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fallacies Dec 2019
i gave you company
i gave you things you never even knew you wanted
but you still accepted them as if you knew that i would have given you anything if it meant the world to you;

and you were right

i gave you my company
i gave you comfort through every moment life has mistreated you
away from all the unnecessary pain, stress, and heartbreaks

and i was alright

or so i thought...

i gave you company and i gave you things you never even knew you wanted
i gave you comfort through every moment life has mistreated you

i gave you company and comfort through the cold harsh night

but as soon as the first sight of light in the morning embraced your face
the moment you opened your eyes...

i ceased to exist to you,
as if i was a dream you had last night
but soon forgot in the morning...
fallacies Nov 2019
i don't want to love anyone else anymore, but you
fallacies Nov 2019
: i hope to be seen even when i'm not of use to anyone; more than when i am of use to them
fallacies Nov 2019
i hate listening to the songs we used to sing,
songs that engraved a memory of you in my mind

but in the end, i'd still end up listening to them
because that's the closest you'll ever be,
now that you are not here with me;

the closest memory that i'll have of you.
fallacies Nov 2019
do you know how i'm sure i love you?
because i chose you- every single day

even if i am not your choice, anymore
the first two lines are not my own words,  i really felt and relate to the message they wanted to convey- but i added a little twist of my own reality in the last line which was also pointed out by a friend
fallacies Nov 2019
it's because i love you
fallacies Oct 2019
through the numbing pain -
i still feel you, everyday
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