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Infamous one Jan 2021
Losing a loved one
Makes you want to be better
Honor them by stepping it up
Seen so much been around the block
Keep working hard find purpose
Make it meaningful still at it
Live life to the fullest be more
Overcome setback rise above the hurt
That degree so close yet so far
One class at a time one loan at a time
Missing the mats a white belt
Working towards blue
Missing being on the field coaching
Working with the youth develop
Being a mentor to those who need guidance
Infamous one Jan 2021
Wearing a mask
Staying away from all
Alone writing feeling safe
More risks insanity in public
Infamous one Jan 2021
New year focused on being better
Got close but never broke through
Pushed back made waves
Dealt with the backlash
Usually sit in silence and mindful
Doing things that need to be done
Most try to guilt or tell you your wrong
They'd rather watch you help than succeed
Willing to help but they'll bail on you
Got use to being alone
Enjoying ones company
Infamous one Jan 2021
Music in these ears
Emotions from the pen
Feelings bleeding out
Inking it all in
Drawing to emotions
Walking down the isle
To theme music
Fans cheering or booing
A fan living the dream
Never thought it would happen
Working for this dream
Only one who seems to believe
Infamous one Jan 2021
Kicks to the quads
Pivot to explode through
Jabs to the mitts repetition
Hooks to the body echoing
Powerful vibration absorbed
It's all coming back muscle memory
Trying to get technique down
Upper cuts filled with impact
Infamous one Jan 2021
A year of insanity things might
Go back to normal not so much crazy
Less pressure tired of feeling divided
On the outside looking in
Not stressing social structure
All this talk causing frustration
Being told its wrong so much fuss
Taken into consideration
Now someone else is doing it
Infamous one Jan 2021
Put on gloves did some rounds
Put on mitts did some more
Trying to remember it all came back
After a while the passion within woke up
Technique and form bounced back
The combo count hands placement on mitts
Don't care for macho ego or favoritism
Got tired of the back seat on the back burner
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