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Sit me down at the bar
I'll take a Jacks on the Rocks
I need it strong
Stronger than you've ever made it
So make it a tall glass
I'll be here for a while

Hey bartender pour me another
Let me tell you why I'm here
I walked out of a church
I was suppose to get married today
She's a beautiful women
Smart, ****, Sensitive
Couldn't ask for a better woman
I walked out because I'm not marriage material
I wasn't meant to be a husband
Not to someone as incredible as her
She deserves a man
Aiming, truly willing to be by her side
Through the thick and sick days
I'm leaving to go to war
For a country that turns their back
On the men and women sacrificing
The things and people they love

Hey bartender
I'm going to need another
This buzz isn't strong enough
***** it put a little Jose Cuervo
He'll spice this buzz up

See bartender I may be a stupid man
But I know what's worth fighting for
She is worth every bomb exploding
Every soul my AR15 takes
I'll be the grim reaper in any country
As long as I know she is truly safe
I guess I should attend my wedding
The same way I'll attend my brothers funeral
Filled with sorrow and love
Another son is going to war
With a bottle and for a woman
A son that might never come home
The way she wants me too
I reached for you this morning
Smooth, soft skin usually needing my warmth
But that 5'2 angelic body was gone
Flew from the nest at the earliest hours
Between 2 and 3
I looked for you under the sheets
Hoping you didn't fall too deep into slumber
You were crying on my chest
Just before the lights went out
You signalled to me you were comfortable
As the drool fell from your slumbering mouth
Too cute is the way you sleep
Half on me while your feet dangle off the bed
So baby have a good day at work
I'll see you tonight
Come home quickly
I cooked you dinner this morning
Did she love me?
Does she now?
What can I do to get her back?
Am I useless?
Pathetic and weak by choice?
Did I forget who I was?
What the **** is wrong me?
I'm tired of the questions
Never accompanied by an answer
It's just somebody's opinion
That aggravates the rage
This ******* cliche life
Is a ruined wasteland
I might as well end
She awoken the sleeping poet in me
****, now I know why it went to sleep
One answer sponds two more questions
Should I love this girl to the fullest?
Should I avoid asking her out?
How badly will I hurt her?
Will she be the one to hurt me?
Life full of riddles and I'll riddle something for you
Is a life worth living if it was never given a chance to be lived?
 Nov 2013 Hayley Neininger
it's hard to crack a
coconut while
sitting under the
in order to understand
the fundamentals of a
broken heart
you've got to know the
secrets of the soul


99% of human beings
are enchanted
and to lick the moon
you don't always have to
travel to mars.

Now wait.
 Nov 2013 Hayley Neininger
Anon C
Serene erosion how could it be
a natural force turned so violently
awaiting the day that brings all to their knees
will your master then bade you well
awaiting an entity that will never come
merely impending darkness amd that is all and it will ever be
skin as white as my blackened soul
it's a metaphor didn't you know
ink painted from head to toe
I imagine the taste is that of the mountain air kissing ocean waves
I'm in love with a ghost
I found the moon hates the sun
the moon hates the sun, the rabbit is still white and the hatter still mad
the oxygen still tastes of mountain air and ocean waves
I shall just be on my way, good day
I went toe to toe
With Love
No gloves
I don’t remember
How many rounds
Been in a coma
Since the knock down
Just waking up from the out
I’m looking around
Don’t know anybody
I’m lost
Too new
To be lonely
If only
To remember
Why even climb in the ring
Hopefully it was for something
Planet moving
As all I have now are lumps on my head
And a lump in my throat
I’m out to sea without a sail
In a one man boat
I look out to see my gloves
Floating next to me
As if Love wanted
To make absolutely sure
I knew who put me here
A deep breath
Eyes closed
Soaking in the sun
I slide on those soggy gloves
One by one
Then paddle
Back to shore
To climb in that ring
Once more
If for nothing else
To make absolutely sure
Love knows
I don’t care about titles
Wins or losses
Or what the odds are tonight
I came back
To ******* fight
(C) 2013
My futon mattress is still on the floor, folded
once over with a crumpled blanket on top.
I’d laid it out for us to fall into and fumble
over each other, drunk and half-naked.

We laughed and breathed deeply,
you on top of me, me on top of you.
We bumped our heads and joked
that only we could make *** a comedy.

Led Zeppelin came through the speakers
as we tumbled into each other the next morning.
Your eyes met mine as I watched you move,
we joked we've probably seen too many ******.

I haven’t planned to put away the mattress
or even fold the plush, brown blanket.
I'd like it to seem as if you’re still here
and that we didn't just **** for nothing.
I don't usually write with curse words, but I felt like it works here to express emotional detachment. What do you think?
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