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A vine of arrowroot
Touch the cheek of a woodcutter.
Gigantic columns of clouds.
Convoluted & Polluted
Distraught & Disjointed
Corrupted & Addicted
Emotion human condition

Toil & Deprivation
Choice & Inhibition
Arrogance & Suspicion
Make your self decision

Want & Understanding
Seek & Sophistication
Experience & Learning
All on the itinerary
its not simple but you will gt through it, we all battle on through each day
 Mar 2014 ian michael navarro
Love is a cold war,
I'm a colder soldier.
My heart has become barren,
A frozen wasteland.
Cracked like the ice
That encases it.
Its been the target
Of many a snowball's chance.
So now I hold
Strong and cold
With weapons in hand
Prepared for this cold war
Which has made me
Even colder.

— The End —