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 Mar 2014 Lauren R
K Balachandran
'In perfect corpse posture, he lies
supine, motionless,
on the broad sidewalk
hardly a space to practice a yoga pose.

The waterfall of evening sun
foaming on his face
in no way disturbs,
it would seem when one looks
through the car window.
When, such equanimity
of the yogi on the sidewalk
begins to puzzle
the discreet signboard,
leaning against the wall besides
the motionless man,
lets the cat out of the bag:
"Our bar is now open"
Corpse pose(Shavasana):its a position of rest and relaxation in Yoga
 Mar 2014 Lauren R
 Mar 2014 Lauren R
**** you Thin Mints!
****   you   all   to   HELL!!!

 Mar 2014 Lauren R
 Mar 2014 Lauren R
Morning slips in
like a wide-eyed child
at my bedside,
I roll over
and smile,
ready to play.
 Feb 2014 Lauren R
 Feb 2014 Lauren R
Your lips
Were the first thing I noticed
Gently parted
Breathing in and out

Oh to be your words
Conceived within your mind
Born upon your lips


Your lips are ******* poetry.
 Feb 2014 Lauren R
Hey Billy Boy,
Meet me on Tralfamadore.
You know when, Billy Boy,
We've been there before.

I'll be your Montana,
And we'll talk and we'll ****.
Until the time comes
We become time unstuck.

It's hard to adjust
To four-dimensional sight.
Strange to know the world will end,
With a fateful test flight.

Free will is a myth;
So resign yourself to fate.
Billy Boy, so it goes.
Just sit back, and wait.
Just a silly ode to my favorite book.
 Mar 2013 Lauren R
Alyce Marie
"You taste like a wife! "
You spit these words on my back
I **** red wine down like water
and forget you want to possess my intestines
firmly grasp my beating heart and tell me
"You're mine, *****, I've got you now."
"I have you in my fingers
Squirming and shrieking
Begging me to kiss you
You can't leave me
I'm broken
I need you to make me feel good about myself
I need to step on you and grab a hold of heaven
I will just destroy you."
 Mar 2013 Lauren R
Krusty Aranda
As I drink a warm cup of coffee on a cold day I sit back and think about us.
How I used to wait for you to get back home so we could spend a couple hours together, chatting our worries away, before I had to leave until the next day.
How we managed to make Skype seem naughty.
How we longed to be finally together someday.

It was never easy living an ocean away, but we sure tried our best to make it work... and it did.
We found love in the strangest place, and we couldn't be happier.
You made me smile. I made you smile. It couldn't get any better than that.
But all good things must come to an end someday.

Nothing lasts forever, no matter how much we promised each other it would.
Things change.
Mistakes are made.
Hearts are broken.
Tears are shed.
In the end it's all a part of life we all dread, but must face sooner or later.

As I gaze at the fire, consuming the wood in a divine dance of death, I realize that it was all for the best.
I wasn't the one you loved in the beginning anymore.
I hurt you so many times it was only right to end it all.

I apologize for all the pain I caused you, and wish you the best in this future without me.
You'll do better this way.

For me, I'll just be happy as long as you are.
I learned to be another me, the best me I can possibly be, and it's all thanks to you.
Now it's time to make my life away from you, even though I'll miss you.
I now know things had to be this way, but I wish we hadn't said goodbye before we met.
The time has come to move on, but it was a good run :) I will sure always remember all the time with her.
I dream of life in a fairy tale
My mother is the queen
Family without lacking any self esteem
I am the princess
My life is oh so grand
Every man on the planet
Has asked me for my hand
Dinner is always a feast
My corridor larger than peasants homes
Every day I sit on my ****
Upon my magnificent throne
I aquire jesters for entertainment
Fulfillment at the tip of every finger
But sometimes when I am by myself
I notice there is nothing inwards
Never have I been hurt
Tangents into questions of if I know love
I have never held a tender embrace
Hardly a single hug
No one has ever let me down
So I have never grown
All I do is whatever I would like
But I am all alone
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