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695 · Feb 2014
Senseless Love
harlee kae Feb 2014
Life doesn't make sense.
That's the one thing I've come to make sense of.
The way you feel,
and the way I feel
never seems to be correlating from day to day.
One day I'll be madly in love
and you'll ask for some space.
Rejectedly I sit and ponder how we even began.
I doubt every beautifully blissful moment.
I get scared.
All sanity that I once had,
as miniscule as that was,
ceases to exists.
The next day you're fine.
You reach for me.
You embrace me with the warmth of your lips and the tingling of your fingertips.
But I pull away.
And so we begin again,
our quest to make sense
of what doesn't make sense.
690 · Aug 2014
Don't Survive
harlee kae Aug 2014
The sun hasn't shone
in quite a few
And with it went the light
I guess that makes sense
sun = life
I haven't felt alive
harlee kae Jun 2014
do you belive in an after life?
in our after life will you be my girlfriend?*
no i have other plans..
i'm going to marry you.
i'm infattuated with this marvelous creature. if only she were mine.
677 · Apr 2015
save yourself
harlee kae Apr 2015
because what they don't
understand is, if they ****
themselves trying to save you
then you're just as lonely as
before them.
664 · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
come out tonight
it will be an adventure*
they chanted to me.
so i went out
to get you off my mind
but it turned into something ugly.
and now i'm scared.
and now i'm alone.
and now i wish you were here.
because the biggest adventure i need
is looking into your eyes.
655 · Apr 2014
life sucks
harlee kae Apr 2014
will never be the same
because of
643 · Dec 2014
harlee kae Dec 2014
640 · Aug 2017
harlee kae Aug 2017
words are my weapon of choice
but you're a man of action
and i think we're constantly
trying to impress each other
with things that impress ourselves
635 · Apr 2015
a poem at 6 am
harlee kae Apr 2015
your skin sets me on fire
and my god i love the burn
your stare fuels my desire
your kiss oh how i yearn
to be touched by you forever
consumed by your embrace
your fingertips caress my soul
as they caress my face
stay with me for always
thats my one and only plea
ive been so lost, but now im found
my love you set me free
634 · Jun 2014
ignorance was bliss
harlee kae Jun 2014
i want to stab you in the heart.
red trickles out like rain.
then pull the knife out gently
and take away your pain.
i want to heal you with my fingers.
trace them down your spine.
i want to let you bleed out slowly
because you were never mine.
629 · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
I know it's crazy
there's something in the way
you look at me
that makes me feel
629 · Oct 2015
harlee kae Oct 2015
okay so here I sit all alone
in a very crowded room
and I hate myself again
for being this way
but the crowd pressed against me
way too tight
I couldn't breath
so many strangers
from every direction
I had to get out
I had to leave you
and I'm sorry
I really wish I wasn't this way
now I want to go back
I'm lonely
but there's too many people
625 · Apr 2019
harlee kae Apr 2019
what is a heart
what is a head
if one is alive
must the other be dead
if one is in charge
of the picking and choosing
will the other be left
with the hurt and the losing
610 · May 2015
harlee kae May 2015
i think i forgot how to write.
the birds still chirp
and the flowers they bloom
but just maybe not in my mind.

my words are shattered.
sometimes i do not have the
time to arrange them right.
sometimes they only have meaning
when they are dripping with blood
but i am tired of being cut.

yesterday i saw a hamster
with his beady little eyes of death
and i wanted to write about bitterness,
cruelty, or the selfishness of men.

but i think i forgot how to write.
606 · Sep 2014
harlee kae Sep 2014
When I no longer felt the need to live they told me there was a way;
they would cut up my body, sale all the pieces, and that way, I could stay..

They stuck me inside a crane machine,
my arms, my legs, my heart.
Fifty cents was all it took to win yourself a part.

My head it was the first to go, it went to a strange old man.
Who lived down in a basement, and had a secret plan.

My fingers they went next, to some little girls and boys.
The size of them was perfect for the children to use as toys.

The piece of me that went last, was the piece that belonged to you,
and when you walked by the crane machine you knew just what to do.

You put in your two quarters and you grasped the handle tight.
The claw wrapped gently around my heart and didn't give a fight.

You walked to your car, whistling, with my heart held in your hand.
Completely content, my soul was free, because you were my final plan.
604 · Mar 2015
god i miss you
harlee kae Mar 2015
i would cut open my veins
if i could bleed out your wishes

just for a chance
to see you smile
at me
603 · Jan 2015
tonight featured
harlee kae Jan 2015
me lying in an empty tub
whispering everything i hate
about myself
602 · Aug 2015
Trevor lee,
harlee kae Aug 2015
when i think of you
i think of seventh grade
we met and you were funny and cool
and i was probably shy and afraid

i think of swimming at memaws pool
you called me amish when you saw my room
that year is when i started to love you
and our friendship began to bloom

i think of letters i think of notes
of watching breaking bad from your bed
and how you were always on my side
no matter what other people said

i think of blueberry toaster strudels
and late night ihop talks
of crazy times at coleman park
while taking random walks

when i think of you i think of home
i think of warmth and i think of joy
yes i'm very blessed that you're my friend
you're an extraordinary boy
a poem written for one of my great friends on his birthday. friendship is a beautiful gift that shouldn't be taken for granted.
harlee kae Sep 2017
and i wonder,
do you ever think of her
and what you could have been.
futures that were planned
but never successfully played out?

do you ever hear a song
that instantly takes you to a place
belonging to you and her
and nobody else?

do you ever compare me
and think of all the ways i fail
where she would have succeeded?

its okay,
if you do,
i would understand.

because memories have a way
of sticking around,
especially the good ones,
especially if you don't want them to.
harlee kae Dec 2014
te amo. te quiero. te adoro. te extrano.
592 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
i wish i could burn through
my heart like i burn through
my arm because then maybe
i wouldnt have to feel the way
you betrayed me

tomorrow is the day i break
my own heart by telling you
that we are over because i
simply cant take the way
you **** me anymore
590 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
Everyone tells me you're a user.
But what they don't see,
is I beg to be used by you.
580 · Mar 2017
harlee kae Mar 2017
three years ago
i had a broken heart
and i didn't know you
but i asked you for help
and you were there

here we are today
roles reversed
and you told me
i'm lonely
and i layed in bed
and cried for you

i sent you all the hope
and all the love
i had within me
but did you feel it at all

i want you to be okay
because you're my friend
and i love you dearly
you deserve to be okay
even more than okay

i hope you know
i think of you
ying to my yang
lumos to my nox

and i pray you're okay
and i **send you my love
577 · Sep 2014
a list
harlee kae Sep 2014
the bus
your old bed
watching captain america
my car
savannah's floor
the locker room
my bed
the nature trail
your new bed
your friend's bed
my new car
my new car
*my new car
575 · Sep 2014
Caillou makes me nauseous.
harlee kae Sep 2014
I thought you were my best friend
because you promised you'd always love me and be around for me.
You promised I could always talk to you when I needed someone.
But I need someone right now and you aren't around.
I always saw the best in you..
But I guess you aren't one for keeping promises so I shouldn't be surprised.
*But I am.
Betrayal always shocks me. I really need to stop believing the best in people that are surely only going to let me down.
574 · Jul 2015
black sheep
harlee kae Jul 2015
i guess every family has one.
i just wish it wasn't me.
no one understands,
but why's it hard to see?
that words can actually hurt
and people arent made of stone.
no matter how hard they seem
or how much you think they've grown.
562 · Dec 2014
harlee kae Dec 2014
its winter again
the time of year we fell in love
and its cold
but so beautiful
kinda like you
and my god i love the sunsets
but it kinda *****
that i cant see a pretty one
without thinking of that face
562 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
and i haven't showered in days
because my fingers smell like you
561 · Feb 2014
What was I Thinking
harlee kae Feb 2014
I trusted you.
I guess that was my mistake.
To me you were always so perfect,
And now I see that you're fake..
How can I be with a person who doesn't tell the truth?
You said it doesn't matter,
But this afternoon is proof
Now I'm questioning everything we've said, and seen, and done.
Was that day really perfect? Was that day really fun?
I don't think I can be with someone who feeds me constant lies.
Who treats me like the bad guy to put herself in a disguise.
I don't know if I should tell her that I have to let her go,
But I know a relationship like this will never ever grow..
557 · Mar 2019
harlee kae Mar 2019
you never let me down
i hope you know its true
a million things have crashed and burned
not one of them is you
551 · Jul 2017
life with you
harlee kae Jul 2017
i don't know why
but here we are
you pulled me from the dark void
i thought was life
and showed me true possibilities
544 · Apr 2015
and i'm
harlee kae Apr 2015
tired of laying in the tub

crying on a sunday afternoon

feeling like i'll always be useless
543 · Dec 2017
this time of year
harlee kae Dec 2017
makes me
it’s like the cold
seeps into my bones.
and with that chill, memories.
the ones i forgot to forget about.
and i’m not sure if it’s the free time
or my perfectionist impulses,
but i can’t stop going back
and trying
to fix things.
541 · Dec 2017
some things are beautiful
harlee kae Dec 2017
like the way
his tiny hand reaches for mine
as we line up for lunch

or the way
she says she loves my sweater
even if its the same as the day before

or the way
20 pairs of eyes light up
when i say the word experiment

yeah, some things are beautiful
like the flower
he picked me on the playground
or the moment she could finally
read the word as

and i wouldn't trade those moments
for all the money in the world.
some people turn their nose up when i say i am becoming a teacher but i honestly can't think of anything i'd rather do
539 · Jan 2015
harlee kae Jan 2015
i ******* hate myself
because i have the most
awful feeling
that i'm going to do to you
what she did to me

and you dont deserve that

you said that you smoked too many
tonight, and that wasnt very healthy
but i dont think the tears
soaking into my pillow
are any better
than your **** cigarettes
538 · Dec 2014
you > me
harlee kae Dec 2014
you say you want to be beautiful like me someday
but i can only hope to someday aquire
a beauty as magnificent as yours;
a smile that makes the room warm
a laugh that turns the foulest of moods
a comforting touch to let even the weakest know
everything is going to be alright
i want your carefree crazy moments
and the times when you're so serious nothing can crack your facade
i just want something more than for people to say i'm beautiful
because what is that really...
537 · Jun 2014
i wonder
harlee kae Jun 2014
will i ever learn that i'm not enough
that even though you think i'm beautiful she must be more beautiful
and even though you think i'm special she must be more special
and even though you say you love me she must be loved more
because if she wasn't, **you would have picked me
530 · Jul 2017
harlee kae Jul 2017
"there are only two things i want in this world. i want you and i want us."
530 · Apr 2014
Yin Yangs
harlee kae Apr 2014
I dont think she pronounced it correctly
But in a casual conversation my grandma said she ate there
And I thought of the one good day
The one right before the horrible one
And how because of that day
I'll never get to eat there
Like we said we would
529 · Sep 2014
harlee kae Sep 2014
I unfollow you but it isn't enough.
Because you're so great that your poems trend. And I can't stop myself.
"you're the letters to my words
and the words to my poems."
Couldnt have said it better myself.
To you.
You never wrote for me.
Even when you "loved" me.
Guess I wasnt enough.
Because I'm never enough.
523 · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
And now I'm hungry.
I thought *** is what made me
so carnivorous,
but now I see that all I need
is to breath you in.
That alone creates an expanse that
needs to be filled.
And if not by the taste
of your tongue
then meats and breads
must suffice.
521 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
caught between
asking                                 and
for                                     begging
you                                    you
to                                       not
come                                 to
harlee kae Feb 2014
You're beautiful.
I know that you don't see it but you're
   beautiful to me.
I know I'm crazy
   and I know it couldn't happen but
   with you I wanna be.
Cause you
  Bring me joy when I'm feeling sad.
  Calm my temper when I'm feeling mad.
  And with one look at you my heart feels glad.
513 · Mar 2019
phases of the moon
harlee kae Mar 2019
the moon looks split right now
sometimes i think that's me
but  i know the other halves up there
at times it's just hard to see
510 · Aug 2015
words ft. myrka marie
harlee kae Aug 2015
She said "words can really hurt, and hers cut deeper than anyones"
and I looked at her;
hair falling out of its braid,
sad slanted eyes,

and I thought to myself
now that was beautiful.


I wanted to hug her,
tell her not to stop driving
until we saw a sunset.
But I looked a her
and gave a soft smile,
because she didn't even know
what she did.

That's the thing with words,
they can really hurt.
But they can really heal, too.
507 · Aug 2017
uncovered voice memo; 2014
harlee kae Aug 2017
i think of you
as i drift off
to my sleepy sea.
i think of you
my trevor lee.
i think of your smile
on your face.
as it filled up the room
and lit up the place.
the place that was so gloomy.
until you were there.
your eyes squinty
and your cute little hair.
i wish it could have been more
then just a handshake and a bye.
but your girlfriend never liked me
since she found out i was bi.
so thats what i have to live with now
and i guess that, thats okay.
as long as when we see each other
you promise to say hey..
496 · Jan 2015
harlee kae Jan 2015
dont pretend you ever cared
because when we were together
her name was always on your lips
494 · Nov 2015
harlee kae Nov 2015
and stressing
my mind
to wrap up my heart
so it won't fall apart
and it can have safety this time
490 · Feb 2017
harlee kae Feb 2017
it's funny
just a bit
(but not really)
how i mostly just write
in a state of depression
as if happiness
is something too great to share
because happiness isn't experienced alone
so why tell strangers about it

but sadness, jealousy, heartbreak
those are lonely emotions
so i write
hoping to get some kind of validation
hoping a stranger will reach out
and tell me i'm not crazy
for my thoughts,
and they have

strangers have been there
far more than friends
on the long nights  
when i'm too ashamed
to do anything but hide behind a computer

and now i'm just here
in a place of indifference
wondering why i stopped writing
wondering why the good times
can't also be shared

i'm stuck
in this rut
and i've made friends
have a boyfriend
a dog
the whole thing

but i miss the comfort of strangers
who know me more intimately
than anyone else
482 · Oct 2014
harlee kae Oct 2014
i gave you the key to my heart,
and i was foolish enough to only make one copy.
but you don't want me anymore,
so i guess it got lost in the move.
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