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 Jul 2015 Harshil Sarwala
Black - the color of death
Defined by the absence of color...and life
Black is the colour of a dying soul
and the lives tossed in among the coal
Black is the colour of a crimson sky
From the battles and wars that took place in time
Black is the colour of a child's tears
Curled up in a corner and drenched in fear
Black is the sound of a fired gun
And black is a mother's tears cried out for her son
Black is the lives lost out at sea
and the bound and the tortured waiting to be free
Black is the colour of the mutilated and broken
Black is darkness
To some extent it's inside us all
affecting our feelings and mind
slowly creeping up behind
take this absence and fill it with life
invert our black into white
and create inside us an everlasting light,
the truth
Please don't repost this without giving credit to "Black Sideburns."
 Jul 2015 Harshil Sarwala
From a flowering plant
From a naive heart
Harvested and opened
Roasted and transformed
Broken and darkened
By life
By process
Ground into powder


Boiled and burned


Not even a fraction
Of what it once was
But the result

                                 ­    Beautiful

Experienced differently
Suffered through

Drink up.

I gave you my heart
(I love you - I said)

You put it in a freezer
"I may or may not need, it depends" - you said


(I love you - I said)

but things worked out with HIM


You gave me my heart back
"Unlike Han Solo...
I don't think it survived
the freezing process - sorry"
- you said


(I love you - I said)


My heart actually did survive
but it barely beats now

- full of ice damage -

Backing two horses in a single race in the bookmakers is always frowned upon by true gamblers.

— The End —