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Dec 2014 · 208
Canvas { 10W }
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
the heart, is the canvas to which the poet paints "
Dec 2014 · 882
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014

My love is like a boomerang
It starts and ends with you
Like midnight on the evening dial , that is also first dawn too.

A complete circle with no end
An infante figure eight
You've made destination into the journey
that is more than worth the wait

No matter how far apart we are
You won't long  be alone
cuz although I may have  gone away
Your love , is where I still call home
Dec 2014 · 277
Illusions ?
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Air thickened with moisture as the clouds purge themselves into a void , that appears as if the sunshine has somehow mopped up the sky ,
The grey canvas gives way to the spectrum , and takes the shapes of the backdrop that seemed to be cloaked by the curtain of the waterfall.
Trees look like skeletons in the frigid air reaching skyways trying to catch a grip of a dangling sun ray.
The baron sky harbors an eerie sense to it as I wonder where all the birds have taken refuge on this angry day.
Most have gone south for the winter , but the ones that stayed ?
Where are they ?
The wind hisses through the teeth of the rain making it sound even more intimidating, but slowly residing as well.
The streets gushing with rolling water , like a raging river , sprinkled with fallen leaves that look like desperate rafters headed for certain doom.
the clock advances , the nor'easter , has lost some of its luster , as the fingertips of the morning star seem to be poking through the blanket of grey, making little openings for the bits of the rainbow to wash the ashen hues from the scenery below.
The river dissipates , leaving shipwrecked leaves in the asphalt , and the voices of the birds ring out In the distance , to see if the rest of them are alright.
I still see the trees waiving in the distance , and the last if the wind moves along ,
Trees ? , boney fingertips ? Blankets of water ? Rivers in the streets ?
Illusions ....
Dec 2014 · 209
Lies ?
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
So deep are the lies, that they aren't even lies at all , but actually the truth about yourself ,
that your afraid of knowing !
Dec 2014 · 270
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
you can't fight,
what you don't know
, but I know myself
, and I cant win,
Because myself,
knows me , all to well
Dec 2014 · 185
Word play
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Word play

You were the reason I could never stop looking ,
now your the reason Ill never look again.
You are the reason I knew something was missing.
because without you ,
there was always something I missed.
I've come realize love is the reason,
Because without you ,
I have no reason to love.
Dec 2014 · 189
Poetry is .......
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Poetry is.........

Capturing not
a world through a window ,
but  being a window ,
to a world.
Dec 2014 · 270
Forgetting you { 10 W }
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Forgetting  you ,
is to not have loved you at all
Dec 2014 · 213
Being in love
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Being in love, can
Fuse both falling,
And drowning,
Into but one,single
Dec 2014 · 284
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
" living to    love" her
     Isn't just a feeling,
          It's a way of
Dec 2014 · 210
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
There wasn't a dream,
until she made it one,
I never knew love,
until I dreamed
Dec 2014 · 239
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Each new ode
To you
Another page
Another step
I've alowed you to
Descend further
To the belly of my heart
Where my love
For you
Dec 2014 · 535
Fear the mirror
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
It's not the man in the mirror
that I fear
It's the mirror of the man
that haunts me
Dec 2014 · 812
Wish ( short and sweet )
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
If I ever got to the end of the rainbow
Or that one wish upon a star
To me my only, hopes and dreams to wish
Is for you, anywhere , that you are
Dec 2014 · 222
Lips { 10w}
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
Her lips ,
are the "stuff"
That dreams,
are made of
Nov 2014 · 225
Your spot
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
" the spot over my heart , the place you rest your head , you claimed your own since you were a little girl, " your spot " where you can ,listen to my heart whispering your name as my dreams are coming true ,
simply because you are there "
Nov 2014 · 265
The bottle
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
I see the bottle
Contents inside,
I want to trade
I want to be the bottle.
Inside me
And a hard surface
Were nothing can bother me
Now I'm inside the bottle
At least for a while
The spirits make the shell
Instead if trading places with the bottle
I traded places with the spirits
Nov 2014 · 248
Can't help who you love
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Can't help who you love

Living life in a holding pattern because you can't help who you love
putting up with more than you deserve, because you can't help who you love
Always seems like your swimming upstream
Because you can't help who you love,
Hanging off the edge of the pedestal you put them on, to the person you fell for, the person you thought they were.
Because you can't help who you love
Just when you think you can let go,they remind you of why they captured your heart.
Caught in a storm of reality, winds of uncertainty , and yet that jolt in your belly when the catch your eye.
No, you can't help who you love.
So many decisions you know you should make.
But ,
You can't help who you love ....
You can't help who you love ...
Nov 2014 · 147
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
I just knew
the sun would always climb the horizon for it  has all my life ,And the moon never failed to enchant all those under her lunar blanket.
I never needed to see the wind to know that it was present
I trusted
Even though the tide would leave
It would always return again
I need just close my eyes and listen to the thunder if the waves greeting the shore
I believed
That the snow would always melt in the springtime allowing the budding fingertips foliage to outstretch into a new summer scene.
I always felt that same way with you, my heart would start to gallop, my skin would flush with heat ,my eyes would widen and still not be able to capture all your beauty , I just " know ,trusted and believed"
I've loved you all my life
Because it simply always was !
Nov 2014 · 184
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Hopelessly in love
Like the crimson rose
Beautiful ,
and yet sometimes
Laden with pain
Nov 2014 · 196
The reason
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
You were the reason

You were the reason I smiled in the morning ,the reason to the bounce in my step like walking on the moon , and then to gaze upon it and watch it glow even brighter.
You were the reason my heart flows like a waterfall thrashing into my stomach every time you were around, the collision if that rolling affection into the river if my insides that has been drawn to you forever.
I didn't just stop to smell the flowers , we lived hand in hand in the garden together.
You were the reason the sunsets rolled like a crimson orange waves reaching out to the stratosphere , and the realization that tomorrow would bring another day to love you more,
Your love was never just about being my love ,
It was a reason ,for a way of life ......
Nov 2014 · 216
Loving her ( haiku )
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Loving her to me
Simply not just a feeling
But, a way of life
Nov 2014 · 397
The mirage
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The mirage

just as i reach out to grab,
and its just not there
like the image in the desert
Disappears into thin air

From a distance it looks inviting
The ultimate quencher of my thirst
Only to come upon it
And see that it's dispersed

Sometimes I can't tell if
It's from my eyes or from my heart
That tricks me in to thinking
It's an angels work of art

It seems always at a distance
Or an arms length away
That Mirage of love I seem to chase
That's much to my dismay

Just once I'd love to catch up
With that image that I see
And finally settle down
And be together happily
Nov 2014 · 278
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
I fear the mirror
Not for what I see
But for what I
Nov 2014 · 372
Simple thought
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The rolling waves of the sunset undulate over the arched back of the horizon giving the sky its crimson orange hue
and that very instant
In the other side of the sun
Hands of dawn stretch out and part the curtain of nighttime
And turn off the stars , sending the owls home and the hummingbirds to work ,
And I realize , for every nightfall their is a dawn ,
And I simply smile
Nov 2014 · 325
Who's the fool ?
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Who's the fool ?

As if the tips of my fingers are
Attached to my heart, that's why
I can't seem to let go
The growing weight unbearable
As my chest turns to granite amidst the indecision.
My lungs desperately trying to inhale any hope of a future.
But she lets me hang
Daring to say she loves me.
And yet I hold on
To what ?
Torment , nightmares , rejection.
Who's the fool ?
Why can't I just unclasp my fingers.
Succumb to the weight of rejection and let go ?
Maybe the crash will shatter the stone that has been punishing my heart ?
I wish I could just let go , or you could step on my fingers with the soles if his shoes
The one you've chosen over me
And let me go !
But no , here I am , hanging on,
Because I still love her ,
Fighting with myself
I ask
Who's the fool ?
Nov 2014 · 275
She makes
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
She makes the evening sky into a garden of stars in a bed of black,
glistening with all the " I love you's" uttered from my lips as if echoed in a breeze from heaven, in the whisk of my thoughts of her that never seem to escape my mind.
She is my enchantment.
days with her are sunshine , and rainbows in the storm,
Blinded by her affection I've learned to see things through my heart, and hear things in my soul.
As her very kiss brings animation to all their is around me.
I can see the weeping willow smile, and hear the thunder laugh.
Her eyes capture my tomorrow's dreams , and she is my forever.
She is my love .
Nov 2014 · 240
Flavor { 10 W }
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The only way to
Bring Flavor
To my ears
Nov 2014 · 273
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
I watch the sun set,

over the untraveled road behind us, a road that holds no memories at all , laden with  crossroads ,indifference , indecision , under appreciation, and opportunity
Places  of our paths in life , were we needed only to take each others hand and walk together into tomorrow.
Only to go back into yesterday alone
and chase the shadows.
Paved in affection , woven in each others heart stings.
Each street sign another date, marking the missed opportunity,where we just never turned the corner .

I watch the sun set,

over our road, tears welling in my eyes , filled with the dreams that never were, a love not answered.
I wonder if their are any corners left ,maybe a street sign,
with one final date,
The one where you do take my hand, and we turn the corner together.

I watch the sun set,

over our life, our life, that never was ...
I watch the sun set
Nov 2014 · 220
short and sweet
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
it doesn't matter
how far away you are
i can still feel your fingers
touching my heart
Nov 2014 · 200
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The skin may get wrinkled
The hair may turn grey
But true love in the eyes
thats never changed
True love
Nov 2014 · 219
tears {10 W}
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Tears are what glue
a broken heart
back together again.
Nov 2014 · 200
I loved you
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
I loved you

Before the moon took
Its first ride in the sky
Before those stars
Even opened their eyes

I loved you

Before the sunrise ever
Made its first dawn
Or that morning dew
Ever dampened the lawn

I loved you

Before the ocean
Went and greeted the shore
I had already known
It was you , I adore

I loved you

Before the world
Was to orbit the sun
My love for you was
Already begun

I loved you

Before infinity
And the beginning of time
Its was already determined
You were to be mine

I loved you

So no matter what else
You know to be true
Before their was anything
I've ALWAYS loved you

I love , love , love you
Nov 2014 · 146
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The pain
It never goes away
I've  just gotten  so used to it
I don't notice anymore
And then I see her ................
Nov 2014 · 259
the big bang
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
they say we are formed
from the same dying star
so that must mean once
we shared the same heart
and ever since then
  I've loved  you
Nov 2014 · 147
Our love
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
Or love
was  formed
before their were stars ,
I've loved you since
before even
we were made

I love you
Nov 2014 · 232
watching her breathe
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
watching her breathe
is like watching the tide
i rest my head on her *****
envelop her in my arms
and we drift off together
into the welcoming
belly of the sea
that waits for us
just beyond our dreams
i love you baby
Nov 2014 · 458
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
The flames reach out from the burning odes
Set afire and with indifference, fueled  and feasting on her rejection
The smoke bellows into shapes of the fading memories risen from the ink that painted them .
A lifetime of affection hopes and dreams , and sorrows, dissipating into the air , hours and hours of unappreciated heartfelt expressions
Reduced to nothing more than ashes , that are now remnant traces of a broken heart , that was once mine.
Tears aren't enough to douse the flames , just as futile as the letters themselves .
Unable to hold on to her heart ,and growing still are now smoke filled moments .
As the fire burns , I can no longer separate the happy from the sad .
So I just watch the fire burn
Nov 2014 · 291
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
An island , enveloped in a sea of affection,adored
Now just a land, lost in an ocean of
Mornings ,laden with rain
" just because "
Maybe  weren't so bad,
Now that the rainbow has faded
And a distant heart reigns thirsty.
A grain of sand, for every moment
He thought of how much he
adored her,
Thousands of hourglasses filled
with his affection, or
moments lost in her daydream.
He loved her all the time
but she had no time to love.
And now she's left thinking back
To those times, and all the affection he had for her
And maybe it wasn't all that bad .
Nov 2014 · 476
Breakfast <\3
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
It was like she was simply,
making  an omelette,
with my HEART
She broke it,
beat it ,
burned it,
chewed it up,
and spit it out ,
and left it their
To rot.....
Nov 2014 · 374
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
She used to be enveloped
By a sea of affection
Each and every day
In the form of odes
And " I love yous "
Since ebbed away
Only  to see the
That are the foundation
To her very being
Her heart
As it seemed twords him
Hard and cold
Nov 2014 · 232
Hank Van Well Jr Nov 2014
While she keeps
For whatever it is
She can't find
she doesn't realize
That while she's
She's neglecting ,
And now she's
Losing me
Oct 2014 · 367
This isn't .....
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
This isn't .....

This isn't poetry
Its just a list of the things I love about you ,
Jotted down in the way you make me feel.
blended with heart full of emotions.
Expressed in a way my lips couldn't find a way to say.
Through the eyes of a person who adores you.
This isn't poetry ?
But the way I love you,
Is !
Oct 2014 · 197
Two broken hearts
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
I didn't just lose
The girl I was in love with
I also lost the girl
I've loved all
Because now
I see the girl
You really are
And my image of you
Shattered !
Oct 2014 · 245
Loved ans lost
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
For those who say
" it's better to have loved and lost,
then to have not loved at all "
Never fell in love
With you
Oct 2014 · 376
She's gone
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
She's gone

The walls still echo with the her presence
the scent of her memories
Still linger on collar of her robe.
The empty corners bellow
In the silence.
This house,
she made a home.
My truest love
I miss her
She is everywhere , because she was everywhere
And now she's left me
I saw through my heart
My soul still echoes
With the calling of her name
Her scent still lingers
In my dreams
Loving her was a way of life
Living to love her
I was right at home
My truest love
She's gone
Oct 2014 · 536
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
Just a map
To where the heart
Has been
Where the soul
Has dreamed of
Yet to Tavel
Oct 2014 · 171
Memories <\3
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
Brokenhearted memories
are like a withered rose,
once beautiful ,
but still laden,
with pain.
Oct 2014 · 249
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
Poetry to me
Is just the creative way
I've found
That enables me
To blow you a kiss
Whenever you're
Far away
Oct 2014 · 128
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
You told me you loved me
But your life didn't need to change
It was to late for me
Because your words
They changed
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