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105 · Oct 2017
Infamous one Oct 2017
Sometimes I feel like I don't belong
Looking in from the other side
Once I'm in still not so close
So many obstacles to overcome
You seek a home always on the roam
Trying to find where I belong
keep moving strong going forward never back
Hard to get close to anyone broken trust
Be me wander the world be free
105 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Wired different from everyone
Told to be a tough but sensitive always hiding it
A lover struggle within not sure how to feel.
Always have something to say
Feelings get the best of everything
Told her how I felt she didn't love me back
I held it all in she left and never looked back
Dreaming big barely getting by fighitng to survive
Feels like things are dieing need to be revived
Hard to breathe need to make a move
Praying for love hopeless with romance
Love hate turns into loves to hate
Career not paying out with many more fears
Over the suffering wipping tears still here
Another expression seen like a protest
Standing tall for change things remain the same
Paid dues picked everyone else it's true
Stood talk for the crew all the betrayal
Turned their back treated cruel
Moved on found passion staying loyal pure true
105 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
When you see someone you love in a whole new light
The memory not corresponding to the current action.
All the good times turned to bad, failed but glad it happened
From a leader to a follower not the person I use to know
Seen you as strong, we use to bond. now you are weak and submissive.
When it came to me I got the third degree and tough love
Now you crumble before my eyes in my mind asking why
The person I once knew is no longer you
As I grow no longer the same person you once knew
From single to married mother of two
I always wanted you but never saw our future in that light
Failed and broken at the end of the night
When I was single you always belong to someone else
The time I was in a relationship you were single and expressed interest
Put in a situation leave my current relationship
Leave for someone who gave me a chance
For someone I wanted now it could be a reality
Is it meant to be or would guilt consume me over desire that could later scar burnt by misery
Always in my head fear of making the wrong decision both felt right but sometimes things that felt right could lead to making bad a decision.
105 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Being drained by toxic people
Always a problem for a solution
Gave advice no one listens
Set in their ways not open to change
Too stubborn push others away
Open to conversation with respect
While things get personal
A debate turns into insults
Conflict of interest gets complicated
105 · Feb 2018
Infamous one Feb 2018
Some days are fine or days my thoughts are stuck in a loop. Hard to breathe trying to compose myself sometimes it feels like my mind is slipping away. The time goes slower than normal. Hard to relax feeling tense and unable to rest so restless. Fresh air hits my face a sense of feeling sometimes the world around feels grey and dark. Trying to connect years of being rejected and disconnected. Things don't make sense to me but no one seems to get or understand my way or thought process. Heart racing beating in my throat. Taste of stomach acid in my mouth.
105 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
In his mind that moment he seen it
But knew what needed to be done
He loved the sport wanted to add
His influence be part of it of it
The training to make it to the next level
Taking time making them steps
Going through the motions
Slowing it down being smart
Taking calm trying not to over react
Laying on his back trying to see it
Imagine himself doing it with finesse
Doing it right staying focused on the game
105 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Loving hard can leave you broken over someone that messes around on you. Making you feel ***** full of disgust and unworthy. All this broken trust left with a lust. From feeling it all to going numb. Blocked it out before it consumes your good vibes trying to survive this mental mind storm going about trying to be normal made out to be crazy.
105 · Mar 2023
Infamous one Mar 2023
Sometimes you have to cut ties
You get tired of lies and stories
They have no respect for you
If they could lie to your face
Trying to BS their way through
Rather than work hard to earn it
Don't borrow money or say you will
If you can pay your debt
Eventually your words mean nothing
Holding no value a lost cause
Stop wasting others time
Trying to make manipulate others
With a bias agenda an evil demeanor
Fueled by hate and anger the ugly side
Not empowering the insanity
Or feeding into passive selective hearing
Not playing those mindgames walked away
Silence is strong focused on being better
Where the weak are loud in protest
Trying to make a camp of followers
To hate a person for having an opinion and being different
105 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
She never forgave him
He learned to forgive himself
She turned her back on him
Cut him off and all signs of hope
From good friends to rivals
From endless conversations
Now the intense awkward silence
No going back the discomfort zone
105 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Use to break rules
Now following applying to them
All about the chase
An addiction adrenaline brush
Couldn't be fix
Mind wired playing tricks
Couldn't get enough
Got rough to go without
Tough time made it through
Highs and lows had to adapt
104 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
All in the head racing
Things have been said
Some stuff never spoken
Written down over time
Clear mindset break free
Head change from facing it
Building up another idea
Knocked down rebuilt again
104 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
He liked her but didn't feel worthy. It was what he wanted but it didn't feel right. Everything felt rushed or unresolved forced made out to be something it wasn't.  Scared to lose her but he never had her.
She was with someone else and he watched her from a distant. A friend with a crush becoming a distant stranger. From hearing her complain about her relationship to an awkward silence. It was a done deal he didn't know how to fix it or make things right a lost cause.
He let go walked away feeling like he left part of himself behind. It he waited around he'd feel dead inside hating himself more. Never had a chance or made a move he felt the vibe there was chemistry he wanted to believe but there was always a roadblock or conflict of interest that kept them apart.
104 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
On the dark road
Music loud and blaring
A clear mind from worries
Focused on the calm drive
Once was numb with doubt
Now alive a glowing soul
Filled with positive vibes
Blessed cannot complain
The feeling of hurt faded away
Immune to comforting pain
A long drive emotions drift away
Leave town for the day
Another city to visit and explore
New faces a friendly smile
The vibes in the air new and fresh
104 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
He gave up his dream for love and it didn't work out. Learning to love himself trying to get back on track. He's not far from success but knows it will take hard work to get there. Battled up hill battles and struggled to make it through make it to the end the others side no where to run or hide. He couldn't avoid his destiny when the people he loved became a distraction. More road blocks and obstacles he didn't need or want the toxic to destroy his vision.
104 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
Don't know where to start
Or sure where to begin
So many ideas thoughts bouncing around
Do they mean anything will they get me anywhere
Trying to help but no one cares
Went away not expecting others to beg or stay
Learned so much changed tried to fit in
Don't belong or not meant to be
Being alone writing takes the memories away
Sets it all free held onto everything
Thought it would matter mean something
Too bad it's not important to me
Making others happy but not happy it's where I ended up because not what I see myself doing
Not where I should be or doing what was set out to be done
Learned how to treat people interact trying to move up someone told me if you help others it makes you successful and find gratification. Sometimes helping the wrong people but doing the right thing
Staying loyal and true to all the wrong people most of all staying true to myself looking at what's within not settling failed but crazy enough to comeback for more. Won't take no but it's all others throw my way shades of hate comes with pursuing greatness.
Encouraging others to pursue happiness while others discourage sending negativity so they can knock you feel equal but insecurity false sense of empowerment
104 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He was given a rod excited to go fishing. So many styles depending on the water and type of fish. Such a pricy hobby, but he's loving it. They encouraged him it was motivating and inspiring.
Get out there, and do it that's how you learn get to the next level. Talking about quiting becoming a pro. Inspired by a dream not many pursue it. Keep on writing, keep on fighting to catch the prize lots of seeing it thinking about it.
104 · May 13
Infamous one May 13
Sometimes is normal but shouldn't be
You respect it but disagree breaking free
Changing the old way make it better
Losing yourself in the process
Adding some ***** to the persona
Being yourself and caring more than most
A good guy turned seen as a heel
Asking questions trying to understand
Having an opinion standing on moral ground
104 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Times have changed
Doesn't mean for the better
Not about that life
Not taking on others problems
Focused on what's known
Over all the compromise
So much made up nonsense
Not listening to the lies
Learned to stay away
Doing what feels right
Accepted most flaw and all
While others pass judgement
All the insecure pass doubt
To feel superior some security
Not one to argue with others
Set in their ways blocking progress
Open to growth can't stay the same
103 · Dec 2017
Get it out
Infamous one Dec 2017
I know it's not too late but sometimes I pray things went right went accordingly. It feels awfu being the oldest it *****; you set examples and no one follows amounted to anything. You set trends and criticized now everyone turning a blind eye and doing it. I don't drink but when I did I drank like a fish it was fun. Then everyone joined the party and ruined it for me. I drank for fun while others drank because work ***** or going through a tough time.
As I get older I question my place and where I belong. Learn things and get bored seeking answers found closure so many people frustrate me.
103 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Could never vent to others
Always have to disregard these feelings
To help others problems it's no a contest
Not comparing just trying to cope
Some people change for the worse
Tired of making excuses for others
Justify the shady stuff they did
Walked away disappointed
Stopped setting up for failure
103 · Dec 2017
Fun story
Infamous one Dec 2017
So back in the days when I was a wild college student. I loved to drink and be very social, according to my coworker who was a high paid secretary said I was a wild child. On my down time when I wasn't being studious my peeps and I would have fun drink and meet girls. I'm over protective of my friends but did be a wing man for my Bros. I had a friend who liked a girl was not too tolerant of her but did down play my ego for my friend. Drinking is fun when people don't hate life or going through a break up feeling sorry for themselves. (Been on both sides) anyway one day the boys and I were drinking with this girl and her friends one was nice dating my friend now that I  recall. and the other was a pain in the *** wanting to be the center of attention. It was easy to block them out alcohol made things fun. Sober me disagrees but what does he know he's a loner. We drank at my friend's apartment a real **** hole but it was better than living in the doors. We would drink jack and coke fun times with the fellas. We got pretty wasted no one ate yet not like we could being struggling college students. This annoying girl decides to say let's get food. Most people don't drink in the morning but this was breakfast of champions. She says "let's get Dennis" everyone puzzled looking at one another *** is this girl talking about. She responds with "you know that place that serves breakfast all day." Ohh.... You mean Denny's sounds good. Let's go....
103 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
The blood rushes
To a beat and swelled face
Avoiding people lots of talk
Reminded of the bad
Trying to stay positive
Do well be good
Focused on greatness
103 · Oct 2018
Qw #96
Infamous one Oct 2018
People ask why I title my poem QW which means quick write. I'm usually just getting out; ideas and what's on my mind. Not good at titles, I'm usually straight to the point; nothing fancy, or too crazy. I feel connected to others; especially if they can relate, everyone has a struggle or problems. Some handles them differently, I do it with writing and making the most of life and thankful for what I got.
103 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Sober living accused of drinking
No longer the decoy or one to blame
Was always loyal and true getting hate
While you lie and cheat, sneaking around finally got caught up
Talking bold while intoxicated now that you sobered up not saying much or anything
Always the scapegoat for those in the wrong
Got use to being alone made it easier to grow
Don't blame others for your mistakes it's your life so own up
Use admire your way of life turns out you are worse off
Knocked me, told me to be someone, I was not and did not agree with
You cheat and play victim once they leave you and move on
Learned from your ways told myself be better
Why are you two faced; one fake to those who care about you acutally looking out
The other bad mouthing to those who don't care about your safety or well being.
Once I walked away you are no longer my problem and no longer my concern
Use to worry but you like to slaunder my name
103 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
From trying to be a team player to handling business and going home
Over all the gym politics some people had help where he had to work to pay for his classes
Work took him away from practicing what he loved.
His so called team gave him crap lots of time conflict and restrictions
Trying to enjoy himself excluded by those arrogant practitioner.
Feared another injury trying to get better feeling like a tackling dummy
Trying to perfect the technique use what was learned apply what's being taught
Wanting to work and compete but it felt like an off season. Learning it'd out there you have to seek it no one will get you there you have to want it.
102 · Oct 2018
Qw #99
Infamous one Oct 2018
They called him the Golden child
He went off to college learned live
He was a fighter determined to survive
Who knew it wasn't a sure thing
Lots of personal growth no longer afraid
Failed before nothing can stop him anymore
102 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Time off from a routine
Recompose channel center
Recharge new energy
Unwind from stress
Time for things
Back to basics
Haven't forgot
Been away for a while
Heart still wants it
Mind full of looping thoughts
102 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Sometimes letting go is hard
Some you want to stay
Others you want to go
Treating them right isn't enough
No longer tolerating the hate
The disrespect has crossed the line
Deserve more and can do better
Not seen as an equal tried unfair
Mistreated made it easier to leave
Once cared too much pushed out
Now the heart is closed off
Learning to love again
Unlearn bad habits personal growth
Developing into a solo act
Not another face in the crowd
Fading away in the background
102 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Stood in the wind avoiding the air
102 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
The dream became a nightmare
That look in her eyes full of revenge
Her hatred for me the stuff she did
Blamed myself feel responsible
Never an us about you
Tried to be fair craziness everywhere
Learned to listen, stopped talking
Mouth said things, no going back
102 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
He closed his eyes to relax compose himself. While his opponent used muscle burning out. Being yelled at "why are you closing your eyes?" Staying collected waiting for the moment to counter and strike back from defense to offense. Trying to take control of the situation bounce back from all the criticism. He could see those haters faces knowing his time and moment would come where they'd be quiet because he proved them wrong.
Being told no but was doing it. Being disrespected but still having respect for people who ran their mouth. Knowing they aren't better that's why they keep talking. Knowing the sport trying to improve grow within stay involved even as age limits movement. Trying to stay active and healthy for the most part challenging the mind to do more the body to never quit keep pushing through all the tiredness.
From a bad team to making his own liking when people bring put the best in him instead of the worse. He wanted to grow with that team if they won he would feel proud to be part of it. But if things went wrong he'd get back into his lab come up with new ideas and drills to be much better learn from the mistakes improve on the good new strategies a new game plan for the next match.
102 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
On the mats
Taking bumps
Single leg take down
Double leg take down
Slapping the ground
To break the fall with a hand
Sweating in a GI and ready
A rash guard to prevent itching
Thinking about the move
Learn to apply the fundamentals
Technique most important
102 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Honor full of respect
Truth is the right way
After years of pain
The healings begun
Time for change
A heart full of Loyalty
Locked in room to grow
Never settle for average
Just as good maybe better
Criticized for being unscathed
Lots of self improvement
Others give credit a mild praise
Adapt to change for the better
102 · Jan 2018
Sparkling heart
Infamous one Jan 2018
The first time they met big smiles on their face. She had curly hair like curly fries. He was charming with a large personality. She was out going and seductive. While he was funny and charming. The day they met locking eyes their was an electric charge in the air. They both had chemistry with one another. She had been in a relationship. The guy was new to the whole experience he always had female friends but it was nothing more. He was use to the friend zone but with her this was a different experience. She was an only child and had lived with her mother. He was the oldest of six and both parents in his life.
They hung out a few times but he was happy to hang with her he didn't expect much but did have feelings. Her personality has her well know because of her athletic background. He liked to work out because it kept his mind sharp. He was a thinker observer and analyzed everything. The puppy love between them grew he was hooked the first time they kissed this kiss was electric full of energy. He was shy but once she brought him out of his shell he was growing developing communication skills since he grew up less fortunate learning to go without. She was spoiled and use to her way. He was nervous because he always thought his past would effect his future. He enjoyed the time they spent together. They would talk about things get to know one another personal deep conversation.  He has a hard time trusting because he had been hurt grew up with tough love. He didn't like the idea of lowering himself to be accepted or giving up who he was to be liked. She admired his courage and would make him feel valued. He did feel for her but he had been hurt in high school. His so called best friend got with his crush. He no longer wanted to associate with people who wronged him made him feel he didn't matter or belong. She told him he would be okay. He was not good with his emotions because his honesty got him hated when all he did wrong was tell the truth. He feared telling her how he felt because he didn't want her to see him differently cause her to change how she felt about him. The beginning is always fun stimulating and romantic getting to know the person what they like and how unique and special those moments could be.
102 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Cared too much ruined things
Showed no interest lost it all
Gave all this love got mistreated
Seen her with someone new
Smiled happy for her
Not quick to move on
Took time to cope and reflect
Got lost in work making money
Invest in the future
Avoid looking at the past
Protecting a broken heart
101 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Not one to fail
Never give up
Keep going strong
Push through it all
101 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
We can't hang because you do dumb stuff on your girl
And try to blame me for your actions
I tolerate your girl because of you
Never talked about your girl ever
She always talking about everyone she's no better done worse like cheating and you still trust her
Saying its over never again then going back
Easier to stay single than get caught up in the mind games
Over all the lies and contradictions not responsible for your happiness
While you drain everyone causing chaos frustration
101 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Forgave those who never forgive
Walking around never forgiven
Over being the scapegoat
Avoid toxic negative people
Who still blame others
Always owned up
Trying to be bettee
Handled business get it done
Use to be friends
Now complete strangers
Pride is the divider
Trust is broken
Lies won't make it right
101 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
The love for family is strong
It's more than a pretty picture
You need to put forth effort
Don't complain or get jealous
When you get asked
But refuse to participate
It could be fun give it a chance
Don't let your bad attitude
Ruin a fun moment for others
How do you expect others to know you
When you close them out give the 3rd degree
Take interest in others
Don't be about yourself
Sometimes the road is lonely
The journey has people
Who love and care for you
You need to meet them half way
Let people be themselves open up
Don't try to force control the moment
Thankful for the new memories
Closer to cousins and new friends
Can't wait around need to live
Especially on borrowed time
Health is not great but still able
Thankful for the help pushing through
Love the team don't want to fail
Trying to do my own thing not lead
101 · Apr 2018
Infamous one Apr 2018
The cold windy breeze
Birds chirping in the distance
Leaves ruffling against one another
The clouds setting the mood making it dim
Nature vibes so intense; quiet compared to the city
Natures natural beauty so pretty
The city so loud best feeling to escape the crowd
101 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Asked for her number
Wanted to be the one
Not one of many
Willing to do anything

Heard her laugh
Love her smile
From love to hate
She use to be great

Gave all her love
She showed up late
Missed my chance
The moment passed

Hot to cold with emotions
Haven't talked for year
Growing old not use to new
Another chapter in this story
101 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Woke up wiser
Not feeling the same
Going forward not looking back
Held back bit the tongue
Chewing on the bottom lip
Not trying to hurt other
Feared the next chapter
Not sure how to react
Back up from being down
Stayed away from it all
Got over being blamed
101 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
A well know mind full of ideas
Burning out From both ends
About the moment from within
Always put others first so much love
Introduced them to one another
In a relationship now cut off the world
Forgot about friendship old always true
Onto to the future something new
Happy for the two onto better
Only if they knew kept up with today
Mindset stuck on the past
101 · Oct 2022
Infamous one Oct 2022
He wanted to learn but you can only do that by doing. Reading up on it does nothing applying the material makes you learn and understand better. Always asking questions people can't explain or never give a reason it's frustrating to see some cheat the system get ahead without knowing covering their but they are willing to sacrifice others by throwing them under to distract others from seeing their flaws and mistakes.
Doing the work to get there makes it worth it but learning and being able to do so
101 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
From friend to foe
dk who you are anymore
Want to know you
Can't live off memories
From the past days before
Asked for suggestions got ignored
Not asking just doing others keep telling
Head up not hide in shame
Stand tall over running away
101 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Woke up put on music
Writing to my favorite songs
Music touches the heart
A playlist composed of classics
Feel accomplished with efforts
Stopped focusing on bad
Quit expecting the worse
Focus on what's right
Pursue what's working
Makes sense feels right
Never force love it feels natural
The right one will come
Trust and respect hand in hand
Trust is hard with no respect
Connect with a person feels great
So many disconnected impersonal
Trying to grow with someone genuine
Be with someone worthy go the distance
Who enjoys one another's company
Not using or taking one another for granted
More than ****** stimulation but mental grow
Open to one another's flaws not quick to judge
Not hold a grudge because things get tough
Or get mad things don't turn out accordingly
Trying to understand the complicated issues
Be right with one another no sabotage
Be fair over this one sided affair
Loyalty and trust is a must to survive
Without communication how can we connect
Fuction as one when it's always about you
A relationship is a game for true
Working to make better even though it hurt
Always gave it was never enough
Wanted to run times got tough
Came back for more so much pain
Passive aggressive ways no more love
Set up to fail couldn't take it anymore
101 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Single for sometime
Dk any other way
From wild party animal
Sober living not giving it up
Said nothing judged
Spoke up after being criticized
Prefers to be alone
Time to cope and think
Seen as a rebel rolling solo
Always wanted to be accepted
Use to being rejected
Seen as unique
Spit truth called blunt
Keep it real not a front
101 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Lost in the moment
Right before the eyes
Makes the soul come alive
All night wide awake
Over thinking the day
Set in a loop on replay
Already going strong
Not finished so much more
Rise above overcome
A place reminded of a familar face
100 · Oct 2017
Infamous one Oct 2017
Most people treasure moments a favorite on that soothes my heart and takes me away. Most date but my first one was special. I asked her out I was surprised she said yes. He warm smile that melted my heart. Her hair curly like curly fries.
I was nervous for the day I bought new clothes kept it fresh. We went out for her birthday to celebrate her. I was honored to share the night with her.
I'd walk to her dorm this was a magical moment in college. We'd walk to the restaurant holding hands talking. I was a gentlemen man so I walked by the street. We would arrive at this restaurant. I didn't make reservations so we sat at the bar; we enjoyed a meal shared a kiss.
We walked back home stopped at a coffee shop. I don't like coffee so I had had hot chocolate. Watched the Live band till our drinks were ready
We'd go back to her room nervous and shy never been alone with a girl before. We'd kiss and lay on her bed then she'd hug me rest her head on my shoulder. We'd talk till she fell a sleep. I'd tuck her in let her rest. Kiss her and Appreciate this night with her everything felt right for once.
100 · Aug 2023
Infamous one Aug 2023
Working harder than most
Never scared not backing down
DIY finding a way to get it out
Rise to the next level trail blazing
Pursue a dream everything mentally
Drained physically fighting to give it life
Others point out the wrong tear it down
Than give credit for doing right
Focused on mistakes drawing blood
Instead of blessing the effort
All the hard work mininalised
Standing tall alone hoping to unit
Trying to bring others together
While the division grows over time
Keeping everyone apart no love
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