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Sep 2019 · 10.8k
Buried Words Sep 2019
I want to look as empty as I feel
Sep 2019 · 91
Buried Words Sep 2019
And I suddenly felt at peace,
One the pills passed my lips.
This whole lifetime of struggle.
Sep 2019 · 122
Welcome Home
Buried Words Sep 2019
Heaven cast me aside,
While hell welcomed me with open arms.
Sep 2019 · 91
Buried Words Sep 2019
It’s lying on the floor because your bed feels empty.
It’s sitting in the rain, letting it touch you,
Because nobody else wants to.
It’s your body begging you to eat,
But you can’t even do that.
It’s writing love poems to your demons.
It’s hugging your pillow wishing it had a pulse.
But it never will.
It’s the dark place I live in,
The only place I feel accepted in.
Sep 2019 · 249
Buried Words Sep 2019
I’m a danger to those around me,
I could destroy every relationship,
In seconds.
But instead,
I destroy myself.
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
Buried Words Sep 2019
The hardest part.
Is realizing that..
We are

Sep 2019 · 113
Buried Words Sep 2019
I craved the feeling,
Of being teared open.
I need my skin to split.
I need it to pour out,
For the thoughts to disappear.
So I relapsed.
I took my tool,
And slit my wrists.
And as the crimson oozed,
My pain went with it.
Seeping onto the floor,
Drop by drop,
My memories leaving my body,
Until there was nothing left,
Not even me...
Aug 2019 · 314
Buried Words Aug 2019
Trapped under my skin,
Dying to come out and play.....
Jul 2019 · 285
Liar, Liar
Buried Words Jul 2019
I don’t lie..
I just withhold secrets I’m not ready to tell.
Jul 2019 · 119
Buried Words Jul 2019
As the smoke exits my mouth,
The harm enters my lungs.
Filling me with contempt,
Knowing I am once again,
Ruining me.
As the blade glides across my skin,
All my pride and self worth glides away with it.
I am left once again,
Harmed and Worthless.
Jul 2019 · 218
Buried Words Jul 2019
You left your finger on the trigger,
Wondering if you should take me back,
Back to all the darkness.
Jul 2019 · 98
Buried Words Jul 2019
My legs tremble underneath me,
My chest tightens,
The voices shout louder.
My vision depletes,
And my hands start shaking.
I am becoming unsteady,
With myself.
Jun 2019 · 251
Buried Words Jun 2019
Looking through the eyes,
Of the unknown body,
Known as me.
Desperate for a way out,
But I can not escape,
Apr 2019 · 242
Buried Words Apr 2019
I engulf my body in the warm water,
Listening carefully to the beating of my heart,
Filling my ears.
Being careful not to corrupt the liquid surrounding me,
Trying to remind myself I am alive.
Apr 2019 · 305
Buried Words Apr 2019
I want to feel this way because,
I don’t know what other way there is to feel.
Apr 2019 · 190
To the Bone
Buried Words Apr 2019
I will never give up.
Until I am only bone.
Apr 2019 · 140
Alone Again
Buried Words Apr 2019
I felt your finger escape my hand.
Your love, leaking from my heart.
I’m trying to hard to patch it up before it empties.
Your eyes facing the ground,
While mine begin to cry.
I drop to my knees.
Bitter with pain.
Please don’t leave me.
Apr 2019 · 311
Buried Words Apr 2019
One too many calories,
I’m fat.
1 workout turns to 6.
30 crunches turns to 300.
Walking turns to jogging.
3 meals turns to 1.
And fat turns to bone.
And now I am “perfect”.
Mar 2019 · 238
Buried Words Mar 2019
I welcomed happiness with open arms.
Yet it did everything to avoid me.
The sadness was too strong,
Too protective.
Over its victim.
My glimpse of hope,
Quickly over shadowed.
I’m back to the normality of being
Mar 2019 · 187
Too deep
Buried Words Mar 2019
I dug myself a hole.
And lay myself down inside.
Letting the mud and gravel cover me.
Never seeing the light again.
Mar 2019 · 104
Like a Book...
Buried Words Mar 2019
I am full of stories,
Some happy,
Some sad.
I can be hard to read,
But some people find it easy.
You bend my pages,
They never go back to how they were.
Sometimes you’ll forget your even reading me...
And when your finished,
I’m thrown somewhere dark,
Never to be seen again.
Buried Words Mar 2019
I feel your touch,
On my shoulder while I sleep.
I can feel your breath,
Warming my neck.
But why can I still feel the pain,
Why can I still se the dark?
When my happiness is lying right beside me...
Mar 2019 · 236
Buried Words Mar 2019
You never noticed her,
She was unseen.
You walk right past her.
She is unseen.
You pass her body,
She was unseen..
Mar 2019 · 402
Buried Words Mar 2019
Carrying them to my grave.
Like a sack of boulders,
On my weak, damaged bones.
My brain filled,
Over flowing with my past.
Why oh why, can’t you leave me alone.
Mar 2019 · 77
Buried Words Mar 2019
My fingers run across my thigh,
Feeling the damage I’ve done.
The rough lines delicately scattered to and fro.
Each telling their own tale of how they appeared.
One containing memories,
Another made by pain.
In a way I feel at peace knowing their always there.
Never leaving,
Unlike everything else in life.
Mar 2019 · 412
Buried Words Mar 2019
Scars are the words from within,
That we could not release.
Words are the feelings,
That need to be heard.
Feb 2019 · 113
Lovers Voice
Buried Words Feb 2019
Your voice rang in my head,
As I looked death in the eyes.
“You will get through this”
“You are strong enough”
But death was already carrying me,
To my new home.
Feb 2019 · 543
Rain Fall
Buried Words Feb 2019
All the words I could not say.

Trapped all tight inside my brain.

Waiting for the fall of rain.
Feb 2019 · 384
Mind on Loop
Buried Words Feb 2019
Memories like glass,
Carving images into my brain.
Tattooing them there,
Never forgetting,
What happened.
My mind is playing them on loop,
Over and over.
Until the day my heart stops.
Feb 2019 · 94
Pain Attack
Buried Words Feb 2019
As my legs go numb,
And my lungs fill with liquid.
I feel at peace.
This recognizable feelings,
That reminds me I’m alive.
Even though in pain,
I am still here.
The bells in head,
Bashing from left to right,
Give me a sense of hope,
Even though it causes pain.
Then the darkness.
Where I relive my past.
And I’m back...
Feb 2019 · 107
I Feel Black
Buried Words Feb 2019
Some feel yellow,
While I feel black.
Drowning in my own mind,
Unable to catch a positive thought.
Thinking, thinking, thinking,
Back to the bad.
And never back to the good.
Almost erased by my dark thoughts,
I feel utterly alone.
Jan 2019 · 133
Cold Friend
Buried Words Jan 2019
You stuck the blade in my back,
While hugging me lovingly.
You dug up my past and laughed at it.
You opened my mind and searched through my thoughts,
And ripped them out and stomped on them.
You travelled deep deep down,
To find my secrets and unlocked them,
And threw away the key.
Leaving them on show.
You were meant to be my friend.
Jan 2019 · 304
Buried Words Jan 2019
I keep swallowing what I thought was air.
Jan 2019 · 284
Buried Words Jan 2019
I wish life had a delete button.
Delete the pain, the suffering and sadness.
Delete the false love and the hate.
Delete the addictions and abuse.
Just delete me, myself and I...
Jan 2019 · 151
Humanity is Dead.
Buried Words Jan 2019
We grow, we learn, we work, we die.

We love yet we always get our hearts broken.

We speak a dead language consisting of sounds and lacking Emotion.

Some are scared of death and some embrace it.

But we are already dead.
Conversing with empty souls.
Jan 2019 · 262
Buried Words Jan 2019
Above me is the sky and the white silk clouds,
Looking so tantalising and angelic.
And below me is the cold, hard ground.
Filled with skeletons and rotten memories.
Where would I rather be..
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Buried Words Jan 2019
The colour of love,
Yet the colour of death.

The colour of your lips,
Leaning in to love me.

The colour of the liquid,
That drips from the wounds.
And the colour of the pills that took your life.
Jan 2019 · 99
Why would anyone care...
Buried Words Jan 2019
If I left today,
Leaving behind my name and a memory.
Like a useless object,
No one would notice if it was here or gone.

Worthless, Ugly, Unworthy.
Those were your words to describe me.
Your words put me in this position.

Deciding between black or white,
Deciding between life and death.
Life and death seems the easier option.

I feel unlovable,
This state of being is depressing.
Maybe people will understand.

Why would anyone even care about understanding.
Jan 2019 · 108
Buried Words Jan 2019
You fold me into what you want me to be.
And I can't do anything about it.
You cut, you fold and you rip.
Over and over,
Until I am what you've always imagined.
Jan 2019 · 125
Nobody knows me
Buried Words Jan 2019
Hiding my true self under my warm, broken flesh,
Looking in a mirror and seeing a figure looking back.
Nobody knows me.

Fake smiles,
Fake laughs,
Being okay so no questions are asked.
Yet all I want to do is release this pain,
Eating me from the inside, out.
Jan 2019 · 381
A Cut a Day
Buried Words Jan 2019
A cut a day,
Keeps the demons at bay....
Jan 2019 · 122
Buried Words Jan 2019
I bet you never think of me,
And I never cross your mind.
I bet you when I call you,
All you want to do is hide.
You tell me that you love me,
But what if its not true.
Even when you lied to me,
I kept loving you.
Jan 2019 · 132
Buried Words Jan 2019
You feel hopeless,
Those days you don't even feel like breathing.
Energy lacking,
Head hurting,
Eyes closing.
Never wanting to re-open.
The darkness is calling and you're trying to answer.
Yet something keeps pulling you back.
Jan 2019 · 1.3k
Buried Words Jan 2019
We are completely and utterly alone in this world.
We are born alone,
We survive alone,
We suffer alone,
And we die alone.
And most of all we feel alone.
Jan 2019 · 102
Love Hurts
Buried Words Jan 2019
It hurts when you love someone so much,
Yet they are completely blind to the fact.
When you can't even sleep with worry,
And their out having fun, not even distinctly thinking about you.
Jan 2019 · 158
Buried Words Jan 2019
I could sit for hours,
Looking at the blade.
Gleaming in the ****** bedroom light,
Smiling back at me,
Begging me to use it.
My thighs itching with anticipation,
Too be torn to pieces.
Jan 2019 · 94
Buried Words Jan 2019
Your my reason.
My reason to live.
My reason to wake up in the morning,
And not to enter the eternal sleep I crave.
You keep me going,
And keep me happy.
Your the reason I'm slowly starting to find a meaning.
You turn the bad days to good,
And sometimes the good days to bad,
But we always fight through it.
I don't know what i'd do without you.
Jan 2019 · 112
Beautiful Boy
Buried Words Jan 2019
You stole my heart the day we met.
Without me even noticing the hole you left behind.
I still look at the scar yet all I can do is smile.
Thinking about your touch,
Your tired head on my pillow lying beside me,
Just giggling and having fun.
I remember looking at you and realising,
He's the one.
Jan 2019 · 120
Gone Girl
Buried Words Jan 2019
Your infectious laugh ran through me like wildfire,
Your  big green eyes drew me in deeper, into your trap.
Those gorgeous freckles scattered across your nose,
Were just a coax.
Your perfect little ears designed with diamonds,
And that tattoo on your waist.
All of which made me fall in love with you.
And to this day I don't know how I am alive,
Since you are gone.
Jan 2019 · 111
Buried Words Jan 2019
I crave the breeze brushing against my skin,
The rain gently dripping on my hair.
To run through the woods, full of life and nature.
Meet new people, and discover this fascinating Earth.
But instead you keep me trapped,
Claustrophobic in my room.
Never going beyond these walls,
Of pain, remorse and this pessimistic existence.
Which you call 'living'.
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