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Infamous one Jun 2021
He told her, he'd take her to dinner; once he got hired on full time. He was a part timer, who worked like a full timer. They were good friends but his plans would be ruined. She had a bf he respected those boundaries.
The job wasn't hard but they didn't provide a full-time position. He applied else where trying to find what he wants what he was looking for.
Infamous one Jun 2021
He was old school this new way of life didn't make sense or sound right hard to trust others moral compass. He was blamed for her lies and deceit while he remained loyal to the wrong person.
Once he moved on; she came back place a mind bomb. He started over and date someone else, she got territorial. She didn't want him but didn't want anyone else to have him.
Infamous one Jun 2021
The first year without him so much change
Things use to be in check now an imposition
Some people just work and live life
While others passively mistreat others
Because others don't follow their rules
Not a follower being a trail blazer
Challenging all these made up rules
Refusing to apply give in use to rejection
Sometimes you're love other times excluded
Some how the script gets flip
Not in your favor but the blame
Focused on things matter the work speaks
Seen as a threat for know things
Doing the basic seen as an over achieve
Just trying and putting forth effort
Infamous one Jun 2021
Ups and downs more lows than highs
An ex moving on not the same anymore
Just a fling doesn't mean anything
A friendship over due to betrayal
The world such a blur hard to process
Comprehend felt one way seeing differently
Dreams on hold growing old over time
Working a job that has an opening not hiring
Filled the void irritated so annoyed the lies
False hope with broken promises
Focused on the work not the drama
Infamous one Jun 2021
Another black eye swells up
Icing it while it goes numb and stings
Told the truth the argument got physical
Doesn't matter anymore egos got bitter
One life causing pain on others
The other doing what's right
The lioness was lusting wildly
Set in those bad habits
Unwilling to change a fit of rage
Infamous one Jun 2021
Walked away from crazy environment
Gave it all not going anywhere fading away
Phasing out moving on the next chapter
Old friends thanks for the memories
Failed relationships learned the life lessons
An equal partner a healthy connection
Use to the 3rd degree from others
Seeking a college degree better the situation
So much chaos in this struggle
Frustrated with the twisted outcomes
Bouncing back from the sidelines
Spoke the truth so many are angry foes
Over the sad stories not listening anymore
Focused on that life placed on hold
Infamous one Jun 2021
Know for bad habits hard to shake them
Can't live that way anymore
Something had to give and change
Alcohol in a fit of rage trying to figure it out
The oldest in the room some look older
Depending on the crowd and setting
Social interaction wild more selective
The youngest with the elder crowd
Trying to be an adult still seen as a child
Friend having another kid such a blessing
So many life lessons learned getting burned
Taking a beating mentally and physically
Walked away didn't waste energy
Being mistreated not seen as an equal
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