through the darkness
Pursue the healing is the process
89 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Feels like time is running out
Always starting over from the bottom
Focused on the top tired of being kept out
Not always where I belong trying to figure it out
Working twice as hard to barely come out even
Done what's right things don't turn out right
Made mistakes never hear the end of them
Far from perfect and no where near perfection
Learned and growing results are not showing
Happiness within is not enough struggle within is tough
Gave my all came up short crazy to come back for more
Work hard to shut them up not lettting up
they find an excuse to run their mouth
Tearing myself a part within changed my ways
Not falling back into bad habits or looking back
89 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
On the edge
Experienced success
Failed another serving
Living near death
Life support flatline
Losing this battle
Made it to the end
Start over moving up
Another grueling level
89 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Things have changed never the same from how he remembered them. He sees his parents they have white hair. His best friend married and kids. He seen more for himself but ended up being an average joe. He went to college, but things didn't panel out accordingly. After a unhealthy relationship, he decided to stay single better himself.
He took detours and the scenic route eventually arriving to his destination. Lots of falling but he kept getting up. Tried came up short  learn from his failed attempts. He kept an open mind willing to learn grow as a person.
He thought his best friend would stay close; they'd get old together, but all they did was grow apart living different lives wanting opposite from one another. Once he sobered up the world seem, so different; a clean mind made him listen observe things didn't always appear what was being said.
89 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Always denied not surprised
Felt part of the team
Then sent away
Doesn't feel like anything matters
Not normal no longer making sense
Once had value in the heart
Now it's worthless
89 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
In the mind turning to stone
Hardening heart trying to feel
Going numb from burdens
Things are not what they appear
Eyes on the prize hard to find balance
Crumbling career time for a change
Loveless love life not feeling the void
Stirred up with multiple emotions
Mixed up with confusing feelings
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