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Infamous one Jun 2021
He remained positive lost in his work
Writing to clear his heart and soul
Music to help him cope feel
When he was going numb
Good vibes over bad praying for better
Staying positive always looking at both sides
Laughing through the tough time
He worked went the extra mile
Took control at work making it better
Put in a position of trust in charge of things
Infamous one Jun 2021
He wanted to break this cycle not holding on to the toxic. He didn't always have an opinion or have to say anything. He minded his mouth and kept to himself. Why be around if he couldn't be himself. It wasn't fun or worth it anymore. Not like them better off alone hard to love him when they are trying to tell him who to be and how to act.
He walked away wanting to say something but he'd be ignored so he's not bothering anymore. He wasn't feeding an ego or wasting his time. The world wasn't all unicorns and rainbows. The cord was cut he was free from their judgement and criticism. It hurt but he knew it was the best thing. His days where long and focused on work and writing to make it through. He had a love hate with things but got more hate than love. He blocked out the bad he felt numb because of all the hurt and torment
Infamous one Jun 2021
People make mistakes learn from it and move on.
Some think because they control the narrative they are right
Trying to make you look and feel stupid
Giving their opinion no one asked matters
That's what they think and said
Too bad no one feels that way
He worried about this but realized it doesn't matter
He would never be one of them or seen as an equal
He didn't have to explain himself walked away tired of fighting and arguing
He wrote to clear his mind
Now his words are being use against him
Infamous one Jun 2021
He felt stuck trapped in his own body. Hard to make moves; can't say or do anything because it's made out to be a bad thing. His life wasn't bad but crossing paths with others they attacked his flaws made him feel worthless. Arguing they play the victim he took their criticism said be better. He prayed for them and walked away. Ready to start a new chapter. Negativity didn't help the cause he chose to be positive as those crucial words tormented his being.
Infamous one Jun 2021
Sam was trying to calm his nerves. His heart raced so much frustration Sam could feel the depression moving. He was usually upbeat and collected. He felt like he lost it and losing it. Being called ignorant for having an opinion called sensitive for showing emotions. Sam went in his room opened his notebook and let it all out. They expected him to explain when everything was already said.
He wasn't the same anymore over time he made changes took steps back and sacrifice they dk or care unless he lived up to these made up rules over the double standards lots of lies and false promise sent in his direction.
Infamous one Jun 2021
Part of him felt dead and showed because he valued and respected them while they told him he wasn't worth it laughed at him treated him like a child belittled his feelings and emotions. He loved them so he took it called him ignorant because he had an opinion. He cut the cord and stayed away because that's, how they felt he respected it and moved onto.
He took the blame he lived with the labels other placed on him as he focused else where. He couldn't voice his opinion so he wrote. He couldn't be that person anymore stop projecting All this nonsense he chose not to give in. They played their mind games.
Infamous one Jun 2021
Hard to have a conversation when the person wont let you speak. Their false narrative projected on you. You can explain how you feel when its being dismissed. He walked away in the end it doesn't matter more problems than Solutions. The frustration causing anxiety and he wasn't sure how to act or how to feel after being told off. He didn't explain himself and things kept getting worse. He wanted out of this nightmare ripped open feel in vulnerable. He do who he's suppose to be or made them out to be.
No thank you not interested he learned to say because it got to him. Its not fun anymore he made a stance. They come at him easy to take down a person, who's not looking for trouble. If he went for it they would ignore him in the end his time would be wasted.
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