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Heather Lash Apr 2015
Everything felt real,
I was happy, it was true.
You were great.
And now I'm crying on the sidewalk,
Because of you.
I'm in pain.
My bones aching from exhaustion,
My heart breaking in two.
My mind confused and feeling numb.
I did not want this to end.
But I will not fight you.
I hope I will have you to depend on,
In the future.
I will respect your wishes, for now there is space.
But hopefully not forever, and I hope not for long.
An original poem I wrote after a break up.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
Meadows surround me.
My hair catches in the breeze,
You whisper but I don't hear you.
The wind whips my dress.
I feel free.
And complete.
There is existence around me,
But I don't see it.
All that's left in this moment is me.
Flowers have sprouted and birds fly past,
But I can't tell you about them.
Because I am free.
And complete.
I turn my face to the sun and soak up the rays.
My skin tanning, the warmth enveloping me.
I sigh.
I feel free.
I am complete.
This is an original poem I wrote when I felt very content at that time in my life.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
“Please don’t,” I said, as he drifted away.
“You can’t do this to me.” But he wouldn’t understand.
So I lay here betrayed feeling lost and undone,
This isn’t what I wanted, he is already gone.
He doesn’t know what this will do to me.

How hard it is to deny the person you love,
How hard it is to tell them no,
How hard it is to tell them “I won’t talk to you.”
How hard it is to let them ruin their lives.
And it just ***** when they don’t listen,

I tried to stop him, I really did.
I don’t know what will happen,
I’m not sure it will all be the same.
I will still love him yes but will I know him?
How can I trust him? How will he feel when it’s all over?
Stress- free, happy, himself again? I doubt it. It’s not that easy.
“Please don’t. Don’t do it for me,” I say one last time in sheer desperation.
And you don’t know how much it hurts when the person you love says “No.”
This is an original poem I wrote about an ex that started to drift away.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
Darkness is ****** upon my heart like a sharp knife.
No tears drop from my eyes. The only thing that falls is my hope.
My body lay numb, my mind blank, comprehension beyond reach.
Deep down the truth waited to be unlocked, it sat in a knowing chest full of dreams and wants.

Completely and utterly murdered.
The life once had stays shattered, scarred for all existence unable to be fixed with glue.

Stopped and shut down.
It drags on pulling the lifeless along with it, ensuring a possibility.

Broken apart by war.
Reality is here and swallows up what once was and leaves it all in the dust,
To find another soul to torture.
This is an original poem.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
How the rain falls to and fro these dark muddy puddles,
How the waves break and yet there are still no answers,
How the trees wave in the wind with no question.
But why?
The moon shines but there is never a glisten,
The stars have begun to fall.
And so has the chamber
That has held on so long.
It will burst like all other man made connections.
It may fail. And still, man, as a whole will go on
Along with the universe.
But that one chamber will be left unmended
With rents and cracks unfixable by cement.
This is an original poem.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
Looking out from below,
There is a light in the distance.
It calls to me, I run.
Faster and faster,
The wind catches and pulls me back.
I struggle, the gusts are too strong.
Pushed back I cannot escape.
Locked, like in a prison.
Iron bars and iron beds greet me, mocking my progress.
"Stop," I shout, but no one is there to listen.
"Help," I shout, but no one is there to listen.

Mountains rise up and shoot into the sky,
I vow to climb.
One step at a time, I vow to climb.
Canaries and cranes cheer from above,
My heart beats fast.
Lungs pumping hard, I smile.
Throwing my hands in the air, snow begins to fall burying me beneath.
I struggle to escape, the pile is too high.
Freezing, my hands go numb.
"Help," I shout, but no one is there to listen.

Waves endlessly crash into the beach,
Feet light on the sand.
I spin, a laugh escapes from my mouth,
Bliss comes with a light breeze.
Water washes against my ankles,
It ***** me in.
The water raises to my waist, I am pulled under.
Grasping my air,
My body bobs as I claw for the surface.
Muscles pained from the struggle.
"Help," I shout, but no one is there to listen.

Rainforest tree canopies shade the sun,
Leaves drop on my glossy shoulders.
The heat warms me, hot but content.
I cut through vines and bushes.
I smell smoke.
A quick turn, I am surrounded.
Flames explode blocking exit.
Creeping closer,
I am pushed struggling against a tree,
My skin begins to burn.
"Help," I shout but no one is there to listen.

In a chair I sit waiting,
Time flows on without break.
My spirit free, my mind busy.
There is an importance to my project.
No barriers bind me,
An audience, they clap, a response.
"Believe," I shout, and the whole world is listening.
This is an original poem that I wrote for a class that was then turned into lyrics for a song.
Heather Lash Apr 2015
I dream without sleep
Days drag on endlessly.
I wish I could escape.
My heart still races.
There are things I cannot erase,
This is one of those things.
Shadows crawl all around me.
They consume my mind,
Dying on the inside,
I don’t know where to turn.

The sunshine beams happy
And I am in the cold dark.
The pain will not fade,
The rain will not stop,
And this passion continues to flow.
Until the day it is over,
It all will continue to grow.
But not before she breaks.
This is an original poem I wrote when I was very upset and not able to handle all the stresses of the time.

— The End —