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If i were to write drunk poetry,
You would call me foolish,
But my words dont lie,
they flow,
Like a river,
which knows no end
and a few rocks
which hit you,
like they hit me
but they mean no harm,
so let them be
i walk through
a sea of fire
but it doesnt burn me
whats the use
i wont scream
So it passes by,
and i stand still
burning with out burning
in my fiery dreams
Never answer questions about yourself when drunk, you'll find out things you don't want to know.
Silence expresses what words cannot
Saying more than just talking
Silence is not absence nor stupidity
But trying to find the words to express your thought

Some things are better off unsaid
Because silence speaks louder than words
A communication like no other
A deeper understanding

If you can't find the words to what you want to say
Then don't say it
If you really mean it
Silence should be enough
i dont even know what this is i just started thinking about how silence is better than words
How do you look at the man you love
and tell yourself "It's time to move on
there's nothing here for you"
 Jul 2014 Heike Borgard
In the folds of the hills
and hollows
of my mind,
I remember a time
when you were free.
You were of the sweetest color
known to me.

No man could catch you;
I'm not even sure we tried.
It was such a sight
just to watch you
spread your wings.

Like a bird
you could fly
circles so high,
blue as the sky,
and free as the wind.

I knew someday
you would leave,
fly away,
no longer free;
my mountain bird
on a breeze.

r ~ 6/30/14
   |     €
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 Jul 2014 Heike Borgard
 Jul 2014 Heike Borgard
Lazy seems the sun today
helped aloft
by a flight of pelicans
in formation
like B-52s returning
to safe haven
after a sortie
Inland they go
with the gulls
during this calm
before the storm
The smell of a slowly swelling
angry sea awakened
drowning out the roses
by the garden path
soon to be scattered petals
across the village
The morning calm
belies the night
to come.

r ~ 7/3/14
  |   Hurricane Arthur
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Laughter is the only sound
That is strong enough
To cover to pain
That never gives in
When the music stops
And the blinds pulled down
Pain stretches his legs
All over my heart
You fell in love with me.

I just hope you jumped.
Not slipped.
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