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Infamous one Apr 19
The anger to destroy others you implode it within destroying yourself
You hold yourself accountable
Living with the guilt tried to make it right
Everything went wrong ***** bad wins
Doing the work and spoke up
All you want is to be happy
Everyone wants you as company for their misery
Infamous one Apr 17
Complain doesn't nothing
Talking about it things get ignored
Back to old habits trying to make changes
Destroying yourself in the process
It's a lost cause your like to give purpose
Feeling depressed dk how to act
Doing better health wise
Not into people feeling sorry
Overall the doubt tired of being shrank to fit in
Giving up who I am to be liked at work
Everyone talks bad about one another
Then fake to their face acting like buddies
Infamous one Apr 17
Sometimes you take the L and learn
Dealing with your emotions is hard
Trying to not be vulnerable trying to help
It ***** when you care more than most
Venting doesn't help being humble
Trying to do what's right no matter
Proved wrong feeling cheated
Robbed of joy doing what you love
On the outside looking in
Holding back tears such agony
Made out to be the bad guy
Trying to be normal never gonna be
Always excluded or treated different
Taking on the burden shaking opening up
People don't care unless you produce results
Quick to point out your flaw
Never happy for your efforts
Waiting to see you fail
Smiling at your down fall
Expecting the worse is normal
Hoping things get better
While you wish them the best
Infamous one Apr 12
It ***** when you're trying to change and you feel provoked. Giving your best while they bring out the worse in you. Just pray and walk away.
Infamous one Apr 12
Dealing with that coworker, who does nothing but takes credit. Sad that I have to say "I'm joking" when I'm being sarcastic. I was insulted, I'm doing my best not to argue or feed into the drama. I lead by example I bust my *** get in there get it done. While the lead just knocks everyone.
Seen those true colors going to change things by working harder. Talk to the team hopeful work together around the problem. It ***** how one person could ruin everyone's day.
Everyone wants has problems just trying to make work better. I don't need another rude person in my life I already have cousins that make thongs awkward and uncomfortable. I don't need that at work.
Infamous one Apr 10
Not time to hate got work to do
Not taking on criticism
They aren't doing my work
Done proving myself
Just trying to better myself
Working harder working
Being smarter prefer to be alone
Working behind the scenes
Able to get it done have fun
They don't have your heart
Different mindsets brewing fueds
Trying to find a common goal
Done complaing do the work
Infamous one Apr 10
That internal struggle within fueling the words to write. The internal struggle losing sleep refusing to accept defeat. Doing what's right not trying to argue or fight.
Praying others would try instead of campaign to justify their lazy. Holding a job hostage because you don't get a raise or not doing the work why expect change. Be the change make a difference so over all the nonsense all the defensive behavior because deep down they are wrong.
Too many people are proud to admit they are wrong and say sorry. It might not fix the problem but change comes from understanding. Trying to create lost in those moments. Over all the negativity and hate. Disconnected about to recreate those moments can't go back trying to give life to my imagination.
Scared go gain all the pain when it's taken away. Feeling unworthy too many did me *****. Sorry if I get too wordy. Learning to tap into the heart. Writing it becomes an art of what's floating around in this determined mind.
Asking what matters how can you do things without driven by hate insulted because others can't debate trying to bully you because of your beliefs. Not imposing trying to understand. I might disagree no reason to make me a target.
I'll keep being me something. I'll never regret because your mad you'll forget all the good that was done. Emotions like a loaded gun ready to go off.
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