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Infamous one Apr 6
The clock ticks and tocks
Time feels like it's running out
Trying to do it so close yet so far
Coming up short another plan
Still doing it haven't got to the next level
Infamous one Apr 6
I don't mind helping others and giving my all. It ***** when they don't help or half *** the work. Making them look good while they **** all over you and your efforts.
Trying to move up I don't care to go through people but if they are in my way I hope they don't get mad when they get plowed down.
Trying not to cuss or joke because everyone is easily offended or quick to make things personal. Feeling provoked and taunted by others.
We are not the same and don't care to be like everyone.
The detox from anger used it as fuel to make it through
Changing for the better do what's right
Trying to not fall back into bad habits
Friends become stranger find love
Start relationships make family's
Departed friends never forgotten
Memories that get lost in thought
Pursuing a dream detached from reality
Reality is a tough ride holding onto life
Surviving making a living the grind
Infamous one Apr 5
I try doing the bro code you step back because your friend likes this girl. What ***** is she likes you but you fight temptation. Respect your friend even when they make you out to be the bad guy.
If you get the girl you lose a friend sometimes the girl loses interest and your stuck with no one. Trying to do what's right and honorable even if you end up alone. You don't want anyone talking about you or thinking less of you. By staying out of it and not getting involved with the drama that has nothing to do with you.
The worst is a friend that thinks because it's yours they can take it or entitled to what's not there's. Those kind of people get let go because the drama isn't worth it anymore.
She you love her you'll fight if she's noble and honorable she's worth it. If you don't trust her or can't be yourself.
After a while you get tired of changing for someone that's always the same. You enable their toxic that grows and destroys you breaking your heart and kindness.
Infamous one Apr 4
Not always going to be accept. Respect those opinions it ***** to avoid people. Shut down your emotions some people are safe to be around. Others can be hostile those minds are made up. Its not worth proving yourself or wasting time trying to change their mind.
Too many made up rules and fake people that get close leach of your energy turn your world up side down. Then run the game no the next person. Wearing your heart on your sleeve while others are heartless selfish about themselves.
The heart doesn't care to hold onto the burden.  Trying to talk not being heard. Not into crowds and clicks too many two-faced conversations.
Infamous one Apr 4
I walk around in pain mentally and physically but don't give in distract myself with work and helping other. Some are blessed with more and miserable that doesn't make sense.
I don't have the energy to argue because I didn't do anything open to talk but what's frustrating is people say things are okay but talk about everyone. Getting older makes you care less someone always hates you or mad.
People try to change others and never themselves. Quick to hate you because your happy with you got. I've learned you can't do it all or have it all right away. Work for it and go hard. Growing up poor I'm not grandfathered in or handed anything because of my name and who I know.
My work speaks for itself and people will know your work or your bad behavior. Trust is earned not given. Work gets you the respect from peers.
Infamous one Apr 4
I realize people go through stuff and their pride gets the better of them. Their judgement is clouded and quick to lash out on those who differ from them. It's easy to look down on someone for being single when your are married with children. They don't carry the same responsibility.
Working on different shifts has their ups and downs. Sometimes those worlds collides the one who helps everyone gets ******* over. While the one who needs everything done cruises once everyone does the ***** work.
Work is not hard It's about maintaining some people don't value you. All you can do is your job. Doing the work is more important than the drama. Doing extra is key but staying on track is the key.
You do the work what's right. Doing what no one wants to do. Make time fly do the work and go home.
Infamous one Apr 2
Trying to forget memories with regret
Dreading vulnerability over a fling
Being true and loyal to the wrong person
Being deceived by lust mistaken for love
Greedy for more only to be cut off
Feeling real in the mind a lonely being
Imagining the future growing together
Cressed in the loving heart immune
The toxic spreads leading to defeat
It's fate ends crumbling down
Former lovers once again strangers
Close friends no longer tolerate another
Departing away from each other
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