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fallacies Feb 2019
don't get me wrong,
i'm really happy that i get to talk to you.
but this sadness, is just so overwhelming;
i feel that just talking is barely enough
to ease the aches and pain of missing you

i want to see you
fallacies Jan 2020
i got used to never letting myself breathe- i mean, what's the point when everyone around wants to suffocate you?
fallacies Apr 2018
"Why do you stay,
                 if they won't for you?"

"No one ever stayed for me,
                 and maybe at some point,
                                    no one stayed for them.
                                                    And maybe if i do,
                                                             ­   they'll change their mind"
fallacies Apr 2018
I know I should've thought everything through
And what happened, happened, but I know that it's you
It's still you, i don't think it would change any sooner
I'm just here, waiting for you and the sun to get brighter
fallacies Jan 2019
everytime i dream of you
everything feels so true
i guess it really shows,
when i'm missing you
for the one who introduced me to sweven, and has always been the reason for my swevens
fallacies Dec 2019
kinuha mo ang aking mga kamay- tinitigan mo ako
at sinabi mo, 'halika, lumayo tayo dito,' kaya tayo'y nagtungo
sa lugar na walang sakit at nakapanlulumong,
mga problema na ating dinaranas dati;
at nuon ding panahon na iyon,
nahanap natin ang tunay na kasiyahan
sa piling ng isa't isa, walang kamalayan
sa ibang tao sa paligid, pagkat magkasama na tayo;
wala nang problema na maaaring magdala ng bagyo

masaya na tayo, sa simpleng mga bagay na mayroon tayo
mga bagay na hindi man bago,
hindi man sapat para masabing masaya, pero alam ko,
ramdam ko, na masaya na tayo

teka, ano ito?
Teka, bakit nawawala na
ang lahat ng nasa paligid natin
TEKA LANG! -sambit ng mga labi ko
yun na ang huling nasabi ko sayo

akala ko, masaya na tayo
sa mga simpleng bagay na  mayroon tayo,
mga bagay na hindi man bago
ngunit ngayon, bumalik na ang simple sa kumplikado
hinahanap ngayon ang saya sa salitang 'tayo'

pero nagising ako;
at kahit anong pilit na ipikit muli ang aking mga mata
at subukang mahimbing sa kaisipan na mayroong ikaw at ako
huli na ang lahat, di ko na maibalik ang panandaliang suyo
ng minsang nanaginip ako na mayroong tayo
(rough english translation)

you took both my hands- you looked at me
and said, 'let us go, far away from here,' and so we did;
to a place where pain would never find us,
where no problem would ever exist like the ones we had before;
and at that moment
we found true happiness
in the comfort of each other's arms,
oblivious to the people around us, for we are now together
no more problems that would bring us storms

we were happy and content, with the simple things
that we have, things that may not be new; things that
may not be enough to consider ourselves happy, but i know
for i feel, that together- we are happy

wait, what is this?
why can't i make up a single detail from your face
Wait, why is everything fading
that was the last thing that i have told you

i thought that we were already happy and content,
with the simple things that we have, things that may not be new;
but now everything was the same as before,
what was simple became complicated again
desperately looking for the happiness in the word 'us'

but i woke up
and no matter how hard i try to close my eyes, and
try to fall asleep with the thought of me and you
it was too late, i could never bring back the temporary comfort
of that one time that i had a dream that there was an us
fallacies Apr 2018
i never knew
how much
i'd hate
the past

like how
'i love the way
you look at me'

sounded better than
'i loved the way
you looked at me'
fallacies Sep 2019
my body seemed to have forgotten how to cry
it knows the feeling of wanting to do so
but somehow it doesn't remember how tears worked
fallacies Dec 2018
why does your silence give me the loudest thoughts?
fallacies Dec 2018
you were a candle;
i was a matchstick

from the start we knew
we're not fit for each other;
doomed to hurt one another

still, we tried to make it work,
despite all the consequences

what were we to do?
we loved one another

i burned myself to give you fire,
to ignite a spark in you;
giving you the blazing passion
to go after what you sought out to be

the scorching heat that burns me,
was nothing compared to the raging
bliss i felt by giving you warmth;
and seeing you light up brighter
more than what you thought you could

soon, the embers melted
every inch of your original self

yet it was fine,
you were a candle after all
a candle who can be molded back
in new ways, shape, and form

but i was only a matchstick
that burns out quick

still, it was fine
because i know for a fact,
if i could do it for eternity
i'd always set myself ablaze
if it means giving you
the light, the warmth, and the fire
to help you serve your purpose

and little did we know,
you helped me serve mine

because some people are like candles,
capable of setting things on fire;
incapable of starting one of their own,
they need something to light up the spark

then, the're some people who are match sticks,
who can start a fire on their own
and give that spark that candles need;
but burn themselves during the process

yet, isn't a matchstick made
to start a fire?
fallacies Jul 2020
i long for the day i'd grasp on the idea that not being able to say your name nor think of you, doesn't mean that i've forgotten you- but learned to live with the thought that i haven't
fallacies Nov 2019
do you know how i'm sure i love you?
because i chose you- every single day

even if i am not your choice, anymore
the first two lines are not my own words,  i really felt and relate to the message they wanted to convey- but i added a little twist of my own reality in the last line which was also pointed out by a friend
fallacies May 2018
you were a drug that swam into my blood stream
every dose of you i took in and absorbed willingly
i was addicted
day and night i let you in
i got used to you

you were a drug that took over me, over my body
but I liked it and I embraced you with open arms
i was tempted
day and night i gave in
you let me get used to you

you were a drug that i never stopped taking
but now it's you who stopped coming
not knowing what to do at all
how does someone
cope up with
but i never had any regret taking you in
and if i could
i'd take you over and over again
fallacies Jan 2019
their love was a burning matchstick
they tried to hold on to
the sight of the fiery inferno
engulfing the wood was a beauty
both of them saw for the first time

when the flame started to get closer
closer to getting their fingers burnt
one of them wanted to let go;
while the other? i'm afraid, no

he was too curious, you see
he wanted to know what the flame felt like
wanted to feel what burning love was

but he was also too selfish to see that,
while he may be ready to feel
the burning sensation at his fingertips;
she was afraid of getting hers blazed

because, she too, was curious;
too curious, that she forgot
why she even held on to the matchstick
as they ignited the flame;
when she was still holding on to flashlights
that made her feel safe
guiding her through the darkness of life
without the fear of getting burned by the light

as for him?
he tried hold on to the matchstick
as long as he could take the flame
waiting for the time
she would hold the match once more

or maybe, someone else
who was not afraid to get burned
Inspired by an essay, with the same analogy, a friend of mine wrote in one of our English class, that was also inspired by true events that happened to him.
fallacies Jan 2018
I can try and distract myself from this sinking feeling,
but that also means that I will stop my heart from beating.
Which, come to think of it, is not that bad of an idea;
I was dead anyways, as soon as you walked out of my area.

Now what would be, the most beautiful funeral setting?
For a heart that once loved, once cared, but now dying.
Leaving its final beats, to someone who is worth loving;
as for reciprocation? This heart was not given anything.

This heart wants something, that only you can provide,
But alas! There are things that aren't meant to be given.
Love is a beautiful thing, that everyone will feel inside;
however, love is not forced, and will never play even.

Unfair as it may seem to anyone, who has loved before;
but are unable to receive the feeling back to their core.
That's the unspoken truth about loving someone wholly;
sometimes you win them, most times you end up lonely.

And even though you've been broken, countless of times,
you will keep coming back; hoping for the day that you will,
be able to find the right mix of words, the right mix of rhymes;
to have someone to love you, and make your world stand still.
fallacies Feb 2019
the last time i stayed up late at,
it was because no matter what i tried
you wouldn't leave my mind

i hope the the next time i do,
even if i don't try, it would be because
you wouldn't want to leave my side
fallacies Oct 2018
a cold breeze swept through the empty streets,
stars flickered through the dark pigment of the night;
quiet whispers were heard from the neighboring trees,
the moon stood still and glistened with all its light.

tonight the moon looks rather awfully bright,
as if the weight of its problems is lifted away;
wearing a bright smile after a hard-fought fight,
and another sleepless night, it chose to stay.

with a closer inspection, you would start to see,
behind the moon's bright facade of light;
stars fell from the sky towards the sea,
you'd tell yourself; the moon cried that night.
fallacies Jan 2021
i thought the days will start to get warmer
despite the cold breeze and the cold frozen sugar
melting in the warmth of our tongues-

they just got colder as soon as we're done
fallacies Dec 2018
The void keeps pulling me towards its center
with hands tied together, I can't seem to remember
the last time I held yours.
It seems as though forever has passed me by.

No, I take it back
I feel as though it had been an eternity,
since I last held grasp of your soul;
and talked to the billions of pieces
that make it up.

Tiny bits of your identity
that I once had known, but now?

I don't seem to know whether most of your pieces
are still part of you, or has your soul
been shattered too much, that more
pieces have shown themselves
and made their presence
to make up the very essence, of you.

All I know is that every piece that you are made of,
is like a piece of a puzzle, perfectly fitted
with each other, and together
they make you a beautiful masterpiece
that no one can ever pull apart.
fallacies May 2018

he broke

his heart

to fix hers

but she doesn't

know how to

fix his

fallacies Feb 2019
and i try to distract myself with anything
just to forget the sadness
that i feel inside

but i can't seem to
find time to do anything
because of the sadness that i feel inside
fallacies Oct 2019
your eyes still look familiar
but the looks they give me now are foreign
fallacies Apr 2018
i try to
i really try to
i want to create
a poem solely for you

but everytime
i try to do one
i can't find the words
it just can't be done

i asked myself
is it because
you're not
inspiring enough?

but it was then
when i realized

how could i possibly create
a poem inspired by you

when you inspire me more
to be with you.
fallacies Dec 2018
it's 1 am and i'm missing you
sitting here and wondering
if you ever miss me too
fallacies Jan 2019
you are every word, with a soul;
i'm just a soul, without any words
fallacies Sep 2018
you won't know
how powerful
your words
can be

until you've
broken someone
using them

that's why
they say
with great power
comes great

it's up to you
if you'll create,
repair, or be
the cause
to hold
a requiem
fallacies Apr 2018
i thought
i was holding
your hand
as i ran
and chase
what i wanted
i never noticed
that you let go
the moment
you realized
that we were
chasing only
what i wanted
fallacies May 2018
we were two ends of a single thread
got tangled as we intertwined
a knot was tied between us
as our hearts combined

as we continue to entwine together
the knot gets bigger and bigger
which made it even harder
to let go of each other

but we both know
neither of us wanted to do so
fallacies Apr 2018
i was lost
but then
you found me
you kept me
you took care of me

but as you
did those things
you did not realize
that you
lost yourself too
fallacies Mar 2020
if you would ask me.
what is the meaning
of all the words that,
i have been offering

i would tell you,
they are everything

i write to find meaning
i write to give meaning
i write so i could mean something
at times when i feel like nothing

and the thing is,
i'll keep offering words to you
because you mean so much to me

and that is my meaning,
so, i would never stop writing
fallacies May 2018
'at times
when you miss me,
what do you do?'
'i write poetry for you'
fallacies May 2018
how much
you love the rain,
maybe it's a way you
try to ease the pain; as
the rain pours, so do
your tears, that you
kept inside, for all
those years
fallacies Mar 2019
it's been months since i last saw you

it's been weeks since i last talked to you

it's been days since i last heard from you

it's been hours since i last checked on you

it's been minutes since i last texted you

it's been seconds since i last thought of you
and i guess that means, i always think of you
fallacies May 2018
i am not a dancer
but i can make words
dance at the tip of your tongue

i am not a singer
but i can make words
sing to the beat of your heart

i am not a painter
but i can make words
paint a scene from your dreams

i am just a mere writer
but i can make words
write their own stories
paint their own pictures
sing their own songs
and dance their own way
fallacies Dec 2018
you know it really does get sad and lonely
waiting for someone without certainty

but at the end of a long day
as long as i know that everything
and anything i do is all for you

i'd let myself be swallowed by the loneliness
because in the end, it will all be worth it

and when everything else turns out fine
you'll grab me by the hand
and pull me right out
fallacies Nov 2019
it's because i love you
fallacies Apr 2018
we were too busy
wanting what each other
should be

that we forgot
what we wanted
to be
fallacies Jul 2018
while you get so worked up
dwelling in the past and
keep forgetting that
you can't change it

the future tries so hard
to get your attention, saying
hey, you also can't change me,
but you can choose what i can be


— The End —