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harlee kae Feb 2014
her name is like
on my tongue.
i swallow it
along with my pride.
it burns a hole in my stomach
making me ill.

your name is a
dancing on my lips.
tickling the back of my throat.
i say it often
and it fills me with air
making me free.

and when you say her name its like a
to my heart.
making me cry.
bleeding me dry.
and you don't even know
that you did it.
harlee kae Aug 2014
When I die bury me on a mountain
in New Mexico,
so the wildflowers can overtake my body, and my soul can be as free
and beautiful
as I've always imagined.
harlee kae Dec 2017
like the movie,
it makes me think of you.
and the day that he came back,
as people sometimes do.

and often i so think
thats what started our descend,
because you moved away,
and you made a new best friend.

other days i realize
that the ending was on me,
because loving a girl was something
i didnt do publicly.
harlee kae May 2019
maybe there's a fine line
between love and hate
maybe we're together too much
and it's something we can't escape

but i don't know
if i've ever met  a bigger *****
then you
harlee kae Aug 2014
I caught myself
of you
Your lips
burning holes
in my throat.
"Is this okay?"
It is.
I shake my head
to get you out.
focus on math
But ******,
you're better
than math.
harlee kae Sep 2014
i never realized how much i depended on you until you disappeared.
harlee kae Mar 2015
i would cut open my veins
if i could bleed out your wishes

just for a chance
to see you smile
at me
harlee kae Nov 2015
you know those scenes in the movies where everything kinda slows down and you don't hear voices but music, and it's probably acoustic, but also happy too and everything is gold because of the sun and the people's smiles and you stare at the screen and just feel that maybe life is gonna be okay ?
that's how I feel about you.
yeah life gets crazy sometimes and I get anxious and moody and frustrated, but then I look at you and life feels better, and everything sorta turns gold.
harlee kae Jan 2015
does it count as love making
if while i'm into it
you've been faking
harlee kae May 2018
this isn't a poem
not really
just me stating, i'm proud
proud of myself

i found an old journal
and after just a few pages
i realized
i've grown a lot
mentally and emotionally

and that's something to celebrate
even if only with a handful of strangers
harlee kae Jul 2017
every day was gray
and cloudy
so i always felt down
because i thought
the sky was a reflection
of myself

then you came into my life
and suddenly i realized
there was sun
harlee kae Jan 2015
i was driving
to the field
in my car, my baby,
and god she was

you were sitting
right beside me
radio up, windows down,
and god you were

you poured water
down my shirt,
and i was afraid
that i would crash,
because i couldnt stop

and neither could you.
harlee kae May 2014
i hate you for making me love you
even when i hate you.
and i hate your smile
because it pierces my heart
and makes me want to cry.
then i do and you ask me whats wrong
but i cant even tell you
because i dont know.
im as bipolar as the texas weather.
and sometimes you forget a jacket.
i hate you because everytime you lie
i give you another chance.
and i hate you because even though i dont want to be with you
i cant be without you.
drowning sounds nice to me
but everytime i try
you pluck me out and give me air
just enough to survive.
most of all i hate you because no matter what you do *i cant hate you
harlee kae Apr 2018
the silence
is deafening.
and my body feels
so heavy
so deep.
tears ready
at the surface,
but letting them cascade down
would take too much effort.
i guess nothings wrong,
but i'm here alone.
harlee kae Aug 2017
12 miles total
5 miles up
it starts pouring
i slip in muck
slice my hand
it starts to bleed
the throbbing pain
just what i need
to remind me
i have more to give
despite the downs
still life to live
harlee kae Feb 2019
there's a void
maybe its always been
empty from the start
maybe i ignored it or
maybe i enjoyed it

but it's gapping open
and there's nothing
to fill it with
harlee kae Feb 2014
I barfed tonight.
I was tired of feeling fat.
Tomorrow I'll eat better.
I say that all the time.
Tomorrow never comes.
harlee kae Jul 2019
when the choices you make are hurting
both you and someone you love
and your feelings feel like a burden
how do you know what's right?
when you feel like your thoughts should be said
and you feel like they need to be heard
but there's so much **** in your head

when you want everyone to be happy
but you don't know what that means
and you dont know which path is right
or which one follows your dreams
harlee kae Sep 2017
I have a cough
And it's insanely hard
To stay up past 9:30
And I am so tired
Of being sick
And being tired
And feeling adrift
harlee kae Mar 2018
we treat this like an acknowledgement
more than an actual question
i mean no one answers it honestly
because we're afraid of a therapy session
but we'll post what we're eating for breakfast
hoping to get a reaction
because we'd rather talk through a screen
than have actual human interaction
just some thoughts
harlee kae Nov 2017
I don't think I can do this.
harlee kae Oct 2017
I am a fool
for dreaming big dreams
that I can't accomplish.
I am a failure
as my knees give out
and my mind gives up
and I quit.
harlee kae Jul 2014
my poems get ******* and *******
and if i could delete the last few i would. but i guess i dont write for you anyways, i write for me. and sometimes i just need to get the jumbled mess in my head down on paper before i go insane. i'm sorry.
harlee kae Mar 2015
i'm so tired of being harleekae
can i please be someone else
if only for a day
do different things/see new places
travel around/see some different faces
this world wasnt made for me
no not at all
it's built too precariously
set up for me to fall
harlee kae May 2018
yeah, it's been years
since we last talked.

i cant say
the way you like your coffee,
what your favorite movie is,
or your thoughts as you close your eyes.

but ever so often
i'll hear a song
and i'll remember the way
your braid glistened in the sunlight
and the passion in your eyes.

no one conveys more purpose
in a single glance
than you.
and somehow, i doubt
that has changed.
harlee kae Jun 2014
I want to make love to you while the rain beats against the window and our breath fogs up the glass.
I want to hold your hand while I drive around aimlessly and sing at the top of my lungs.
I want to buy you random **** even though it makes you mad, but I love spending money on you.
I want to look at you and know that you are mine.
I don't want to make halfhearted conversation with a painted on smile.
I don't want to be your friend.
harlee kae Oct 2014
if the moon fell down tonight,
i swear to you my dear,
i'd spend my last few minutes
dreaming you were here.
we'd lie in bed together,
your hand upon my cheek
as the world goes cold, oxygen fades
and our bodies; they grow weak.
we'd hold each other tightly,
drifting into space.
if the moon fell down tonight, i vow
to spend the last few minutes
staring at your face.

you're the only light,
and the only warmth,
i've ever needed anyway.
if the moon fell down tonight, my love
i pray you'd come, and that you'd stay.
but if the moon stayed tonight,
up there in that sky,
i'd do what i do everynight;
i'd lay in bed and cry.
harlee kae Jun 2014
i want to stab you in the heart.
red trickles out like rain.
then pull the knife out gently
and take away your pain.
i want to heal you with my fingers.
trace them down your spine.
i want to let you bleed out slowly
because you were never mine.
harlee kae Dec 2014
te amo. te quiero. te adoro. te extrano.
harlee kae Dec 2018
you're the same
kind of different
as me
which is nice
but exhausting
because i cling to you
as if you're the last ember
in a fire that long ago faded
i'm just so cold
and i can't find the flame
in myself anymore
harlee kae Jun 2014
Sometimes I hate poetry because people try to sound eloquent and sophisticated with their words.
They tell some long drawn out story of how their mood changes with the seasons when all that needs to be said is **I'm unhappy and it *****.
harlee kae May 2018
a tree is much more
than a little seed pushed in the earth.
it is a towering ballerina,
stretching it's branches out like arms,
to graze the passers by.
it is a singer,
wailing out sweet melodies,
as the wind rushes around.
it is a laborer,
handing out fruit,
and asking for nothing in return.

a tree graciously gives you its bark
to cut up and scar,
just so you can have that memory,
even if you never come back to visit.
harlee kae Mar 2018
where my dreams could come true
and i'm wondering
if i dreamed
big enough
harlee kae Feb 2017
it's funny
just a bit
(but not really)
how i mostly just write
in a state of depression
as if happiness
is something too great to share
because happiness isn't experienced alone
so why tell strangers about it

but sadness, jealousy, heartbreak
those are lonely emotions
so i write
hoping to get some kind of validation
hoping a stranger will reach out
and tell me i'm not crazy
for my thoughts,
and they have

strangers have been there
far more than friends
on the long nights  
when i'm too ashamed
to do anything but hide behind a computer

and now i'm just here
in a place of indifference
wondering why i stopped writing
wondering why the good times
can't also be shared

i'm stuck
in this rut
and i've made friends
have a boyfriend
a dog
the whole thing

but i miss the comfort of strangers
who know me more intimately
than anyone else
harlee kae Feb 2014
Back before anyone knew
there was something between me and you.
It was a secret kept,
for just us two.
I would hold your hand, given the chance,
And no one gave us a secod glance.
They didn't think it was strange or queer
That when you were around, I was near.
You weren't filled with anger.
I wasn't filled with hate.
And march the 12th wasn't even an important date.
Back then was the time that you and hattie were the best of friends,
And sleepovers weren't questioned with "i don't know... depends"
Now my life is different.
Your life is different too.
I really miss the time when it was only me and you.
harlee kae Sep 2019
i'm laying down
on the floor
on my back
in a never ending room

i'm the only one there
and it's spinning
or the world's spinning
or i'm spinning

and it's black
and i can't escape.
harlee kae Nov 2014
i don't even like that word (or *******)
they're both nasty words.
but that isn't the point.
the point is intimacy is like climbing a staircase that only goes up.
i don't like that either.
today you kissed me for a minute.
so tomorrow it will be two.
today you took my shirt off,
so will it always come off now?
i'm rather fond of my shirt.
harlee kae Nov 2017
I'm on the cusp
of greatness
but even in my victories
I feel like an outsider.
harlee kae Jul 2014
because the words spew out like *****
and I am one sick child.
They flow out of my mouth as
ceaselessly as the tears
drip off my nose.
And they splash around your feet,
but you don't even stop to clean up your shoes.
harlee kae Jan 2018
To wake up
feeling isolated.
To drive to a job
I was supposed to love
with dread weighing deep
in my stomach.
To be surrounded
by people, by voices
all day, and count down the minutes
until I get home
to an empty house
to feel less alone.
harlee kae Aug 2017
i dont know why
half the time
i kiss with nothing lips.

lips that are pressed
against another's
but cant feel anything at all.

can someone please
tell me
what's wrong with me?

and how i can love someone
without feeling the need
to touch them.
harlee kae Sep 2017
and i wonder,
do you ever think of her
and what you could have been.
futures that were planned
but never successfully played out?

do you ever hear a song
that instantly takes you to a place
belonging to you and her
and nobody else?

do you ever compare me
and think of all the ways i fail
where she would have succeeded?

its okay,
if you do,
i would understand.

because memories have a way
of sticking around,
especially the good ones,
especially if you don't want them to.
harlee kae Jun 2019
the little girl
licks her ice cream cone
as chocolate drips down her chin

someday she could be president
or a doctor
someday she might get her heart broken
or buy a car
or dye her hair
a crazy color

but today
she sits by her dad
slurping ice cream
and her world is both
infinitely small
and limitless
harlee kae Oct 2015
There's two kinds of people existing,
you see.
There's people like you
and there's people like me.

Yeah, I might make others happy
because I do just what I'm told.
While you drive others crazy,
because you're strong-willed and you're bold.

But the world doesn't need a good worker,
a girl who gets the job done.
The world needs you, who questions the law,
and always makes everything fun.
harlee kae Oct 2014
i wish the sadness would go away
but it collects on my skin
like tiny dust particles
and it slowly suffocates me  
until theres nothing left
but an empty carcass
that longs for more
harlee kae Jun 2014
will i ever learn that i'm not enough
that even though you think i'm beautiful she must be more beautiful
and even though you think i'm special she must be more special
and even though you say you love me she must be loved more
because if she wasn't, **you would have picked me
harlee kae Jun 2014
You cut my head off
and devour my brain.
Taking my originality
and leaving me blank.
You draw a jagged smile
onto my face so
when you put me on a pedestal
I'll look just as you
described me.
harlee kae Jun 2018
in which
i wasn't

and i'll never
find out
harlee kae Sep 2017
Sometimes when I'm driving to school
Or washing the dishes
Or going for a jog
I think about how I will never see you again
And recalling
That friendships
Are actually quite fleeting
Fills me with an
Overwhelming desire
To cry

And it's been years
And I'm doing great
Better even
Then I was before.

But I think my mind forgets
That some things are forever
Even if those things are endings
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