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Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
Dear father,
Forgive me, for I have sinned.
I gave my heart to a boy who kept girls like me on the bedside next to his watch.
You've got to understand that I didn't know the devil behind his innocent smile.
You made him, why did you use forests in his eyes and lightning in his fingertips? What made you decide you should throw every beautiful destruction in one man?
When did he fall into his ways? Was it when the girl he picked dandelions for kissed his best friend? Or the time his father cheated on his mother and he knew the roots of his creation were tainted?
Didn't you realize I would compare him to stars? You made him of constellations I had yet to discover, you threw thunder in the rumbles of his voice.
He wants to fly, you know that? He wants wings.
And I've always been in love with the sky.
Forgive me, for I have realized You should be groveling to me.
You made love seem as beautiful as rain, but it was a hurricane.
Why the **** did you think giving wings to a boy who only wanted to drown me in his "love" would bring me to repent to you?
beg for me, for I have no faith.
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
And with every betrayal burning in my stomach from the words that passes your lips.
I became a new person, one who forget words meant anything to her.
This poem means nothing.
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
And your touch was oceans, I was drowning at the thought of being without your fingers in my hair.
I knew from the tone in your voice you'd leave eventually but I grabbed your hand and somehow, I thought that'd make you succumb to me.
You were 4 a.m skies and every reason to say goodbye, but how could I form those words if you made me forget how to speak.
I could tell you every color in your eyes and the every story told from the scars across your knuckles.
You couldn't look me in the eyes, you couldn't bear the thought of emotion on your back.
Where was your hand when I was drowning?
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
I've kissed more guys than what I can count on my hands, I could describe them for you, I don't forget goosebumps and fingers on my hip at 3 am.
Hair to my shoulders, and fat on my hips, you looked at me and I forgot how my thighs were pressed too close together and people giggled when I ran. You kissed me and I forgot how to breathe.
Give me a year, I kissed him against the side of his garage, he was too old for me, too cold, his heart was stone and I knew I wanted to be numb, and he grabbed me around the waist and told me to work on it.
You were the brother before my favorite summer, but that's another story to tell. We made a competition of kissing against mall walls and kissing with our eyes open, you weren't anything I wanted but you were warm.
You were the only boy who whispered to me in Spanish, the first guy who cried in front of me and declared I sunken into his veins so far that if I left, his new addictions would drown him and scare his mother. He kissed me like I was his only breath.
You were my favorite summer, I was your challenge and you were my guilty pleasure. I wasn't suppose to be out at 3 am but you kissed me on swings and fogging your backseat became a hobby. We both swore we'd never fall for anyone, but you tripped and fell into me, but I left without a trace, he kissed me like stars had fallen.
Flash forward:
Every guy I had every kissed, was only me feeling them, I never felt for myself. You weren't fireworks, you were stars exploding and creating a new earth. I couldn't compare you to fire because you burned brighter than that, you collected shivers in your fingertips and delivered them to my spine.
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
I pray you burn the wood you carved us into, because I'm tired of fighting this fire alone.
You've roasted our love away, carving us into a childhood bunk bed and praying we stay past our adolescent phase.
I want to kiss you under our initials, show you how heated I can get under your gaze, smolder the letters of my name because I don't belong on bunk beds.
I belong in backseats, and kissing behind your mothers back when she's making us dinner.
I belong as a secret, I belong on letters you were never suppose to send.
Lick the envelopes with love you aren't suppose to have for me, tell your mother it's a platonic relationship and your father I was the kind of girl you'd marry.
I don't belong on bunk beds, so don't put me above your head.
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
He trailed his fingertips up my side, whispering things like "You're beautiful".
What's so beautiful? Was it the way my eyes fluttered at your touch, or the way my skin feels against your palms? How far up my shirt did you get before you thought I was beautiful?
You discarded my top like you previously discarded our love, tossed it across the room to lay among the other shirts stained in Jasmine perfume.
I wasn't Jasmine, not hot-nights and lights off, with tears in her eyes because she has daddy issues and her mom told her she'd end up on bedside tables anyways.
I was Twilight Woods, fogged windows in a church parking lot, and putting my pants on before you wake up, my daddy hugged me enough, and my mother has no idea about the way you love to tangle your fingers in my hair at red lights.
Secrets in the writing on your windows.
Heaven Dawn Feb 2014
You were nothing but the dust floating through the sunlight in my basement but god, I couldn't stop staring.
You were nothing but avalanches sweeping trees in and breaking every limb with the rumble of your voice but god, I could never stop listening.
You were nothing but lovers among drive-in movies and trembling hands, but god, you were chilling.
Can you imagine if my father found out about the way you looked at me at 10:29 when we were running late, with your hand up my thigh. Picture the disapproval in your mother's eyes if she saw the scratches across your shoulder blades.
Tell her I was only trying to find your wings, tell her I was scratching the places where your wings fell off when an Angel like you, fell for someone as ****** as me.
Tell her you love me, I want to hear her scream at the thought of your corruption.
She knew better than to let her sweet angel to fall for a shadow with green eyes and a way of laughing that sent shivers up your spine.
Kiss her for me.
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