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Nov 2016 · 422
America the "Great"
Halie Harris Nov 2016
We cried into the darkness
to drown out the voices of hatred

But the darkness did not wane
The light we thought we saw was artificial
Cold LED's held in traitor hands
hands that claimed to pull us up
while seeking to push us down

The voices that called back
"sit down, shut up!"
shrunk to deceive us
"speak up, stand up!"
rang above them and gave us false hope

Now again they cry louder than before
"sit down, shut up!"
This was never our America
They held the reigns in secret,
******* twisted as they lied through their smiles

"We love you!"
With a knife held behind their backs

"Why don't you love us?!"
As the knife comes down,
as the fingers untwist and the smiles turn to snarls
As we bleed and cry out in pain and they say:
"Sit down, shut up...
It will only hurt for a second."
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
My Body is a Battleground
Halie Harris Dec 2015
My skin is a crime

Freckles and scars
Lines marking growth from child to woman-
All hideous, lame, worthless
"Imperfections", they betray me

My skin is a secret

Sacred, coveted
Show some, show none
Inches marking me:
***** or ****

My hair is a war cry

Each must be silenced, snuffed
Lest I start a war, a political cry
They say it is "personal preference"
Even as strangers scorn with their gazes

My hair is beautiful

Only if it is on my head
Long strands are flags of white
Neutral, surrender
Short locks cry rebellion

My womb is mandatory

"I want grandchildren!"
"How can you not want kids?"
"You'll change your mind one day"
"Women are meant to be mothers"

My womb is not mine

It is my lover's
My family's
My country's
An unborn's

My skin is a crime

My skin is a secret

My hair is war

My hair is surrender

My womb is mandatory

My womb is not mine

My body is a battleground
And I will always lose this war
Nov 2013 · 887
Sweet Autumn
Halie Harris Nov 2013
A-howl came the wind
and a-whirl went the leaves
at her arrival:
Sweet Autumn.

My dearest, sweet Autumn
fall upon we with your bliss;
your chill that ravages my flesh,
yet warms my soul.

Come, sweet Autumn
paint the trees and undress them,
leave them dancing bare
for your sister Winter's delight

Oh, but how soon you are gone!
The Ice Queen comes too soon,
steals the warmth in my soul
and leaves only the chill bitten down to my bones.

Return to me, oh Autumn
when this year has gone,
and young Spring and Summer have hidden away--
my dearest, sweet Autumn.
Halie Harris May 2013
I cannot write a poem today
Because the weather isn’t quite right
It would really be a fight
To write a poem when the weather isn’t right.

I cannot write a poem today
Because I am feeling so sore,
My back aches, hands cramp—oh mercy, no more!
Oh no, I simply cannot write with everything all sore.

I cannot write a poem today
Without my cup of tea
I’m thirsty and cross, you see,
Without my cup of tea.

I cannot write a poem today
Because the floors are creaky
And the door is drafty, and the roof—I fear—is leaky.
No, no, I cannot write today while the floors are creaky.

I cannot write a poem today
Because the mail is coming,
Surely when the doorbell rings the sound will send me running.
Oh, I cannot write a poem when the mail is coming.

I told you, and I’ll say again
Why I cannot write not now or then;
I cannot write a poem today
Because of the stormy clouds,
My body’s sore,
and without my cup of tea,
the creaky floors,
and then mail well on its way.
Apr 2013 · 611
Poetry is Dying
Halie Harris Apr 2013
Poetry is dying,
as surely as I am dying
as you are dying

Each word read is a new breath
life-sustaining air to inky lungs
but breath must be freed
and when it goes we are closer to death.

To live a moment more
then die a little more
we die forevermore.

Poetry as dying,
as surely as the sun dies when she sets
as the moon dies when she sets.
Poetry is dying while it lives in our hearts
it's washed out from our minds
as we die--as surely as we die.

Our poetry is dying
but new words will be born
as surely as babies are born.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Love of Loves
Halie Harris Jan 2013
Like sunlight on dew drops, shine bright as a star
my  sweet dear, wherever you are
if light be gone to let you 'lone
know you'll always find your way home.

Oh love of loves, sweet love of mine
of all things you are most fine
And lovely love, true love of me
t'is your face I swoon to see.

And if our ways by fate must part
take with you my humble heart
and let not all the miles of this earth
keep me from your warming mirth.

Oh love of loves, sweet love of mine
of all things you are most fine
And lovely love, true love of me
t'is your face I swoon to see.
Dec 2012 · 731
A Statement
Halie Harris Dec 2012
How long until there's change--
even as we scream in outrage?
How many innocents have gone
and yet we still just carry on

Open your eyes
overcome the lies
we are the ones to blame
for this wretched, wicked shame

The filth is in our hearts
tearing us apart
in selfishness we're blind--
have we all lost our minds?

how many fallen from villains' hand
yet we all demand
"They're the ones profane!"
to avert the rightful blame

we hoard our deadly weapons
for the sake of prideful brawn
yet children fall and still we say
"they simply went astray."

there is darkness in us all--
though the fact may appall
but perhaps without the means
we may not be death machines...
Sep 2012 · 580
Weeping Notes
Halie Harris Sep 2012
I wonder if you take a look
to listen to my words,
to listen to each passing phrase
the music that they make.

the sorrow of each fleeting note
I whisper to the wind,
the plot I weave of heart-felt tale
will lead me home again.

Oh listen, can't you hear the sound
the sound of falling tears?
they shatter in the chilling wind
poignant, yet so fragile.

So do you ever take a look
to read inside my heart?
or is it far beyond your care
of things to you are dear?

I wonder if you ever hear
the sound of crying notes
that drift and dance from trembling lips
that mourn forever more--

At least, they mourn forever more
if you would so allow
my heart to drown in frozen tears
and dying, dancing notes...
Sep 2012 · 594
Halie Harris Sep 2012
My mind could not conceive
for what crime I had commit
upon judgement, to receive--
what punishment I was befit.

And yet I am to blame
for something I cannot name--
and you all the while proclaim
it is I who is profane.

But I was made to believe,
made to grieve
for whatever I had weaved
that I knew not of having achieved.

Oh, how I did submit
I wept--in nightmare I slept
to crime unknown I did admit
cruel "justice" I did accept

Where can I find reprieve?
If of your grace I am unfit,
for some things I cannot tame?
who then between us is truly inept...?
Jul 2012 · 469
Halie Harris Jul 2012
Morning, sun
don't run
let's have us some fun
before the day's done

Swinging breeze
ticklin' my knees
swayin' them high trees
all the way it please

Ah what heat
take a seat
hear the beat
come, have a treat

Turn off the light
feelin' alright--
make the room bright
there's no time to fight
Apr 2012 · 811
Halie Harris Apr 2012
It hurts so much that I could cry--
I could die
asking "why"
was it all a lie?

You had my heart inside your hand,
yet demand
to leave a brand
for my soul's command?

I danced foolishly to your song
while all along
it was wrong;
now caught in pain's throng...

You held my gaze, so hypnotized,
my demise
by your lies
I never hypothesized.

Yet you can say you're not to blame
for your game
that profaned
my heart, now defamed?

Somehow you say: "Why can't you see,
it can't be--
will never be.",
after deceiving me?

Why would you play such a facade?
No laud
for such fraud,
your judgement was flawed...

Tell me why I cannot be mad,
not glad,
and so sad--
does that make me bad?

I don't understand,
what I've done wrong
to deserve only your guise,
my shame,
and this mute plea;
now crushed in your wicked maw,
left lonesome and mad...
Apr 2012 · 614
Halie Harris Apr 2012
what day breaks
thick dark
that looms, the clouds like lakes;
deep black marks?

It is not night,
no storm to clear
by any light,
but is bred of fear.

No distance of time
turned on the wheel,
no change of clime
can touch it; perpetually real.
Mar 2012 · 660
Halie Harris Mar 2012
On yonder waves waiting
come carry me home
the land is baiting
me 'way from sea foam.

Though siren songs beckoned
and malstrom did throng
my mem'ry I reckoned
of the place I belong.

So onward I went
o'er the blue hills a-curling
homeward, my vigor spent
but my heart all a-whirling.

From cliff may you spy
her stern from the mist
and the sails how they fly
from the wind be they kissed.

And I go to your arms
now free from the blue
to be swayed by your charms
yet again are we two
Feb 2012 · 716
Halie Harris Feb 2012
Howl thousandfold, the power of winds
in but one breath you hold
you who are the judge of mortal sins
before you let none stand bold.

Fairest of fair
with jewels of eyes and soft wings
golden and silver, such precious hair
to you, the song bird sings.

And you, keeper of glen
lithe and swift and strong
come the winter, then
for on your watch spring is ever long.

Last is shadow, dark
essence of night
such brilliant eyes how they mark,
gleaming brilliant with starlight.
Jan 2012 · 941
Little Angels
Halie Harris Jan 2012
Complacent eyes
perfect blue, perfect face--
painted, common.

Expensive clothes
barely clothes, but colored fabric--
"stylish", ****.

Eat the media
don't chew, just swallow--

***, because you can
measures your worth--
"good girl"

Money's easy
don't keep it long--
burn it.

Don't try too hard
keep your head low--
fade away.

Art is a lie
President's always right--
"amen, Jesus".

"The Sun Also Rises"
that's what they say--
just take it;

Painted, common, "stylish", ****, sugar-coated "good girl"...
"amen, Jesus"--burn it.
Fade Away.
Burn it.
Fade Away...
Jan 2012 · 1.4k
My Tale
Halie Harris Jan 2012
Once I bore unkempt hair,
a crown over a wondering visage.
Twas a time of smaller age,
when a had nary a care.

I was staff-bearing and sword-wielding,
princess from times of yore
and keeper of lost lore.
But my spirit could go only so long unyielding.

For there was a mask-wearing weaver
of a garish smile
who in his guile,
had made others a believer--

Of his wicked web of rampant lies.
This wretched thief of naivete
Left not a shade of perspective grey--
but black, without reprise.

What cruel beast of human shape
was cast down upon me?
And why could others not see
but merely question with mouths agape--

At the sins of which he reveled
merely for his stature?
Yet if done after
surely they would have been compelled--

To hear my pleas
and punish his evil hand!
And then at last I might command
my woe from drowning me like all the seas.

Alas, twas not
as I would hope, you see
for fate was most unkind to me
though of wrong-doing I had naught.

"But why?" I asked
"Princesses of yore, and wielders of old lore
they know happiness for ever more."
To that end I had been masked--

From the truth before my weeping eyes
that evil always has its say
even on the brightest day,
for peace is the keenest of lies.

Like he, the villains tall and small,
from fiercest orc to goblin whelp,
will always find fate's loyal help
while heroes are left to fall.

That is how it plays on the world's stage
I have learned and learned it well
that where white snow falls, somewhere else burns a hell.
And yet, perhaps this way is not a cage--

To conquer all of worldly ways,
For in my time--made wise--
I have come to see with my heart's eyes
one for whom this pattern sways.

He is a hero brave and strong
no prince and no knight
no dragon does he fight,
yet for him could be written king-worthy song.

So perhaps, the wicked do not always prevail,
not every time at least--but most--
and get their bitter dose
of a taste of what it is to fail.
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Chant of the Necromancers
Halie Harris Jan 2012
Come bearer of death
oh, carrion crafter
the plains be wrought bereft
oh, we hail forever after!

Be your praise dying cries and blood
you murderer of the weak
raise your armies, a rampant flood
and with ease, crush the meek!

Sire of the end
and vanguard of sin
pray we the world never mend
and light never win!
Jan 2012 · 682
To Hell (song)
Halie Harris Jan 2012
who do you think you are,
preaching to me?
save my soul?
the world's gone to hell already!

your god is powerless
all holiness is dead
there is only suffering!

innocent blood shed
for your god to greedily drink.
what do you fight for?
deceptive demons in disguise?!

my soul is restless
no thanks to you,
you won't have my honor!
i go my own path

countless lives taken
to feed the will of your lord.
what do you live for?
a false promise of paradise?!

your god is powerless,
all holiness is dead
there is only suffering!

you can't trap me in your treacherous web
i won't fall beneath the rampant waves
i won't falter and fade out,
to join the many weak who have fallen!

i'll embrace my own path
and emerge from this cold world,
not unscathed, but alive.
so i'll keep fighting your corruption;
an evil immortal in non-existance!

i will fight
i will survive
i will rise in valor
the light as my guide
against your god.
he's dying now,
he's falling to the hell he created
he's drowning in the blood of innocents,
crushed under the weight of their wills!

"now you fade to dust..."
Jan 2012 · 1.6k
Halie Harris Jan 2012
yet rough
It hangs precariously

perches in false peace
deftly shifting
above danger,

Just a glance
a misplaced smile
a misdirected embrace
a poorly-aimed laugh--

Surely the mark was missed--
it all belongs to me!
but it tips again;
a sharp thought
a bitter contempt

a maddening burden
it hangs precariously
yet rough.

what folly
you cruel temptress;
can you not hold your own?
so uneven,
****** jealousy.
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
The Looking Glass
Halie Harris Jan 2012
Through the looking glass
what perception gleams in scrutinizing eyes?
Through opera glass or magnifying lenses
what visions show beneath the surface?

The omniscient observer
what arcane knowledge do you hold?
The clairvoyant
what fate do you foresee?
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
Halie Harris Dec 2011
Demons in your head,
monsters under your bed

Hiding in the shadows, a web of awe and wonder

Fixating to descend into that abyss,  
yet so terrible to fall in bliss

The calls of sirens draw you near

The wicked will laugh in dark ecstasy, ah blight--
try if you may, take flight

For in sorrow you hang your head, by your neck

Beckoned by the gallows
the realm of your heart gone fallow

Freedom is just beyond you finger tips

The choice of life is yours to steal
escape this ordeal

Let the darkness perish for your victory

And as the siren songs drown you in a blanket of pain
resurface with strength and rise again

Call your voice to smite the lies of the deceptive

Rise swift to the thunder of a living heart
courage and victory are never far apart

Hold breath fast in your chest never to be freed

Until your last day, to offer the world a parting grace
with last of life's embrace.

The succubus withers with none on whom to feast

And the dogs howl unfed by the spoils of war
the battle done and no more

Flee now to fleeting peace as you may, just remember:

How the wicked fought before evil crumbled away
and the good suffered in dismay.

But sorrow prevailed, yet after such dark toil

All was not so fair in war and in love
but reprise, there was not total void of

And all that seemed left,
perhaps bereft,
were shadows of the lost and survivors most deft--

Though victory it was
no matter the cause

And light shall reign again, Forevermore.
Dec 2011 · 721
Halie Harris Dec 2011
Nothing ever shall this soul let sway (says I)

yet, I Fought
To grasp some meaning to this battle (even in vain).

was a lesson, learned to me (well enough)

now, Distraught
For a blow to me (for a fool, am I),

has been Wrought
where I had (in my base state of mind)

I was of omnipotent stature (such audacity).

but I have been Caught
in a web of my self-deceit and cruel ways...
Dec 2011 · 825
On simplicity
Halie Harris Dec 2011
That sound of rain rap-tapping on the window
such a simple beat, why,
merely a tap, tap, tap, tapping on the window panes

That lazy afternoon on that lazy weekend day
such a simple time, why,
to sit and read and write the day away without care

That sorrow in my poor, sad heart
such a simple woe, why,
downed in bitter-sweet coffee and weeping sonorous songs

That love swelling in my flighty soul
such simple emotion, why,
my heart goes sighing and beating and dancing to such love

That awe and wonder for things fantastic
such simple fascination, why,
such adventure and allure taunts from the rabbit hole

That simple thing--no--every simple thing
such simple things, why,
that move me so, and taunt, and awe, and inspire
such simple things, why,
that fabricate my days
Dec 2011 · 613
Vampire's lullaby
Halie Harris Dec 2011
When the world was young,
the Nightmother sang
with voice so sweet
to children of moon.

Come, my children
to Nightmother's arms,
come my children
to loving arms.

the night will guide you,
oh children of moon,
the night will guide you,
children of moon.

So rest they all,
in loving arms,
so rest they all.
Now all they rest...
Dec 2011 · 670
Halie Harris Dec 2011
Am I painful
do I speak so bitterly
quarrel needlessly--
Can you tell me?

Am I imperfect
too human
hold such villainous emotion--
When you're so perfect?

Am I to blame
for every wrong between us
I can only do wickedness--
What good have I done?

Am I so evil
so daft and base as I seem
such a scourge--
Is this all I can be?

Am I lost
to my own cruelty
and the storm of my own tears--
Can I never overcome?

and alas, Am I so meager
as I like to believe
to be left behind--
Were you not my savior
like you said--
Can't I believe you--
Does it go on like this?
Nov 2011 · 1.0k
Halie Harris Nov 2011
Can't grasp a denouement
of this perplexity in my core
Not an inkling of know
There must be something more

A fear manifesting within
breeding and boiling
my mind scarred by perceived sin
riddled with past darkness

There is but one panacea
though yet doubt still consumes
the hope within my reach
that yet I struggle to exhume

There is yet light
that I see in my wake
for such I shall ever fight
perhaps with luck to someday prevail
Nov 2011 · 634
Numerbale Existence
Halie Harris Nov 2011
will go on eternal

is numbered in years

only one per person

counted in losses

counted in the lack thereof

is boundless and without count

A song
need only a few notes

A poem
but a few words

needs only two hearts

is how you count your blessings
Halie Harris Nov 2011
name blessed by the gods
Say my name,
bless me with such words
Oh my love

name engraved in stone,
sleeping now
leaving me alone
Oh my love

My love,
will we meet again
in sunlight?
my love,
Will you find me in
sweet sunlight?

My love,
you evade my grasp
why my love?
Oh why?
I wanted you mine,

why now do you sleep?
leaving me,
Why now must you go?
left me alone...

name engraved in stone,
left me alone
spoken by spirits

taken by spirits,
taken by death--
will we meet in sunlight?
left me alone,
oh my love--
will you find me
in sweet sunlight?
My love
Nov 2011 · 740
Seasons Range
Halie Harris Nov 2011
Twas all green, all life a lovely sheen
the things anew, all fresh--not askew
About they went, energy unspent
None foresaw, though, in their awe
the season range, the world change

Things were bright, but then the plight
of harsh fires dry, some good did die
in that they wept, but soon slept
in lovely warm, but then a storm
but soon the tempest left, and they were not bereft

A chill soon came, the sun tame
a brisk to the land, and colors all grand
twas a sight to see, they all in glee
and a feast they had, for this change was glad
sated, they didn't care, as all the trees were left bare

before they could know, then came the snow
world all in white, and moods all spite
in bitter cold, they were so bold
as to hew the trees, so they wouldn't freeze
but even so, some n'er woke, and too became smoke

But then it passed, all gone at last
the new things  born, the world in green adorn
and in great joy, that could never cloy
for they knew well, without tell
that winter too soon would come, and again they'de be glum
Sep 2011 · 1.2k
This Parting
Halie Harris Sep 2011
This parting
this rapture of my soul
dreaded departing
leaving in my heart a hole

I sleep to a lullaby of tears
my blanket a thick gloom
sorrow like piercing spears
my sadness again exhumed

do not wilt at my cries
I beg you not fret
for in you I find reprise
and your love I shan't ever forget
Sep 2011 · 810
We are the Children
Halie Harris Sep 2011
We're the children of dark
of desolation and despair
nothing but barren fields
left to feed our hunger

we were left bereft
our legacy, nothing but ashes

this world crumbles swiftly
flowers wither at our feet, dying
we've been killing ourselves
since before we were born

we are the evil
the doom of this world, all we can become

hatred mars our souls
worn like a wicked brand
burned into our very existence
marked by deeds undone

we are the children
we scream from nightmares while we are awake

we are the lost ones
the path burned before we even began

we are the unborn
destined to live within a dying world

we're the generation
the ones you left behind with nothing left

we're the revolution
breaking from our cages, we will be freed

we are your children
we are the refugees
we are the rebels
we are your demise

we are the children...
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Oh, why doth a caged bird sing?
Such blissful tunes contrast somber winter's gray,
a myriad of wonder and saccharine kisses
so sweet to hear, so poignant a feel
Oh, tell me why, why doth the caged bird sing
when e'er there naught be good to sing of?

"You are safe here,"
coos cruel crow keeper coolly
"from the owl and the hawk and their mal' ways."
his tones are sharp as swords
so ill and keen as bitter thorns.
Oh why doth the caged bird sing?

"Why, oh why doth ye caged bird sing?"
calls the mockingbird sweetly, returning the caged bird's song
"out of lonesome, sir" sighs the caged bird
and so he ascends on swift, heaven-fit wings
and releases the caged bird, and the two sing as one
now as two free birds shall sing a-merry
Sep 2011 · 872
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Trouble ahead,
underneath my bed,
heart full of led,
slight bitter dread.
let this vessel be shed,
these thoughts in my head,
a hunger fed,
no more fear bred,
all sorrow shred.
no longer to tread,
on this wavering thread;
no more thoughts in my head.
Sep 2011 · 615
Rainbow in the Rain
Halie Harris Sep 2011
relief like a wave washes over me
though other emotion still leaves unease.
a weight's been lifted
the clouds have shifted,
yet masked, I still feel.

we sing their song,
and dance their dance
caught in the web of would-be truths,
but in reality only deceptions.
buried secrets, hidden lies
covered by contempt and solemn smiles.

though out of danger
I feel we are still in darkness,
the light just beyond our grasp.

we'll get through, us two
in this world of make believe.
break the surface,
touch the sky,
steal a star and with it fly.

we'll stand amidst this desolation,
we'll survive this war;
stand firm in this battlefield.

let's paint paper flowers
with the sun's light.
let's fight,
let's survive,
rise above the lies.

we'll make it through, me and you,
chase the rainbow in the rain.
Sep 2011 · 1.5k
Paper Heart
Halie Harris Sep 2011
threads cutting on the seams
falling apart
on my voodoo doll
smile, voodoo doll
let the marbles leak out of your head
It's alright
just add another patch and keep going
you're fine voodoo doll
just smile, voodoo doll

tears falling like rain
wash away the pain
the red and black ink fades away
from my paper heart,
stains it through and through
crinkles and bends
and soaks the parchment
of my fragile, paper heart
Sep 2011 · 748
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Forsaken, mistaken, shaken
my heart's breakin'
and it's takin'
its toll on me.

Same song and dance
as I danced before
isn't there a chance
for something more?

All I do is hurt
and hit you too
but these ****** swings
shouldn't be for you

Forsaken, mistaken, shaken
my heart's breakin
and it's takin'
its toll on me.

Stop loving, heart
just to give me a break
each beat it tears me apart
There's only so much I can take

sorry for hurting
for hurtin' you too
with my sorrow's perverting,
my heart all askew

forsaken, mistaken, shaken
just stop breakin'
don't you take
another toll on me
Sep 2011 · 2.0k
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Here i am hidden within,
not in dark but in broad light.
the reality within,
rather than truth it seems bright.
I will not abandon,
but quietly endure
this life i have been granted;
a new one i am to sew.
won't falter,
won't fall,
i will not fade to black.
even in sorrow,
i will never turn back...
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Halie Harris Sep 2011
With words I cannot express
the emotion, I cannot suppress.
The feelings hidden inside
to them, I must abide.
And as the feelings may never be the same
to that end, I might perish in flame.
Even so, I merely wish to see your smile
and with it, bring me joy for a while.
And though I may not be yours
I shall still be warmed to my core.
Even weep as I may
to desolate sorrow i will not stray.
Known to me is your care
But to your arms, I can't yet—or perhaps—dare
Now with these sweet words in your ear,
perhaps let them draw you near.
But if it shall not be, don't fear
For even then, I shall stay beside you, my dear.
Sep 2011 · 2.2k
Elven Spring-time Song
Halie Harris Sep 2011
In forest and green
the dragons be seen
fly high yonder sky
fly high, fly high
through river and plain
through mountains again
fly high yonder sky
fly high, fly high

lo' moon
lo' sun
lo' creatures, be one
as night and as day
as night, as day

a sonorous tune
sung May, sung June
flutt'ring notes high  
float by, float by
now daughter and son
to mother, come on
to loving arms warm
come on, come on

lo' moon
lo' sun
lo' creatures, be one
as night and as day
as night, as day
Sep 2011 · 695
Halie Harris Sep 2011
So I've lost the battle
maybe lost the war
seems like there's nothing
left fighting for

got my head in the sand
say: "it's too late man"
no i don't—see,
I don't understand

is all just a mess
just a worthless wreck
nothing's going right
It can't be redressed

falling falling
can't fly on burning wings
falling falling
dark angel sings

a thousand nightmares quoting ravens in my head
a thousand monsters beneath my bed
a wayward heart wandering forever
cant there be peace, rest, ever?
Sep 2011 · 713
Halie Harris Sep 2011
A crooked grin he wore
a sly curve of sin
the name of death, he gladly bore
his darkness held within

To graveyard gloom he went
to find a treasure buried
the life from bodies spent
but to the form a soul again be married

The dead all rose up
with a wave of his claw
drinking from magic's cup
with long-rotted maw

Then away the villain cast
with allies new-found
his armies growing vast
equal his greed abound

On yonder hill he rides
his armies drawing in
like hungry raging tides
twas a storming beast akin

To darkness then the world was thrown
the good all burned a-cinder
throughout the land the evil known
none left for it to hinder.
Sep 2011 · 1.4k
Dark Veil's Song
Halie Harris Sep 2011
wind in the willows and the hollow tree's maw
the howl and the moan, chattered whippoorwill song
golden leaves crumble into golden leaf dust
withered willow creaks and sways however it may,
dancing to demented beat from perverse piper's pipe.

The moon is gone hiding not present on stage
of this eerie queer setting in this most uncanny scene
hark, come in the calling owls
sing harsh the shadow come by bleating of night's drum
a hit come dark, a hit pitch shadow cast on the land.

Owls call who, call who to none there
crickets screech a symphony with wicked leg's sliding
horned incessant toads boom tenor through the night.

Come twilight, come dawn
the moon is chased from clouds to the horizon it returns.
come 'gain the whippoorwills with strange and deviant song
come now the shady crows to join and gibe along.

When light comes now through purple veil of dark and mal' cast
cascades the sun through horrid mask; the sky a great cloud
a swirling pool, a terrific mass, a great storm of poison,
can't run for fear for end is near
solace in light is naught,there is no savior from the tempest.

The night was prologue enough, now day will be pure no longer
the nymph of sun ***** in taint of wicked shadow's hand
now alone evil and mal' shall stand.

So come the crows, come the raven
sing a devil's tune with the chitter of the chattering birds
sway now the willow, howl the wind and moan along
laugh the maws gaped of the trees
whirl the wind, wither and crumble the plants; now gone.
dance and sing and cry as one, symphony
symphony fade to whisper... whisper fade to dust...
Sep 2011 · 770
Halie Harris Sep 2011
Like rivers, it falls
from my cheeks the tears
this farewell, it appalls
I'm perplexed by these fears

And yet, your embrace
it brings comfort and joy
your love I cannot replace
such sweetness shall never cloy

But it is that I will miss
such lovely sways
to my heart, what bliss
but now we must go our separate ways

— The End —