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133 · Sep 2022
Infamous one Sep 2022
You trust and respect them they don't value you. You worked for yours while one is juiced in the higher ups gave him everything. The other was a great work but been selective on efforts. He did value his team seen himself as a team player playing a major role.
Took one for the team but not taking the heat for someone with bad instructions. Followed the leads orders to get the job done all the wrong tools were provided.
The lead given his spot with heat because his bad rep is toxic. Sad you can't get ahead or trust anyone. Mistakes were made let's fix them and learn from them. Trying to man up own up do what's right. Outsiders will talk but they don't know they aren't there.
132 · Oct 2021
Infamous one Oct 2021
Shared about living not giving up
All the mistakes life lessons
Failing leads to blessings
On the right track no going back
Been with the wrong person
Feeling numb blocking it out
Loved the wrong person
Now it's over seeking closure
Over time the heart at peace
Heals after being in pieces
Writing to feel deal with things
Show emotions process overcome
Instead of numb emotionless
132 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Cut away from all the bad vibes
Walking solo free of burden
Starting new away from the wicked
Over toxic people knocking others down
Negative behavior rewarded for evil deeds
Lots of change for the better
Personal growth self improvement
Mental and physical development
Awareness with goals over delays
Set personal achievement self rewarding
132 · May 2018
Other ways
Infamous one May 2018
Things will never be the same
Rise above the pain overcome shame
Fading memories over come regret
Drop the burden hard to forget
No more giving my love to the wrong
where it's not valued the hurt turns to strength
Find your own way live another day
Who gives a **** what they have to say
Alive within instead of going the flow
As long as you're moving away from the bad
Pursuing your passion call me old fashioned
doesn't matter how slow do something
All I had helped me grow don't need it anymore
Keep working don't like to be broke
Keep hustling others want you to choke
Gave them the benefit of the doubt
All the drama can do without
You talk down on me think you're better than me so act like it because you're fake
Everyone can see through you're act no need to front
Keep it real told the truth you are not about that
That's why you hate on me give me the third degree
Not a yes man don't buy into the BS
Refuse to follow and settled for less
132 · Dec 2017
Her life
Infamous one Dec 2017
They use to be good friends both developed feelings and the other acted on them. Two different personalities one social and the other closed off.
The line between friendship and relationship was blurred one wanted more the other did not feel the same. As time pasted life set them apart one got married and the other responsible trying to become established.
They talk but things will never be the same while things felt like an old routine. Why go back to a failed outcome expecting things to change. He was single and she was married he denied his feelings while she poured out here. This was wrong and he knew so he would cut all ties from friends to strangers. She had more going on and he was doing his own thing. She told him he was the one who got away but that is impossible because she got married. Her husband was not fond of the friendship but it was a spike that caused a mild wedge. He didn't want to ruin things so he went away. She would call and text but he ignored her. She didn't like it and knew he did not belong because her marriage was more important. Eventually they moved on to together while he was forgotten on his own path pursuing his goals and dreams hoping to one day find new love.
132 · Feb 19
Infamous one Feb 19
He had dreams about kids
Married to someone from the past
No longer associated with anymore
Wondering what they meant
Going forward not going back
Escaped with bad memories
Do better in the next relationship
Heal from the things doing better
132 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
On the boat leave the land behind
Waves crashing and splashing
Sun beaming off the water
Ocean air full of moisture
A fishing reel to catch some fish
Cast the line into the sea
Wait for the fish to bite and tug
Seagulls screaming in the sky
Chump in the water to bait in fish
132 · Nov 2021
Infamous one Nov 2021
Cutting ties feeling free
Forgave the person moved
After all the lies never ending
All the manipulation the deceit
No longer involved staying away
Looked out plenty of warnings
Still learning the hard way
Ditching the responsibility others don't want
Not being accountable for stealing
Quick to blame others made a mistake
131 · Sep 2018
Qw #83
Infamous one Sep 2018
Stared at the phone to see what time it is
Most stare waiting for a text or call
You can be close yet so disconnected
Bad communication leads to misunderstanding
Doing out own things keep us divided
Comeback together be United
Pick up where things left off
Getting older hair turns white and thining
From a wild youth to responsible adult
The dream makes sense while others laugh
See others like an equal but they don't value you
Random thoughts that come to mind
A job that pays well but not permanent
Been with all the wrong people
Some come others go without reason
Life is always changing like the season
Looking something real that feels right
I'd speak the words won't come out
Don't want to make a bad impression
131 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Setting new goals
New plan of action
From rock bottom
Solid ground work
Steady foundation to build
From behind the scenes
Onto new challenges
Learned lots of personal growth
Mindset changing about life
Unlearned made up rules
From the heart that means well
Positive intensions no hidden agenda
No negative influence twisting truth
131 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Doubted, did way more than most
Judged and talked about by others
Minding his mouth and business
Hardest worker in the room
Gave his all came up short
He was overlooked
Failed turned weakness into strengths
Learned from the lesson
Observant working twice as hard
Not making the same mistakes
Room to grow willing to improve
Doesn't complain grinds through it all
131 · Jul 2021
Infamous one Jul 2021
He was too old to be mad and beefing with everyone. He did distance himself from things been working on being a better version of himself. Some still think he's that person they met long ago. He did make mistakes he's been wrong learned the lesson and forgave himself learned to no expect much so he won't be disappointed. Knowing if he wanted it he would have to work for it and earn it.
He's thankful for the people that accepted him. He was tired of altering himself to be accepted. Not this person they made him out to be.
131 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Hard to sleep
Overwhelming heat
Sore tender feet
Lower back pain
Sweat bead forehead
Trying to remember
Somethings missing
131 · Mar 25
Infamous one Mar 25
Growing up poor made me want to do more and be better. The new generation wants to lower standards and wants everything handed without doing anything to earn it. Like a relationships some want all the perks with no commitment. People only last months I admire my grandparents relationship 65 years together. I understand people grew up different my elder set examples I applied it to my life.
I respect change when there's order and everyone benefits. now a days all these protests and laws are not enforced. It's a lost cause wasting taxes and time.
130 · Oct 2017
Infamous one Oct 2017
We use to be close but now we grew apart different life styles. I chose to create and write working hard. You chose to work hard and create a family. I respect they come first before our friendship.
You are my brother even though you would bad mouth me because you felt insecure so you can feel better about yourself.
We both have our own goals and dreams we'd like to accomplish. Im focused on writing and music/film. Creating gives me life and I use my imagination to see things.
We use to be close now you keep me arm length away. I don't like this feeling so I stay away. Walking with God not losing faith give him my all and pray. He will provide staying strong to survive.
130 · Oct 2017
Made it
Infamous one Oct 2017
The week is up and down but make the most of everything. Working hard and staying focused so the task at hand could be completed. Making work fun playing music so time passes in an up beat manner. Haven't had time to write no excuse make time. Everytime I write it's my way of coping putting life into perspective.
Telling fun stories and making my characters always makes worth while. You see and feel the vibe makes the creative process worth doing. Haven't been feeling like me but letting go of things that don't matter. Living up to my goals and standards.
Being my own person since I'm not a follower. Too many make you out to be someone you're not and expect you to be someone they can't be. Ready for the weekend making the most of my down time. Lock my door listen to music read and write. Everything will be alright because made it and back at it again next week.
130 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Waiting for it to come
Should've happened by now
All the anxiety flowing
Building rage that implodes within
Trying to control the rage
A fist ready to fly
Composure all tensed up
Eyes closed collecting vibes
Breathing out the bad deeds
Centered the good back to the light
Darkness consumed spread all over
The moment passed over
130 · Mar 28
Infamous one Mar 28
The people talking don't do anything
That's why no one talks about them
They'll make you out to be the bad guy
Slander your name just run with it
Sooner or later the lies exposed with the truth
Some get comfortable disrespecting you
Someone will check and put them in their place
The mouth keeps talking and will get caught up
Some have a bad day why make it worse
If it's possible to help out
Contribute be the solution
Not add to the problem
130 · Oct 2017
Pent thoughts
Infamous one Oct 2017
Too many negative people like a mood ring
They are toxic and it spreads but blame others
You respect values and expect you to change
You avoid them because they ruin your day
Hard to breathe focus turn things upside down
Traditional values changed going with what is already known
Hard to express so much pent up within
Trying to share does it matter does anyone care
Use to be a lead got judged now facing a firing squad
Worked hard to move up in the company
ended up getting beat up by a lazy employee
Who did nothing and collected a check
Opened my mouth ended up being my fault
Said nothing now everyone is talking
I accept others flaw and all not one to judge
hated for calling them on it quick to point out mistakes
my name out of mouths who don't like me
I don't talk about anyone focused on getting things done
130 · Aug 25
Infamous one Aug 25
fighting to be an equal being provoked
easier to walk away, no reason to stay
one-sided argument staying silent
done trying to prove myself worthy
130 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
Proving yourself making mistakes
Taking the heat not accepting defeat
Struggling can't stay down forever
All the hurt let it go to heal
Memories fade less impact
Feeling saved for the moment
Emotions are stable composed
129 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Put in the time
My world is fine
Earned what's mine
No respect set aside
Not one to run or hide
Saved up to fix my ride
New place to call home
Working hard it's no fun
I feel grown back on my own
Never bitter through the tough times
129 · Apr 6
Infamous one Apr 6
The clock ticks and tocks
Time feels like it's running out
Trying to do it so close yet so far
Coming up short another plan
Still doing it haven't got to the next level
129 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Changing things up time management
Making the most of what's given
Wish people would talk to one another
Instead of talking about each other
Over taking on egos that are two faced
Not empowering people condescension
Saying one thing actions cause conflict
Seen through the act left in confusion
Trusted the wrong people left in doubt
Spoke soft to see who's listening
Calm collected maintained
Talked loud many with a lack of interest
129 · Sep 2018
Qw #79
Infamous one Sep 2018
Not everyone you value feels the same
Not willing to think highly of you
You smile and love life to the fullest
They see you as a joke
while they soak in misery
Take advantage abuse your kindness
The mind is blind full of denial
A heart fueled with love
can rise above the wick
Dreaming made it hard to sleep
Lost in the fantasty not the reality
129 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Not writing with anger
Or from the past moments
Seeking experience by living
New encounter for fun stories
A journeys full of adventure
Single responsible for happiness
Can't blame ones self for others
Not blaming others for the outcome
Use to run scarred now standing tall
Took on the numbers now the only one
129 · Aug 2018
Qw #47
Infamous one Aug 2018
There was more world out there to explore
He has his skills and talent that went unnoticed
He was tired of being trapped when all he wanted was to be free
Always happy no one was happy for him
They only noticed when he made a mistake
He don't like how they tried to shake their heads
Trying working twice as hard to come out even
He prefer classy and sassy over sleezy and easy that usually came his way
Lived and learned grew all this happened shaping and helping him grow
He was already to go while his peeps where a no show so he had to go at it alone
He'd call them but no response their phone was in their hand
He got use to being ignored and not one to give into demands
If he returned the favor he'd be hate so he didn't play games just walked away to focus on what mattered
128 · Nov 2023
Infamous one Nov 2023
He told his cousin it would comeback to her. You can't disrespect people and expect them to listen. She got comfortable telling others her opinion when no one asked. People appreciate honest the blindside would make people more angry.

Eventually all that would comeback to her. All the lies and deceit would come out secrets exposed. Talking down or bad about others doesn't make you a better person. One opinion doesn't matter but trying to manipulate others to follow your hateful methods is unacceptable.

Some people already have it hard they don't need you pointing out the obvious or trying to make them feel the way you're projecting your insanity on them. You dk their life or what they are thinking. how they are feeling to impose your intrusive thoughts.
128 · Apr 22
Infamous one Apr 22
Lost in the music feeling the groove
Hitting the notes the fussion
Letting go of anger and frustration
Able to connect with the music
Forgetting about the work nonsense
Making music learning by ear
Trying to memorize the fretboard
Take in chord sounds stay in tune
Keep the tempo get the tone right
Harmonize finger placement
128 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
Starring at a blank page trying to see
Thinking what to write find feelings lifeless emotions
Not sure what to say thought of burning critics
So much comes to mind blows away with the wind
Feels blind to the world deep inside the mind safety zone
Tough from the rough times building strength for the soul
Things are right not in the fight up late another night
Never stay down with the struggle strive to survive
From friends to strangers grow apart move onto better
Silence the tongue taste of sourness spit on the phony
Over the lies from the insecure and obsession obsorbed distractions leads to dramatic reactions
Break free focused on success not less
Go forward not back grow into more
Broken truth no more false promises
One finding truth no longer associate with fake
Insecure with harsh judgement try to break the reality
Delusional realities consume like an addiction
Control with no plans, repeating crazy expecting a different outcome
128 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Drawing trying to see it feel it in his head. From the pencil on the page letting go of raw emotions that are pent up. Letting go of all the toxic bad people. He wanted to retaliate but realized it was a waste of time. They'll get triggered to justify their actions. They have hate boiling and burning on the back burner. Ready to serve it but not taking it or interested in what's being dished out.
128 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
Growing up with that girl they called your girlfriend because she was around was weird since half the time she showed no interest. She would correct you or check you but it was nothing serious as you get older you don't notice one another other than growing up together.
128 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
To see a mother become a grandma
As a child seen some stuff
Parents not ready to grow up
Watching them get older
From youthful to grey and white hairs
Always been distant but feel closer
Trying to make it be better for everyone
Wanted to make it help to help the family
Working to better situation get to the next level
Always a struggle part of the growing process
Learning about about life most of all living it
128 · Dec 2017
Infamous one Dec 2017
He laid his head on her lap, she played with his hair asked him about his day. He looked at her and smiled. Thankful he had her, he wasn't confident but glad he made an effort to pursue her. She held his hand and kissed his forehead. She laid next to him and pulled him close. he was big spoon and she was little spoon. She would put her ear near his heart and hear it beat. She like to be close because he was warm and she got cold easily. He had a hard time sleeping he didn't want to miss a thing when they were together. They'd watch movies and tell stories share their deep dark secrets and express themselves in a healthy manner.
128 · Jan 2018
Do it..
Infamous one Jan 2018
He hates critics he was wild fun over the top. He got hated on stood tall and strong. It all came crashing down. He was self destructive tore himself down to be accepted one thing he truly regrets. He was honest but stopped talking and listened all he heard was bs and excuses. He was one who tried all they did was knock him point out a flaw after all his hard work and effort. He worked harder than most failed. Tried never have up and failed. He was going through all this saying soon my time will come. He took the back burner saying this will get me ready for the next level and it never happened. He took criticism proved them wrong did it because they said it couldn't be done. He was used chewed up spot out. They blew past him and went for someone who ****** up Not because they were qualified. He was denied but kept saying he's meant for something better. They made him out to be someone he was not. He knew who he was but they kept telling him otherwise. Be this way do that but they weren't doing it; who and why do they think, they know better.
Always thankful to be working because know what it's like to lose a job and not have one. How to deal with heartache when someone doesn't appreciate how you feel about them. People always want to change you but don't want to change themselves or make others look bad because they aren't doing anything. Break free reinvent yourself so you are better and happy avoid and cut out What's bad and not making you better. It doesn't happen right away but don't settle or quit kelp trucking. A loss can to a gain take it learn from the weakness and improve. Keep at it something will give in the end you can either get better or be one of the best at it.
128 · Jun 2019
Infamous one Jun 2019
If writing can take the pain away
All the stress and anxiety
Stays for days while friends go away
Get in a romantic relationship
Forget about past friendships
The mind screams over memories
Tried to fit in got rejected
Avoiding others use to being alone
No need for approval moved on
Now others are in the way
128 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
Lost in her eyes
After saying hi
Her warming smile
Drives others wild

Thick framed glasses
Always had an excuse
The days of being used
Are over but just begun

Tender loving hugs
Full of emotions
Hard to let go
127 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Would have your back
You're quick to knife mine
Not mad for being too nice
Not upset for trusting the wrong
Growing strong walked away
Stayed away full of regret
Told me your ***** secrets
Now taking them to the grave
Trying to find god be saved
No longer empowering
Not a slave you can't control or own
127 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
On the twisted road driving through the forest.
The road slippery and wet from the rain. The rain and cold feels right but heading home from the summer. My life as an adult up north and my childhood in socal. From hot to cold weather not sure where I belong but my heart is in one while my mom thinks about the other. Lots of love for both but can't decide
127 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
Trying to enjoy life without feeling challenged or accepting defeat. Trying to do right while everything around fails goes wrong. Conflict with cousins not laying down but standing this ground. Spoke up now it feels like the world is done with you set you aside not bothering anymore.
The job expects so much in very little time. Committing to a job that's worth it always free feeling consumed losing it all to be one way use to being the wild one.
127 · Jan 2021
Infamous one Jan 2021
New year focused on being better
Got close but never broke through
Pushed back made waves
Dealt with the backlash
Usually sit in silence and mindful
Doing things that need to be done
Most try to guilt or tell you your wrong
They'd rather watch you help than succeed
Willing to help but they'll bail on you
Got use to being alone
Enjoying ones company
127 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
They met at work sharing awkward silent moments both unique and interesting. One worked hard mentally the other physically. They both went to a university it was a bubble till the reality came their way. One would find success the other would struggle to find their way. Debt was coming they had to pay. Working for that degree while getting the 3rd degree. Sad how some get that degree and making minimum wage. This story hard to get through to turn the page both writing their own book one learns with their career the other school of hard knocks with the struggle. Eventually the hype flat lines levels out.
What matters what doesn't not giving into society peer pressure. Rebellion alone paying my phone no one to call to old to be at the mall. Love for the club but not into it anymore you got old it got old. New school old school do what's right loyal and true. In the bubble outside the bubble meant to go keep moving forward don't belong there anymore
126 · Sep 2018
Qw #57
Infamous one Sep 2018
Getting older over all the cold shoulder
Moved on but you can't pull me back
Over the bad vibes from numb to being alive
Cut out the toxic don't need your negativity
Times are changing doesn't mean it's going to change my ways
Open to change willing to listen but not influence by others and beliefs that have not love or don't accept me
126 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
Being able to talk about it
Pressure of your chest
Others understand for once
Able to relate not the exception
Everyone struggles mentally
Physically exhausted pushing through
Going through something
Staying sober dealing with feelings
Before taking a drink an overreaction
Writing to cope instead of being dramatic
Being able to express without criticism
One's self in a healthy manner
Have a heart without being called soft
Show feelings not be seen as sensitive
Be emotional without being called emo
Shedding tears while hurt be hard
Told to be hard show no emotions
Be down for yours never back down
No one cares not materialistic
Produce results final outcome
126 · Jun 2020
Infamous one Jun 2020
All alone feels like things are fading
From friends to standing solo
Called to check up stay connected
Sent a text to an old friend
No response use to being ignored
No one that busy so the hint is taken
It's about making time
Over one sided friendships
Talking their character up
While they bad mouth
From wanting friends to isolation
Sacrificed now not doing anything
Did stuff not proud for friends
or justifying anymore walked away
Living with guilt labeled with burden
Trying to redeem
New people prefer to be alone
126 · May 2021
Infamous one May 2021
Let it flow from the heart causing aches
The mindset changes with each line
Writing about the distraction
Taking away from tormenting thoughts
Instead of empowering it letting it grow
All these scenarios made up in the mind
All these possibilities that never happen
Things play out differently due to reality
Never accordingly the mind preps for it
126 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
In the room providing ideas
Another rejection shutdown once again
Part of a group a team player
When things went well no credit
Got over being the scapegoat if things failed
Knew this wasn't forever burnt out
It was time walked away need to recharge
Respected the team seen as the comic relief
Spoke up many times before
They agree just to be ignored
126 · Oct 2017
Cold weather
Infamous one Oct 2017
Like the cold makes it easier to sleep
Cold weather reminds me of football season
Layers keep you warm and beanies can be worn
The fresh cold breeze in my face so relaxing
Hot chocolate taste just right especially at night
Jacket and sweater weather makes things better
126 · Jan 2018
Infamous one Jan 2018
He went to work and wanted to be left alone. They assumed he was mad and assumed he was mad or upset it would annoy him. He just wanted to get his work done not in the mood to socialize half the time he tried to mingle and got ignored. He always was in good spirit but didn't want to be settle asking where should he be or go if they wouldn't make him full time. He was hard working put in more effort than the hired on full timers. He was willing to make a difference he worked like he was a boss but not paid like one. He acted like an owner to his area and gave his all.
He always did what he loved and made work even when it wasn't. He didn't like cutting corners or half *** the job. He wasn't treated fair but he thought positive he would wake up everyday a new person a better person. He was scared to fail but he came up short. He kept saying tomorrow will be a better day. He was over the lies false promises where they did nothing with him but get his hopes up. He worried ready to walk away find something new so he could add more skills to his talents.
He didn't like to settle deep down he had this urge to break his routine try something new move onto a new chapter in his life. He tried so many things but have found a match. He felt it was right but got proved wrong. He hated being wrong so it was hard for him to make a move. He was more annoyed because when things went well he got no love or perks. If something went wrong everyone was quick to point that and hold that burden over his head thinking they had say or control over his actions.
126 · Nov 2017
Infamous one Nov 2017
A friend would come for him asking for advice. His co-worker was engaged about to call it off. His co-worker asked him; "how do I get my ring back from my ex?" We broke up and I do not want her to have the ring I gave her. His co-worker in such a tough situation. Hard to help when you know nothing about relationships especially engagement. So he gave it a shot doing his best to help come up with a solution so the ring could be returned. He would tell him to tell his ex fiancee that smeagle would like the ring back because she was unworthy of the ring. His co-worker would look at him like he was no help but it was a start to getting the ring
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