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I wish to share a story
of when I nearly met my fate-
A tale of an adventure,
and a quest I had to make

A story of an abandoned mine-
A search for silver and gold-
Of prospectors, and the miners-
And the secrets they must hold

My father used to pan for gold
in the mountains and their streams-
And found enough of the elusive stuff
to make my mother's wedding rings.

I thought that I would try my hand-
to see what I could find-
So I set out to seek the entrance
to an old, abandoned, mine

I left for Arizona,
     to Prescott, I wished to go -
    Crossed the Rio Grande,
   on thru New Mexico.

Finally got to Phoenix -
   800 miles and count'n,
     then north, up to Prescott,
        Thumb Butte, and Granite Mountain.

            I pitched my tent on Granite Creek,
          with great anticipation-
           Checked the notes from my father's quotes,
                and began the exploration

   With my father's tin pan packed in a bag-
and his pic-ax at my side-
I felt like a real "old timer",
with heaven as my guide.

           I found the one I was looking for-
                with a darkened cave as the entrance door-
           And a handmade sign on a rotting board, said
"Welcome Friend, 1894."

Well, I picked and I chipped! and I chipped and I picked!
til the sores on my hands ran red-
             When I felt some dirt, drifting down on my shirt-
and some pebbles hit my head.

It only took a second-
for the ground to start to quake-
The dirt was falling faster,
and the walls began to shake.

I ran as fast as I knew how,
toward that entrance door-
When the last crosstimber broke in half,
and came crashing to the floor!

Now, I don't know how much time had passed-
since all of that began-
But felt as if I had been in a trance-
when someone took my hand.

I grabbed my shirt-tail, wiped my eyes-
tilt my head to see-
And saw a sun-dried, weathered face,
looking down on me!

He wore a wrinkled old hat,
an old flannel shirt-
Raggedy old pants, and a mile's
worth of dirt-

He had a beard of silver threads,
with a tinge of ginger root-
His hands were thick, and calloused,
and their color matched his boots.

He gave me a jug of water
that came from the nearby creek
As I began to take a drink-
he began to speak-

"Strange thing about abandoned mines-
they wish to be left alone,
To keep the souls of all of those-
who often called them home."

His voice began to tremble-
as he spoke those woeful words,
He seemed to be recalling
many things he'd seen and heard.

"It isn't greed that brought you here,
I can see that, in your eyes,
it's not just ore, you're looking for-
But another kind of prize."

"You must go back to your domain,
and you'll find that treasure chest-
For it lies deep within your heart-
and in those folks you favor best."

I shut my eyes, said a prayer-
  and asked, if what I did was wrong?
When I finished, and said "amen",
that old man was gone.

I never asked him for his name-
    or the place from whence he came-
    Some things are better left in silence-
and not to be explained.

I went back to take another look,
and gather up my gear-
Tried to find that “Welcome” sign,
but, it too, had disappeared.

I stood in "awe,and wonder,"-
of the place that I had found-
And with my eyes, realized,
I had trod on hallowed ground.

Going home I pondered,
'o'er the words that old man said-
But, did all that really happen,
   or was it from the "bumps" upon my head?

I got back home, and cracked a smile,
As I strode up to the door-
And there, hung a handmade sign
on a rotting board, said-
 "Welcome Home, 1894!"

Sometimes with the Heart
Seldom with the Soul
Scarcer once with the Might
Few—love at all.
Princess Lollypoppy got her wings today,
It helped her fly far far away,
She thought if she left, she would be missed
But in fact she missed home after she twisted her wrist

Flying was not so fun as she once thought
She wandered the skies and found a rainbow sprout
It was beautiful, it was really amazing
But she missed home and it was agonizing

Gathering courage and embracing guilt
She flew back home and slowly rebuilt
Her little playhouse with tables and chairs
So that Prince Lollypoopsie could also share her wares

It was no so bad, she found after all
Two years have passed, and though it wasn't a ball
She did have a playmate and he was quite a sport
When she needed a punching bag, he was always there to support!
Inspired by my niece and her new wearable butterfly wings!
Forgetting is…

Forgetting is being told you've had two birthdays, for the fourth time,

Talk about a surprise party.

Forgetting is calling a number that has been disconnected for nearly three years and still expecting an answer.

Can I leave a message?

Forgetting is family portraits with a stranger in each one whom you cannot help but miss.

They say you have his smile.

Forgetting is not being able to close your eyes for longer than 8 seconds without thinking yourself 800 miles away.

How did I get here?

Forgetting is waking up from nightmares 7 times a night,

Right into another one.

Forgetting is the feeling of walking into a room and not remembering what you came for,

All the time.

Forgetting is wondering why the words "I love you" sit perched on your lips ready to take off,

When they have nowhere to land.

Forgetting is coming to in a room you don't recognize and slowly realizing that it's yours.

Welcome home.

Trying to remember is...  

Trying to remember is running face first into a brick wall that you used to know was there,

Didn't you?

Trying to remember is riding a bike up a hill without any pedals.

Remember that time?

Trying to remember is being waterboarded in a bucket of question marks and memory fragments.

How do you feel?

Trying to remember is looking back at what you had written only moments before and being convinced that someone is in your house

And they have your handwriting.

Who's there?

Remembering is…

Something I've forgotten.
As God created me,
He created a mess.
A mess that slowly transformed to someone worthy.
Worthy of the love he offers.
More and more aware of the life that was bestowed upon me.
As I accept what is truth I become anew,
I become who I was supposed to be.
I become a happy, gracious, and wise person who sees what is truth and how this world is going to end and what happens to eternity.
There is a heaven.
There is a hell.
And no longer will I be blind,
But I will help others to see the light.
Looking out my window on this cold and dark day, I find myself drifting and some how floating away. Mind over matter, matter over time, time over reason, and all without rhyme. Wanting to go forward but always falling back, wanting to prosper but head- over-heels in lack. Looking for a brighter day, hoping for some sun, no-beaches in view... No, not one. Looking out my window, speechlessly screaming out-I'm falling deeper into this.. Can't see my way out. Help me, in my mind... I don't wont to do this, no-one can hear, I'm yelling thru the mist. I'm so tired, I've done my best, I've given my all and I find no-rest. No, peace within these walls, these walls that are my skin; these walls that are so cold; keeping others out and trapping me in. I'm reaching out, reaching up, but falling in, into a maze that hates me from within. I can't seem to find myself, tired of hoping that someone else will find me too; so this is the logical thing to do. No-one, will miss me, no-one will care, I wonder if, anyone will even notice that, I'm no-longer here. I feel so cold so cold and weak, I'm falling now into a deep-deep sleep. Where will I wake? I just don't know-where do all the broken vessels go? The Question!
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