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118 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Don't tell m how to be
You dk me
Just because you took me for granted
Doesn't give you the right to act up
Once I said no you called me name
When I needed you, you bailed on me
Called you for help no response
You needed me I dropped everything
Kept myself available
You're no where to be found
Use to be on the back of my mind
This insanity made me blind
To all your ignorant way
Finding my way no need to stay
118 · Dec 2017
Out there
Infamous one Dec 2017
I don't really have a type but the kid of girls that grab my eyes do jujitusu or play softball. I like tough girls but when they are with you they are caring and sensitive away from the sport. Not into physical feature but I like big eyes and a cute smile. A big ***** is a bonus but I don't have a type just saying that's what catches my eye. I like mixed half something mix that makes interesting that's another way to see unique it's the personality that is a deal breaker you can be the most beautiful person ever but if you have a crap personality you are ugly. I've learned you need to be humble treat people. Stop letting your insecurity consume you and your happiness.
I'm not use to compliments but I rarely give them out when I do it really impressed me or caught my eye. I'm not quick to say I love you unless I mean it or my feelings are true. I don't use people or have a hidden agenda it's true or makes things easier too bad it's complicated for others. I tell the truth not what you want to hear. I like honesty but it's so hard to come by not picky but if you treat me right I'll be good to you communicate don't pick and choose when you want to be involved with my life. As I get older the dating world is slim pickings I usually want them and they don't want me. Or they want me but I'm not interested or emotionally available.
My friends say put yourself out there I do it's like I pop up when everyone is taken or going through a break up giving me their worse I work with it but they go back or quick to get with someone else because they can't handle being alone.
Times have changed when I wanted friends with benefits everyone wanted to get serious now I'm looking for something serious and everyone wants to be in an open relationship. I don't like sharing taking people serious or don't waste their time.
118 · Dec 2017
Infamous one Dec 2017
Things don't make sense anymore
Once was wrong not it's right
So many turn a blind eye
don't care unless it's about them
Broke free to be on my own
Too much going on in the mind
Hard to sleep thoughts are deep
Asking do I have it anymore
Does it matter will I make a difference
What happened to me, who I was
Can't be that person anymore
so many remind me of who I was
instead of accepting me for who I am
Who I've become not sure anymore
Things will never be the same
Grow and changed can't live in the past
Smile is real not faking it since it's real
so many mistake it for weakness
117 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Take a time out from the plan
Have some fun enjoy life
After years of being down
Feeling like myself for once
It's been a while feels right
Someone I love understand
Wish others would let me be
Doing my own thing
Not down and out
Had your back
That's what friends do
Made you look good
When I needed your help
No where to be found
Took the blame got no credit
Got thrown under by the lead
No glory for the grunt work
Took all the credit from the team
Gloryhound has made no effort
117 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Family love is always tough
The elders always see a child
Cousins want to talk but never listen
Siblings want to impose not taking the role
Twisting words trying to flip them
Calling others on their moves
Return the favor all of a sudden
Everyone is mad angered by truth
No one asked someone is talking
When asked for an opinion
A cold silence is given
Communication no one cares
Do your thing all of sudden everyone is a critic
117 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Grew up with tough love
No one has the right to hurt
A twisted sense of humor
Disrespect not tolerated
A joke filled with insults
Just as good maybe better
Ignored by many usually do favors
117 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Always tired early to rise
Fatigue eyes hard to sleep
Bedtime wide awake
The mind ponders restless
Body exhausted from tedious labor
Lay in the dark counting hours
Making the most of it all
Haven't been right somethings missing
Made time to write it out
A clear mind easier to rest
117 · Feb 9
Infamous one Feb 9
Appreciating the moment when things become clear so many unanswered questions. Making sense of everything it's a load off. It's cool to collaborate but being told yes and ignored is the worse. Being heard and understood is a breathe of fresh air. I'm not one to impose on others or go out of way to give my opinion when no one asked.
Writing Has been on my mind, asking, "how do I want to say this?" Set a tone where it can help others that want to be helped. It's hard to put yourself out there but once you get out there you won't regret it. You'll experience rejection and ignored but once you connect with the right people it will be worth your time.
117 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Many come and go
Without reason understanding
Hard to get close with a heart
Not be clingy show no emotion
All the wrong with influences
The good quick to bail
Watched the seasons change
Seeking purpose for this quest
Reason for this journey
Treat others right
Stayed humble within
Standing tall left alone
Ran home locked in a room
Lots of personal growth
Stay humble loyal
117 · Aug 2018
Stage time
Infamous one Aug 2018
Anytime you do a project or step on a stage
You don't want it to end that world feels right
Once you go back to reality it's never the same
That moment of fame becomes a high when you come down you can't get enough
117 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
What if this happened
Or if that turned out accordingly
Failed came back for more
Denied kept working harder
Rejected not regretting the day
Not one to quit or surrender
Been chew up spit out
Another fight to bounce back
Stayed real and true to the wrong people
Most don't like the truth
Open and honesty seen as blunt
Straight edge doing what's right
Sobriety strong no more self destruction
Not going over the edge for anyone
Battle with anxiety an internal struggle
The mind turns things upside down
Can't fall bad into bad habits
Not making the same mistakes
This loop of deja Vu feels wrong
Trying to break the cycle of insanity
Waves that take life off course
Feels like life or death from intense moment
116 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
All we do is hurt one another
Not a match or meant to be
Hard to shake can't take it anymore
What I thought was right is now wrong
Look of disgust and broken trust
From smiles to smirks the heart turn black
That love turns to hate evil eyes Pierce the soul
From eye contact to hard to look at
From hugs and love to avoiding one another
116 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He was cool with everyone never said anything about anyone. Focusing on work making it easier for himself. If others benefit that was a plus. He was hard working with little time feeling everything was a crunched trying to beat the clock.
He like to be alone since some people didn't always seem right for once he trusted his gut. Didn't say much but did listen and observe.
116 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
Not about you
Upset things didn't go your way
Made rumors about others
Claim they are up to no good
Made them look bad
To feel better over insecurity
About yourself doubt
Taking all the credit
Pushing others out
Most won't quit
Determined not stay down
Work their way around
116 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Trying to stay out of trouble
Avoid toxic people fueled by negativity
Holding back they keep coming at you
Found a letter from the past
In a drawer with sentimental values
A reminder from a past life
Once a good time faded memories
116 · Jul 2018
NB journal
Infamous one Jul 2018
About to start a new journal
Filling out each page day by day
As I get closer to finishing and starting a new one
Lots of reflecting, poems/lyrics and dialogue.
My mind wanders and helps me cope
Life is not always fair don't care when I have a pen
Feelings change those bad thoughts come to an end
Imagine it see it feel it believe it
sometimes exploring lead to relieving the tension
Pour it all open on the page paper obsorbs these thoughts
Feelings that don't feel right or make sense
Keeps emotions centered so it wont consume the soul
Writing is never done a never ending process
No need to obsess let it go don't settle for less
It hears me when no one else does
A muted voice it understood in words
Feel free flying with wild birds
Exploring new worlds hoping to find that place
The place that makes sense to call home
Find away home feel cozy in my own skin
Somewhere going strong for the win
New chapter a place for the pen start over write
Do it all over again my mind at peace never let it end
116 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Staring at the blank page
Thinking what to draw
Another toon to create
Come up with more ideas
Witty remarks to make others laugh
Share a smile with people I care for
Even if I'm the only one cracking up
Being thoughtful with my work
116 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Another night
A mental fight
Doing okay tough love
Told myself be better
Keep doing right
Composed going strong
Things will be alright
Not fall back into bad habit
116 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Trying not to look back
Focused on now not the past
Reminded mostly trying to forget
The struggle within feels overwhelming
A racing heart beats faster than normal
Take a breather compose be centered
115 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
Dealing with alpha females that take and never give back. Emasculate you then have the never to play the victim. Always sit back as they make plans then expect you to pay for their it. Especially since they make drama for everyone. Talk about everyone the audacity to ask for favors. The evil reign of terror with belittling leadership talking about respect but stomping on everyone to get it.
115 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
He met her after a break up
The guy she was with ended it
She was a gem a golden smile
Those eyes bright would flow tears
It's the like the world went dark
The street light would only shine on her
She sat there annoyed frustrated
Most of all upset over the turn of events
He would work up the courage
Checked up on her see if she's okay
She sat on a park bench
Playing with her hair
Before he approached her
He took a deep breath and went for it
He said, ,"hi are you okay?'
She said "no"
He would ask if she wanted coffee
She said are you asking me out?
He would respond with,
I asked if you wanted coffee?
He would sit beside her on the bench
She smirked at him
He replied it's no smile an effort made
115 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Dark from the heart
Trying to get right
Easily annoyed by everything
Anxiety hard to avoid
Back pain comes and goes
An empty heart full of aches
Alone yelling into a pillow
Others won't hear the screaming
A never ending itch to scratch
115 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Bleeding ink on aging hands
Writing till death takes its toll
Coping with thoughts over time
Emotions that are blocked out
Feelings that are unattended
Unspoken words never said
Implosive within internal struggle
115 · Sep 2018
Qw #67
Infamous one Sep 2018
Not one to complain if it's not in my favor I don't care
Keep working hard going strong do what's right not into empowering evil deeds
Not buying into the wicked not one to cheat to win
Not into the cheaters a bunch of man eaters
Golddigger who claim the prize but did nothing
They don't deserve to be their stealing the credit
No more lies or buying into them
Cut me out talk bad out me you'll regret it
You decided to oppose me don't ask me for a favor forget it
Worked hard and sick still fighting to make it to the end
Someone get praised for doing nothing
While I do as much as possible not even acknowledged
115 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Walked away from it all
Never well received
Always struggling to be heard
Once I've made it more problems
Not always welcomed or well received
Told the truth honest meant well
Others lie and threatened by change
People in the ear telling you otherwise
You've done it and already know better
114 · Sep 2018
Qw #70
Infamous one Sep 2018
Some days are bad most are better
Not letting bad habits over come the good deeds
Love family but some are all about their greed
Be with someone you love treats you right
Why settle for less when you deserve the best
Be with someone you love not use one another for selfish gain
Failed love can't be repaired the pain will strike a nerve
Words full of lies that mean nothing failed out you pretend everything is fine
Two world's collide instead of unite the after math only time will tell
114 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
Today was long staying positive feels like things can be going wrong. Doing what's right not looking to start a fight. I told myself to inspire **** and burn like fire. Never quit or back down start bad mouthing me once I turn around. I respected you while I said it to your face. I'm staying calm because you making me mad is me letting you stay in my head and you offer me nothing but bring out the worse in me. You give me your worse I'll give my all and be at my best move to the next level not go back down sink to yours.
I got better things to do than waste my time with you. Been thinking of ways to change things can't continue to be the same.
114 · Mar 2018
Infamous one Mar 2018
Ran into her outside of work she had the biggest smile happy to see me. I was glad to see her the thought of dating again brought up bad memories  and did appreciate her as a friend didn't not want her to hate me because that's how most of my relationships end. I did want to try do things differently for the first time in years I was emotionally available. Half the time I'm with someone who doesn't love me back and I'm trying to win them over or I was not emotionally connect because my heart belong to someone or I protected it vowing to never get hurt. I've been hurt and hurt others I don't want to do that anymore.
Always needed a sign a few weeks later we would talk to one another at a stop light. It was nice to catch up until the light turned green. I do think and wonder most say try make your move but that's hard to do we are a couple years apart and do if the chemistry but their is a vibe not over reacting because last time I thought there was something I was wrong one of the worse feelings ever. Not holding back or trying those is not doing me any favors.
114 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Locked in an room
With another being
Observe their body language
Listen to the tone in their voice
Every personal with unique traits
With different physical functions
Reactions might cause stress
Awkwardness wanting to escape
Most are polite others impersonal
114 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Not able to have an opinion
Someone ends up mad
Knocking others quickly offended
Can diss it out but can't take it
Always talking about others
Can't handle being talked about
Use to rib on one another
Can't take a joke
Now making everything personal
Stayed away from the insanity
Talking like everyone owe you
Don't care to be involved
Disconnected come corrected
Been paying dues for years
Bad vibes better to stay away
Never surrender disrespected
114 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Stared at the wall silently alone
Deep in thought remembering the lost
Friends turned to foes now stranger
Loyal to all the wrong women
Most come and go like the seasons
Emotionally reserved from it all
Feelings of investment would be bankrupt
114 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Single over being with the wrong person
Rolling solo trusted all the wrong people
My perception on others has been twisted
Trust broken respect lost in the process
No longer wasting time on drama
Use to care got over being ignored
Only a family member when favors are needed
Minding my own most of all my mouth
Love you, don't agree with what you've become
I respect your life choices but you're a bully
Talk big once you get checked, you play the victim
Earning my way, you ride someones coat tail
Not afraid to fail life's always a struggle
Look down on me, don't have to explain
Done way more nothing to prove
I have less but I'm happy not materialistic
You have it all, still knocking others
Make rules and quick to break them
No say, or control over my life, staying away
114 · Sep 2018
Qw #71
Infamous one Sep 2018
Feeling trapped in my head so many make me think k onto over thinking.
I like my job but over being bounced around. I'd like to focus on what I love which is writing and jujitsu so many time conflicts and restrains that make me think and wonder.
I write all the time some tell me I'm good, while others criticize ripping me a new one. Some people like to get in your head ruin your inner peace because they are not happy with themselves. I'm one to help and encourage others, I use to want and help others; I'd rather be alone found comfort in my own company.
Took time out to figure it out, things don't feel right others try to contaminate your good vibes
Sometimes I want to write and post other times; I just save them, why write if you can't share.
I don't know sometimes, things pile up in my head. Writing is the only way to get it out, also podcasting, I love express myself that's why people get mad at me because I tell the truth lieing takes up too much, time and energy. I prefer to be straight up. Been a while trying to get back at it
114 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
Not to fond of the holidays thanksgiving a time to be around family but year around no one gets along or talks unless favors are needed. Can't eat turkey because being allergic just means eat ham. Don't really have traditions but a sister is making the notion that we should start our own traditional feast. Not too fond of the ideas being forced to interact with brothers that make everything person but claim it's a joke. Once you return the favor they can not dish what they serve. Love family but not like them and never felt like one of them. Blood doesn't make you family because close friends treat you like you belong and matter.
Christmas is a time for family as well but not expecting gifts or giving them out. Usually go with and aunt or best friend never feels like anyone is into the season. After these times are over life goes back to normal. Where family doesn't talk or impose their ways. Not close to anyone because being my own person means much. No awkward conversations about being single or talking about my personal life with a stranger. Like privacy but being able to feel safe when expressing my thoughts instead of everything being used against me for some useless argument that has nothing to do with me because not empowering that nonsense walking away makes it easier then having to encounter misconduct by family that in their mind is seen as looking out.
113 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Always tired
Doing what I love
All wired up
Always gave my all
Waiting for the phone on call
Down time to figure it out
Recharged overcome doubt
In the zone ready to go home
113 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Never going to fix in
Not always going to belong
On the open road
Onto somewhere better
Drifting away in the mind
One of a kind
Meant to be different
Not like the rest
One and only
Refused to settle
Heart on the sleeve
Seen good in others
But gets their worse
Spoke well about others
Seen good in them
As they curse his name
Assume the worse
113 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Think too much
Because one cares
Feels everything within
Mixed emotions stirred
Composed comes together
Good vibes revived with life
113 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
Sometimes being to deep and honest makes it hard to sleep. Letting go is hard when I need you you're never there. Now I moved on don't care now you're back acting like nothing happened. Protect myself from your wicked ways not interested regardless if you come or stay. What nonsense do you have to say to impose your way. Over your selective ways in and out making my friendship a convenient. Things go well not even thought of but when crap hits the fan all of a sudden an idea and thought of. Breaking this cycle not playing these games over all the drama no shame not playing over all the lies and pain. Fading memories no longer remain
113 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Flirting with the insanity
Not acting on those notions
Seen it one way lived it another
Times are changing with the seasons
Couldn't sing it so wrote about it
Can't always explain the emotions within
Not able to explore feeling that occur
Always on the go trying to find more
Be much more than before over the past
Live in the moment future current laughs
So much pondering wondering about reality
Shined as a person in the darkness
Don't want to fade aways because of negativity
Out grow the dull moment never stay down
113 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
She noticed him and he noticed her, there was a sparkle in their eyes. They would meet through a mutual friend. He smiled and said hi. She noticed his ****** piercings and asked if it hurt. Both with big smiles. He noticed her brown hair that was curly like curly fries.
They talked got to know one another he was brown and she was mixed. She enjoyed his company, he was not use to anyone caring because he grew up with tough love. They spent time together it was rewarding and all new to this late bloomer. He remembered the first time they kissed it was magicial intense his heart skipped a beat things felt right for once.
Eventually it would be short lived since the puppy love fadee away. From close to complete stranger being in the same room was no longer possible. They got anxiety and not able to communicate.
112 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Kept going strong
Proving them wrong
Never settle for less
Bettering the situation
Focused on being better not like the rest
Not meant to fit in different for a reason
Moving onto better things
112 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
Can't wrap my mind around the madness of others they think they are helping but just making things complicated. The worse part is it's my family. I stopped judging others because those people are in my family but how long do you turn a blind eye? How much do longer do you avoid them but they seem to be back making your blood boil. Not an angry person but the mind won't let it go in and out circling thoughts of say this do that. It's better to do nothing instead of being self destructive don't need others to make bad decision could be done alone. If they knocked you take them down with you make them feel their wrath and you take the blame while they play victim. So hard to escape enjoy life when you think that shouldn't of happened, why did it happen? How could've you prevent it but it's too late it already happened.
112 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
The stranger in the mirror
A sign to take better care of yourself
Need to live always at work
Helping more than ones self
Use to be close now it's gone
Now it seems farther away
Smiled at her dk if she's interested
If she feels the same way back
Tired of being changed tossed away
Looking for love with the right one
Fixed for the next trying to be rejected
Need to be accepted for once
Over disrespect tired from arguing
Why fight for the wrong person
Someone living in the past looping
Who's stuck on an ex can't move on
Tired of waiting going crazy debating
Mind refuse to go along with the scam
A loving heart that's ready to settle
112 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Woke up tired
Don't want to get out of bed
It's so cozy and relaxing
Keeping in a restful slumber
Free from regret trying to forget
Another crazy text
She claimed to want an open fling
Telling me about love
She made it worth nothing
Claim to be over the ex
A failed engagement
So many weird arrangements
Insecurities made it hard to trust
Spreading private moment with lies
From friends to dating
Someone couldn't handled being denied
Talk of children but no longer enthused
From casual to talks of being used
Played your games such a shame
Another smack talker
Playing the victim game
Played yourself and got caught up
112 · Jan 31
Infamous one Jan 31
Changing crowds has been helpful
Away from the toxic negative people
Vibing on the team and success
Seeing the hard work pay off
Putting in the time paying dues
Seeing one of you team mates move up
Makes you want to do the same
Be better you know what
Needs to be done to get there
Get more technical with things
Improve your performance
Be about it stop talking
Tired of being stuck
Over being in the transition
Get to the next level
Challenge yourself everyday
112 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Sometimes people try to make you feel small because you are a threat to their power trip. Not interested in that role not trying to complicate things, but work hard do what's right. Keep striving to improve be better.
People don't always listen because they just want to tell you.
Writing has been therapy you bounce the idea around try to figure it out like a rubix cube. Able to make sense of these temporary feelings and emotions putting them into perspective.
112 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Different people
Different worlds
With one common connection
Worked hard doing my own thing
Family complicates things
My heart will always grow for them
They might annoy me
The time together gives me life
111 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
She claimed to care
she'd always be there
Now shes gone forever
No where to be found
Her love turned to hate
Things use to be great
Close with her love
Yet so far from one another
Love changed like the weather
From hot and bright
Now cold and dull
Changed like a mood ring
Setting a tone intense vibes
Time together for a second
A part feelings forever alone
111 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
In a field where the wind blows quietly with a green fence as he threw his softball at a stump it rolled back. Took in the scene at peace feeling at ease away from all the chaos and insanity. At peace with nature feeling all the insanity fade away no more bad memories and pain the silence empowering gain.
111 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
I remember I enjoyed drinking thinking I was a bad person. I'd share a story or two with my peeps hoping to feel find closure. Never cared to do drugs but a close friend did a line of coke right in front of me. People changed my addiction consumed me. Another friend stole so she could get her fix but it never made things right. The day she stole from me things changed. I needed to clean up. I realized alcohol made me tolerant to people because I didn't always agree or understand it would blind my judgement. I didn't like others speaking on my behalf or representing me. Once I quit drinking times got hard. My friends fall away. I changed but they think I'm that same person no longer that person anymore. Older wiser and never the same sober living has made me alone. I would question everything but I only question my actions and what I want looking for so I can achieve my goals and dreams.
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