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Infamous one Apr 2021
He didn't get how people moved on right away quick to replace an old love. It's puzzling for him. He knew married people who go divorced things are not what they appear. In a loveless relationship where cheating ia allowed. Why would anyone want to share their loved one. Before they'd fight for one another. Now they gave up on what they had.
He said he loved her and ahe was quick to replace him. She loved him but he didn't feel the same way back. He didn't force it and things didn't feel right or natural. He knew her secrets she asked why he never tried. He never knew it was an option or if the thought crossed his mind.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He had it all once he lost it everyone was gone disappeared. Rebuilding yourself a process to figure out what you want. Asking what does it mean how did it end up here.
Infamous one Apr 2021
The argument played out in his head the anger. He was use to everyone being a jerkface what's different what changed. After his grandfather died the world seem more miserable than ever he lost his joy. Things didn't make sense so much change trying to stay away. They thought he was gay for having style criticized him for being educated. He was doing what he loved they told him he wasn't good enough. All it did was **** him off and inconvenience him.
He respected their time as they wasted his. He had to walk egg shells while he tolerated their nonsense. He wanted his life back he squatted to compose himself and took too long to get back up.
Infamous one Apr 2021
They were threatened by his way of life. How he seen the world. They wanted him to be someone he wasn't. He never wanted or expected anything he went with out. Now they talk act like they treated him like one of them. He's not like or will never be one of them.
It sickened him he was ready to start his own traditions cut ties because they were cutting him deep. He went numb couldn't be himself taking the thrill out of life. He couldn't move on it would give them a reason to talk.
He was educated they judged me making him feel bad for wanting more but working for it. He was open to change while everyone stayed the same. This was his family image how his enemies treated him
Infamous one Apr 2021
He spoke his mind they called him crazy. He had an opinion since he didn't always agree. They made him out to be the black sheep for not going along.
They tried to slander him beat him in numbers. Turns out they'd turn on everyone because they couldn't control or get their way. Telling people how to live their life; how to act, who to be. Couldn't they just be happy for people.
Rather than vilify everyone for being different for their efforts belittling everyone because they think their way of life is righteous. Looking down on family like if they did favors but quick to impose an opinion no one asked for.
Infamous one Apr 2021
He was getting older and it stressed him out he had white hairs. Some people looked through him and never took him serious he knew things but had to dumb himself down and hide who he was to get by. Writing was his way to vent get it off his chest. He gave up what he loved to work to be responsible. He wondered if he still had it. Challenging himself to better but road blocks detours distraction hard to stay focused.
Infamous one Apr 2021
Trying to belong fit in was hard for him. He didn't give anyone crap and took crap from no one. He hid a broken heart after being rejected all he wanted was to be himself. He felt like quitting and giving up but all his life was a fight to be heard to be understood. Hes been denied opportunity but worked harder. Overlooked because he didn't want to **** up or brown nose to move up.
He was tired one sided friendships so they called him a rebel he got use to being alone. He had been betrayed by people he considered family and his family was the worse. He loved them but he refused to compromise himself.
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