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harlee kae Dec 2014
i still think of you
all the time.
but i think of him
now too.
and in my brain i'd have to say
you're the darkness
and he's the light.
though the choice may seem obvious,
i can't be with him too long
without wanting a little mystery..
harlee kae Dec 2014
please dont like me too much
i will tear you apart
please dont like me too much
this was over from the start
please dont like me too much
as if im some sort of art
we were never going to make it
when another has my heart
harlee kae Jul 2018
is it comfortable silence

or have we simply run out of things to say
harlee kae Sep 2014
Today in speech
I learned
that May 4th
to September 2nd
is the season
for breakups.
I can't say
it surprised me
to know
that even my heartbreak
was ordinary.
harlee kae Sep 2014
stop please stop
the ******* voices in my head
they're yours
all of them
stop the memories on repeat
the memories of you
stop showing up in my dreams
stop the insanity
give me some ******* peace
harlee kae May 2019
and it's definitely bittersweet
harlee kae Jun 2014
everything makes me think of you
and i guess thats my fault
for holding on too long.
harlee kae Nov 2017
my partner
my lover
my friend

for making this heavy heart
harlee kae Apr 2015
Sometimes, I write you letters.
Yes, letters I never send, but they are letters nonetheless.
And I know he would get mad.  Say I'm still in love with you.
But the thing is, I'm not.
Sometimes I just wanna write you letters.
That's what I see on tv.
That's what Oprah does.
harlee kae Feb 2014
You're beautiful.
I know that you don't see it but you're
   beautiful to me.
I know I'm crazy
   and I know it couldn't happen but
   with you I wanna be.
Cause you
  Bring me joy when I'm feeling sad.
  Calm my temper when I'm feeling mad.
  And with one look at you my heart feels glad.
harlee kae Jun 2018
at the edge of the world,
desperate to be brought in
to the warmth of the pack.

but when invited,
declines politely.
preferring to sulk in solitude,
and wonder,
why aren't i good enough
to be a part of the group.
harlee kae Mar 2019
i think it must be full
i guess we have that in common
harlee kae May 2019
that's what i imagine
as i watch the sun set
of course i would
think of it in terms of food

i've got a lot of extra stomach
where my stomach used to be
and i don't feel happy
in my own skin

maybe i should try cutting out junk
7 days? start summer off right
but i don't have a good track record
with self control..
i'm just another american problem
harlee kae May 2019
here we are
a secret society
essentially strangers
but still alleys in this fight
who encourage, admire, anger, inspire
each other to continue
it's said at the end of the day
all you have is yourself
i think we writers have each other
as well
so raise up your pens
call forth the troops
blast out your battle cry
whistle your words
rally together behind the truth of your poetry
and the convictions in your heart

we are here as one
hurting and healing and harmoniously having
our fits of passion, heartbreak, doubt, and discoveries

maybe not in the first line of defense
but really, what's a good fight
without someone to write of it
sorry hp, i stayed up reading. i'm full of declarations.
harlee kae Nov 2017
I hate when people ask what's wrong
As my eyes fill up at a sad sad song
Or a movie or a book
They'll take one look
And question my emotional response

But happiness isn't something
We all get for free
Especially girls with broken hearts
Who write bad poetry
harlee kae Dec 2017
makes me
it’s like the cold
seeps into my bones.
and with that chill, memories.
the ones i forgot to forget about.
and i’m not sure if it’s the free time
or my perfectionist impulses,
but i can’t stop going back
and trying
to fix things.
harlee kae Jul 2017
she holds my head and I hold hers
and we press our foreheads together
and I feel strong.  
I don’t know what she is feeling,
but I don’t think its strength.  
Me though,
I feel strength.
  I feel empowerment.
  I want her.
  I want us.
  And nothing
and no one
will stand in the way of that.
  Of that I am certain.
So, I was wrong.
But that's okay. All love is beautiful, even if it's only right in the moment.
It's now 2017. I'm with someone new.
And nothing and no one will stand in the way of that.
harlee kae Feb 2014
you said that you love me, that's kind of confusing
you know what i was thinking of
that first time that i saw you
you were so beautiful
i never thought you'd be so exposed to me
but there you were, under me
the sun streaming in the window and illuminating your skin
you were glowing, like you were  my angel
like your purpose for living was to save me from this forsaken place
but somehow between then and now everything has gotten misconstrued
and most days i can't decide if you're my angel or my demon
but either way i'll take you
because you've ****** me into your world
and i know the only escape is death itself
but i don't mind your world
it's the only place i've ever fit in anyway
harlee kae Nov 2014
what ******  me off is that my sister says "i want you to marry him" everyday. okay, i understand he's a nice guy. but i don't love him.
the one time i was in love NO ONE gave a ****. and you want to know why? because i was in love with a girl.
no one said ya'll are so cute together. no one said i want ya'll to get married.
well let me tell you something; people that don't support same *** relationships. you are ignorant.
the love is there. the feelings are there!
why does it bother you.
also, gay DOES NOT equal stupid.
the words aren't synonymous.
"this homework is gay"
"that picture is gay"
"your haircut is gay"
and no
to the people that use the word gay as a descriptive noun, you are also ignorant.
okay, i'm good for now.
harlee kae Feb 2018
of not being able to make a decision
because i'm scared that whatever i choose
i will be wrong

of not be able to speak my mind
because you say my opinions
are inaccurate/loud/stupid

of trying so hard to care for others
because i need someone to say
that i matter

i'm tired

of finally making a decision
then being ridiculed for it

of saying what's on my mind
and being told i'm too angry
(or choosing to stay quiet
and being told i'm too sensitive)

of cooking and cleaning and chauffeuring
and never being told thank you

i'm just so tired
of living a life
that feels
harlee kae Mar 2017
i'm getting tired again
i'm wearing down
things are starting to look bleak
like they used to
i thought it was over
i thought i was done
how do i fix this
harlee kae May 2014
I fell in love
with the sadness in your eyes.
You broke my heart
with the cruelness in your lies.
I was always one for saving,
and you needed to be saved.
But now I'm not sure that it's me
or attention that you craved.
I feel us breaking apart
day after day,
And i don't know if to fight
or to let you slip away.
harlee kae Jul 2014
"At least drug addicts can be sent to rehab and cured."
As if liking a girl is some kind of illness. As if having a gay sister is a fate worse than death. But she was right about one thing, although the mind can be messed with, the heart is not so easily persuaded..
harlee kae Dec 2018
the sun is shining
while the rain cascades
down my windshield.
and i'm thinking
the sky is as confused
as me.
harlee kae Oct 2017
same ****
new day
******* choose
to leave or stay
stop playing
with a fragile heart
that shouldn't have been
yours from the start
and if you knew
how to love at all
you'd know it's complicated
when you fall
just know, you shine brighter
then the darkness
the world will throw your way
harlee kae Mar 2015
you know i'm not mad at you right?
okay, i admit, in the beginning i was.
but not anymore.
it's just, i can't look at you knowing
that you hold everything i've loved in your hands. it just hurts.
i've always hated change.
and i guess i never learned
how to let go.
so until then i'm sorry
but i'll keep looking at the ground.
harlee kae Jul 2014
come out tonight
it will be an adventure*
they chanted to me.
so i went out
to get you off my mind
but it turned into something ugly.
and now i'm scared.
and now i'm alone.
and now i wish you were here.
because the biggest adventure i need
is looking into your eyes.
harlee kae Jan 2015
me lying in an empty tub
whispering everything i hate
about myself
harlee kae Oct 2014
2. *****
3. pray not to wake up
The above list is in chronological order.
harlee kae Nov 2017
have a way
of building

these moments
replayed so often
they are made great
before they exist

and sometimes
just doesn't match
harlee kae Feb 2014
Tonight I really hate you.
But I'll go on pretending I'm a happy girl in love.
You won't know the difference,
so what does it matter anyways.
At least when I'm pretending
I still have someone to talk to.
If I abandoned my inhibitions and told you the truth I'd be all alone.
Sad to say,
but I'd rather have a false feeling of love,
then no love at all.
By the time you figure this out
I'll be over it.
harlee kae Aug 2015
when i think of you
i think of seventh grade
we met and you were funny and cool
and i was probably shy and afraid

i think of swimming at memaws pool
you called me amish when you saw my room
that year is when i started to love you
and our friendship began to bloom

i think of letters i think of notes
of watching breaking bad from your bed
and how you were always on my side
no matter what other people said

i think of blueberry toaster strudels
and late night ihop talks
of crazy times at coleman park
while taking random walks

when i think of you i think of home
i think of warmth and i think of joy
yes i'm very blessed that you're my friend
you're an extraordinary boy
a poem written for one of my great friends on his birthday. friendship is a beautiful gift that shouldn't be taken for granted.
harlee kae Feb 2014
The monster inside my head makes me think such vicious thoughts
But the thing is, I kind ot agree with it.
More than kind of.
My insides are boiling.
The anger and hate are literally eating me alive.
I can't stand it.
Can we not get through one day,
One day without  me feeling this way.
The monster is telling me you don't care
About me in the least.
I agree.
But then again the monster *is me.
harlee kae Jul 2014
my sheets smell like you,
and i'm tired because i didn't sleep
for watching your marvelous face.
i didn't want to miss a second of our last night together.
and in the moments you forget
that you weren't supposed to love me,
and you wrapped your arm around me
i was home.
harlee kae Aug 2017
i think of you
as i drift off
to my sleepy sea.
i think of you
my trevor lee.
i think of your smile
on your face.
as it filled up the room
and lit up the place.
the place that was so gloomy.
until you were there.
your eyes squinty
and your cute little hair.
i wish it could have been more
then just a handshake and a bye.
but your girlfriend never liked me
since she found out i was bi.
so thats what i have to live with now
and i guess that, thats okay.
as long as when we see each other
you promise to say hey..
harlee kae Jan 2018
what kind of person am I
to be 23 and missing high school?
it makes me incredibly lame
and truthfully pathetic,
but I’ve never been the type
to make friends just by living.

and in high school I found soccer,
and by extension,
people I genuinely loved.

I have never felt so connected;
to people, to a passion, to the idea
that I am good enough.
and it saddens me to know
four years was all I got
to feel alive and free.
harlee kae Nov 2019
this chest is like a vault
and i threw away the key
so you never really get to know
this misunderstood me

i'd rather keep who i am buried
all my real thoughts deep inside
then give you time to hate it
i guess i got too much pride

but it's scary
cause this vault has cracks
so sometimes i start to show
and the person that you get to see
isn't someone you want to know
harlee kae Apr 2019
we believe this
because its what we're told
because magic like that can't be true

but maybe they are real
or maybe that isn't the point

maybe believing in yourself,
believing in your dreams,
feels like believing in a fictitious creature

imagine how excited you'd be
(how excited the world would be)
to discover that unicorns exist

have the same excitement towards yourself
let yourself be seen
and not just the best parts

let your messy parts show
let yourself be loved
for who you really are

maybe that
is magic in itself
harlee kae Jul 2018
we are all
and isn't that kind of nice.
harlee kae Aug 2017
went to an old friend's wedding.
turned to watch her walk the aisle,
and there you were.
a half second glimpse
then i looked to the ground.
i chewed my nails
to the point of bleeding.
and drank my coffee black.
and kept looking at the ground.
because i feel
completely inadequate
when i see your new girl.
and you with someone else
still kills me.
and i cried the whole way home
thinking about the fact
that i'll never
hug you again.
harlee kae Oct 2014
the world is a dark place
and its getting harder to hang on
but if you do
i will
i promise
harlee kae Jun 2014
Remember when our biggest problem was finding a way to be together.
God I wish I could go back.
I'd love you so perfectly  
that you'd never want to leave.
harlee kae Aug 2014
I held my breath
in an attempt to stop the tears.
I think I passed out
before I got there.
harlee kae Jul 2017
i think
i think too much
about stuff i shouldn't
think about
but it's like
you've ever been
was soaked
in the essence
of you
harlee kae Jun 2017
I keep getting off track,
but I guess I can’t talk about falling in love
without talking about all that it entangled.
And let me tell you, when you fall in love
it will change every aspect of your life.
It isn’t all laughter and joking around like in the movies.
Sometimes you don’t even get to talk to each other.
Sometimes people don’t even know you’re in love.
But no matter what struggles you go through
it will always seem worth it.
At the end of the day when you’re lying in bed
with an important person’s face splayed across your eyelids
you have a sense of belonging,
and that’s when you know
it will always be worth it.
harlee kae Dec 2014
i layed there
with your arms around me
listening to the tick tick tick
of your watch
and i thought to myself
this is much more comforting
than a heartbeat
because i'll know exactly
when it stops
harlee kae May 2014
im so ******* tired of this fight.
everyday its the same.
but not today.
im done.
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