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You wanna know the real me

you haven't got the patient's
**** psychiatric nurse and her nosy questions.

me) That's a strange area code....Yello!

God) Hello

me) Hello, who is this?

God) It's me God, don't you recognize my voice?

me) No...

God) Hmmm...that's what I thought.

me) What do you mean by...never mind, I was just getting ready to call you!

God) Ah hello it's me....God?

me) Oh yea, I guess there's no fooling you there.

God) Not really but don't think that people don't try! Haven't seen you around in a while...

me) Well you know I'm always thinking about you...most of the time. And I listen to Christian music...some of the time. Oh and I try to read inspirational books...when I have time.

God) Isn't that nice...Hey, how are the knees holding out?

me) My knees?

God) Yes your knees or more to the point...your prayer life.

me) My prayer life? Didn't I mention I'm always thinking...

God) Yea I got that, it's just the way things have been going lately I know your worried.

me) Your not kidding there!

God) Well that's why I called, to remind you I'm still in control and everything is going to work out according to my will. You do believe that don't you?

me) Yes I believe that.

God) Then you might want to start acting like it. With all that's going on around you these days you seem to have left me out.

me) You know your right!

God) Duh...I'm God!

me) Oh yeah...

God) Hey here's a novel idea (please excuse the pun) instead of reading an  inspiring book  try reading THE inspired book...My Holy Word. Every thing you need in life is there.

me) That IS a novel idea! (did you say something about a pun) Thanks I'm feeling better. Hey I gotta go there's someone at the door. Can I call you later?

God) Of course...I'm always here.
I know this is not a poem...
What can I's here
in Scotland fair you must beware
the weathered moor at night
For it is said a thing of dread
hunts neath it's pale moon light

It's small and stout and loves to shout
and scare the tiny mice
It kicks the trees to wake the bees
because it is not nice

it runs amok through herd and flock
and makes the chickens fly
Then opens gates and shakes lose slates
and takes pigs from the sty

It up roots crops and spills the hops
and dances in the flour
Though rarely seen its really mean
and turns the fresh milk sour

It squashes flat each butter pat
and mixers wheat with grain
then ups and screams to spoil your dreams
and runs away again

The Haggis see is wild and free
and likes to cause such fun
Breaks traps and snares and frees the hares
and helps them to their run

The hunting hound that sniffs the ground
Will never find his scent
because he sweats sweet Vi-o-lets
to cover where he went

The Heathered moor and rains that pour
wash away his tracks
and he's not scared he is prepared
for haggis run in packs

With teeth and claws and snapping jaws
they are a sight to see
So think before you seek that moor
where they run wild and free
Snowfall gently covered Belleville
in a blanket of softest down –
iridescent in the gaslight coronas.

A carriage pulled up at City Park Hall where
the coachman took white-gloved hands
and eased the ladies gently down the steps.
Some paused to pat the horses
in thanksgiving for the lift.

Top - hatted men offered arms to their wives,
escorting them up the snowy stairs
and into the buzzing lobby.

Trays of wine circled the room -
their cargo reduced at every stop.
Each raconteur spoke of celebration for the
Philharmonic had turned a decade old that week.

Programs in hand, people claimed their seats
while musicians on stage
practiced random admixtures of
excerpts that would come to order soon.

Then by the light of gas chandeliers,
Julius Liese raised his arms and brought
Haydn’s symphonic London to Illinois -
a citizen orchestra led by the local lumber czar.

After the final echoes melted into applause
and coats were lifted over shoulders;
the time had come for the waiting carriages -
snow still swirling in the gaslight glow.

The clopping of hooves on cobblestone
drifted into the passengers’ ears
and co-mingled with the echoes of
strings, drums and wind blown music
still singing in their memories
and irradiating their souls,

*January, 2007
This poem depicts an actual concert that was played by the Belleville Philharmonic Orchestra in 1877. The featured work on that program was Haydn's Symphony No. 104 the "London" symphony.  Night at the Philharmonic - 1877 celebrates the orchestra's 10th season.  The first concert was held on January 26, 1867.

Included in Unity Tree - Collected poems
pub. CreateSpace -

What did I lose?
It was never mine to start with.


Deep aching need
"Know the difference between want and need"
My fathers words ring loud and clear.

Fair call Dad.
I can live without romantic love,
Without intimacy
So that would make it a 'want'.


Dr Phil "Anger is a surface emotion,
There is always hurt of fear underneath"
(=Heartache and Heartbreak, can't have three the same)

**** you Cat!
You over analyze!

Blah, yuck and horrible stuff.
Feel like crying.

I once met a girl who loved words.
She spoke the words from her heart, words that somehow managed to inspire everyone
Words that somehow managed to inspire me.
But when she was hurting, words escaped her.
She became wordless
It pained me to see her so lost for words
For when she was so, she lost her
Her individuality
I once met a girl who loved words
I would love to meet her again... but I think she is lost once more.
Oh My Gosh ------! You got an A for the test again!
You're worthless
You have really pretty eyes!
You're so ugly. My eyes are bleeding
I love your figure!
Fat slop
You're so smart!
You stupid fool

I hate you
I hate you, no one likes you.
Die in a hole
**** yourself
Attention Seeker
I'm dying, can't you see?
I'm not really suicidal. I just felt like writing this because people have called me such things before but I managed to control my emotions. Had I not been able to, this is what would have happened. Even when the world is against you, death is never the answer.
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