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1.2k · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
Just like a penny you left me in the rain
But today the drizzle stopped and out a rainbow came
The weather was so perfect and the sky so very blue
And you happened to walk by and you put me in your shoe
Because i was so shiny and gleaming and looked brand new
I guess that's where i'll stay now, in case you need some extra change
And this relationship is new to me and kinda sorta strange
Going from lovers to friends is hard, but being friends is better then nothing at all...
1.2k · Nov 2014
why aren't i thankful?
harlee kae Nov 2014
i have so much to be thankful for.
i know that.
but for some reason being surrounded by family all day makes me feel so alone.
and i don't know whats wrong with me.
but i wish someone could fix it.
1.2k · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
i can never tell
if this feeling in my gut
is because of the way i want you,
or for the fact i can't eat
when you're not around..
1.2k · Aug 2014
harlee kae Aug 2014
When I die bury me on a mountain
in New Mexico,
so the wildflowers can overtake my body, and my soul can be as free
and beautiful
as I've always imagined.
1.2k · Oct 2014
clashing teeth
harlee kae Oct 2014
some would say it's awkward
or uncomfortable
or painful
but i loved the way our teeth clashed
when we kissed
because that's how much
we wanted each other
1.2k · Feb 2014
harlee kae Feb 2014
My parents are happily married, and I've never had to share a room.
Even though I have sisters.
I've never gone hungry.
I've never been abused.
The saddest part of my life is
I wish it were different.
If my parents were divorced
Or I went hungry every night
Or if I had been abused
My feelings would make sense.
But I don't struggle.
Yet I don't want to be here.
My life is like a puzzle
And once it's put together it's the most grand thing you've ever seen.
The only thing wrong with it is me.
1.2k · Mar 2015
harlee kae Mar 2015
My hands are perpetually cold,

and I don't know if that's because

of this weather

or because they

never get held anymore.
1.1k · Jan 2015
groan n moan
harlee kae Jan 2015
does it count as love making
if while i'm into it
you've been faking
1.1k · Dec 2014
bc blessed
harlee kae Dec 2014
i know i dwell on the sadness
entirely too much.
and then i let it drag me down until i can't even breath properly.
i know i say i have nothing,
because without you,
it kinda feels that way.
but the truth is, i live a privileged life.
i have chris who makes me laugh,
myrka who always listens,
and emely who knows what to say.
i have miguel who calls me pretty,
rigo who eases the stress,
and trevor who gives me adventure.
i have abbs who teaches me it's okay to be myself,
savannah who makes me feel worthly,
and my babies who light up my world.
lucky doesn't even begin to describe
the world in which i live.
1.1k · Mar 2015
random assortment
harlee kae Mar 2015
I've come
to the realization
that I will never love
Micky the way that I loved you.
But, I also know that maybe that is fine.
Sure, some days I spend my free time plucking out
eyelashes and trying to get a free wish or two. (or three)
But for the most part, I know that maybe I'm not
meant to love him like I loved you.
No two people are the same,
so how can I give any
two people the
same love?

I'll never love anyone the way that I loved you,
but that doesn't mean I'll never love again.
1.1k · Oct 2017
I am
harlee kae Oct 2017
I am a fool
for dreaming big dreams
that I can't accomplish.
I am a failure
as my knees give out
and my mind gives up
and I quit.
1.1k · Aug 2014
harlee kae Aug 2014
Trying to be happy
is alot harder then it seems.
Because he doesnt
taste like you do.
And i never know
where to put my hands.
1.0k · Dec 2014
harlee kae Dec 2014
some days i miss you like an ant bite.
i can even overlook it with the right amount of will power.
others, i miss you as if my gallbladder was removed.
i can continue to live, but i know that something is missing.
1.0k · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
your love is as distant as the stars,
and just as dead.
yet i wish on them every night..
harlee kae Feb 2014
I hate myself because I'm filled with so much hate.
And I hate him from taking something from me I can never get back.
I hate you for making me love you.
I hate every person that has looked at you
   talked to you
   hugged you
   held your hand
   held your attention
I hate them with every particle that makes up this pathetic body.
I hate them because for even a second they were more important to you than me.
I am psychotic, possesive, insane
and this is why I hate myself.
1.0k · Apr 2015
life unexpected
harlee kae Apr 2015
on the road
trying to lose her

i found you
1.0k · Feb 2014
harlee kae Feb 2014
Tonight I really hate you.
But I'll go on pretending I'm a happy girl in love.
You won't know the difference,
so what does it matter anyways.
At least when I'm pretending
I still have someone to talk to.
If I abandoned my inhibitions and told you the truth I'd be all alone.
Sad to say,
but I'd rather have a false feeling of love,
then no love at all.
By the time you figure this out
I'll be over it.
1.0k · Aug 2014
More upbeat then it looks
harlee kae Aug 2014
And we're fading
And i don't know what to do
I havent got a ******* clue
But i know it was bound to happen

And its crazy
I thought we were meant to be
I guess you weren't the one for me
Now i know that we'll never happen

But thats alright
I'm okay
I'm gonna make it through
Today's a brighter day

And i'm alright
And you're okay
I'm almost over you
Tomorrow's a brighter day
997 · Oct 2014
my beloved
harlee kae Oct 2014
the rain seems to wash everything new
but now that i'm thinking it through
we never would have worked anyway
because i always had to leave
when you begged me to stay
and i could never sleep
when we were together
because you made me feel alive
even in the gloomy weather.
996 · Feb 2014
till death
harlee kae Feb 2014
you said that you love me, that's kind of confusing
you know what i was thinking of
that first time that i saw you
you were so beautiful
i never thought you'd be so exposed to me
but there you were, under me
the sun streaming in the window and illuminating your skin
you were glowing, like you were  my angel
like your purpose for living was to save me from this forsaken place
but somehow between then and now everything has gotten misconstrued
and most days i can't decide if you're my angel or my demon
but either way i'll take you
because you've ****** me into your world
and i know the only escape is death itself
but i don't mind your world
it's the only place i've ever fit in anyway
981 · Oct 2015
I wanna change the world.
harlee kae Oct 2015
There's two kinds of people existing,
you see.
There's people like you
and there's people like me.

Yeah, I might make others happy
because I do just what I'm told.
While you drive others crazy,
because you're strong-willed and you're bold.

But the world doesn't need a good worker,
a girl who gets the job done.
The world needs you, who questions the law,
and always makes everything fun.
961 · Aug 2014
love me for my mind
harlee kae Aug 2014
i'm sorry i cried
the first time
you  called me
it's just,
everyone that's called
me that
i dont give a ****
if you think
i'm beautiful.
all i'm asking
is that you
954 · Sep 2014
Baby Sister
harlee kae Sep 2014
It feels so foreign,
but for once in my life
I wanna crawl in to bed with you
and just lay there until I fall asleep.
Not because of a scary storm,
but because I'm tired of feeling so desperately alone.
I know you'd call me stupid.
You'd say she isn't worth my tears.
So I'll just stay in bed and squeeze mr. bear with all of my might.
And maybe tonight you'll have a nightmare, and you'll need me too.
920 · Aug 2014
Missing You
harlee kae Aug 2014
Missing you is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do
And I'm so tired of pretending I'm okay when I'll never be okay again
914 · Jan 2014
Bubble Girl
harlee kae Jan 2014
Inside of a bubble -
I can see out, and they can see in,
But they don't talk to me.
They can't hear me,
Or else they don't want to.

Inside of a bubble -
I see the world passing by.
I want to be a part of it,
But I'm scared.
Scared I'll be rejected.

Inside of a bubble -
Negative thoughts, horrible feelings,
All bursting out of my head,
Coming to the surface,
Then echoing back at me.

Inside of a bubble -
I try to get out.
But to do that, I'd need someone like you,
On the outside of my bubble,
To help.
906 · May 2014
hate (love) you
harlee kae May 2014
i hate you for making me love you
even when i hate you.
and i hate your smile
because it pierces my heart
and makes me want to cry.
then i do and you ask me whats wrong
but i cant even tell you
because i dont know.
im as bipolar as the texas weather.
and sometimes you forget a jacket.
i hate you because everytime you lie
i give you another chance.
and i hate you because even though i dont want to be with you
i cant be without you.
drowning sounds nice to me
but everytime i try
you pluck me out and give me air
just enough to survive.
most of all i hate you because no matter what you do *i cant hate you
899 · Oct 2014
beauty in the road-ditch
harlee kae Oct 2014
i saw some pretty flowers
by the road today
i almost stopped to pick them
but instead i let them stay

because when i saw the flowers
i was thinking of you
and i knew you would reject them
like you always do

so maybe its a good thing
that your love for me has faded
because now the world has flowers left
for some other girl thats jaded
884 · Mar 2015
harlee kae Mar 2015
i forgot all the names
i gave to your hurts
and i suppose that's me
moving on
874 · Apr 2014
Yo soy loca
harlee kae Apr 2014


858 · Dec 2014
harlee kae Dec 2014
they say,
you can get addicted to anything
they say,
i was addicted to you.
six months later
and i finally believe them.
because it's 4:48 am
and i've got the shakes
853 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
Christmas** makes me think of her and the way you got her a blanket and she got you a million things and you didn't get me anything.  I got you a beanie, but you lost it. You still wear the socks though, the ones she gave you, almost everyday.
Valentine's Day makes me think of the way you made us the same present and then went to the movies with her. I haven't figured out what she got you yet. Probably a kiss.
Our one year anniversary makes me think of the way you slept in her bed instead of mine. I don't know what happened between ya'll. I'm not sure I want to know.
850 · Mar 2015
harlee kae Mar 2015
i spend more time
staring at the clouds
than the road.

i still wake up crying
because i cant figure out
why i wasnt enough.

and i don't know
where to go
from here.
839 · Jan 2014
and then there was Her
harlee kae Jan 2014
all my life all i've ever wanted was love.
true, magical, fairy tale love.
but you took me and my naive self and you broke my trust,
you broke my belief,
and fairy tales seemed far away.
and then there was Her.
i didn't expect to fall in love
with a girl.
never ever did i expect to fall in love with a girl.
but when you feel it, you know
i felt it
with ever fiber of my broken down being,
i knew.
and she is love.
821 · Jun 2014
Random Thought
harlee kae Jun 2014
Sometimes I wear my hair in a braid.
So I know we'll have at least one thing in common.
812 · Oct 2014
always cold hands
harlee kae Oct 2014
you're the song that's in my head
but it's hard to keep from crying
because when you aren't around
my whole spirit's slowly dying
and don't think that i'm a fool,
cause i know you're never ever coming
to me
i just wish you'd see, that baby we're meant to be
much better as a song in my head than a poem
794 · Jul 2014
harlee kae Jul 2014
today is the twelth
and i wonder if
that had any effect on you at all.
or if you even looked at calendar.
because you're all i've thought about.
at my cousin's wedding
i had to go in the restroom
to hide away my tears.
and i got a stuffed animal.
her name is sage.
but murphy is much softer.
and i miss him
almost as much as i miss you.
793 · Jan 2015
death ft cowardice
harlee kae Jan 2015
sometimes i wish for a car wreck
sometimes its cancer i seek
because i am disgusting/i am guilty/i am nothing/i am weak
i want a way out of this place
but i dont want to do it myself
cause flowers arent sent
to suicide victims
but rather to kids with bad health
788 · Jan 2015
this place is hell
778 · Dec 2014
my gosh, the confusion
harlee kae Dec 2014
he said he could see this being forever
and i wish he wouldnt have
the pressure is on
i dont wanna be a heartbreaker
so is this it
is this my future
if it is, is that a bad thing
if he is my future why are you
the one on my mind
why when he kisses me
touches me
do i wish it was you
its just, youre more gentle
yet more aggressive somehow too
and i dont know if its because
hes a boy
so he doesnt know how to handle me
you made me feel like me
completely myself
not caring what others thought
he makes me wanna be better
but why do i need to be better
he said he could see this being forever
and i wish he wouldnt have
767 · Dec 2014
Merry Christmas
harlee kae Dec 2014
I'm so ******* selfish.
I disgust myself.
Sitting around on Christmas Eve
waiting for my presents,
while he's waiting for the cops.
He's just a boy.
He didn't mean what he did,
he's just a boy.

I never hug my mom.
And his is on drugs.
Save the boy.
These presents, they are nothing.
I don't want them.
Not anymore.
I wanna save the boy.
763 · Mar 2015
2 early 4 deep thoughts
harlee kae Mar 2015
the world is kind of unfair.
how someone other than you
can decide your future.

how one day they say
i dont love you anymore
and its over. against your will.

yeah the world is kind of unfair
like that.
760 · Jun 2014
Meltdown in Ihop
harlee kae Jun 2014
I don't think you understand how fully you obliterated my world, because if you did, I think you'd come back to me.
759 · Dec 2014
harlee kae Dec 2014
brown eyes are basic.
thats what they say,
but when the sun shone upon you,
your eyes melted into gems.
and i was captivated.

i realized that you're
more angel than demon.
and your eyes are two
amber stones, stolen
from the baltic sea.

from that point forward
i couldnt be in your presence
without being stunned.
"your eyes are so beautiful"
i said.
they're just brown eyes
you replied.
756 · Nov 2014
once upon a time
harlee kae Nov 2014
i thought i needed some fairytale romance to be happy. but lately i've been thinking that i wouldn't mind ending up all alone. because as long as the people i love are truly happy, i know i'd be happy too.
739 · Apr 2014
My Day
harlee kae Apr 2014
i dreamed i was
making a snow angel.
but the snow was turning
red. i was dying.
drained of my life. i floated
above and saw my creation.
i smiled, for it was the most
beautiful snow angel
i had ever seen.
pale white. bright red.
739 · Jun 2017
harlee kae Jun 2017
i was fighting sleep and now it wont come
of course thats how life works
i feel sad
sorry sad
i am horrible and i hate hurting you
i never want to hurt you
i didnt mean to hurt you

but i did
and on christmas
i ****
im sorry
i know its not enough
but its all i have to give
believe it
or not
but i wish you were here right now
because no one should go to sleep angry or sad
and now we both will

i hope you sleep
i hope it comes quickly and lasts until morning
i hope you feel at peace
i hope you dont hate me
i dont want to fight
im sorry that we fought
we're not the people that fight
and my heart is breaking

come back tomorrow
and lets try again
to treat one another
as a best friend
come back tomorrow
and i promise i'll stay
right by your side
and wont turn you away
harlee kae Feb 2014
Back before anyone knew
there was something between me and you.
It was a secret kept,
for just us two.
I would hold your hand, given the chance,
And no one gave us a secod glance.
They didn't think it was strange or queer
That when you were around, I was near.
You weren't filled with anger.
I wasn't filled with hate.
And march the 12th wasn't even an important date.
Back then was the time that you and hattie were the best of friends,
And sleepovers weren't questioned with "i don't know... depends"
Now my life is different.
Your life is different too.
I really miss the time when it was only me and you.
720 · Oct 2014
you know how
harlee kae Oct 2014
something funny will happen to you,
or you'll see someone you haven't seen in awhile,
or you'll watch a really good movie,
or read a really good book,
or try some new restaurant,
or do something stupid,
and you have that one person you tell because they understand.
and they think it's funny too.
that's what i simply miss.
710 · Jun 2014
not so dreary poem
harlee kae Jun 2014
i think i've always viewed beauty differently than most.
and when i first met you, i knew that you were my most beautiful find yet.
you luminated light with every step you took. and everyone that met you, even briefly, felt better because of it.
i found beauty in every strand of your hair and every syllable that rolled off your lips.  
you're a rarity.
the light within you is so pure,
that when you're 100 and i'm 103 if i happen to pass you on the street i'll recognize you immedietly by the glow.
710 · Jul 2014
unbroken promise
harlee kae Jul 2014
my sheets smell like you,
and i'm tired because i didn't sleep
for watching your marvelous face.
i didn't want to miss a second of our last night together.
and in the moments you forget
that you weren't supposed to love me,
and you wrapped your arm around me
i was home.
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