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152 · Jun 2018
Infamous one Jun 2018
The water flows the sound of birds chirping. The rocks beneath water reflection. The clouds and sky beaming off the water. The green trees full of life. The ground full of roots and dirt fresh giving from the rich soil
152 · Oct 2018
Infamous one Oct 2018
Trying to be a big bro
Feels like the more I try
I get is disrespect and hate
Wanted in you kept me out
Now I'm not interested
Over dealing with this pain
You cause me to worry and stress
Trying to encourage you to do what's best
You're set in your ways it's a shame
I don't agree, but love; accept you
Maybe it's best I stay away
Gave it to God and prayed
Instead of getting better, ends up worse.
This burden on the heart
Letting go this pain tearing everything apart
152 · May 2022
Infamous one May 2022
Getting older working with the youth use to being in the back behind the scenes now being brought to the front of the things. He didn't care to battle egos or be caught up in power trips.
The older employees are retiring, it's hard to watch them go. As they grow gray leaving you to move up on with life. Being their replacement feeling the pressure to maintain the high standards.
From a rookie moving to the next level the glass ceiling broke before it was as good or as far as you could go. Always on deck ready to go. There's an open way not sure which way to go.
152 · Dec 2021
Infamous one Dec 2021
Told his stories talked about scenarios
Asking and wondering
What else was going on
So much change over the years
In his story rising above toxic
Others made him out to be the villain
Written off one chapter and out
He was okay with it not fighting anymore
Why stay if you're not welcomed
Because his story wasn't over
Moved on with life found closure
The girl doesn't always love you back
Moving on she's married and has kids
The infatuation faded in the wind
The lust mistaken for love full of confusion
151 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
In a crowded room
Feels empty alone
The world goes quiet
Loud in the mind
Mind tricks
Lost in a maze
Boxed in the head
Trying to escape
151 · Sep 2018
Qw #81
Infamous one Sep 2018
Need to wake up early can't sleep
Trying to relax everyone needs a favor
Helping others use to bring joy
So many rude and annoy
Hard to trust when it's broken
False promises believed another lie
Did my share too bad no one cares
Open and honest still treated unfairly
Better days sometimes unphased
others amazed not like the rest
I'd fight to stay but they let me go
Not my home best thing to do is disappear
Wandering alone was a fear got use to solitude
Been through so much over time
stayed humble with gratitude
Remain the same over the pain
151 · Mar 2021
Infamous one Mar 2021
Not use to hanging out most work and have no social life. While some are married or have kids forced to grow most of all being responsible for their own. Got use to not making plans someone always flakes out or cancels. I was nice to have lunch with a cousin everyone is growing up some more determined than others. While some are just going through the motions. It's good to change it up break the cycle get out of the routine.
150 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Already stressing pursuing goals
Hope something works out for the future
Making the most if things over time
Trying to change not argue just focus
Can't be going backwards already feel stuck
Use to seek approval not always the way
Sometimes karma comes back as a wake up
Working harder distracted by work
Eventually asking what else is out there
Listening to the wrong people
Chose an alternative instead of pursuing
Thankful it helped but not better
Looking out for others meant well
Others acting crazy raising hell
Mind is everywhere praying it all comes together
Opened up it was a mistake
Told the truth then told how to act
How to feel doesn't settle well
Dealing with people is hard
Clueless when it comes to family
One day you feel like everything is well
Other times confused asking *** just happen
On the inside on the side lines
Or the outside asking this is no surprise
Thinking how much you have to give up and sacrifice to be accepted again
Saying sorry is never good enough
This will be held against you on the hold for a later moment.
150 · Dec 2017
Saturday flow
Infamous one Dec 2017
She claims to love you but with someone else. Her touch and time together took the pain away. As time passes you miss those feelings and she's not the one. When you missed her your body ached and didn't want to do anything. Years have passed moving on different girls different face made you feel unworthy to bad they aren't the one. You blame yourself for not living up to their superficial ideals. You are not meant to be labeled they talk about their experience thinking they deserved to be treated bad like going back will make it right or be fixed too bad they are wrong for you.
For years dating has been lies and people sharing who they use to be or explaining why they stopped caring and taking care of themselves like punishment will make them a better person. Years of change coming and go like the seasons new friends can't replace old while giving up on yourself to be accepted. From the mouth to mute so many encounters and experiences that change things events that help you grow become a person with thick skin. Sad how people want to tell you but they don't want to listen or follow their own advice.
150 · Aug 2018
Qw #15
Infamous one Aug 2018
Always doing extra it's never enough
Made time for it all can't even ask for a favor
Always giving but can't expect anything in return.
Been fed up with the process
Instead of doing What's right they'll take whatever and settle
Never in mind for a promotion but always the first when something needs to be done
Trying to make it and not stay
149 · Feb 11
Infamous one Feb 11
Being around that person that robs your peace. Silence doesn't mean you won it just to keep the peace. They'll talk about everyone behind their back and be fake to their face. I don't have time or patience for people who do that.
Use to value and respect their opinion but all they ever do is try to keep you down when they come around.  Trying to push you out I'd rather walk away trying to control and manipulate the family. Trying  to get everyone in check. I'd rather break away and stay away from the fakeness. I can handle being alone and isolated you've been trying to use that but thanks for doing me that favor
I'm sually straight forward with others if asked. I don't go out of my way to share an opinion no one asked for. I said the truth so don't get mad because all you do is speak lies.
148 · Dec 2018
Infamous one Dec 2018
Thinks don't always turn out accordingly
Stay humble keep working strong
Seen it in your head going through the motions
Keep progressing open to learn
Personal growth understanding for once
148 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Of course "you think you're better than me. Why don't you act like it." He said in a heated argument. He didn't have much but worked hard and thankful for what he had. He'd rather do his own thing than bother with everyone's drama and criticism. He became immune to being alone he found peace. When people called or texted him they wanted or needed something it did rub him the wrong way. Giving his all and expecting nothing in return was more demanding when all he wanted was to be left alone.
148 · May 2018
Deep silence
Infamous one May 2018
Just because you talk louder and faster doesn't make you right. It's better to think what your saying and be resourceful than waste everyones time. Of course you come off as smart when you are talking about things no one understands or knows what you are talking about. You like to discredit others but don't like being questioned. When you speak you expect to be praised when I speak I'm surprised my opinion is being valued or heard. You don't take others feeling or have consideration as long as the perks are in your favor. How you treat others says a lot about a person. I grew up respecting my elders sometimes I could correct them but I listen polite since they should know better but that's not always the case. Smile and speak when spoken to.
148 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Stopped empowering the toxic people seen good in them, but got their worse. Trying to bring them up instead they are drag with those toxic vibes. Always reaching out to be ignored left hanging no response. Love them refuse to deny myself to be accepted. Said sorry made physical changes did it for myself after a while.
147 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Self destructive over failed love
Heart fueled by chaos
The broken can't be fixed
Mirror reflects the destroyer
Change has begun within
Let the healing start
147 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
The sound of weights
Click and clack of dumbbells
Body going through the motions
Light to heavy muscle tense up
Down slow then explore up
Music blasting in ears
Blocking out the world
Some workouts are enjoyed
While others full of agony
Range of motion limited
Pushing through finish strong
Bars bouncing after powerlifting
Form and technique over heavy lifting
Breaking a sweat shirt soaking wet
Water for hydration quench the thirst
147 · Dec 2019
Infamous one Dec 2019
Another day to start a new
Another night to get some rest
Lots of raw emotions unexpressed
Boiling within ready to explode
Imploding with emotions
Built up over the years
Pent up frustration fusing out
Ready to work all in or nothing
Picking up all the slack
Born to lead too much pressure
Behind the scenes getting it done
Writing makes things better
Feels right makes sense of it all
147 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Said I love you
You ran away
Got deined
From friends
To strangers
Eyes for only you
Be true to yourself
Most of all be you
Set in your ways
No reason to stay
Denying these feelings
Hiding those emotions
Rejected this heart
Love rejects the hurt
147 · May 2018
Infamous one May 2018
Spoke from the heart now you avoid me. I'm honest with my thoughts but closed off with my heart. I've been hurt and hurt others. Sometimes I feel stuck can't say or doing anything you'll see through me or make me out to be someone I'm not. I think highly or you and think less of me no matter what I do. You claim I'm different but treat me like everyone else. You try to understand me and complicate things. You can't tell me how I feel or what I think. I'm open to compromise but over all the rules and games not playing anymore. If you can't accept me maybe it's best we depart our ways we live our life, deal with the consequences of our decisions.
147 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
Always working hard
Sad when the lazy worker
Doesn't have any respect
Give props but trying to take credit
For work that they have no clue about
For not liking a person
That name is falling out of their mouth
Sad how they cheat the system
Come in late, leave early
Placing the blame never owing up
Even when they get caught
Avoiding drama staying away from the nonsense
Till the day you go to work not expecting a fight
147 · Mar 2019
Infamous one Mar 2019
Writing is free therapy
A stand up act that is read
Shared moments from the heart
Funny stories with emotions
A way with words full of truth
Straight to the point deep thoughts
Flowing finesse plus personal growth
Mindset changed set to empower
146 · Sep 2018
Qw #60
Infamous one Sep 2018
Today was a good day writing it all out so I can have inner peace. All the stress within melts away feel the good vibes increase. Doing better thank goodness summer is almost over this heat was burning me up. Spending time with my loved ones always fighting alone but part of going and trying to make it on your own. My prize possession use to be my phone. Doing my own thing trying to achieve greatness be grown.
Use to love being in the crowd now I'd rather be left alone
Emotions come out through the pen bleeds on the page
Overcome all the rage and hate finished the last page of this notebook so I can start another. New book new chapter same mental madness but not so obsessed not settling for less over all the labels useless protest.
146 · Apr 2019
Infamous one Apr 2019
On the road for the story
Live and feel the moment
A transition from home to the future
Read a book or two dk the whole story
Should be telling your story no one else's
Everyone has struggle
Some harder than others
Play victim pretending to struggle
Some really do struggle with internal
146 · Jul 2022
Infamous one Jul 2022
He looked at pix of old friends wondering how they are he missed them. Some were busy with families others wanted nothing to do with him. He made mistakes and stayed away he was sorry but would never be treated the same or seen an equal.
He could only lower himself for so long tired of lowering himself feeling degraded for forgiveness. Things would never change or be the same so he had to cut the cord and move on. They weren't saving his place but pushing him out. It was tough learned the hard way there was no going back. He was human tired of everyone trying to make him out to be a crazy person since he had an opinion and spoke his mind.
146 · Jan 2018
Infamous one Jan 2018
Saw beauty in her eyes and wanted to be much more. He loved the world saw a smile that melted his heart. Laughter that was soothing to his soul. Admired others for being different everyone has their own life to live. Make the most of it. He loved to travel the scenery made him feel at home. He appreciated the taste of great food with amazing company. So many wonderful experiences he wanted to share but those he admired he kept close to his heart treasured those good times because they made his life feel finer more rich with wealth that gave him comfort. Always on edge trying to make it happen get it done he misses things but he didn't want to rest because he didn't want to miss a thing. It felt like something was missing but found it was there he just had to make time for it.
146 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Woke up lost
Asking for purpose
A mind that likes to wander
Needed a path to walk away
Some type of guidance to arrive
Praying for direction to be found
A calling full of purpose
Meaning to a heart full of soul
Going forward not sure where
Anywhere that makes sense
Feels right noticable to the eyes
A place of comfort close to home
146 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Working to pursue a dream
Lots of body aches and pains
On this journey to somewhere new
Can't stay stuck in the old looping past
Doing less work for him talked about
Doing too much still had them talking
All the pain faded but still intense
All the drama no longer welcomed
Taking over trying not to fail
Not be consumed by angered frustration
146 · Sep 2021
Infamous one Sep 2021
He faded away didn't care to live up to the hype. Struggling with his situation not taking on others frustrations. Always giving his all it was catching up to him. He wanted to shut down more determined than the rest another loved one distracted sending toxic vibes his way.
Not always right didn't have the answer.
146 · Apr 2021
Infamous one Apr 2021
Each punch thrown
Every kicked landed
All the chaos fades away
The white noise bring peace
Pushing through the insanity
Pushing yourself to be better
Bring out your best everytime
Bring out the best in others
All the personal growth a gain
The experience with rich lessons
Brings out confidence
146 · May 2019
Infamous one May 2019
Another day to be better
Start new a fresh beginnings
Over come all the bad weather
Looking forward no more going back
Not staring at the past
Since it cant be changed
145 · Jan 2019
Infamous one Jan 2019
He arrived at the door
Thought before knocking
He knocked and waited
She opened the door
Gave him a seductive look
Welcomed him into her space
He sat on her couch
She would sit close
He's was not use to others affection
Everyone disconnected from others
Impersonal attitudes no connection
Instead of hearing dysfunction
Treated more than a shoulder
Others cry on with sad time
Things go well others no where around
Healthy conservastiom able to share
145 · Oct 2019
Infamous one Oct 2019
Told stories about life
Shared what these eyes see
Things that spoke to the heart
New feelings for new people
Write to inspire others
Not always motivated
An open heart that means well
Closed out by many
145 · Sep 2018
Qw #85
Infamous one Sep 2018
Feeling the blood rush to my face
We had a cool team turns out you're using me
Only call when you need something
Half the time they don't bother
Tried to be helpful and be resourceful
Now you cut me and not bothering
Went the extra mile, now you're hating my style
Showed up, gave my all; once again drop the ball
I was one to save you but you keep walking into danger
Cut me off treat me like a stranger
Karma burns it will come back to you
Need my college degree all I get is the 3rd degree
Went out of my way, mistreated, no need to stay
Believe in signs, sounds like, I'm being written off
Not interested or the type I'll be alright
Writing to my favorite songs, music gives me power
Music gives me strength, my heart energized, by the soul could light up, grow
That moment time to shine make it happen
Another road block so close
Another detour to arrive
Made it to the end, still have yet to finish
so close yet so far at the end, starting over again
Tired, defeated crazy enough to comeback for me
Not trying to obsess made progress
The result take away from the win
so much for a victory the credit stripped away
Now it's time to start over do it again
145 · Sep 22
Infamous one Sep 22
Writing has brought clarity
Changing for the better
There's no going back
Growth will continue
The mind racing in silence
Calm down the mind
Relaxing body from tension
Blood boils with frustration
Walked away from crazy
Meant for better not less
145 · Feb 2019
Infamous one Feb 2019
Smiled at one another
Seen as a friend not a lover
Heard all the dirt tough times hurt
On the mind need to make time
Grew a part not the same heart
Start over or stay away confused
A one sided emotionally invest
Caring for a friend nothing more
144 · Aug 2021
Infamous one Aug 2021
Breaking free not going back
Didn't talk about anyone
It's okay to disagree and take a stand
When there's no reasoning
One way thinking and twisted logic
Open to listen and understand
Not being told what to do
All these demands not a follower
Just because no one argues
Doesn't make you right
Choosing peace over chaos
144 · Dec 2017
Infamous one Dec 2017
Waiting around ready to get out of town
On the road and no where need home
Can't go back but no where to go
Judge for being different but not following
Why fit in when the rules keep changing never in my favor
Not playing anymore walking away is the best way to be free
Think what hurts most is this hate is coming from the ones I love
I think highly of them but they don't see me as anything
like glass looking right through me trying to break me shatter into a million pieces
Works for them not working for me
Always adapt and adjust so much broken trust
The anger is blocked out because overreaction means they got the best of you by being just like them
In such a phase sometimes overwhelmed in a daze. Sharing my thoughts feelings everyone sees it like a craze phase. One gets them to gang up on you they can't beat you alone
The one who's sending the hate ain't anything just pretending to be great.
You don't answer or respond now they act surprised not giving into the lies or making excuses a sorry alibi
144 · Jun 5
Infamous one Jun 5
Not one to get attached people come and go like the seasons. Before disappear with reason. Not fond of change but have become immune. Let go because you'd like to see your friends happy and grow. The chapter story comes to an end. Close the old book a new series to read take in
144 · Nov 2017
Shift over
Infamous one Nov 2017
Worked hard about to get off thinking what to eat and what to read That's the best way to end the night. Wake up do it all over again. Thankful to be working consistent instead of worrying where I'll be and end up. Always open to learn and grow finding my way not like everyone else or settling for less.
143 · Sep 2019
Infamous one Sep 2019
Fought through the traffic
Anxious to get there
Being on the road
Feels like forever
So close yet so far
Taking in memories
Escape the insane reality
Taken away by the moment
143 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Open the word of God
The Bible empowers the soul
Open your heart to a relationship with the Lord
Learned to leave my problems the cross
Everyday he will provide, trust in the word
143 · Jul 2023
Infamous one Jul 2023
Over thinking mind can't rest
Wide awake should be sleeping
Watched movies to pass time
Writing scripts one scene at a time
Inspired by creativity story telling
Give others hope during the struggle
Surviving on all levels rising up
The underdog fighting to make it
Escape poverty for a better life
Dealing with new emotional inventory
Feelings from the past clashing with new
Mind open to change with a numb heart
Sacrifice gone wrong emotionally burned
142 · Apr 10
Infamous one Apr 10
Not time to hate got work to do
Not taking on criticism
They aren't doing my work
Done proving myself
Just trying to better myself
Working harder working
Being smarter prefer to be alone
Working behind the scenes
Able to get it done have fun
They don't have your heart
Different mindsets brewing fueds
Trying to find a common goal
Done complaing do the work
142 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Tears built up around his eyes
Years have passed with her
Her sweet scent aroused his senses
Soft skin with a tender touch
Ran her hand through his thick hair
He laid his head on he lap
She admired his baby face
Taking the moment together
Kissed his forehead made him smile
With her moist plump juice lips
Adored his big brown eyes
Filled with emotions glowing bright
142 · Nov 2018
Infamous one Nov 2018
Still doing this
Its all I know
Others say it's wrong
Don't care for readers
Critics make it forbidden
Keep at it never quit
Just don't care anymore
Free write so much on the mind
142 · Jun 2021
Infamous one Jun 2021
Another black eye swells up
Icing it while it goes numb and stings
Told the truth the argument got physical
Doesn't matter anymore egos got bitter
One life causing pain on others
The other doing what's right
The lioness was lusting wildly
Set in those bad habits
Unwilling to change a fit of rage
141 · Jun 2022
Infamous one Jun 2022
Being the voice of reason
Everything changing a new season
Thankful for the old times
Blessed with the new crew
Finally got props from the team
Usually working hard feeling pointless
Mentoring others that want to learn
Trying to help constructive criticism
Being pushed by corrupt leadership
Years of being used finally rising up
Learning everything possible
Can't wait around on anyone
From behind the scenes to a lead
Taking charge since no one wants it
141 · Apr 2022
Infamous one Apr 2022
Fell of trying to get back on track feeling distracted trying to stay centered and composed. Working hard barely getting it done trying to stay strong not fall back into bad habits. The sugar calming the nerves becoming a craving every time stress feels high. Anxiety taunting you telling you the opposite of what needs to be done. Being ******* yourself since it feels like it's on you no more passing through filling the void.
141 · Feb 2021
Infamous one Feb 2021
Training feels great, mild soreness. After pushing your mind and body doing pad drills. A variety of combos and technique is key. Making it easier to rest a deeper sleep.
A clear mind to write as it flows like a confession. The truth makes it easier than dealing with others dramatic lies.
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