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111 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Talk about it
Things feel intense
Usually get worse
Before feeling better
Talk normal ignored
Talk loud seen as crazy
Twisted words others act confused
Always expect change
While remaining the same
Can't win alone spreading lies
Ganged up on by numbers
111 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
In a field where the wind blows quietly with a green fence as he threw his softball at a stump it rolled back. Took in the scene at peace feeling at ease away from all the chaos and insanity. At peace with nature feeling all the insanity fade away no more bad memories and pain the silence empowering gain.
111 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Eye contact engaged in one another
Trading personal stories
Communication to connect with one another
Being able to share yourself with another being
Mental stimulation can lead to better phyiscal
Being yourself helps no reason to lie
Overcome the fear of being judges
Why be fake in the end someone gets cheated
111 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Done way more
Everyday is the same
A boring routine
Use to be addicted to adrenaline
An adrenaline ****** Such a rush
So much broken trust
Can't be restored or fixed
Not falling for the same old tricks
Remembered the good
Forgetting the bad
All things changed
Apologized not forgiven
Moved onto better
110 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Woke up eager and ready to go
Tell me no makes me want it more
Did it myself doing my best to maintain
All the pain heals and open to grow
Feeling myself over others doubting
No love but earning my way keep trucking
Haven't happened yet everything falling a part
Hopefully falling leads to falling into place
New friends old friends just need people accept
They can't handle rejection always holding a grudge
They deny others but can't handled being rejected
Woke up grateful doing my thing too bad no one is happy for me
Been doing what I love so no reason to be sad or miserable
Had it once lost it but working to get it back
Things aren't always meant to be every path leads to somewhere
Praying I end up where I'm meant to be been going strong
Take time to notice what's going on because might miss the view
Sometimes things don't feel right but things are going well
Lots of making it better and not enough enjoyment
110 · Jun 2018
Blame game
Infamous one Jun 2018
Over taking the blame when it's none of my business. You take your frustrations out on me but not taking it anymore. I'm always the bad guy, it's never good enough. I meant well trying to make things better in the end you rip me a new one tear me apart. I love and accept you when you are full of flaws. I accept them while you are quick to reject me. Not trying to argue or fight because I've played the game with your bully ways there is no winner you aim to hurt while I walk away.
110 · Aug 2018
Qw# 52
Infamous one Aug 2018
Made a witty remark seen as mean
Tried to be funny but someone got offended
Spoke my mind held it in finally getting it out
All the pent up frustration melted away
Nice to all the wrong people asking for the right
Not walking into the traps that trigger anger
Avoiding negative people sets me free
Told me never go against the family
The family usually gangs up against me
Cussed out by an aunt and grandma
The black sheep because I'm not a follower
Fighting to be an individual my own person
No matter how old I get they'll see me as a child
These emotions from a broken childhood
I've grown and out grew those feelings
110 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
He worked on his footwork feeling like death was coming after him.
Distracted working drills to stay alive
Keeping his mind occupied sharp
Working with his cousin going through the motions
Life has been rough but staying tough
Around a tough crowd that doesn't get along
Dealing with rejects as he chose to be a social outcast.
110 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
My family I love
Everyone goes through stuff
A bully sister who insecure
In a relationship not happy
Brothers doing their own thing
One overcoming a Break up
Another in a relationship
Fear of messing up
Another struggles with budget
No matter what the situation
Through thick and thin come together
Love family even if they are hard to deal with
If I don't agree with their ways
110 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Wide awake at the fork in the road
Don't want to lose anymore
All the frustration all the rapid change
Can't take it anymore not the same
Things aren't pure feeling less genuine
They don't care about you
Covering their *** treating you bad
Never had your back expecting it all
Could only do so much in a rush
Trying to slow down on the go
Missing out on life working too much
Had some fun with the wrong crowd
Single living not the same grew up
Having down time overthinking
Not alone others can relate
Won't admit lost in pointless affairs
110 · Jan 2018
Infamous one Jan 2018
They finally met up he was nervous he arrived early but she was there before him. He was nervous she would be a no show. She greeted him happy to see him. He was more surprised she was early made it before him. He was excited this was happening. She would order a drink and he got a Coke. He was trying to quit drinking, she understood he was stuck in the transition. He wanted to get out of the slump move on consider dating again. She told him "what slump you seem confident and in control?" He said once "he started dating things changed didn't make sense." She reached across the table place her hand on his. He cupped her hand as he made eye contact they both smiled. She was open with her feelings; he was honest but didn't expect much.  This was different but he didn't want to dive in right way. From past experience, he gave too much got nothing or he held back losing it all.
She asked him "what's wrong you look flustered is it me?" He would respond "no I'm not good at this." She laugh I noticed you are so cute and innocent. He asked is that "good or bad"
She kissed him on the cheek you'll find out soon enough. She ordered a chicken salad and he ordered a burger.
109 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Friendly bond that use to be strong
Things crashed and burned
Everything went wrong
Hard to fix beyond repair
Trying not to hurt others
Most offended easily angered
Been hurt before become immune
Bounced back many times
Consideration for others feelings
Over all the imposition
Not aware of the situation
109 · Sep 2018
Qw #77
Infamous one Sep 2018
Worked hard so I can forget my drama
Now work is full of insanity all the games
Never let things get to me over all the frustration
Something I once loved now the joy is gone
Been doing it for too long now it feels wrong
Time for a change need to turn the page
Look in the mirror white hairs starting to age
From working hard to get ahead
To feeling stuck and getting worked
Not the same over come this hurt and pain
Who I was vs who I've become still not done
Had a plan but faced many detours
Change it up to escape this insanity
So worked up in my mind want to yell
Scream real loud with all my being
Keep at it but had enough it's so tough
Once loved it all but don't want to do it anymore
Gave my all went ******* not what I want
Another uphill fight I'll never win, ready to walk away
Overlooked skipped over no need to stay
Walk with God I pray he helps me get through the day
109 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Thinking of change
Could feel it within
Not meant to live that life
Focused on being better
Determined to do more
Feel the soul not the mouth
The heart crave adventure
Over the same routine
Tired of hiding the calls
Need to make time
Fueled for a journey
Times running out
Back into the world
Can't wait around anymore
109 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Like a dream come true
Now it's over can't process this
Nightmare reoccurring too real
Had it all together use to make sense
Now it gone to pieces turned to ash
Gone with the breeze taken away
Not ready to let the hardest part
Lost it all dk how to reclaim it
109 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Called a lost cause for finding my own way
Not a follower and do not like crowds
Quick to point out the flaw then focus on the good
Rather be happy for a solution creating another problem
Not a yes man but definitely not trying correct anyone or change anyone
Respectfully disagree but willing to learn and understand
Just because you reject don't give anyone the right to judge or put others down for their different situation
Most dk what is right for themselves, how can they say what's best for others
109 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
His pens bleed emotions the page took in the emotions. He was unable to express himself they don't seem to understand. Use to being excluded for being different making witty remarks seen as weird.
He cared for all the wrong people all his expectations lead to disappointment. He didn't care for the hype anymore. It was the same old crap it got old.
109 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Mom said get over it move on
Always apologies never forgiven
Made an effort with a lost cause
An argument on repeat
The cuts are seriously deep
Told how to act told change
Never accepted by loved ones
Made out to be less an rumor
Hurt by those closest
Who meant the most
One mistake cut off
No second chances
Seen them do worse
Turned a blind eye
Not one to judge for doing wrong
knock others to feel secure
Not dealing with others insecurities
109 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Always one to think before speaking
Loves everyone; who is fair, equally
Faced betrayal not surprised anymore
Not one to bad mouth others
Nice to my face respect is shown
Lots of tongue lashes to my back
Saw good in them, got proved wrong
Not empowering the decietful behavior
Walked away not connecting to a downgrade
Working to level up get to the next level
Not going back down, been there before
Not one to back down, focused on success not less
Keeping positive head on these shoulders
Too old for games, be real not time for fakes
Speak truth, no time for hate fueled lies
108 · Nov 2022
Infamous one Nov 2022
Facing yourself everyday toy test yourself
To see if you got it or if you want it still
An older body not recovering right away
From a youthful athlete to an older being
Challenging yourself relying on heart to finish
The older warrior within pushing forward
From the bottom fighting to stay in the middle
Building off what's already know
108 · Oct 2023
Infamous one Oct 2023
Drinking calmed his nerves
Women his poison of choice
Hatred repeating more than twice
Raised his voice wasn't taken seriously
The love wasn't real everyone so fake
He thought they changed for the better
Behavior way is worse than imagined
It's really bad that's who they are
108 · Oct 2017
Unleashed rage
Infamous one Oct 2017
Sometimes you take a beating and hide
You don't say anything they kick you when you're down. You don't say anything tolerate so many provoking you.
The day you stand tall, stand up for yourself confront those who are hurting you treating you bad. You enjoy the silence, one less road block obstacle to overcome. You take back your dignity you feel part of your self esteem return.
For years I haven't felt like myself so many judging so many putting down. I don't say much turn my back eventually you feel cornered and strike back. You know your mouth cuts like blades when words come out. You'd punch and swing but heavy handed
you control your hurt and pain. You don't wish it on others the burden makes you see black hard to breathe. You don't want to lose control, gaining it all back; don't want to lose it all again. One moment one second life never the same in a matter of seconds. You stay quiet because if you argue they will. You check them next minute they are playing victim.
Walking away keeping the peace so things stay normal not go crazy. These emotions make the mind hazy.
108 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
What I want has nothing to do with you
So many road blocks and detours
You dont like me, keep talking bad
Why is my name coming out of my mouth
Not saying a word anything
Minding my business and my mouth
Not worth a minute of my time
My gets me in trouble so I know better
Just because I'm whatever
Doesn't mean I don't care
Over being treated rude unfair situation
108 · Oct 2017
Infamous one Oct 2017
Woke up from a deep slumber; cold and fresh able to rest more. Over the year a round summer.
My bed cozy don't want to move but hunger calls it's time to wake you seize the day. Hard to rest the mind always racing get through the day pacing. Breathe relax enjoy you day off. Wake up tomorrow back to the grind. Work for your dreams invest in yourself. Make it happen get it all never settle for less or go with out.
108 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
I'm one to help a friend when I need a friend no one is to be found
I use to talk but now I'm mute
Spoke good and said positive things to others
While others hate me and fake liking me
From friend to foe the bond between us is no more
I had your back while you stabbed mine
I fought to be your friendship got denied
Sorry to give up on you, now I must walk stay away
Some days I have lots to share and tell but no one to listen
Other days I observe and watch with not much to say
Thinking of what if and what could've compared to how the reality turned out
From being with a crew to alone cant deny the truth
108 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Going crazy over her way
She never knew what she wanted
Constantly changing her mind
So much inconsistency in the world
Broken from the  shattered past
Destroying the future of hope
He asked her out she said no way
Now with another random lover
He thought he knew her heart and soul
Misled by the the phony act
108 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Another day to write
Day or night made time
Feel complete within
Deep in thought fill the page
Emotions running deep with truth
Things feel right with a pen
Ink bleeds on the pad
A sense of self with worth
Composure find inner peace
108 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
He wiped his tears stood up to his fears
Family was his strength and weakness
He was taking on the world
Rather than have his back they squared up
He didn't want to go there if he did there was no upside
Someone was always mad holding a grudge he wasn't surprised anymore
He said nothing all they did was talk loud it didn't make them right
He smiled and they hated him for it
No longer self destructive and drinking
Not eating his emotions away staying clear of his bad habits
Staying away from others toxic traits they try to project on him
107 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Growing up with traditional values
Times are changing from memory
Things were taboo at youth
Now considered norm
Always an outsider looking in
Asking what happened?
All in the mindset
An implanted see of morals
The moral code hard to change
Head change is difficult
Headstrong set in ways
Old habits hard to let go
New habits are hard to adjust
Let go fall with faith
107 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Finding ways to past time not fond of down time always said you can't get in trouble if you're making money. Get lost in yard work and washing cars to get out of this insanity. Listening to music while writing. Finished a book now starting another feeling the mind drift away from all the nonsense that robs the heart of peace.
Being kind to everyone even when they vilify you for being different. Not a follower or a sheep been making another path. always working on something not sure what to do with it but invested in it all.
107 · Nov 2017
The threat
Infamous one Nov 2017
He was seen as a threat because he didn't have kids or married. He was in no rush or hurry to do so. He enjoyed life while still trying to be friends with couples but it always went wrong. He was accused of making the friend cheat on their partner how insecure was that. Soon the friendship would be sunk because of random events. He respected the concept of family and his friends happiness till one day he would become the middle man and scapegoat for their failing relationship. One of two outcomes came from this first the husband would blame him for his shady actions while cheating and two the girl would catch feelings for him to make her partner jealous. This middle man kept secrets and knew the dirt but did not making it worse. He would bail no longer be in the picture erased from events.
He was open and honest he wished them the best but found it annoying that he was made out to be the vilian while they would be courupt pretending to be innocent. He would fade out lose contact to find out their actions would comeback to them. He was annoyed that he did nothing wrong but was accused.
He once had a friend that attended college with they had a fling nothing serious but did have mixed signals. He was not jumping in because she was stuck on an ex that she would marry later. As time passed they would reconnect but this time it was much worse a married woman acting like she had it still but she was married how can you tell another you loved him while being with someone else this made no sense. He would stay away hard to have friends in a relationship and tolerate couples.
He's dealt with couple most cheat or in a loveless relationship only to hold on to some history or because of the kids they stayed in this pointless situation. He lost friends because once they started getting laid they forgot about their friends. He had close females too but once they started to settling down as well they acted like they were loyal when he knew they had been around the block more than spinning top. He stayed loyal and true to his friends even though they assumed and accused him of the worse.
He hung with alchies and druggies never judged them for their habits saw a good person but after a while he got tired of settling and others talking he would cut ties no longer allowing people who didn't care about him have a say. They made him out to be a monster hiding the fact they were worse off finding him a target to dump the blame. He was trying to hard but he did more than most gave his all not expecting anything in return.
He walked away got tired of waiting around tired of being mistreated by people who thought they were better but all an act and front he knew the truth and never head it against them. He was not not like the rest he was seen as a threat because he didn't find happiness in others or rely on them to make him happy because they weren't happy with themselves and he didn't need them. He didn't use people but saw good in them even if they don't feel good about themselves.
107 · Dec 2017
Triple threat
Infamous one Dec 2017
Sad how people are so jealous of one another. Why can't people be happy for one another; accepting of everyone's differences.  They see you as a threat because you're not afraid to try, step up to the plate. Asking questions instead of just taking what's given. He walks away but they provoke him once you strikes back, unleashes his wrath; they are quick to play the victim.
She cheated on him he confronted her; she cried and blamed him instead of owning up. His best friend got mad at him because his gf had a fling with his girl before they were ever anything. They slandered his name and judged him harshly. He quit drinking but now they are doing all the things that guilted him about doing. His ex and best friend got together to get back at him. He already walked away because they held a grudge but tried to make him a target but was not showing any weakness or giving into their deceitfulness not giving into the manipulation. He  never seen so much corruption.
107 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
He gave his all at his new job working at two locations wore on him. One place he felt valued and love the other he didn't feel part of it. Working extra hard with a limited time slot covering the burdens at the very bottom making a difference. Not given credited being used while someone else took the glory.
He just got quiet worked harder.
His boss pretty much made him feel like he didn't belong. He said there was better candidates. Even if he wasn't the one he would give his. He proved himself while more doubters appeared out of no where.
He was frustrated all the inconvenience he was courteous of others while he heard their problems now he's doing their work. He would see their work and stuck with way more.
107 · Jul 2018
Ex reunion
Infamous one Jul 2018
There was no going back for him, his ex wanted to start over but they had failed before. Why make the same mistake. He was broken and she was pleading because she didn't want to be alone. The tough love and history was not enough to to keep them together. He preferred to be alone while she couldn't handle being alone clinging to anyone who gave her the time of day.
He was learning to love again most of all love himself through the though times. He gave his all to her it was not enough. He wasn't her type she settled and made him feel unwelcomed. While he tried to make it work the outcome was never good enough.
It was over no going back since he had moved on dated right away and he waited gave himself time to grow and heal after being in a difficult relationship. Coping was all new since he always kept dusting himself off and moving forward not staying in places that made him feel unvalued and no appreciated. If it didn't feel right he kept searching for new a place to call his own but got use to being a drifter.
107 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
From the weight room
To the mats that feel like home
It's about bringing it together
Applying the technique from class
Feel the flow with finesse
A sequence transition from control
From the ground to mount
Side control making moves
A stiff body trying to be flexible
Wins are not common
Losses humble the spirit
Knowledge is gained from the encounter
Every partner experience has much to offer
107 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Walk down stairs to hear the morning gossip
Everyone talks about one another
Eventually eat my breakfast head back up stairs
Waking up physically to start the day
Mentally composing my thoughts
Want to be involved with family
Learned it's best to stay away
Do my own thing find my own way
Makes it easy to leave than stay
Things are great no one cares ignored
Once something goes wrong everyone notices
Keep that head up even when times are tough
Just wanted belong feel apart of something
Without giving up part of myself
A huge price to pay to be accepted
Be a member of the group not be criticized
Not be used or taken forgranted
107 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Overcome all the drama
Hard to talk to Mama
Moving onto the next
Not bothering with the ex
Taking shots not interested
Listening Since it's over
Faced fears got too comfy
Stepped out of the comfort zone
Part of personal growth
Forgiving yourself inner peace
Learned to let go of the bad
No need for toxic negative vibes
Focused on good deeds
Motivated to live good vibes
107 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Woke up to the smell of warm Thanksgiving
The feast would begin soon enough
Seeing family without an argument or fight
Praying everything goes right for once
The aunt who talks politics to ruin the night
The drinks are fowing alcohol loosens lips
So much food to go around share a warm meal
Stuff your face full of grace at a steady pace
Family from out of town happy they are around
The meal with the works full of fixings
Filled with flavors that taste like heaven
Savor the flavor of every item on the plate
The food is great and a dish a full stomach
Loosen thosee pants full of delicious food
Now it's all over in the mood for a nap
Thanksgiving left over and I'm okay with that
107 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
The young man woke up excited
He waould be going to a magical kingdom
This was an outlet to escape his harsh reality
Enjoy the day smile without faking it
Feeling forced to be all extra, be normal
Time out from the reality the great escape
Hanging in there, stress all time high
Trying to mind his own at peace
Someone always needs something
Offered to help got ignored was not need
Now he's trying to find his own
Be left alone, enjoy life, over worked for days
Work helped get over this mess phase
Making money meant less trouble
At work perserved in a bubble
Said it's time to have fun not stress
Had it all or had worked with less
Doing what needs to be done
Price that comes with money
Happiness is what's best
106 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Thoughts floating around
Never comes out as visioned
Driven to be much more
Writing things that are not said
Feelings from observing others actions
Said so much others get mad
Strong and silent called stuck up
106 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Going through the motions
Numb just want to be done
With this work shift
Many problems detached for it all
Smile once cared more than most
Worked hard always determined
Lazy got praised set in wicked ways
Trying to make it better and fun
Not allowed the bad vibes
Killing momentum staying the same
106 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
They left you alone trying to throw heats of shade your way. Only calling you when they need something half the time you treat me different looking down on me. I mind my own don't care to come around. You know me down but I'm back up. What's worse is your my blood instead of backing me up your cursing me for not following. I'm my own person could handle being alone while you all gang up on me. Make me feel over the edge but not jumping off falling you're not responsible for my fate. Walking strong never giving up on my faith focused on destiny. You're not helping me you have no right or no say in my life. My self-esteem builds more confident the less I interact standing talk not letting you hold me back putting doubt in my head not listening to lies these rumors you spread. You'll try to beat me only way is when I'm dead. Deep frustrations coming out not pretending to be your friend I let the drama die not letting you in my head free from you no more dreading the day moving on no need to stay.
106 · Apr 2020
Infamous one Apr 2020
In a quiet house
Startled by a sound
So loud you get chills
Overthinking its something more
Home alone not expecting anyone
Walk down an intense feeling hall way
Approaching stairs grab the rail
Looking down from edge
The squeaky steps one step at a time
Approaching the living room
Looking around trying to find
What made the sound that echoed
Through the empty house
Approached the kitchen with fear
Outside light window shines in
Nothing around goes back
Heads back upstairs to the room
The mind racing heart feels doom
106 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
Why did he feel or at that way he was either uptight or free spirit. He just wanted to be free of judgement but found not everyone is going to like him.
Hearing from an old friend wondering what does it mean is she going to visit. He had feelings but valued her as a friend over his ****** urges that would prolly ruin a good friendship. They got along better a relationship might ruin things between them.
He was confused in a relationship everyone seemed interested while single no one cared or gave him the time of day.
He lay in his bed hung over trying to figure out which path to take on the crossroads that made him decide what he wanted to do.
106 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
He stopped worrying about the scale numbers. He knew what had to be done and did it. Writing was his way of expression a journey with the right people he collaborated began to grow.
He noticed they had the big house and not happy. He didn't have much, but happy for most.
He was tired of trying to be put in a box and labels that had nothing to do with them. He knew some used their platform to manipulate others and take advantage. He stood his grown they hated him for it. He wasn't listening to them because he knew what he had to do, and what had to be done.
106 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Doing what I love even if they think I'm not good at what I do. Writing is my voice doing my best to express myself without being judged be my best I'm not always going to be liked or wanted around but found my way with out your approval. I'd ask for forgiveness but the only person I forgive is myself for listening to people are not even trying.
105 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
She never forgave him
He learned to forgive himself
She turned her back on him
Cut him off and all signs of hope
From good friends to rivals
From endless conversations
Now the intense awkward silence
No going back the discomfort zone
105 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
The moment from deep within
Super charged soulful spirit
Felt alive everything revived
A charming personality
Good vibes radiating persona
Upbeat attitude thats magnetic
Stimulated social interaction
105 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
In his mind that moment he seen it
But knew what needed to be done
He loved the sport wanted to add
His influence be part of it of it
The training to make it to the next level
Taking time making them steps
Going through the motions
Slowing it down being smart
Taking calm trying not to over react
Laying on his back trying to see it
Imagine himself doing it with finesse
Doing it right staying focused on the game
105 · May 2018
Gut check
Infamous one May 2018
I don't how people move on so quick Im one who ponders like Winnie the pooh. I think it's weird how some can turn their emotions on and off like a light switch. I respect they left and move on but if I tried to do the same all of a sudden they want back in my life. Trying ruin the new I began to pursue. Before I would drop all I had what I was doing to make it work. I'm not a side project or an option because the current plan failed so you considered me a back up plan. Sometimes I wonder and asking how did this happen why is this happening.  I've learned you aren't good for me and we are not meant to be. Now I can see before I was blinded by denial but now I'm overcoming with the truth.
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