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Infamous one Jun 2021
So many trying to cancel one another out
Why can't everyone get along Co exist
Entitled to your beliefs stop imposing
So many rights and freedoms to enjoy
Respect others don't expect anything
Work hard give your everything
Pursuing a dream only you can see
Not plowing through others to win
Working behind the scenes trying to learn
Getting burnt out not feeling stimulated
Working the the hardest feeling the hate
Had nothing growing up low income
Hustling to get ahead getting by
Stuck in the transition ups and more downs
Working for everything earned every cent
Infamous one Jun 2021
Learning to stand tall focusing on faith
The world taking swings you hype them up
Trying to bring them up with you
As they knock you making it personal
Some own a home looking down on the fam
Others in a toxic relationship judging the rest
Telling everyone to change not doing better
Remaining the same let people live their life
Be there full time none of this selective
Show that you care full time be real not fake
Stop pretending to care just shrug it off
Others mind their mouth out of respect
Most of all their business not getting involved
Trying to be fair help the situation
Placed on a side stuck in the middle
Chasing a dream they said was crazy
Making those goals seem impossible
Been on it for years over come fears
Holding back frustration and tears
Infamous one Jun 2021
He questioned everything wasn't sure how to feel. He was running out of places to go, and relocate. He gave his all, everything to all the wrong people. It helped him grow be wiser make better decisions.
Staying positive in a negative world
Fueling my love trying to cancel out hate
Moving up no one left behind never too late
Broken trying to heal tough skin immune
Fighting this insanity shouldn't be the norm
Walked away from the pain flowing deep
Working hard to stand tall gain
Keeping the peace took a beating
Infamous one Jun 2021
Outside in the cool breeze another weekend to train for the big fight in July. If it doesn't get cancelled working with a determined fighter. Focused on technique lots of repetitions so much form to work on kicks, knees, and punches/elbows.
Holding Thai pads can be intense and painful after a while becoming a immune not flinching building trust being able to connect with another creating a plan for the big event.
Keep the feet moving breathe be able to survive go the distance glad to be part of the team part of this quest.
Infamous one Jun 2021
Disappeared for a month wrestled with anger. Dealing with others who cause the frustration. He respected their way of life as they imposed on his. His writing triggering others insecurity leading them to make personal attacks.
He didn't give up on his passion; writing brought him joy. A voice since he didn't have his crowd anymore. The ones he could trust where his feelings and emotions wouldn't be used against him.
He sits in his room listening to music writing out these thoughts and ideas. Able to explore and cope with everything that opposed him. Told the truth so many offended. Doesn't like being lied to not doing it to others.
Infamous one May 2021
Working with Thai pad is a work out of its own. Taking punches and kicks being able to adapt and adjusted. Doing drills coming up with combos
Coaching and being coached helps put things into perspective. Building confidence being able to take what's taught apply and learn from it.
Doing some extra work is a rewarding feeling pushing the body past its limits. A good sore not over working but going through the motions.
Infamous one May 2021
He was over hyping them up
Feeling like a **** up empowering BS
Never a brown noser trying to belong
Stopped putting forth effort
Energy never matched up drained
Cared more still shot down the most
Once he moved on seen as the enemy
A trader tired of being looked down on
Never seen as an equal not materialistic
Kept chasing the dream in his mind
Called crazy for having an opinion
Understood others while being written off
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