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harlee kae May 2014
im so ******* tired of this fight.
everyday its the same.
but not today.
im done.
harlee kae Jul 2017
we're just two needy people
needing each other
harlee kae Mar 2015
your arms feel like home
and i've been homesick
for quite some time
harlee kae Jul 2018
my mind;
a prison i lock myself in
when i need someone the most
harlee kae Apr 2019
what is a heart
what is a head
if one is alive
must the other be dead
if one is in charge
of the picking and choosing
will the other be left
with the hurt and the losing
harlee kae Jan 2018
I don’t know why I need people so much
when I love being on my own
harlee kae Mar 2015
My hands are perpetually cold,

and I don't know if that's because

of this weather

or because they

never get held anymore.
harlee kae Dec 2014
some days i miss you like an ant bite.
i can even overlook it with the right amount of will power.
others, i miss you as if my gallbladder was removed.
i can continue to live, but i know that something is missing.
harlee kae Aug 2015
i could spend hours
thinking of your hair.

somedays, i do.
harlee kae Mar 2015
and no matter how long it's been
your smile lights me up
cant help it
harlee kae Apr 2019
now we can't speak
and the rain hurts my head
and i try to remember
all the words that were said

because this one hurts worse
it's not the same kind of end
before we were anything
we were always best friends
harlee kae Jun 2014
Everyone tells me you're a user.
But what they don't see,
is I beg to be used by you.
harlee kae Oct 2017
I see you almost daily
in long braided ponytails
and sarcastic smirks
on stranger's faces in a foreign town.

But where it makes sense
I wasn't expecting you.
So I turn
and my heart drops to my stomach
and it's thundering so loud
I feel like my skin will vibrate
off of my body.

And your cousins are there
so grown and beautiful.
I think of the times
we did puzzles
or played soccer in the yard.

No one glances my way
and it's funny
how a second
can feel like an eternity.
And it's funny
how you were my sun
while I'm just a desolate planet.
harlee kae Jun 2014
Seven days have passed since you broke my heart in two
And even though you did me wrong I'm still in love with you
Sometimes when I'm with you I think you want me too
But then you're with her and I know you never do
Or never will
Not again
Not with me at least
We'll be friends
Thats all I get
With that I've made my peace
harlee kae Jun 2014
I miss your lips
and how when they were pressed against mine
I knew you better then myself.
And I miss your eyes
and how when they caught mine
my heart jumped, everytime.
I miss your fingertips caressing my face
and how they made my skin crawl
in the most pleasant of ways.
I miss laying beside you
and watching you sleep, breathing you in.
In hopes that later when I'm alone
your scent will linger in my nose.
Mostly I miss being reminded daily,
that I am loved.
harlee kae Jul 2014
that each second that passes is a second closer to my death
and i couldnt be more grateful.
harlee kae Apr 2019
if not another reminder
that i have no friends
harlee kae Feb 2014
I trusted you.
I guess that was my mistake.
To me you were always so perfect,
And now I see that you're fake..
How can I be with a person who doesn't tell the truth?
You said it doesn't matter,
But this afternoon is proof
Now I'm questioning everything we've said, and seen, and done.
Was that day really perfect? Was that day really fun?
I don't think I can be with someone who feeds me constant lies.
Who treats me like the bad guy to put herself in a disguise.
I don't know if I should tell her that I have to let her go,
But I know a relationship like this will never ever grow..
harlee kae Apr 2014
I will sit her down and tell her
don't give yourself to the first person
that tells you, you're beautiful.

Because someone else will come along
and tell you that you're beautiful
and they will mean it.
harlee kae Nov 2017
sometimes a memory
will envelop me
a memory
i forgot existed

like laying on a beanbag
as you stroked the hairs
that escaped my braid
while monsters inc played
in the background

and as the world
passes outside the window
my heart recalls that feeling
that feeling of falling in love
harlee kae Oct 2018
it's been raining a lot
i think it changes my mood
or maybe that's the new season
or maybe it's just me
sometimes i feel like
i'm living without living
would it really, truly matter
if i quit everything

it's just
sometimes i have this lonely feeling
sitting on my chest
and it empties me out
and it won't go away
harlee kae Jul 2017
i pull on my lip
because i want to look hot.
and lips are hot, right?
i cry more over a character in a book
than a character in my life.
somedays everything seems beautiful.
somedays nothing does.
i act like i don't care about a thing.
because being uninterested
makes me interesting,
harlee kae Feb 2020
two quick words
and out the door
tell me what
i'm living for

i love yous
shut in my face
like it's my fault
you have to race

off to your work
while i am alone
and you can't even manage
to pick up the phone

i guess i just miss
getting to tell
the things from my day
that went really well


i'm not good at silence
and it's all in my head
so many things
always unsaid


i'm not good at friends either
so alone i will stay
and suffer in silence
until the new day
harlee kae Oct 2014
why do i sit in this parking lot crying
while the birds are outside flapping their wings
why wasnt i made for this life like everyone else seems to be
and why am i so alone
why am i always alone
and why wont the sadness stop
why did you touch me
why did you touch my body
why did you touch my mind
why did you touch my soul
and why did you leave
why wasnt i enough
why am i so **** useless
why am i here
why am i still alive when this doesnt feel like living
why cant i sleep anymore
and why does eating make me sick
why do i try so hard to fill others with love, when i cant even love myself
tell me why
harlee kae Nov 2014
i have so much to be thankful for.
i know that.
but for some reason being surrounded by family all day makes me feel so alone.
and i don't know whats wrong with me.
but i wish someone could fix it.
harlee kae Dec 2014
its winter again
the time of year we fell in love
and its cold
but so beautiful
kinda like you
and my god i love the sunsets
but it kinda *****
that i cant see a pretty one
without thinking of that face
harlee kae Jan 2015
how many times did we come here
with the intention
of never leaving the car.
and now i'm here
staring out at the abondoned building
we called our home.
and i wish you were here
just to hold my hand.
harlee kae Aug 2015
She said "words can really hurt, and hers cut deeper than anyones"
and I looked at her;
hair falling out of its braid,
sad slanted eyes,

and I thought to myself
now that was beautiful.


I wanted to hug her,
tell her not to stop driving
until we saw a sunset.
But I looked a her
and gave a soft smile,
because she didn't even know
what she did.

That's the thing with words,
they can really hurt.
But they can really heal, too.
harlee kae Sep 2016
and i'm overwhelmed again
i'm in that place again
just need to see your face again
i'm tired
i'm breaking
i'm shutting down
and its only been a day
but its like a week or two
and i don't know what to do
or who i am when i'm not with you
just don't get tired of me too
i've been crying a lot
i mean i'm really stressed
i'd understand if you couldn't take it
but please my love lets make it
i can't take more disappointment
all i need is your arms
right now
and maybe i'll be okay
harlee kae Oct 2017
and i wish you could see
that there is hope
in this hopelessness

and someday
when you aren't expecting it
you will see a glimmer
so grab on tightly

because you do matter
even if it feels like
the world would be better
without you

i've been there.

in a place so dark
i thought i'd never see the light again
wishing for something to take me away
from a world that didn't care
or understand

in a world of insomnia
and weightloss
because sleeping and eating
felt complicated too

so it's okay
to not be okay

but i just want to remind you
that you are brave and you are strong
and you are ******* alive.
message me if you need a friend
harlee kae Jun 2014
I made an egg sandwich with my french toast.
You told me to close my eyes
because you had a surprise for me.
I felt guilty
because I was going to end us.
Plot twist
you beat me too it.
You pulled my heart out
and shredded it through your fingers.
If you go by the bench you might see
pieces of it left behind,
embedded in the weeds.
Maybe when you wash your hands
you'll find some blood left
under your nails.
I'm still trying to figure out my surprise.
harlee kae May 2015
i think i forgot how to write.
the birds still chirp
and the flowers they bloom
but just maybe not in my mind.

my words are shattered.
sometimes i do not have the
time to arrange them right.
sometimes they only have meaning
when they are dripping with blood
but i am tired of being cut.

yesterday i saw a hamster
with his beady little eyes of death
and i wanted to write about bitterness,
cruelty, or the selfishness of men.

but i think i forgot how to write.
harlee kae Apr 2014
I dont think she pronounced it correctly
But in a casual conversation my grandma said she ate there
And I thought of the one good day
The one right before the horrible one
And how because of that day
I'll never get to eat there
Like we said we would
harlee kae Apr 2014


harlee kae Oct 2014
something funny will happen to you,
or you'll see someone you haven't seen in awhile,
or you'll watch a really good movie,
or read a really good book,
or try some new restaurant,
or do something stupid,
and you have that one person you tell because they understand.
and they think it's funny too.
that's what i simply miss.
harlee kae May 2019
cried in the shower again
i can't believe it's the end
somehow, a child's my best friend

she just always brightens my day
in her goofy, intelligent way
and i wish that she could stay

but that's the profession i'm in..
im ******* lame
harlee kae Apr 2019
i'm lucky
to hear it everyday
from a sweet little girl
that truly believes it

while another wraps her arms around me
and tells me that she missed me
since she last saw me (16 hours earlier)

and a third
twirls circles around me
and tells me she hopes i'm happy

for you see, i'm a teacher
and this year has been the hardest
but they only saw the best in me
even when i didnt deserve it

so love like a child
show your vulnerabilities
tell people what's special about them
and look for the best in each other

and look for the best in yourself
i have 28 days left with my babies and it kind of breaks my heart. life passes quickly. so look for the beauty in each moment. and make them count.
harlee kae Dec 2014
you say you want to be beautiful like me someday
but i can only hope to someday aquire
a beauty as magnificent as yours;
a smile that makes the room warm
a laugh that turns the foulest of moods
a comforting touch to let even the weakest know
everything is going to be alright
i want your carefree crazy moments
and the times when you're so serious nothing can crack your facade
i just want something more than for people to say i'm beautiful
because what is that really...
harlee kae Mar 2019
because even when i cant see you
i know youre there
you control the tide
control the mood
you make me stop
and stare
and smile
you arent afraid to stand out
to be bold
youre completely unique
surrounded by things
that could never outshine you
harlee kae May 2019
i get sad at night, lonely
i explain
trying to let you know
what's in my head

but you roll your eyes
as you
scamper off to your boyfriend
slamming the door
in my face
i wish i knew how to make friends
harlee kae Nov 2014
Here I am;
stuffing my face in a Brookeshires parking lot like some ravenous animal, with a cupcake I bought myself.
Writing a half assed poem to pass the time while I wait for a response.
But, we've all been there.. Right?

— The End —