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126 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Thankful for others concerns but don't agree with their perception of how they feel or think by mistaking my kindness as weakness. Talking about you to get a reaction make you look bad in front of people you value. Trying to make you devalue yourself lowering yourself to their level which is below your standards.
At one point you looked out for them and they came at you making you a target because they have nothing going or things are bad they set themselves up to fail and trying to bring you down with them.
Learning to say NO and not interested not following trends. Lost interest in crowd because they expect and take; it's never enough. More made up rules and standards that go in their favor. Leaving you feeling used and humiliated for trusting them thinking they actually valued you as a person.
126 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Not able to post
Site was acting up
Thinking what to say
Not matching emotions
Mixed feelings dk anymore
Things don't make sense
Not the same as before
Change for the better
Within feeling worse
A broken curse escape
Healing heart to grow
125 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Biting his lip over the third degree
He knew better so he backed up
Tempted to fall back into bad habits
Craved alcohol but avoided the taste
Use to be chaotic but now in peace
Felt attacked use to fight back
Walked into confrontation made it worse
Now staying away from it all
Not great with speaking words
Able to write them out better for peace
Held on a different level gave his all
Expected nothing but gave everything
The mind sorting it all out
Comprehending the environment around
Observing eyes that made it easier
Found closure within
125 · Aug 2018
Qw#8 later
Infamous one Aug 2018
He knew that changing with the times to stay relavent. He didn't want to give up on himself but he would evolve as a person. The disappointment made him more determined. The break ups made him stronger. He was learning to love again even though he was causious of who he would let into his world. He loved so many people found out they were bad mouthing him so he had to let them go. He did hold place for them in his heart but did not get close kept a distance from these people who betrayed his trust.
He didn't like being alone he was social in a smart phone universe so many texting or posting but no one could express themselves to another being. He was one who looked the girl he loved in the eyes told her how he felt things were right. Eventually things changed not in his favor when he sobered up things got easier made more sense. He coped checked his emotions and ego at the door learning to love again. He hated the outcome but made the most of things.
125 · Aug 2022
Infamous one Aug 2022
New plans and ideas to rise up. From the bottom to the top spoke up tired of being silent. Knowing having an opinion causes enemies instead of bringing gaps. Not taking the crap anymore took a stand even if it meant being alone.
Hard to sleep with "what if" on the mind? Asking "when?" And is it truly worth it. So many ideas the heart dk how to feel or what to think anymore this mind racing on the redline.
125 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
He was always respectful of his friends and their situation. He knew his friend had a crush on this girl. He would get involved but would find out from the girl she was not interested in his friend. The plot twist was the girl liked him over his friend. He could not act on her feelings because he was loyal to his friend and she would try to convince him other wise. The friend would be angry because his plan to date her failed. More inferior when the girl told his friend she wasn't interested but did like his friend. Talk about causing conflict over mixed emotions no one acted on. The girl wanted him but he cared for his friend and didn't want to lose a friend. He was in a weird situation, if he went with the girl he lost a friend. But if he stayed loyal to the friend the girl would hate him because she would see it as he had no regards for her feelings.
Trying to find balance and be fair he chose the friend but the friend was bitter and hostile he would bad mouth the loyal friend. Turns out jealous people can't be friends over doing the right thing. He remained alone both the jealous friend and girl no longer engage with him because he would not give into their ways so he left them to figure it out. He figured why be friends with people that make him feel awkward, he leader to make himself happy not look for it in others and being alone is okay rather than being with the wrong crowd.
125 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
One day they love you
The next they hate you
Because you didn't play the games
Now they are mad making a fuss
Asked if it was okay they were fine
Told the truth don't care for lies
Forgave them still no change
They came at you trying to provoke
When you've walked away
Trying to turn others on you
Cancel out for being different
Like exposing you makes them better
Rather be alone than deny ones self
Kept a distance playing it safe
Wanted to be a peacemaker
More than peacekeepers
Tired of living and being a certain way
Over others toxic and bad behavior
Feeling pushed out been on both sides
125 · Feb 13
Infamous one Feb 13
As I get older I realize it's okay to get away from certain family members. We are family but we don't see eye to eye and disagree. That's fine but when that person makes it feel unwelcoming. They bad mouth your name for having an opinion speaking your mind.
I learned to stop empowering them by not feeding into the negativity. Walk away with your head up. Go where you feel appreciated where you can grow. Don't be boxed in or be someone you're not to make others happy.  Do what you love what makes you happy grow be strong for yourself believe in yourself when no one else does.
125 · Jul 2018
Write it out
Infamous one Jul 2018
Most hate their job but I'm thankful to be working. On my down time I do what I love which is write. It doesn't feel right to go without it. It takes me away to a better place. I can write stuff I have a hard time saying and express myself without others judging or treating me different because I have an opinion and not a yes man. Writing has got me through tough times and things are only getting better.
125 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Told not to lie be open and honest
But none one seems to like the truth
Why are they mad for being caught up
Caught up in a lie, easier to be truthful
Don't like being lied to cant be honest
Why lie to others expect the truth
Never made any sense at all
124 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Found out the new
Going to be an uncle
Not always the best son
Or a good big brother
But the joy of new life
Love family not always close
The good times bring everyone together
Those tough times unite one another
Come together get stronger
124 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Working hard
Wanting to quit
Determined to be better
Coming back for more
Trying to be the one
Not one of many
Smiled continued to contribute
Positive attitude in negativity
Took pride in work
Earned every cent
Working twice as hard
Made sleep easy to enjoy
While others coasted
124 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Writing my thoughts
Telling my stories
Break the curse
Thinking of another verse
Another night to get it right
Writing makes it easy to sleep
Deep slumber over restless nights
Not focused on loop thoughts
A clear head while lying in bed
After a night of peaceful rest
Recharged more natural energy
The stress made it easy to walk away
Slowing body instead of suffering through
Heal health is everything
Take care of mental health
Phyiscal health slow steady motions
124 · Apr 2019
124 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Write about what you know
Created a world in my head
It's real lived it once
Now it's a replay on a loop
Dreaming bigger only if it was simple
Can't keep it small anymore
The drama overwhelming not listening
Use to care refuse to take a one way road
Can't help those people are stuck
124 · Dec 2017
Infamous one Dec 2017
Wake up do it all over this routine gets old and time for a change. So much on my mind and needs to be done. I wrote scripts that never go used. I wrote monologues that need to be performed. Writing is fun but I use it to vent always listening to others and have no one to hear my frustrations after I write it takes the anxiety away.
Making sense of these built up thoughts pit on the spot never ready or sure what to expect half the time. The moment passed and was missed so many other things on my mind.
124 · Dec 2017
Friends never more
Infamous one Dec 2017
We aren't friends friends don't use you or ignore you only when they need something you become an idea. You are married leave me alone, I don't trust you or care to share my day or ideas with you. You have your husband to hear your problems. You make problems making me the scapegoat when you are being deceitful.
I did Appreciate or friendship but you have other commitments that you choose to neglect. I will never be us when you make it about you. You are a wife a we with your husband. You're a friend nothing more but now we are strangers because you made me out to be the bad guy. Your jealous insecure husband dk me but assumes the worse. We can't be friends and not associating is a huge weight off my shoulders. Free from you and your drama no more toxic negativity away no longer a friend but it has come to an end.
Many come and go I respect family and their needs come first once I do my own thing. Why can't you be happy for me. I was glad for you now you're knocking me.
124 · Feb 26
Infamous one Feb 26
Just because its going on doesn't mean you need to get involved. Sometimes you win and they try to discredit you. Once crap hits the fan they want to give you all the credit.

I'd rather do my own thing than clean up another mess I didn't make. People will betrayal you but just keep a distance. I don't care to hold a grudge, but if I don't trust a person. I'd rather not be involved.

I tolerate and forgive realizing things will never change. Some will never take accountability for their actions. When there's no scapegoat that's the person will get caught up. No one to blame but themselves be responsible for your actions.
123 · Aug 2018
Qw #20
Infamous one Aug 2018
As I grow older friends get married
Some have kids and start families
Sad how everyone grows a part
Some find success and achieve greatness
Others get lost and struggle with addiction
So many struggle with loss and change
Sometimes change is good others have a hard time with it
Divorce occur with failed trust or conflict of interest
Some have kids but don't see them and struggle to pride some as a single parent
Heartbreak takes time to heal overcome obstacles
Work is to survive others become workaholics to avoid the change that's hard to cope with
Or some try to drown out their sorrows using alcohol hoping to fill that hole so they can be whole feel complete
123 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Some people could live a double life
He struggled with living one
Working on self improvement
Personal growth eyes wide open
Seeing straight no more distractions
Rising above the hate not grounded
Too many detours fighting to make it
All the heartbreaking set backs
After all the years of doing the job
Now it's official seen as the real thing
Not being taken seeing as a joke
Things got serious very intense
No one is playing anymore
123 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Doing it making the most of it all. Woke up sore that's the best feeling. Just work it earn it no one is going to do it for you. Nothing wrong with being happy over all the guilt trips. Caring for all the wrong people. You empower them to do good be great, but chose to be bad at their worse.
123 · Dec 2017
Clean cut
Infamous one Dec 2017
He woke up to get his haircut at the shop with the fellas seeing them makes his morning.  he cleans up well so he decided to get his uni brow waxed. He went and heard all the gossip in the salon. Around lovely women made his morning since he's usually shy. As he gets old he knew it was important to take better care of himself. His groom days was his way of socializing even though he did meet people at work. Majority of the time he preferred to be alone. Times has changed and he did as well.
123 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
A notebook that understands
Feels like no one is listening
Most careless unless its beneficial
My words are written
Takes away from the pain
A way to be heard not ignore
Alive and well within
A way to exist
Different from the rest
123 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Grew up around domestic violence
Not letting emotions get the better of
Feelings of hurt not expressing
All the compromise for others
Toxic people causing problems
Looked out for others with troubles
Now all alone hard to connect
Forgiving is hard so much betrayal
Never forgiven multiple apologies
Some trauma hard to shake
Can only take so much
Push to the limit crashing down
Buried under all the chaos
122 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Lost in transition
Hard to find the way
Detours to success
False promises broken trust
Two faced backsliding
Rising overriding the wrong
121 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Ready for change
The new is year is near
Everyday is new
Wake up start fresh
Never too late
Be good to people
Do what you love
Whatever it is be great
121 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Been a while on the go
Going through the motions
Thinking what to say
Not sure what to write
Doing what's right
Walked from a pointless fight
Everyone is damaged goods
Lugging around baggage from the past
Use to weird trying to be normal
121 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He worried getting his degree would be a piece of paper while he did the same job. He just wanted to learn and apply the principles not learn all these new social ways of living. He was open to change but things didn't turn out for the better more labels and boxes that kept him out. When he was in the mix lots of contradiction and confusion.
Told to ask question, now everyone is easily offended or upset for trying to make sense.  Staying loyal and true within rubbed people the wrong way.
121 · Mar 2022
Infamous one Mar 2022
Dealing with change part of life
Onto new jobs starting a new
Leaving the old ones behind
A new crowd didn't fit in or belong
Might be easier somewhere new
Will miss the friendships that made work easy
No more taking on the power struggle
Empowering useless leadership
Not able to grow feeling weighed down
All the burden picking up the slack
Filling the void not worth it or fun anymore
121 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
When you leave move on to a new chapter sometimes you want to take people with you
Starting over: new friends, new home, new beginnings
You don't want to replace old friends but people come and go like the seasons
A new home is like a shell you move into a new one because you out grew the old one.
Some things you don't want them to end
The hardest part is starting but the worse part is when it comes to an end
A new start is great but getting comfortable always makes change seem overwhelming
The heart is with home where it all started to grow
Leaving is a struggle to become an individual become independent
Some will always see you as a child no matter how old you grow
Tough love made you strong able to sense wrong not easily mainpulated or mean to be controlled
You protect your heart even thought it was once worn on your sleeve
Gone so far not going back older wiser never the same
121 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Walked away from drama
No need to provoke
Once was down
Now standing tall
A mindful mouth
Silently pondering
Made moves in the darkness
Not looking for a reaction
121 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
People want you to change
Never want to change themselves
Always talk what others are doing
Never about what they've done
121 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
What does this mean?
How did this happen?
So much on the mind
No words will come out
Good thoughts for change
Holding back faced the fear
Trying not to over react
Calm through awkwardness
Composed channeled centered
121 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Being honest with people is hard
Most are easily offended
Quick to criticize, don't like criticism
Hate taking on the numbers
Everyone's bold in a crowd
Talks big online hide behind a screen
In person nothing is said or uttered
121 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
The house on the hill in the middle of no where
You can see it from the highway at night you see the lights from within
A lonely home islolated barely noticed in the distance unless you are looking for it
The loud road cars racing can't be heard on the hill looking up from the street
The house looks down on traffic like a watch tower
The people who live there never seen
120 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
He was anxious to meet people but they always kept him out but he did like people being social. He wasn't like the rest he was honest because it makes things easier and he didn't like being lied to so why like to others. He was getting older marriage and kids not in his cards. He did enjoy life so many friends came and went like the seasons. Some had families and he respected that others had controlling girlfriends he didn't agree but they got married who was he to come between that. He was part of the dating world but now a days it's shallow and slim pickings. He was working being responsible some women want you to have it together want this high standard of life they can't even live up to.
The young ones did find him attractive most young and wild living life not ready to settle down. He was open to commitment but no one was willing or ready to settle down. He noticed everyone was stuck on an ex or a failed engagement not ready to move on to the next not losing faith on someone they truly love blind to the reality they had found someone new replacing them but in denial not losing faith stuck but one day that person said I deserve better and broke free from the madness and insanity instead of holding on to the past like a blanket of security. Found strength moved forward trying to find love not losing faith because it once was real now make it a reality
120 · Nov 2019
Infamous one Nov 2019
Trying not to be a jerkface
Mindful of others
Respectful of others opinions
Open to criticism to an extent
Being provoked for a reaction
Walked away from the fight
Don't care to argue with stubborn
Set in their ways imposing
Not trying to change anyone
A mouth that can do some damage
Changed not going back to bad habits
120 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Not sure about the next move
Thought about it lots of pondering
Still cant figure it out
Made moves came up short
Gave maximum effort
Barely getting by hanging in there
Feared making the wrong choice
Things don't always turn out right
Headaches anxiety coming strong
Ups and downs riding the wave
120 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
New mind set and way of doing things. He hasn't dated for a while thought about jumping back into it but after a few stressful from the past left him scared. I will get hired on fulltime and will get the courage to ask a girl out not be shy or nervous. Need to get back in shape my body doesn't heal or feel the same. I'm not mad sad or depressed I let that all go. No more trying to convince Megan to love me because she's married and has two kids. Or worrying about my friends because they forgot about me and don't give a **** about me. I ruined ivans relationship I don't blame him for not being my friend. I slept with Casey but she was a huge ***** that's why Jesus hates me. I told the truth looked out for a friend sad how they cut me only when they need something other wise they don't care about me. I love Dave but we can't be friends all he does is talk **** blame everyone for his life and negative I don't need negative and toxic people in my life. I love my family with them or without them I'll be my on person. I'm tired of making people happy and I'm miserable. I don't knock people to feel better about myself or use people I find a way and do it all myself. I miss people but I don't belong there or they don't want me ***** them it will comeback to them I'm not too worried. I mind my business and keep to myself. I'm glad she trusts me she's cute I'm sure she'll figure it out.
119 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He took a chance and failed
Didn't want to disappoint others
Did the business then it went sour
All the favors never returned
Helped a friend it was an act
Manipulated by a two faced fiend
Hard to trust anyone heard all the lies
Actions that spoke otherwise
Not forcing it or pretending it's cool
Tired of listening to tangents
Feeding a useless ego that crushes others
119 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Going through the motions before the real thing most hate practice but practice is where you develop and grow your skills. Trying to find a new jujitsu gym not into the politics. Just want to train and grow in the sport.
He didn't care for politics, they were never in his favor. Over all the labels others tried placing on him. He was more than the baby sitter since these parents didn't take him serious. He didn't have a job but helped out got involved as he rose they kept him out. He would find his own way back on his own path. He was tried of explaining to people who didn't listen.
Being around people that didn't value him. He was burnt out from it all and lost it all thinking how to get back on track and do it right.
119 · Feb 2023
Infamous one Feb 2023
He wondered being creative
What moment of his life
He could put on the page
Possibly turn it into a scene
It loops in the back of his mind
His wild imagination off the charts
Trying to keep it simple
Not aware of his audience
Older use to being alone
Appreciating the art of story telling
Straight to the point is easy
Too much detail could be wordy
Over thinking tone possibilities
119 · Jul 2018
Infamous one Jul 2018
Woke up so much on the mind
Jump in the car drive fast on the road
Loud music blairing while the wind blows
The open window cool air hitting the face
On the road cruising the streets so my troubles will blow away
Or on the high way racing so you can forget all the worries on the back of your mind
119 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
The transition from youth to adult
A student gathering knowledge
Then join the working force
Working jobs towards a career
Paying bills and getting by
So many road blocks and detours
See the ending so much in between
It was suppose to be temporary
Things turned into long term
While close and near because short lived
Ages multiple phases not too obsessed
119 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
working for mine
things between us are not fine
always respectful to you
you are rude neglectful
what happened to you
Everyone bound to change
Why stay the same
No big on drastic change
Everything goes away
Thoughtful memories remain
Told the truth real friends do
How you my friend bad mouthing
Behind my back more insults
Over the cold shoulder
119 · Aug 2019
Infamous one Aug 2019
Clear the mind able to relax
Fill blank pages with words
Seeds the world as a stage
A welcoming smile on faces
Laughter fuels the soul
Interaction causing reaction
Kind ears open to listen to others
A heart to give with passion
119 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
As she grows up
From a child to young lady
A special place in the heart
Laughter that brightens the day
The things she says
Brings huge smiles
Smart for her age
Learned to not be selfish
Slowed down live in the moment
118 · Dec 2017
Infamous one Dec 2017
Things don't make sense anymore
Once was wrong not it's right
So many turn a blind eye
don't care unless it's about them
Broke free to be on my own
Too much going on in the mind
Hard to sleep thoughts are deep
Asking do I have it anymore
Does it matter will I make a difference
What happened to me, who I was
Can't be that person anymore
so many remind me of who I was
instead of accepting me for who I am
Who I've become not sure anymore
Things will never be the same
Grow and changed can't live in the past
Smile is real not faking it since it's real
so many mistake it for weakness
118 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Telling stories from the past
Moments that have passed
Lived in the moment
Wishing to relive it
Treasured in the heart
Eventually fade away
Times have changed
Another days in present
The past full of resentment
118 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
Monty had been wanting to explore the world he was tired of being a hermit and work his life became a routine. Be spontaneous didn't get attached people come and go.
He loved to train MMA but it wasn't gun with all the gym politics they didn't take him serious. He worked with the fighters that would compete when he talked about it with the coach they showed no interest. His team mates made him
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