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In my head I had this picture
Of lovely pink and purple hues
A picture of "true beauty"
Defined by others' views

And through such rosy (biased) glasses,
I set out onto the world
Truly red at heart; On the outside,
A "perfect" pink and purple girl.

With some time, the pink shine faded
The purple glow was no more
When I met you, I was ashamed
Proclaiming how perfect I was before

I said - Don't you worry,
I can restore the shine and glow.

To which you did object
Saying there was something I should know.

I thought you quite insane
When you had simply said
Of all the colours in all the world
I see perfection in red.

I didn't quite believe you
I just completely failed to see
How someone would choose red
When they could have a pink and purple me

Though it took some time,
Your words did get through
The picture in my head
No longer tainted by others' views.

Beauty lies in more
Than in a couple of "perfect" hues
Perfection can be seen
In reds, yellows, greens and blues

The truest beauty lies within
A heart that is happy
Now my red shines proud.

...You changed the way I see me.
March 2013.
A simplified and admittedly corny/cliche reflection on a recent realisation.
Influenced by an Autumn fling.... and a few too many Dr. Seuss verses.
Best Friend

He has the basement all to himself
While im at work all day
He watches T.V. and lays around
Without a worry in his head

He eats and drinks when he wants
Takes naps in the afternoons
Jumps off the couch when I walk in
Because he knows I don't approve

He seems so happy when I come home
And thats when he wants to play
He jumps for joy and kisses me
And wont let me walk away

He follows me like he's a child
Thinks I'm the best thing in the world
He listens to every word I say
Then pretends its never heard

This is my dog, he does not judge
And his love is not pretend
He is my true companion
And he's known as mans best friend

Carl J. Roberts
wanna move to San Diego,
con some fools and start some trouble
wanna live by The Sea,
swoon aged men with beer and stubble
wanna learn The Waves,
ride my heart into the yellow sun
wanna move to San Diego,
go from nothing to bein' someone

They say that fear's a bad thing
But I know some fear is good
It makes you change the way you think
From the way you usually would

It can make you run from danger
Or stop you in your tracks
Allow you to protect yourself
From what you know is bad

The fear that you will hurt someone
Is what makes you bite your toung
Knowing you can't take back the words
Once the damage has been done

You can fear the future or the past
And not allow your life to change
Or face your fear and understand
You choose the path you take

So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood

Carl Joseph  Roberts
... And as the sun set and the eve approached,
A golden beacon shone through the trees and across the sky.
Now, almost six months since then,
The shine has faded and I'm miles away,
Yet you still give me butterflies.
Written February 2013.
And for once, not about New York herself.
the hours rise up putting off stars and it is
into the street of the sky light walks scattering poems

on earth a candle is
extinguished     the city
with a song upon her
mouth having death in her eyes

and it is dawn
the world
goes forth to ****** dreams….

i see in the street where strong
men are digging bread
and i see the brutal faces of
people contented hideous hopeless cruel happy

and it is day,

in the mirror
i see a frail
dreams in the mirror

and it
is dusk    on earth

a candle is lighted
and it is dark.
the people are in their houses
the frail man is in his bed
the city

sleeps with death upon her mouth having a song in her eyes
the hours descend,
putting on stars….

in the street of the sky night walks scattering poems
my naked lady framed
in twilight is an accident

whose niceness betters easily the intent
of genius—
                        painting wholly feels ashamed
before this music,and poetry cannot
go near because perfectly fearful.

meanwhile these speak her wonderful
But i(having in my arms caught

the picture)hurry it slowly

to my mouth,taste the accurate demure
              rhythm of
laziness.  Eat the price

of an imaginable gesture

exact warm unholy
i have loved,let us see if that’s all.
Bit into you as teeth,in the stone
of a musical fruit.  My lips pleasantly groan
on your taste.  Jumped the quick wall

of your smile into stupid gardens
if this were not enough(not really enough
pulled one before one the vague tough


              flowers, whom hardens
richly, darkness. On the whole
possibly have i loved….?you)
                                    sheath before sheath

stripped to the Odour.  (and here’s what WhoEver will know
Had you as bite teeth;
i stood with you as a foal

stands but as the trees,lay,which grow
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