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 Feb 2013 Hidden face
Shame on you and your heart
If you have one.
Cause you are tearing us apart
Piece by piece with each day
A promise not kept
a moment not treasured
One more reason for me to give up
Everything I hold dear.
Can't you see you're changing me?
Turning me into a wreck
heartbroken and desolate.
You're turning me inside out
Wringing my emotions
Bleeding out my heart.
I hope you're sorry
For breaking my heart.
A scale, something sharp enough
to cut deep, deep into feelings of
self-worth, of self image a object
that just by looking at rips away
at every ounce of confidence you
have every built up, you start at
the numbers hoping that you get
numb-er, praying that society gets
dumber because there are no words
to explain the hurt of looking at the
numbers that appear on the society
ridden scale. Where in the definition
of beauty, does it say skinny? where
in the idea of gorgeous does it show
a small waist and curves where they
see fit. At what point did we give
the media the power to control how
we feel about ourselves. where did society
get the power to make us, feel so powerless
Beauty is not a number, it is not a size
nor is it a hair, or eye color, or skin tone
people say that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
so please, take this opportunity to hold everything that you
are and everything that you will be, and realize
That you, are the most beautiful you can imagine.
You, are the New
definition of
You look me in the eye
Say you love me
That's a lie

Everydays a new issue
And you break me up
Just another crumpled tissue

You promise me sweet thing in my ear
Then tell me that they were fake
Everything that I hear
Is putting my feelings at stake

How could you **** me like this
When I give you everything
How can you shove me
When I just wanted you to see

But you're blind
And just won't listen
I wish that I could find

I hate that I am drowning
And you don't even care

I hate that my words aren't ryhming
Because I can't see or hear through my tears

And my hands are shaking
Because I hate knowing you're here

And that you can hear my sobs
And you just don't.... Care
She's an escape
To say the least

When I'm lost
Surrounded by demons
For her attention I be feigning
She so lost in her own thoughts
That she didn't notice me there
I guess she was unaware
Because she put that little sign on the door
That read...
"Boys Beware"....
She already than caught on to game
Or just got tired of hearing the same
So maybe that's why I stuck up in here
To spit some poetry in her ear
Not just things she want to hear
But words to make everything crystal clear

I let her know my mind wonders about her
When I no longer want to think about the pain
From my past relations
She is my medication
She is my motivation
She is my oxygen
She is my best friend
She is my escape....
 Jan 2013 Hidden face
Tonight I’ll be in your arms and you'll be in mine.
I wanna treat you right; keep you safe, till the end of time.
Give you sweet kisses, and hold you gently,
I don't need a heaven, just being close to you is so divine.

I wanna hold your hand in the moonlight and make promises of a love so fine,
Lay by your side, let our bodies entwine,
Hear your breath, sweetly calling out my name,
You give life to my words, only you can make the ordinary, sublime.
 Jan 2013 Hidden face
 Jan 2013 Hidden face
Cry your eyes out,
till they're red and dry,
and no tears will escape,
those soulful eyes.

Lay your head down,
and wait for night to come,
where the peaceful dark,
will become your home.

Wake up to the morning,
and slowly rise,
your eyes feel dead,
yet your body is somehow alive.

Look into the mirror,
try to recognize your face,
let the feeling come back,
when you knew your place.

Cast aside those thoughts,
don't let them bother you,
get set for today,
because today is new.

It's time to fight back,
not silently but out loud,
your glares can combine,
with the strength of your words.

They will not get away,
with their games this time,
because your eyes will catch,
their every crime.
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