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Infamous one Dec 2020
Still writing scared to be alone
A people person not always favored
Still pursuing a dream short lived
Over being side tracks constantly
The detours feeling close but farther away
Use to be annoyed by missing it now
Onto better but stuck on the same old
Trying to achieve the American dream
Some have lived it happy for them
Others struggle pursuing opportunity
Learning to forgive to move on
Find inner peace within this thick skin
Somethings are hard to forget
Can't change the past live in the moment
The future has yet to happen
Infamous one Dec 2020
A walk to get out of the house
Hiding in a cave from the world
Home reflecting never have time
A moment for one's self
Always working hard missing out
Trying to stay efficient
Finish in consistent manner
Writing a book is the dream
Seeing it come to life
Enjoying the creative process
Wanted to rise up to the next level
Bring everyone along share success
Can't achieve it or do it alone
Infamous one Dec 2020
He had a big heart for life
A passionate soul warming smile
Still caring for others feelings
Even if they did him *****
He meant well no hidden agenda
When things went wrong
A loving heart beautiful soul
Forgiving still kept out
Not forgiven by others
Made mistakes multiple flaws
Most of all not able to forgive himself
Infamous one Dec 2020
Work ***** *** dealing with politics
You work hard to get hired
They hire the lazy guy first
Management with poor judgement
The person who thinks they are in charge
Doing extra work and frustrated
No one told them to do so
The lazy employee with ideas
Because they don't work
Trying to get others to do it
The snitch that brown noses
Trying to get ahead but still the same
Turned a blind eye dealing with people
Can burn you out or you can only do
So much in the time spent at work
Some days you talk everyone is bitter
Other days you want to be alone
Others assume something is wrong
Nothing is wrong just want to be left alone
Infamous one Dec 2020
Wrote about heartache
So much failed love
Hard to trust not another lush
Shes insecure made it about lust
He got hurt thinking it was love
Both got sick of one another
Now they down talk violated
Lack of feeling and respect exposed
Open minds closed hearts going numb
Infamous one Dec 2020
Always protecting people
Who don't like you
Betrayed left hanging
Did favors looked out
My fault for having expectations
Being open to all the wrong people
Dropped once something better comes along
Been writing for years
Learning to express without holding back
Not trying to hurt others
Been getting hurt for years
Minding this mouth don't like drama
Taking criticism should've been firing back
Straight up to their face always behind my back
Infamous one Dec 2020
Use worry what other people though
Dressed nice people assume
Seen as gay for taking care of yourself
Called people on the lies
You're the **** face for the truth
Working out the scale causing stress
Some days clothes fit loose other tight
Body image can't get it right
One way in your head
Others telling you that ain't right
Worried about being enough
Some times too much
Depends on the person
Educated told you think
You're better than everyone
Dumbing ones self down for year
Scared of being alone
Spending more time isolated
The inspiring one who ends up hated
Not trying to be a threat for being bold
Become a target for the insecure
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