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harlee kae Feb 2019
this is a new kind of broken
and being alone is so scary
but how can i be trusted
if i cant be alone
i need validation
i need someone to look at me
to say to me
you'll be okay
you'll be okay
harlee kae Jun 2014
caught between
asking                                 and
for                                     begging
you                                    you
to                                       not
come                                 to
harlee kae Mar 2019
look in the mirror
what do you see?
..or is that only me

look in the mirror
maybe there's more
then this perfect person
you've been striving for
harlee kae Jan 2014
Inside of a bubble -
I can see out, and they can see in,
But they don't talk to me.
They can't hear me,
Or else they don't want to.

Inside of a bubble -
I see the world passing by.
I want to be a part of it,
But I'm scared.
Scared I'll be rejected.

Inside of a bubble -
Negative thoughts, horrible feelings,
All bursting out of my head,
Coming to the surface,
Then echoing back at me.

Inside of a bubble -
I try to get out.
But to do that, I'd need someone like you,
On the outside of my bubble,
To help.
harlee kae Mar 2015
i forgot all the names
i gave to your hurts
and i suppose that's me
moving on
harlee kae Jun 2014
i wish i could burn through
my heart like i burn through
my arm because then maybe
i wouldnt have to feel the way
you betrayed me

tomorrow is the day i break
my own heart by telling you
that we are over because i
simply cant take the way
you **** me anymore
harlee kae Jun 2015
sometimes i feel like i'm in the ocean
and it's okay
because i know how to swim

but then i realize
even the best swimmers
sometimes need a break

and i'm not the best
not by a long shot
harlee kae Sep 2014
I thought you were my best friend
because you promised you'd always love me and be around for me.
You promised I could always talk to you when I needed someone.
But I need someone right now and you aren't around.
I always saw the best in you..
But I guess you aren't one for keeping promises so I shouldn't be surprised.
*But I am.
Betrayal always shocks me. I really need to stop believing the best in people that are surely only going to let me down.
harlee kae May 2019
another week
come and gone
and maybe
i scream too much
and maybe
i don't do as good as i could

but for the first time
val let me keep her drawings
because shes going to miss me this summer

the ponies of moon and sun
made me think of us

and sky said
i'll love you forever
ive never had a better teacher

and maybe they're 7
and maybe they'll forget me
in a year or two

but for now
they're my world
and i'm theirs
and for now
that's enough
harlee kae Oct 2014
some would say it's awkward
or uncomfortable
or painful
but i loved the way our teeth clashed
when we kissed
because that's how much
we wanted each other
harlee kae Mar 2019
you beat me to it
the words in my head
cant say i'm surprised
always one step ahead

cause you missed that part
closing your eyes
when you wake up and shower
and think of my thighs

yeah you missed that part
after cooking and breathing
the closing your eyes
to keep me from leaving

but as i was jamming
and noticed whats missing
you wrote it all down
as if you were listening

so maybe you dont
close them anymore
to rattle the stars
as you stand on the floor
harlee kae Feb 2014
i wish you were my dad.
not because my dad isn't great,
he is.
but you are different.
you're one of the only people in my life
that doesn't treat me like i'm crazy.
and when i talk to you, i know you understand.
when you look at me i know you're proud of me.
it's so great to have someone that's proud of me.
you're the best psychologist
i never had to pay for.
when i'm with you, i feel like i'm home.
i wish you were my dad.
not because my dad isn't great,
he is.
but you are my best friend.
harlee kae Aug 2017
every one i've ever kissed,
right here in this park.
two were in midday.
two were after dark.
my first kiss to a boy,
he turned out to be shady.
my second was my first love
a beautiful, smart lady.
the third was to my best friend,
even though he has a wife.
the last was to my current boy
the one I'll have for life.
every time I run here
I get memories, good and bad.
one specific memory
contains the best kiss that I've had.
harlee kae Mar 2018
sometimes i wonder if you love me
sometimes i wonder if i deserve it

i wonder
what it would be like
to look in the mirror
and like what i see

i wonder
what it would be like
to not feel anxious
when i enter a room

i wonder
what it would be like
to feel good in an outfit
to feel good in a picture

sometimes i wonder
what it would be like
not to wonder
harlee kae Oct 2015
I don't know what to say
to make things seem okay.

Because they aren't.
I know they're not.
Now that you're cheater,
he got caught.

It makes me angry
and real mad
because I know
you must be sad.

I know what it's like
in your situation.
How lonely you feel.
Full of desperation.

But don't give up the fight.
You're too beautiful for that.
Don't give up your sight.
Of where your poems are at.

You're an artist,
yes a hurt one,
but an artist all the same.
You've been hurt before,
but still stand tall,
just look up at your name.
This might not make sense to most of you, but that's okay.  This poem is written specifically for someone I follow who is going through something I recently went through.  I love you Kayla, <3
harlee kae Apr 2019
try for conversation
but you lack the motivation
simple reciprocation
is what i'll settle for

because our interests are divided
but our pathways are united
only sometimes i feel slighted
when i realize that it's true

and yeah you ask about my day
but don't listen to what i say
or do i just feel this way
i think i think too much
at least you let me look at the books
harlee kae May 2019
cleaning the living room
dancing around
distracting myself
not wearing a frown
this week will be good
this week will be great
trying positivity
almost can't wait
cuddling with cleo helps
harlee kae Jun 2014
Maybe, if I stare at the sun long enough, I can be blinded to my feelings for you...
harlee kae Jun 2014
i miss having someone always text me goodmorning and having someone to text goodnight to at the end of the day. i miss having someone tell me they love me. i miss knowing that if i get a day off i'll actually have something to do besides sit at home. and i miss being touched. being held and being kissed and having someone to tell my life to. because we were together for 441 days. and i dont know how to be apart.
harlee kae Jul 2017
you ask me if
you should go to florida
i swallow my pride
and say no
i beg you to stay with me
promise to take you
to the beach myself

i turn my cowardice
into courage
and believe in us
more than i believe
in the world's opinions  
of us
harlee kae May 2014
I'm only going to say this once,
so you better listen closely.
It isn't you that I hate
it's her, well mostly.
And if you kicked her to the curb
then we could be together.
But since you are infattuated
that will happen never.
This isn't up to me,
you're the one who's choosing.
I'm a winner either way,
you're the one who's losing.
harlee kae Jan 2015
sometimes i wish for a car wreck
sometimes its cancer i seek
because i am disgusting/i am guilty/i am nothing/i am weak
i want a way out of this place
but i dont want to do it myself
cause flowers arent sent
to suicide victims
but rather to kids with bad health
harlee kae Dec 2018
you've tiptoed up behind me
once again

and a part of me wants
to ask you to leave
but the other part missed
the way you curl your arms around me
and take control

because i'm tired of pretending
like i know what i'm doing
and putting on a smile
to make everyone else happy

i just want to be alone
and you seem to know that
harlee kae Nov 2015
and stressing
my mind
to wrap up my heart
so it won't fall apart
and it can have safety this time
harlee kae Jul 2017
everyone is so focused
on the big picture
that they forget
the most important part of life
is in the details

the little things
that make a person
who they are

coffee or tea
sunsets or sunrises
roses or wildflowers
beaches or mountains

find beauty
in the smallest parts
of someone
because they're
the most important
harlee kae Apr 2019
not being able to eat dinner
before i weigh myself

(that way i know if i'm allowed)
harlee kae Aug 2017
words are my weapon of choice
but you're a man of action
and i think we're constantly
trying to impress each other
with things that impress ourselves
harlee kae Sep 2014
When I no longer felt the need to live they told me there was a way;
they would cut up my body, sale all the pieces, and that way, I could stay..

They stuck me inside a crane machine,
my arms, my legs, my heart.
Fifty cents was all it took to win yourself a part.

My head it was the first to go, it went to a strange old man.
Who lived down in a basement, and had a secret plan.

My fingers they went next, to some little girls and boys.
The size of them was perfect for the children to use as toys.

The piece of me that went last, was the piece that belonged to you,
and when you walked by the crane machine you knew just what to do.

You put in your two quarters and you grasped the handle tight.
The claw wrapped gently around my heart and didn't give a fight.

You walked to your car, whistling, with my heart held in your hand.
Completely content, my soul was free, because you were my final plan.
harlee kae Sep 2014
When I no longer felt the need to live they told me there was a way;
they would cut up my body, sale all the pieces, and that way, I could stay..

They stuck me inside a crane machine,
my arms, my legs, my heart.
Fifty cents was all it took to win yourself a part.

My head it was the first to go, it went to a strange old man.
Who lived down in a basement, and had a secret plan.

My fingers they went next, to some little girls and boys.
The size of them was perfect for the children to use as toys.

Eventually my brain and my heart were the last items in the case.
An eager young girl ran up and pressed the glass against her face.

She asked her mother curiously, which one should I choose.
Her mother replied, think carefully, for neither I'd want to lose.

The heart can bring you so much joy, but also so much pain.
And the brain can give you answers, but also drive you insane.

The little girl walked away, slowly shaking her head.
I like them both too much to pick just one of them she said.
Then she grabbed herself a chocolate bar and said I'll take this instead.
harlee kae Jun 2014
Do I have a sign on my back that says cheat on me because I'll forgive you?
harlee kae Mar 2015
thats all im told
but when it was me
you didnt give a ****
harlee kae Aug 2014
The sun hasn't shone
in quite a few
And with it went the light
I guess that makes sense
sun = life
I haven't felt alive
harlee kae Jun 2015
i dreamed of you
but not like that
thats not what i want
in my dreams we just
sit and talk
as friends
harlee kae Feb 2018
and i dream of you
a lot.
harlee kae Feb 2015
this town
is just
chain of
all the places
i'll never go
with you
harlee kae May 2020
the night air
against my skin
will remind me
i can still feel
harlee kae Jun 2014
i'm feeling emotional
so i guess i'll let you know
that even though i'm pretending
to be strong
losing you is the hardest thing
i've ever had to do
and if i had one wish
i would make you appear in my bed
just to hold me
all night long
not my best but i don't care. i'm tired and alone and i miss you.
harlee kae Feb 2014
Life man.
It's just really too much sometimes.
And you, my love, are the best
and worst part of everyday.
It's me really.
Honestly it is. It always is.
I love you.
That is my biggest downfall.
I'm sorry.
I should have never fallen for you.
I drug you into my deep hole of despair,
and now we both suffer.
You stay up all night,
talking to other girls.
Ignoring me.
I go into a jealous rage.
Is that my fault?
I end the day with guilt.
I am always the bad guy.
To myself at least.
You say you love me,
that you'll always love me.
But I'm not too sure.
One whole day without you is honestly too much to bear.
I get anxious.
I think of all the reasons why I'm not worthy of you.
You try to reassure me,
it doesn't work.
I think life would be easier for you if I wasn't around.
It would definitely be easier for me...
harlee kae Jun 2014
and i haven't showered in days
because my fingers smell like you
harlee kae Jun 2017
finally realizing something..
we live in our own realities
and i can't be mad
just because your reality was different
from the one i lived in
harlee kae May 2019
that comes together
has to fall apart
maybe that's the only
true thing from the start
harlee kae May 2014
what i
wouldnt give
to have a
time machine.
id go back and
harlee kae Aug 2018
we hold our dreams so tightly
tuck them against our flesh
until the two become one
and give only a glance
to only a few
because in this world
failure is a lot more plausible
then success

but sometimes dreams come true
and they aren't what you expect
because in your head things are perfect
and pristine and peaceful
but reality is messy
and dreams are only dreams
until they happen
harlee kae Sep 2014
life changes everything,
even promises,
and maybe that's okay.
when you said to me forever
maybe what you meant was
one more day.

but i'm happy to see my forever
lasts as long as yours seemed to,
because i swore my heart
would never heal,
and guess what it's starting to do.
harlee kae Jan 2015
dont pretend you ever cared
because when we were together
her name was always on your lips
harlee kae Mar 2018
long drives and
my thoughts drift to you
remembering times
when i would sing out loud
because you didn't make fun of my voice
remembering times
when i didn't use windshield wipers
because you made me
feel invincible
harlee kae Nov 2017
It sometimes hurts.
When the words
are ridicules
masquerading as
funny jokes that
I'm too sensitive about.

But that's okay,
because I like to think
that the people who
"care too much"
are the ones
making history.
harlee kae Dec 2014
joshua haines i know we arent near
but i have to say, it would be a fear
that if we were i would fall in love
with your sophistication and grace
and most likely my dear
even the simple shading of your face
words, they contain souls
at least they do to me
and if that is the case
when you write, you set us free
harlee kae Feb 2015
Although i have another
who says "i love you baby,"
sometimes when i say it back
i think to myself... maybe.

Because if you ever look at me
and i get to look at you
sometimes i think to myself,
man, i love her too.
harlee kae Aug 2019
august, again.
and i'm in a different bed
and a different house
but the same tears fall
as they did a year ago.

and last year they were from
the stress and frustration
of the kids who felt it their life mission
to ignore every word from my lips

this year
from the absence of such.

because best friends with pigtails and converse
just don't come around that often.
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