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468 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
ive heard no but that doesnt settle well
once you have done it why go back
excel over evening up even
no is motivation for yes
yes is the key to success
believe in yourself and you can do anything
those who oppose you never let them win
walk up like you own the beyotch take control
never let others influence your good deeds and efforts
lead the pack set the bar make the rules
i refuse to let you think otherwise
you dk me or have the right to judge me
ive done more than you could image
im stimulated while your burnt out
my good mood will not be over powered
by your bad mood
i live to be great i live to be great i cant settle for less
you call me crazy but i know the truth
i say what i want dont tell me less or otherwise
will power and strength will take one farther than they could imagine
the refuse you because you are close you refuse them becasuse they failed
refuse to lose and you will win
466 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Time for myself
Figure it out
I can share get help
Usually lending a helping hand
I understand them
But they have no clue about me
Hard to cope but open to suggestion
Tired of hiding repressed thoughts
Let them out be free feel restored
Control what you can
Don't let things get out of hand
Talk and vent there's things that you'd like to forget
Time for yourself
Time to relieve
466 · Mar 2013
Advance forward
Infamous one Mar 2013
Writing is all I got it brings out the best in me
They are just written words that shouldn't hurt
Explaining the vision or saying how I truly feel
I've explored aspects of my life I coped late
Never made time to feel but did have so much buildin up in my mind. It's like a wall blocking others out but realized I was blocking myself in
Many times I think what I could've done different
What's done is done it's too late focus on now
The past is behind you the moment has passed
Never too late to tie those lose ends or finish projects that needed to be touched up long ago
Tired of feeling numb and ignoring my emotions no more living in denial been going on for way too long
465 · Aug 2014
Infamous one Aug 2014
The hardest part is letting go sometimes great feelings end sooner then expected. The loss of a love one a broken heart. People loop these events torturing themselves thinking of new outcomes and posiblities.
All you can do is learn, be better for the next. be stronger for the future don't give up on yourself. Times are tough but you bounce back tougher.
As you grow and age time changes, everything what's in is out. What was is no more. Trends fade away new ones begin. Blending in means you don't exsist but you'll find the path so ones dream can become the reality or reach the destination called destiny.
465 · Dec 2013
Infamous one Dec 2013
You wish you could relive those moments
You know when things felt new and fresh
That first kiss remembered but hoping its not the last
The time you spend when you are apart wondering when youll see them again
That love is else where wishing you could tame it
Not meant to be trapped in a mind torturing fantasy
464 · Sep 2015
Date ponder
Infamous one Sep 2015
Looked into her eyes and got lost in thought
I wish I could tell her how I feel
Holding back she might not feel the same
Does she even know my name
Her smile makes my heart feel warm
My mood changes able to smile
Been thinking about her
What to say its been a while
Not sure anymore so much on the mind
Blinded by emotions but feels right
Find the words to say might make my day
Or rejected and questions of how and why this didn't play out
Just one night to take her out
464 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
Reached out to an old friend
Feels like our friendship came to an end
Starting over but I don't think I can ever replace
Forever a spot in the heart till the day we meet again
Mistakes were made and learned from
Only if we could make those misunderstandings right
Be best friends no longer hold a grudge or fight
Start new forget the past focus on a new and true future
463 · Dec 2017
Venti ing
Infamous one Dec 2017
Not happy with the outcome keep working and striving too many detours and road blocks. Pursued a career ended somewhere else. Worked hard to be full time but a part time who works harder than a full time worker. So many let downs put my trust and confidence in the wrong people. I was a team player and you made it about yourself. Made the most of what was given to me and adapted. Working and not happy made mistakes so it's hard to go back only forward. The stress makes it hard to sleep over thinking till it makes me numb. Hard to breathe anxious to do good be better but it's never enough. Thick skin and tough shouldn't be tough others make rough. Don't want to do it anymore been doing it because it's right no one cares to do it you keep your head up when all you want to do is hide and run away.
462 · Feb 2013
Super charged
Infamous one Feb 2013
That moment when an electric current
Hits the brain
It's like a pin drop with
An explosive sound wave
It's hard to speak hard to say
The words you code to say
All the bullying and provoking
Turns into a flash wave
Of boiling rage
Like a switch on and off
Worse when it's turned on
Muscles clutching
Try not to lose it
Control is lost
Once its restored
Never the same
Deep in though one shall remain
461 · Apr 2013
Prep step
Infamous one Apr 2013
My wild side shows through my writing
I think of all the possibilities and hope for a great out come
Something's you never expect happens
You think you know a person next moment you barely know them
Never emotionally invest in someone unless the person meets you half way
Tired of putting my life on hold and waiting
Once I'm back on track ill attend to all those loose ends and secure myself
Protect and move forward for the better
More to achieve new worlds to see and be apart of and experience do it right this time around no room for mistakes
461 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Give my heart to someone else
Like you did
You found love why can't I
Your beauty on the outside
Damaged within
You told me secret so you could be free
No more caring the burden of broken trust
I believe in love not just a lust
A broken crush hard to trust
I tried to be perfect
while you let me down all the time
You say I do and wish you the best with the new
I'm glad to have known you
On my own on my way
My true love is my career
Being able to pave my way with out
Wasting my day but your never coming back
460 · Apr 2013
Happy moments
Infamous one Apr 2013
My 1st date and kissing that one special girl
Moments thy live on in my head
My 1st present from a close friend and party
Never got gifts growing up got a party on my birthday
The thank you card from the girls I use to coach
The season ended we all departed to better
Lunch with my friends nights out together
Hangovers and memories that made it worth while
My dad coming to my games he'd rather work than be around
Buying comic books to make my collection grow
The day I went off to college my life and future was jus beginning
I'm grateful I could still find happiness even though others don't believe in it
454 · Sep 2015
Infamous one Sep 2015
The wolf pack my crew always in my heart
Her smile and kindness won't be forgotten
The black sheep's roam with my cousin
Love my family but can do Without criticism
Need to be me being alone sets me free
Thankful for those who believe and supportive
Never giving up on my goals and dreams
Regardless of detours and setbacks
454 · Apr 2013
Infamous one Apr 2013
No one cared if I quit but I did it for me
Seen good and bad in the world
I wish I could take away pain
Free ppl of their burdens
Get out of debt own possessions instead of being owned
Love and peace let hate die be among the decease
Doing what you dream instead of some 9-5
Getting by trying to survive almost cried along long night
Stories in music stories told relive moments growing old
Trying to stay humble not grow old and bitter
Keep working hard don't be a quitter
No more pain just want to heal
Be thankful for the meal served just right
Rest in a bed no more cold floor
One day things will light up
No more stressing being up all night
454 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Hard to sleep way too much on my mind
The truth keeps me from going blind
I respect you at your worse while you hate me at your best
Disrespected by kids who's parents are no better
Everyday is a fight but much more needs to happen
I'm trying to do right others attack with a vicous bite
They hate me my turn to stand in the spot light
I need someone to talk to no one around so I turn to writing
It's my freedom it gets out the crap that tars my heart from heartbroken to family dysfunction I've experience the worse the world has to offer
I'm ready to do well focus on to better but end up in the same spot or come up short for my efforts
453 · Jun 2023
Infamous one Jun 2023
Protect your family at means
Neglecting your own needs
Doing it for them working harder
Staying strong with support
Being positive through though times
At work hustling to provide
Be someone do good treat others right
Be better help others do good deeds
Staying sober is an apology a new life
Drinking never forgiven old ideas
An old life in the past let it be forgotten
A new life in the present new memories
450 · Apr 2013
New days
Infamous one Apr 2013
New begins time to get started
Today will make a difference
Moving forward talking to the new
My smile is the clue looking for the new
Out with the old forgotten like yesterday
Thinking about new poems to write
Creative juices fly no more stressing feel like crying
Write about love not hang with the hate
Wake up happy feeling great
I stay humble and do it
Everything new and fresh like tossed chicken salad
**** history already the outcome towards the future full of mystery
You could make faces same old crap don't phase me
You hate on me nothing new that's nothing amazing
She shows me love thankful and could only wonder
Hearts revived beating like thunder
450 · Mar 2013
Dust layer
Infamous one Mar 2013
Can't have the love its forbidden
She left you saying good ridden
Win her back it can't be done
She found someone no married
Her mixed signals got carried away
You thought she could be the one
But not today or any other
Formal liver forgotten in the past
No more love leaves a rotten heart
Starting over finding a new
The heart could use a jump start
Knowing she's gone but hoping she'd come back
Grew up with very little not sure how to act
449 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
I helped with your seed
Never noticed your greed
Think of pay back
Do my best to not over react
My pain and rage festers up
Build up explodes out
Isolated left in doubt
Worried how things might play out
Tired of fixing the wrong
Getting blamed for others
Standing up but stabbed in the back
Escape route of the attack
448 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Met this girl
Could she be my mate
I don't want to rush
Let's start to build trust
Not into a cheap lust
My hearts reserved
doesn't easily develop a crush
I want to be loved unconditionally
No more false conditions
Hate living lies
Easy the pain of this damaged heart
I'd like to give my all
And my partner gives her everything
Someone I could trust
Not have to worry
She's doing right
448 · Apr 2013
Fade the light
Infamous one Apr 2013
Easy to rest not fighting with pests
Fueling their egos by giving them the time of day
Not worth my hate anyway I don't have to say
They might fade away but they are not contributing so they have no say and don't matter
They know you don't care what they do but try too had to get you to care what they say
Their nonsense means nothing to you anyway
They ignore you and you do the same
It's a shame you get to them without trying
They don't know the truth bull crap and lying walk away they slander you but it's better to be talked about instead of the one talking
448 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
See the day when the lock falls off
A tamed mouth loses control
Like falling into a black hole
All the secrets thrown back
Hard to forget when the wrong comes back around
Bailed to keep the piece
Left out to dry
Hurt friend down no need to cry
Take your ways compared feels like a wasted day
Took beatings for the mistakes but can't take them forever
Protected and saved
While others neglected enslaved
Sample of the finer line
Back to the slumps eating slop
Escape without being stopped
446 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
the rep i had was not true
you cant make me to be someone im not
you hate me over a girl that was never yours
i had fun while you complicated things
my friends mattered more i ruined my relationship
when the found love i got ditched
you alway complained and *******
ive grow alone we grew apart
i let you enjoy life getting married having kids
dont guilt me because i chose to live free
i like my life too bad you dont understand
or see life through my eyes
dont tell me how to feel i may not have a family
but respect your way of life
i may be out and wild not taking it light
pursue my career achieve success that makes sense to me
we are different ppl e are not the same or in the same crowds
i live life act loud  but do it all be proud
446 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Writing to find balance
Learning to say a pursue the goal
Mind is crisp the body ready to work
Thoughts of good and to be better
No more silent rage creeping up
Accepted the hatred by opposers
Can't please everyone or trying anymore
Challenged myself staying focused
Not letting bs hold bad desire
or making excuses to be lazy
Building up muscle strength
Finding the iron will to do so
The wheels are moving but a steady tempo works
Moving with a spirit with greater empowerment
446 · Aug 2018
Infamous one Aug 2018
He was one that could talk to everyone but everyone is so stuck on posting or texting. He could start a conversation and wanted to know people. Online dating people ignore you and don't take it serious he was one that would rather get rejected in person put forth an effort.
He was not into labels all he did was be a good person treat others right. He missed his friends everyone got older being responsible working to survive. Found love got married started a family.
He felt he was behind but would notice change some divorce. He was cut out once most of his friends found a partner he kept them in his memories. He learned to keep living make more memories. He had his share of failed love that made wait not rush into anything because most of the time he ended up with the wrong person.
As he got older it felt he was fading away, what he loved was replaced gone. now he needed to start over find new this routine got old.
Everything went away, he got tired of losing. The heartache was common everyone he loved left leaving him feeling ababndoned. Change was always hard as he got older he learned to adapt.
445 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Smell of death
Muscles lose control
Physical pain revives
Taste of rot
Nothing appears random
Just broken thoughts
Get put on the spot
Not worthy of wasting time
Presents makes others grind their teeth
Worthy of love not accepting hate
Over the bs once the blame game start
All the contradiction needs to end
Can't pretend look pass the bad
Treat it normal how sad
Rejected but not out
445 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Don't make it crazy that's how I feel
That's not big deal but it feels so real
Deny my feelings to be liked
Stilled hated regardless of what's done
Thats no fun I can't hide or run anymore
I should be in the front no more giving up
What's mine frustration makes my teeth grind
Pain up and down my spine
Stare of cold it all gets old
Bold alone not made for the mold
Hypocrite you need to quit
All you say is not legit
I'm not demanding walking away
I'm focused on better days
445 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
Told you it couldn't be done
Proving them wrong
silence all the talk
Once it was done
They had nothing to say
Time for a change
For the better
hard to forget
move onto better
Never live in regret
Set out get it done
be the one
Alone get better
be number one
Fun or not, all in
been one hell of a run
443 · Jan 2013
broken bonds
Infamous one Jan 2013
who do you trust when fake face smile
behind your back they are flapping their gum
you could chew them out but want you to be the bad guy
give them reasons to talk
put them in their place they play the victim
walk away be the better man
they get this false hope of being superior
apologize but forgiveness is never meant
you cant respect or trust a person why be involved
everyone wants someone they can trust and respect
treat those the way you want to be treated
stay away because you think time suits them best
turns into an arguing protest which you want no part of
break a heart lose the bond
break the trust no longer friends
break the bond nothing is left but broken connection
442 · May 2013
Spreading words
Infamous one May 2013
Hoping to get out a good message with the right words
A lot of time I write others stare
I usually don't care it's what I love
From time to time get the urge to share
Does it matter to me it means everything
Would they even care for my thoughts
Temped to be heard would I be understood
Or treated like I don't matter feel like I'm no good done more than enough
winning a crowd over is tough
One day they'll understand
Till that day write create make it better
Writing makes everything alright
442 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Domes weak over powers strong
But strength puts weak to shame
Write on this page part if a community
Write on other pages it feels like a confess
I never gave up on love it's just not true
Haven't found the right one young love
Protect the heart show them you care
even if they arent listening
I'm alway believing in good when times are bad
I don't get hurt when I feel sad
I've coped over these emotions
I don't want to feel or be that way anymore
I've hurt the one I love but I caused it
She hurt me but I made it worse
Too many opposer want me to fail
Time and time again I've proved them wrong
441 · Jul 2013
Infamous one Jul 2013
When I want tem close I'm pushed away
In need of space they are everywhere
Time alone to write clear my mind
Time in groups can be fun
someone always spoils the fun
Good times bad times make the most of them
Feel free be free don't stay stuck in misery
441 · Apr 2013
Ex page
Infamous one Apr 2013
I could've been engaged but she wasn't the one
We talked about marriage it was too late
You ended us made it weird no trust or respect
How could this go on much longer
I'd rather it end now instead of divorce
This force changed up life too it's course
Not in love with you my heart was else where
You only loved me to changed me and force me to love you be someone I'm not when I had mixed emotions
My relationships secret and special in their own way
It's okay to look back but keep going forward
Be better for the next instead of adding another name to the exes a list full or regrets and doubts
441 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Pictures on the wall
Moments trapped in time
Memories wishing that could be relived
Youth better times from the current reality
Time that won't be left behind in the mind
Events on the day pictures remind
Some with departed friends
Others with formal lovers
Better times different living
Places that won't be forgotten
Photos of the past think about how fast time passes
440 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
they are my poison but the great addiction
experience their love is soothing to the soul
her kiss filled with warm passion warm and mild
you fall in love with her fashion the style drives you wild
her hand in yours feeling the connection
her love for you is an obsession
the truth becomes true expressions not guilty confessions
life without her makes you wonder
makes our heart beat like thunder
lay together you feel better
never wanting t to end hopng to stay together forever
you want to write her a love letter
she comes near all that troubles you makes you feel better
439 · Jun 2015
Infamous one Jun 2015
Sober living for the better only the true stand tall by your side.
Most disappear because you see clear and they know that they can't take advantage of your kindness.
From the bottom focused on the top, keep at it nonstop
Told you it couldn't be done, aim to prove them wrong
They complain all work through it all
Don't fall with them or take you down
Talking to make fight with words
Once you beat them doesn't make it right
You know the plan focus on making it happen
Turn the dream into a reality
Never give up, being there isn't enough
till you make a difference
Sacrifice and satisfaction is never enough
So much more can be done
Don't stop!!! dig down deep give it your all and much more
Stuff never thought you had within
good or bad fight the struggle
434 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Beauty in the truth no one see
Life is hard when spreading lies
Take pride and honor find a way
Being down means lots of thoughts and thinking
Limitless imagination over limited happiness
Never give up on the dream
Even if others too cheap shots
Miserible people welcome you to their world
Like a leech they feast on you blood to keep them alive ruin your pure stream happiness blood you need to live
Stay away wishing you could help
Thoughts of know something could've been done
Missed opportunity is like no opportunity
Nothing could change the ending even if don't another way
433 · Feb 2013
clarity of mind
Infamous one Feb 2013
its great to take control
say what you want
set goals achieve goals
become the leader of destiny
no more detours or road blocks
change your ways make things better
youll one day love yourself forever
never give up on your heart
believe in love d what you know is true
mind my own mind your own
clear mind sharp mind one day ill find my own
433 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
That moment when you realize the consequences to your actions. It's not fair I'd like to defend myself be the lead but others strip that making me feel second rate. I've seen myself as much more I'm proud of my efforts even though others make it seem Ive done no right or haven't achieved anything. I'm tired of being silent waiting I'm past due for greatness. Get out of my face shut your mouth because all you do is talk. I'm respectful but you want a reaction you'll get it don't be surprised when you get checked and left speechless. You like to be made an example of instead of leading by example. I'm the type that will destroy you at your own game. So be ready to take on the challenge
433 · Aug 2015
Infamous one Aug 2015
Always had it together but it came a part
Asking what's next?
Been down before bouncing back
do it right this time around
instead of making the same mistakes
make all the wrongd right saving others hard time being saved by all the madness within
Knowing and doing don't always produce the outcome one seeks
432 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Writing with music usually makes it easier
It brings out the moments or makes you relive a moment
You aren't always satisfied with the work
Sometimes it brings out the best
I've always been proud to write
It's a way to reflect and cope
Not always trying to be the same
Everyday be better than yesterday
I don't always want to bother with ppl or in the best mood
I think of the lies growing up I'd like to say something
But it lowers others judgement
432 · May 2013
Past fwd
Infamous one May 2013
The past can't be changed
The past can't be erased
Accepted what has happen
Move towards destiny
Be better with or with the one who hurts your heart
Broken spirits heal with time
Handle what suits you right
Let go of the wrong its a wastes of time
Give your all even if others don't see it enough
Strength is gained from loss
Courage builds character
New mind set forget the past
that's why it's history don't try to go back its already been done
Move towards the future full of mystery
No more loops break them set them straight
Toward new stop comparing to the past its nothing in the events of today
431 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
Glad to be writing again
I've had people tell me I ****
I almost gave it but writing another world
Its inspired to turn bad into good
Never give up start new
Not be defined by the past
Keep moving forward
Being cozy in my own skin
Not being consumed by anxiety
Face the problem no knife in the back when walking away
No longer talking but listening
431 · Dec 2013
Infamous one Dec 2013
The person I was is not who ive become
Id drink because I was in pain
Now I dont care to touch it
Id lust because I feared commitment and relationships
Now I get to know a person too bad they are twisted and ******* up
I take on others problems because I dk what to do with myself
Working because I dont like down time I feel I should be doing something. All I have is my word and thoughts id like them to mean something all my sacrifice to be much more
430 · Aug 2015
Stoked up
Infamous one Aug 2015
Always gave my all writing keeps the mind sane.
Finally pursuing the podcast a voice to be heard.
Not always heard but do know what I want to say.
Working hard to make it happen thankful for the listeners
Been changing the way things are done.
breaking out of the same old routine.
Thankful for the team and support.;
430 · Jul 2014
Infamous one Jul 2014
Haven't posted anything for a while I had a tough critic get on my care bit I realize I'm my worse critic. I write so much I don't always see it unless I share with others
I'm writing a musical and lyric jamming out with my guitar. I feel my soul light up and some to inspire but mostly empower others.
Things have been well just focused on my future and thinking what can I do with my writing I've been writing for years. I have notebooks and many posts on this and fb.
Things have been well so I'm not so dark anymore. I don't struggle with things because I walk away if it was meant to be it would've worked out 1st time
Well back to the drawing board
429 · Nov 2013
tell it
Infamous one Nov 2013
The worse feeling is loving someone
And knowing we could never be together
That 1st kiss gave life to the loveless
Told you how I feel when I'm closed off
Shook my world upside down
You coming around may me feel worth while
I had it tough gave up on love
Learned to love myself before others
Once I put you 1st feels things are much worse
Everything seems meaningless
I think of you trying not to obsess
My heart and mind conflict with one another
I want you to be my girl I die inside the thought of you with other
I selected you left my heart unprotected
It hurts if I'm wrong everything seems so right
428 · Nov 2013
Infamous one Nov 2013
Idk what it takes to make it but I'll give my all
Breaking through to be on the otherside
If its not what I'm seeking time to keep moving on
I act like I've never had true love or anyone worthy of mine
Deciet has me walking around cold and blind
I had I once hoping this will be mine
Wasn't ready before now I know what it takes
Willing to put in time and work my ***
so I can have my dreams be my reality
I'm happy for others I wish they felt the same
424 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
I put on my sweater
Put the leash on my dogs collar
Blast the music on my iPod
Walking with my four legged friend
The pup plays in the grass
walks by my side
Strolling the block
Exercise together
Clear my mind feel better
Together enjoying the time out
424 · Apr 2013
Peaceful mind
Infamous one Apr 2013
Not looking for a hand out but ill send my shout outs
I don't give up even thought I'm extreme live it up
Talking her could make break maybe hate the date
All the annoying stupid stuff you say you is useless anyway
Judging me but don't know me instead to talking show me how to do right you have no clue that's right
Never had to front same person with and around ppl
You don't like me and show, you know I don't care what you think and know it
You try to make an example of me and blow
Plus no one cares shaft you think why are you talking its best if you start walking
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