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Infamous one Jun 2021
He told the truth why was it talking smack. Keeping to himself doing ehat was right. The internal struggle being prejudged no one knew him. All these assumptions feeling attacked made out to be the bad guy. That person that wants to argue and fight. He wrote while they come at him. Expecting him to over react make a fuss.
Being disrespected called ignorant because he didn't feed into it. Be someone else he wanted out they made him feel bad. Throw up the stomach acid eating him up. He didn't do anything wrong took the criticism but was over it. He had the words thank you peace out in mind and kept a distance.
Over all these false narrative was not able to speak or have a voice. That's why he wrote he got his feelings hurt and felt gutted like a fish.
Infamous one Jun 2021
He kept quiet because anything he said would be twisted and used against him. He had respect while they dissed him behind his back. He told them straight up and they said nothing speechless because they didn't expect him to take a stance.
He wasn't afraid to be alone and eventually his opposers would turn on one another because the truth comes out in the fortress of lies.
Everyone with their own hidden agendas he was genuine and didn't bother with anyone's drama the insanity they caused trying to make everyone miserable like them.
Infamous one Jun 2021
He couldn't speak because everyone would gang up against him. He told the truth and they threw his past on his face. Trying to twist it so he's the bad one, while they are doing way worse.
He stayed away didn't seek or need their approval. It bothered them, he was his own person. he didn't need to go through them to achieve his goals. He found a way an escape
Infamous one Jun 2021
He was tired of everyone coming at him. once he stood up his ground they played the victim. He was never considered unless they needed or wanted something from him. He was always excluded on the outside looking in.
They made up rules to keep him out use to being excluded. He didn't care for these made up rules that weren't in his favor. He was thankful for what he had; while they had it all still talking about everyone. No one owes them anything.
Let people live their life, owning a house doesn't give you the right to treat others bad look down on them. He worked for his helped family not expecting anything in return.
He didn't care to answer deal with those people. He wasn't perfect no way near it and the last person that should be talking about anyone. It angered him, he walked away but they kept provoking him robbing him of his peace.
Infamous one Jun 2021
The world was dark; where crazy is the new normal. These two heroes, best friends that always talking smack, ribbing on one another. One was the muscle and the other was the mouth. They were hustlers that took on weird jobs to survive. Bounty hunters who's went on missions across the galaxy. They had a bad rep things went wrong able to collect the reward for the criminals.
Infamous one Jun 2021
Hard to sleep thinking about the future
Part of a hard working team
Hoping it doesn't get cancelled
Found confidence in the pad work
Glad someone trusted and believed in you
Set aside on the sidelines due to injury
Always looking in thinking about it
Loved the sport gave it everything
Even when he came up short a new role
Opportunity presented itself applied for it
He made those moves needed change
Hoping it wasn't false promise
Trying to finish strong after so many detours
The journey with the roadblocks
Trying to go through come out unscathed
Bounce back after taking a few bumps
Infamous one Jun 2021
I get sometimes people stress out but never help their situation. I don't have kids but id put them first over drinking. People don't mind helping but some take advantage. More excuses and lies tired of hearing them. A child asking for her daddy and not sure how to answer.
He got off work but not home or back yet. More lies and broken promises most fed up, and don't want to do it anymore. Always forgiving but never willing to change for anyone. Chosing to smoke and not able to function without a drink. Eventually everyone turns away; keeps a distance hard to trust not bothering anymore. Respect is lost and gone in the process.
Stealing from family more lies, forgiven but still holding a grudge against others. Expecting others to change but set in the same bad habits.
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