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Infamous one Feb 2021
They don't like you anymore still keeping tabs on your actions. Friend to foe acting like they dk you anymore. Always changing they can be right in that one. Can't be the same or play those games already made those mistakes. Going forward not back writing it because saying it gets clustered up. The tongue disconnected from the mouth. Saying the truth and real stuff people hate and don't like your opinion. Especially when they asked. Learned to speak when spoken to other than that minding my own.
Infamous one Feb 2021
Never understood why people hated practice that's where you grow focus on technique. Treat it like the real thing best way to prepare. Read up on it study the people before you add your own flare to it. Going through the motions trying to figure out what works and doesn't. Doing it is the best feeling, since many tell you. you're not good or you can't do. Investing in yourself the only one doing it. Trying to make out forth an effort.
Infamous one Feb 2021
Woke up in the middle of the night
Time to wrote, so the mind can relax
Body tender from the motions of the week. Planning and prepping mentally trying to make it to the weekend. Such a boring routine decided to learn a new skill. Bass guitar the emotions vibrate with the deep heavy strings. Flowing with the vibe saying what annoying causing distractions. The mouth won't speak but the words come out on the page. A visual with some kind of connection.
Infamous one Feb 2021
Learned to work from the bottom and rise up so many want to start on top. Put in the time work for it there's way more to it. Sometimes its technical other times physical. Building yourself up for each level prep for every step. People come and go the right ones have your back. Regardless of conflict of interest. Some get mad and hold a grudge. That's the end of the chapter after being cut off. Moving on is the hard part once you let go it gets easier. Be open to learn grow and new experiences.
Infamous one Feb 2021
He welcomed her into his world hoped, she wouldn't ruin him. All the things she liked about him that she'd try to change or it all turns into hatred.
He didn't read minds, she was passive instead of talking about things with him. She would be supportive instead of doubting him. Making him feel bad because her values and focus was different from his.
He wasn't the same in the relationship barely able to focus on himself, how can he function for two. He didn't get complements so he wasn't use to giving them out.
Infamous one Feb 2021
He had been betrayed by friends how can he trust anyone. The women he loved were never loyal didn't love him back. Some how it was his fault for their actions. If he made a messed up, he would own it. Most of all be held accountable. Never hearing the end of his mistake. Things are not the same he worried for others that allowed it instead of doing something about it
Infamous one Feb 2021
Doing it making the most of it all. Woke up sore that's the best feeling. Just work it earn it no one is going to do it for you. Nothing wrong with being happy over all the guilt trips. Caring for all the wrong people. You empower them to do good be great, but chose to be bad at their worse.
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