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567 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
That moment you block out the world.
You size up your opponent in the path to destiny.
Once you set foot on the mats
You think of your next move
Reactions to the actions
Take downs and escape feel the motion
Dominate grab an arm try for the armbar
Tap them before they beat you
Stop them don't give them the victory
Out smart them control the match
Grips tight aim to win this fight
Jujitsu sets you free once the GI is on
All starts once those feet touch the mat
566 · Jan 2013
Infamous one Jan 2013
the rain comes and goes cleaning up so the sun could shine
wake up in the morning saying the day is mine
appreciate the good not soak in the bad
dont be sad the good will over power the bad
ask for forgive one day youll be glad
might not have it all be glad for what you have
you want to create and much as youd like to live
you give and drive to be better each and everyday
regardless of what they say nature in the nuturing heart
you pray nothing goes wrong
mind your mouth they make you seem like you are acting smart
565 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Another night talent goes unnoticed
Close your eyes but no one sees the vision
Felt great about the outcome still fell short
Worried about being forgotten
Never remeber for all the effort
Laughed at not made for it or suppose to make it
Try other ways even if they don't make sense
Body and mind fight to change
The norm not made for the outcome seeker
Hard to breathe headaches that never end
Pain everywhere could free of the vice grip
Only one level but meant for the next
Hard to sleep the images flash before the eyes
Always on the mind too much trying to block the view sleep would be a reward
Still so much needs to be done
565 · Apr 2023
Infamous one Apr 2023
Got a rejection letter that hurt like hell
Got an acceptance letter life was just beginning
Dated the dream girl who was a nightmare
Rejected by the nightmare gutted by life
Got hired gave it everything and more
Now fired never to return feeling burned
Met some good people true colors seen proved wrong
Never talked about anyone staying away
Slander spoken by everyone avoiding drama
A mindful mouth dealing with deceit
Not involved astuck in the middle
Instead of hating on others life
Do what makes you happy better yourself
565 · Apr 2013
3rd party
Infamous one Apr 2013
I like being the third party perspective
Theses always the ppl involved then there's me with a resourceful insight of the situation
I could tell you he loves her and she treats him bad but in their own ******* up world everything is peachy
They could fight and put me on a side but that's none of my business too bad I win because its not my relationship I could just leave
I don't instigate but end up being the middle man who doesn't know what's going on half the time
I'm single because I don't want to complicate things or tolerate someone who makes me mad leading to me having no feelings toward the person
564 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
If I told her how I felt would it matter
Would It make a difference would she come back
The moment she walked out replays
She never had any reason just bailed
Never made it better but seem much worse
Prayed for forgiveness ask the pressure on a wounded heart would ease up
You forgive yourself for whatever was done for her to hate you
never treating or looking at you the same
Let go move on only if it was that chance to escape
Memories that haunt which is history that won't stay in the past
Keep wondering how come the heart wants what it can't have
Escape the grasp to find your only a prisoner to the heart
563 · Jan 2013
cycling thoughts
Infamous one Jan 2013
cycling thoughs of insanity
my mind moves thinks faster than i could speak
see things done more than one way
i think of all the possiblies
right or wrong play it safe
no means yes
yes means no
only you know what feels right
you know you way will work best
other might not agree
the truth they fail to see
you said and have done it but thats not enough
you comeback to where it all starts
trying to remain the same not fall apart
the cycle must be broke and the world will feel right
change will come the chain of sanity breaks
no more hate hapiness and the world feels just right
the thoughts start again cycling over and over again
563 · Dec 2013
Infamous one Dec 2013
I want everything that bugs me and annoys me to go away so I can focus on what I need to get done. Be at my best be myself not letting other stupid factors distract my choices.
I help everyone even if I dislike what im doing but doing the right thing is hard the intentions are good even though others make them seem bad
563 · Mar 2014
Infamous one Mar 2014
I wish I could show how I felt without others viewing me differently. I use words to get out how I feel. I'm not always able to get it out but I can see what I write about. I know there's always something I forget or wish I could've said I sometimes relieve the moment after it passed.
I remember everything I see smell and feel thinking about the moment. I'm one who thinks way too much instead of feeling with my heart opening up.
The only time things feel right is when I'm writing I go into my own world exploring emotions. If I'm not writing I'm playing with my guitar the soul and spirit comes out since humanity mistakes happiness for weakness.
My heart has so much to show but the fear of loss keeps it from being hurt. It craves to be loved but it feels everything is under terms and conditions.
The mind a protector keeping the overwhelming feelings from being misled by the heart.
563 · Apr 2013
Infamous one Apr 2013
I remember ex telling me she wants someone who takes control. It wasn't me at the time but I've learn to pick and choose before I was open and all the wrong ppl came into my life.
As I get older i realized ppl would blame me but that's cool I had to stop that others faults are not mine. I can't please everyone job or no job I found others are not fond of me because I keep it real and fakes can't handle that so they try to ruin my image and slander my character.
Now I don't bother or give ppl reasons to talk if they are running their mouth it's on them.
561 · Apr 2013
Little stuff
Infamous one Apr 2013
I woke up early changing my routine
In bad at a reasonable time not up too late
Stay clear of those who hate
Start to feel great about yourself
Find away another way to get it done
Writing eases the thoughts
A jog that makes the body push through
Play games to sharpen skills
You live in the city prefer the quiet hills
Over easy girls cheap thrills
Not plotting or scheming just life life
White hairs on the head
Be thankful for life overlooked death
559 · Mar 2013
X citing
Infamous one Mar 2013
Feel the rage as you read the page
Counter act overreact rivals fear a comeback
Crossed the line said you were in the wrong
Expose them for being ****
Their luck had run out
Standing tall now they want a bail out
Let them expect a sneak attack
Knock them flat on their back
Truth be told your bs got old
Feelings grow deep and cold
Took a crush suppose to be a best friend
Betrayal brought that to an end
Must be told not holding on to secrets
559 · Jan 2013
just because
Infamous one Jan 2013
i got with you because of your style so dont let that go
dont give up on your body because you think everything is right
i want to treasure and not fight with you anymre
we could be best friends but you could also be my biggest rival
play with me right i will not bite everything feels right
my hand in yours our time together i write this feel life is getting better
ask me nice and ill do right by your side
dont lie to me because that means you have something to hide
i dont play games when it comes to love i want to hold you above me
show me your true i wont be cold but everything i say is true
556 · May 2013
Change of mind
Infamous one May 2013
From close to distant
Love to loveless
Passionate kisses to no kiss
Warm huges to cold emotions
Glares of love to emotionless stares
Talking aad sharing feelings
now complete strangers
Include now left out forgotten
History is there but not remember
A friendship left in the past
556 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Change of pace
Blessing that makes the heart race
Been to different places before
Seen the world so much on the mind
Trees of green cold air breeze
Clouds hide the sun what a tease
Weather sets a mood of ease
Travel the work by the seas
Sun rays through closed eyes
Apply to nature
Temper controlled like a thermostat
On the road is where it's at
555 · Aug 2014
life saver
Infamous one Aug 2014
Changed my mind new mind set
Only if you could forget the past
The future is happening pretty fast
Master your goals achieve your dream
In and out of your comfort zone grow for the best sometimes you feel at your worse
Stay positive beak the negative curse
You can't do it all take on what you can handle
Get out of the darkness see better in the light
Stop with struggle doubting yourself
Only you can get there don't look for it in others
If not today or the next the opportunity to make it happen will allow you to live it
554 · Apr 2013
Wild wolf
Infamous one Apr 2013
Running wild in the hot sun
At night howl at the moon
Making sure the stars hear as well
Wolf in the pack wolves hunt and attack
Creatures that are wild at home
Moonlight sparkles in their eyes
Furry coat that shines
eyes that glows in the light
554 · Mar 2013
Shake it out
Infamous one Mar 2013
I don't give props to stuff you should be doing
Don't torture yourself over someone who doesn't want or respect your feelings
Do the right thing stop the bs and making excuse
Formal beauty queen now a mother
You lived your life stop controlling your kids
Faces of those who opposed and judged
Success will be the pay back
Breaking the mold redefining and changing ideals
The anger and rage influencing change for the better
Adding names to the list of ****** bags that need to be proved wrong
Destruction swims in the veins ready to do right
The body conditions to go further than the distance
553 · Jul 2013
been awhile
Infamous one Jul 2013
im high off life enjoying the buzz of behaving
**** well and not looking back
not being weak letting alcohol consume me
not lusting around anymore
hoping to find love to trust in
not losing faith believing in myself even if others dont
ill do it my way to prove my point
i may not be right but you are wrong
you grow old others still dont know how to act
learning to forgive but hard to forget
trying not to be mad living with regret
all i want is to move on and forget the bad
552 · Dec 2022
Infamous one Dec 2022
Loved family but not like them
Some can't be alone bad mouthing others
Always stuck on the wrong person
Why be with someone if they are not a match
If you don't like them why pretend to love
Some able to handle their own company
While others look for it in other beings
Hoping they'll be complete one another
Cheating with an ex claiming to move on
Some are dark and twisted playing victim
Getting caught up actions have consequences
It came back around full circle
552 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Control means you made it
Add to a new environment might not make it
Hard to survive rigged games and tricks
You have the skills but no heart
Others tell you your great but you ****
Years of anger frustration
Xcon praised for doing good **** should've been done long ago
Graduate trade school still no job
Degree not working the procession
Chech your story before trying to fix others
No one asked so back up
Times are tough chane of luck
551 · Oct 2017
Infamous one Oct 2017
Told the truth why you so bitter and cold. Holding a grudge now that you are getting older. What's up with the cold shoulder? We use to be friends not we don't talk act like complete strangers. Staying sober, being mildly wild avoiding the danger zone. We grew up together friends since the second grade. Over some girl who was playing everyone like a boardgame.
549 · Jan 2013
Infamous one Jan 2013
i may not be the biggest but on the mat i become someone greater
you could try to beat me down but ill comeback for more
you punch ill kick you down chopping you down with all i got
standing taking the punches fighting this fight not backing down
you take me down not waitin for you to make the first move
not over till you tap out
not over till i dominate all the training hard work
the road block that will be taken down
i aim for the prize working for this moment
not tapping out or giving out even though my body aches
giving all it takes tap out lights out my victory this is the moment
549 · Dec 2013
what if love worked out
Infamous one Dec 2013
Looking @ my phone hoping she calls
Wishing shed text I miss her company
Only if I could make it right tired of it being wrong
She saw something in me when I don't believe in myself
She came in my life and now she's gone
Went all in.and she baled out
I loved her flaw and all her silence gets to me
Its hard to walk away when she pursued you
Its over one more chance to find closure
Id like to be friends  but you cut the cord
If I could get you back id find away
Departing ways wishing to find love together and stay
548 · Jul 2019
Infamous one Jul 2019
Two young adults
Smile at one another
Both with similar interest
He was a nerd and playful
No experience with women
She was the popular girl
Well rounded liked by most
The chemistry between them
It was intense magical moments
Spending time together
Getting to know one another
548 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
When your Dave song come out
You can't help but Cruz
The tempo is set
You get put in the mood
Not in a hurt other drivers are rude
going from point a to b
Slow or fast doesn't matter
As long as you get there with grace
Driving isn't always a race
Get there at a steady pace
Alway ready to give s lift
Road trips get you lost in a drift
Curves and turns stay on the road
Regardless if the weather hot or cold
Make it there just go anywhere
547 · Feb 2013
the fuggle
Infamous one Feb 2013
from three jobs to no job
change s always for the best
sometimes things go backwards
wondering why or how come we got stuck without comes
rather than sit arround ***** find another way
things can be done more ways then one
i may not be right but im willing to fight
sometimes you choose silence over saying something
speak up or get left behind
sometimes you cant get in right away
but when you do ride that till the wheels fall off
findng a place figuring out your role
its not for anyone to say but find your true identity
be who you are become who you are destne to be
more days pass the more you should want it
its an ugly battle but in the end it should be the way you wanted it or better
544 · Apr 2013
Infamous one Apr 2013
Grew up with my best friends
made my own family
Don't like the way things are so I change them
Holes in my chucks trying to make a buck
Moving forward with life
no more being down on my luck
Girls always hate
the consequences for dating
We had a thing you denied us
now i moved on you cried not a lust
Not sure what to say
Live life no regret anyway
It's over not trying to stay
Small town called the crown
Full of brown in this town
Nonsense talk about being down
Circle city formal race trace
History lesson take you back in the day
Hometown I grew up
Heart is in to places different faces
Different phases cleaned up my act
544 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
I have many judges but feeling like a failure in my parents eyes is common. I could be a success and perfect but they'll point out flaws or quick to remind me of mistakes. They make me feel like I could never surpass them even though I've showed them up on many occasions. It's not the greatest feeling but its what I'm dealt.
I just want to be me and be accepted tired off feeling like an outcast a reject who gets used then kicked to the curb
Many days get better but someone always ruins it because their life ***** and they have to **** with mine
543 · Apr 2013
eyes full of lies
Infamous one Apr 2013
You take what's not yours look a person in the eyes and lie
No respect for others possession when asked you tell more lies
In your selfish mind no means yes
You think there are no consequences to your actions
I've heard both stories your lie filled with more lies
You dumped your girlfriend for another girl
Only because that's what everyone else wanted
You have bad habits chewing chew and drug alcohol all the things that damage your body
You could only be young and immature for so long!
You hurt those around you by convincing them your lies are the truth
Lies get you caught up and continue to bs your way out when you have been caught up
No one hated you but you crossed the line and offended those who oppose you
You blame others for your mistakes own up shut up consequences come with wrong
543 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
A time progresses change always occurs
Noticing what wasn't there before
Winkles on the forehead
Youth slipping away
Hair of black a white hair stands out
A wild life takes a toll on an aging body
Bags form under the eyes
Cheeks wrinkle when a smile comes way
The mirror doesn't lie
Seeing different from once was remembered
The aching body changing over time
From limitless to limited
With age comes wisdom
The experiences fade with time
The moments that remind of a better time
Happiness is not a time line
All the time of life makes elders more refined
541 · Nov 2013
goin down
Infamous one Nov 2013
Woke up without worrying shout out
Not living with guilt or doubt
Helped those who look out for me
Honor your word or my respect will be lost
Tried if its not enough put forth an effort
My struggle is my battle don't hate me because you're fake
I'll be true while you are rude and cruel
Everything I like you hate don't try to take it down
No one cares what you like or do I've always been true
You know what I can do that's why you are talking
I called you on your talk and you walked away
I'm working hard not expecting anything its my job and what I love
Writing keeps me from going off the edge
Training keeps me fit so I won't quit
I want to see good in others but they show me their worse
I want to be the best not like the rest
Seeking more hoping to get there soon
539 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Grew up in a small town
Moved to a smaller town
I've been up and down Cali
Visited three states
Still haven't found what I seek
The place to call home
Meet my one true love
Create my world i see
how I visioned it
One day have a dog
My one true friend
Go for walks
The world is ours
537 · Apr 2013
Away from home
Infamous one Apr 2013
A late night walk to clear my mind
Things my not be right but will find my way
Not sure what to say or do but can't stick around
I've been up and down California
I don't know where I belong but I belong somewhere
Somewhere I belong making it on my own again
The fear of failing has faded failure is more common
Moving up is easy but falling hard is tough
Getting back on your feet finding momentum
Fighting to make a difference have privacy
Invite friends over and not worry about anyone saying anything
536 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
Life of the blue
My experiences true
Only if you knew
All the things I've been through
Not starting over
Finish what I started
Left with pain
Turn it into greatness
With or without you
Love for you slips away
Praying for better days
My love for animals
Warm blooded mammals
Lost it all working to get it all back
New generation raging emotions
535 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Family circles left out
Assistant coach hated
Trainer who does it right
Make them better let's not fight
Older brother guilt ridden
Oldest son last choice
Frustrated the anger toned voice
Rid the nerves grind to the bone
Broken phone battery shorts out
Cussed out by an elders
Not playing the victim speaking the truth
Stripped down but not staying around
Rebuilt constructed find passion else where
Hatred brew than why show interest now
Asked for help denied all the lies
534 · Dec 2013
Infamous one Dec 2013
Its another holiday doesnt feel like much
Got invited to go out but dont like to be around ppl who drink
Its awkward being the sober one in a social circle where eveyone is intoxicated
They feel bad for not drinking I dont like to feel obligated to others
I dont expect much of others but they demand the world of me
I like to be alone i gather my thoughts not sure how to process others twisted thoughts and point of views. Over those who claim to be one way but act another.
I try to have confidence in others but they let me down over being setback and disappointed. I have to be responsible for me not others. If I ever become a parent that kid will be my world
School for my degree work to pay my way through jujitsu so I cant prep my mind and body to be tough. I hope to one day find someone who loves me for me until tjen im focused on being bettter its in the works
534 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
im the friend youd be glad to have
ill protect you with all my being
i want you happy the 1st thing
i want the best i want that for you
im so true thats the golden rule
ill watch out have your back
keep you strong if its strength you lack
ill laugh even when your not funny
i show interest when things are boring
on the way when you dont want me over
no matter what your welcomed over
call me **** is on your mind
i wont let you be blind
help you focus open your eyes
we could hang anytime
you could be my partner n crime
best friend i want you to know you were mine
534 · Oct 2013
Infamous one Oct 2013
Lots of confusing emotions
Aimed for success achieved it
No one seemed to care
I've rushed ready or not
Made the most of things
534 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
Be honest no need to lie
Don't care doesn't mean there's no understanding
No out put demands results
Taken risks filled with failure
Use what's given
Play the cards dealt
No real emotions felt
Wonder what its like
Walk in those shoes
Not your path to be walking
Feel for others lack of sympathy
Try to relate not your fate
Dont let others inspire hate
533 · Mar 2013
Dark prey
Infamous one Mar 2013
A face that stands out in the crowd
Someone to trust not a lust
Things were great
Steal of the mind
Poisoned the pure spirit
Used the sacrificed body
Feed the urges of instinct
Find another prey
One day the hunter becomes hunter
All the actions fade
Roles begin to switch
Time goes on ready or not
Everything is not what once was
530 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
No longer fueled by contraversy, living life to the fullest.
Let go of the past looking forward not going back
Good or bad always judged without being know
Writing takes me a way blocks out the world
Focused on what matters lost in my world only thing I know.
From fighting to inner peace healing no longer babying a broken heart
Changed for the better no more self destruction thinking others will feel your pain
Sacrifice that matters gain love and respect those who matter
Let go of those who waste your time and bad mouth you for being different
Not like the rest I can accept share love with those that appreciate you
stay loyal to your heart never give up on your goals and dreams
honest living not giving up work hard stay legit
529 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
I stay away worried what I might say
I can't be fake act like it never happened
Not close or included or being intrusive
My days feel long inconclusive
Looking forward wanting to go back
Aware of where I'm at and what I lack
Lock the door no one in or out
I'd shout no one would notice
528 · Apr 2013
Forward progress
Infamous one Apr 2013
Not my story not my life all I can do is listen and wander
I feel for you but can do nothing more
The choice you make have nothing to do with me
The choice I've made I live with everyday
I try to do better not living in shame
No longer repeating the same mistakes
Doing right whatever it takes
Forgiveness within us a start
Others hold them against you but don't fall apart
Tough love is better than no love
Stay above the hate keep working get to the top
Not judging you don't judge me
You may not see it but I see things clear
I know you don't believe or hear me
You'll see I'll prove myself worth be more be more than I imagined
526 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
One day the fuel of hate runs out what do you replenish your body with. Change bad habits focused on doing good being much more old friends don't know you. New people are getting to know you while you learn much more about yourself.
Writing always puts this crazy world in check your own perspective instead of others. What mattered before don't mean anything now. On to new letting go with no regret still doing what makes you smile pursuing happiness.
Always different from the rest even though they make you out to be more or less. Done much more than the rest don't need to brag or prove yourself worthy you you what. You can do only if they knew. All you is to be loyal and true.
525 · Apr 2013
Word exchange
Infamous one Apr 2013
I mind my own you put yourself on blast
Why are you so mad that everyone knows that's what you want now your filled with regret
Of course ppl talk this will talk time everyone will forget
Keep on to yourself but you live talk and drama but now your the center if it and don't like it
I'm better off without you and your karma
Not a judge but like to hear both sides of the story
I'm usually fair but some stuff is beyond me so I don't care
You can't be civil so you always trying to fight
Just because you could beat up others doesn't mean it's going to happen anymore
522 · Mar 2013
Infamous one Mar 2013
We should've happen never did
I accepted your kid found the time
Always together only friends nothing
Passionate emotions never tampered with
No label but felt like something
Friends don't hurt one another
But friends do hurt without one another
Feel together not nothing more but friends
You hold her close she keeps you on your toes
She touches you feel the electric fully charged
You almost kissed question what is this
Moments passed happened so fast
She had class you have style go for miles
521 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
I joke around but don't make me a joke
Laugh with me not at me
Show me love stop with the hate
You may not see it
deep down I'm meant to be great
I'd rather be friends stop staring me down
I'll make you better this time
next time around not trying to keep you down
Let me do my thing
I haven't forgotten you
Idk why my accomplishment has gotten to you
Money fame doesn't matter
Make a living being true
520 · Feb 2013
Infamous one Feb 2013
An *** who doesn't know how to love
She shows him passion doesn't know how to react
He loves her but she's not coming back
They shed tears together
It wasn't meant to last forever
Something special led to a bad end
Now they don't talk not even friends
You can only pretend remember the good times
Lay together on a cold day keep warm in a cuddle
Regardless of hurt you wish you could flirt
Get her back be the way you remember
Her smile lights up the mood takes away the bad
She's everything I wish I had
518 · Apr 2015
Infamous one Apr 2015
The peace releases the tension
Over work nerves calm down
Body goes till it can't go anymore
The crazy mind wanders back for more
The adrenaline rushes though the body
Never quit till they show a sign of weakness
Dig down deep tire them
Beat them before they think
they have the upper hand
Stand talk prove to them
Mostly to yourself you belong
Doing right oppose to wrong
Forget all those who are head strong
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