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Infamous one Mar 2021
Writing the truth coming to terms moving on trying to shake this funky mood. All the double standards they got it all trying to control others life making them miserable with their opinion no one asked. Pretending to do a good deed in it for their own selfish gain.
Making a scene because they think, they are right. walking away not trying to argue or fight. They are toxic trying to justify their wrong. Fuming from the frustration all the anger stood tall won nothing just a waste of time same old BS a fool for expecting change
Infamous one Mar 2021
He loved his family someone was always bad mouthing someone else. He told them to their face then got the cold shoulder. While they talked about him behind his back as they were fake to his face. He was forgiving as they held a grudge. He minded his mouth for his grandparents. He got most of the heat even when it had nothing to do with him.
Infamous one Mar 2021
Everyone forms cliques and acts like they are loyal when they were bad mouthing everyone. The nerve no one cared when he struggled but now looking for him to help out. They bailed on him he got use to being alone now they want a favor or have expectations of him.
Half the time they push him out he fought to fit in he learned its time to walk away. Why stay he felt used up and tossed out like trash. He would go the extra mile for them and they wouldn't do the same.
Infamous one Mar 2021
He felt the urge to argue. Tried not to complain but those egos kept imposing their will and way. No matter what he did he was on the outside looking in. Only considered when something was needed. He never talked about anyone, but they always talked about him.
They had way more why did the care better yet did it matter to them. They didn't help anyone, but themselves trying to control everything.
Infamous one Mar 2021
The more he told the truth the better he felt all the lies and BS tired of all the manipulation. They can't beat you alone but with numbers still didn't have the upper hand. Their small world threatened by change made them retaliate.
He knew once he spoke up he was out of this cult circle that had no benefits. Never in his favor didn't have or want the life style they lived. He was loyal to family but it wasn't loyal to him.
It's like you can't have success outside of it. All he wanted was to be happy no one was happy for him. He pursued a degree and came up short. While the rest had kids and got praised
Infamous one Mar 2021
He didn't want to be like his parents. All he wanted was to be himself and not go through hell just to be accepted. He wasn't in a rush but felt pressured by everyone. Be this do that things they wanted projected on him. He stayed away trying to improve behind the scenes.
He had love for them but they never treated him right or fair. He never has a say or control but did get all the backlash for things that had nothing to do with him. He tried to learn and understand but learned its not his problem and to stay out.
How do they know what's best when they never tried. It was such a handful of drama that made him keep a distances. He called them on it now the bad guy.
Infamous one Mar 2021
They imposed their way he preferred to not be involved anymore. They'll tell him he's wrong but never notice their wrong doing. Over at ******* hours of the night a cousin that's the younger version of his mother. She imposed he way burdened others with an opinion no one asked.
After a while you block out all the talk all the gossip that has nothing to do with you. Feeling under value not appreciated. He always asked why are these terrible people are given more
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