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  May 2014 HopelesslyHopeful
Poetic T
I throw a stone
in the water, and
a wave splashes
on the shore elsewhere.

For every stone
we throw is a ripple
effect that can
alter something
near or far.

For every action there
is a reaction, started
by the smallest thing,
and can alter the slightest
thing or change everything
with that one throw.
If you've got scars(inside or out)
And you're still alive
It means you won the battle
I hope that's enough to keep you fighting
I don't ever want to see you lose the war
So put on your war paint and keep trugging on
Hear the cries of your villains as you fight 'em off
It'll get easier
Smile in the face of your enemies
Even if it's fake
Paint it on your face
'Cause one day it'll be real
When did it all get so bad?
Before my eyes I grew up to be so sad
What's the point in getting dressed?
When I already know I'm too depressed
And my mind will wrestle with me
Defeated, I'll lay here in shame
I'm pursuing more than happiness
It's just so hard to catch
Teasing me barely loaded
But it's something
We're all just trying to find our way
So don't get in mine
If I ever hurt you,
Don't tell me
Because you'd tear me apart
Nothing is worse than knowing
I broke your fragile heart
I'm not prepared for the pain
Of letting you get away
I'll do anything to make you happy again
I'll do anything to keep my only friend
It breaks me down
To hear the damage I've caused
Forgive me please
And I'll spend forever
Trying to make things better
Everyone is talking about losing their grip on reality
While I'm barely grabbing hold
Should I just let go
And claim I'm just as disturbed
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