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Infamous one Mar 2021
Some of his family had some nerve to talk about people. Some people treat one another bad how are they still together what's worse is they bring children into this word.
From starting things to playing the victim. Everyone was to blame but never owned up for the wrongs. In a failing relationship because the fear of being alone. Tired of being torn down ripped apart.
Infamous one Mar 2021
His dad told him he took a long time to say nothing. His own mother would insult others then say get over it. He was always supportive of them.
They didn't believe in him and only nice when they needed something. He always felt excluded for their love so he didn't bother anymore.
It was about
Infamous one Mar 2021
He danced with his loneliness while they looked down on him. He loved them but held onto all those horrible things they said. He thought who do they think are; what gives them the right to think, they could talk to him that way.
He was always respectful minded his mouth. He didn't get involved hed provide a solution but it just lead to more problems. Sad and disturbed by the harsh reality. He seen them ***** ppl only a matter of time till he took the knife of betrayal.
Infamous one Mar 2021
They tried to correct him that's what he felt and they tried to cover his guilty conscience. They dk what he's thinking or how he feels. He opened up they didn't listen or pretend to care. Made it seem like it's his problem. When things were bad they bailed on him left to fend for his own. Things are well all of a sudden they act like they were rooting for him. More roadblocks and detours
Infamous one Mar 2021
The people he loved the ones that mattered made him feel like a failure. A needy gf nothing was good enough. A family that rushed him but did everything late.
The double standards they made him feel bad for a mistake held it against him to keep him out. When they made a mistake he didn't care because the heat would be dumped on his lap.
He was done with being silent he knew the consequences. They'd try to make him look ghetto because called them on it. Talk about him gain numbers because they can't do it alone or in their own. Either way they made him feel awkward and uncomfortable. He stayed quiet they run their mouth or he spoke up and they had more reasons to talk
Infamous one Mar 2021
He woke up felt what's next? He was trying to grow but didn't feel stimulated but numb. They broke his heart he his it showed no emotions. He just shut down didn't waste any energy on them. He felt betrayed by these people he admired them emotionally invested in them. They used and lied to him he was done. Fed up by the deceit. He wondered why no one  owned up quick to have issues or being sensitive.
They deflected his feelings rejected his ways off life. He didn't need much to be happy made the most of things. So weird and crazy. Never having time to deal or feel
Infamous one Mar 2021
They made him feel small not included. That's the worse some days he felt included other days he had no clue. He didn't need it want their approval. But to be around them felt like you had to lower yourself to be liked to be accepted.
He didn't care what you owned, it's all about how you treat people. He was about the work stayed focused. All the criticism for him to get it together but they don't got it together. It's the worse feeling from a friend and family member.
These made up rules they aren't right and keep others out so they can maintain the power struggle with guilt trips.
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