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 Oct 2013 HA
acid bath
 Oct 2013 HA
grasping tight on the rope
slipping until my hands burn
squeezing, so i don't fall into the tar pit,
eyes shut, ears closed off from the outside world,
unwilling to look and see
that the black pit beneath me is just
a void of a harmless nothing
 Oct 2013 HA
jessika michele
can we just tell each other fairy tales?
feigning adventure that takes us beyond
and taste so real
how fantastic would that be

lets fabricate
every inch of our subconscious

intertwine them
romanticize on the make believe
fall in love with oblivion

where innocence lives
and dances freely in the breeze
of  turquoise trees
under the watchful eye of night shaded clouds

sing to me with the voice I know you have
sing me the parable
of the princess you gave your life for

and maybe I can tell you the tale
of the mage who can bring you back
 Oct 2013 HA
Alex Troupe
When the clock tower falls
And the hearth goes cold
Then faith will grow small
And the men will grow old

The love will fade out
And the hate will cry about
The world it used to know

My time has come
But yours has just begun
Let the world rest in peace
Let your spirit just leave
 Oct 2013 HA
CH Gorrie
for the students lost in World War II*

Could they have understood this "sacrifice"?

on the edge of living,
about to dip into life.

epitaphs, Sunday daydreams,
skeletons wrapped in flags.

whose lives are packed into one plaque
near Hardy Tower, tucked
behind bushes by the biology labs.

stop every so often,
linger a moment over the names,
mouthing one or two
before scooting off to class.
 Oct 2013 HA
Samantha Louise
You're too young.
You're too young to let go.
You're too young to give up.
You haven't lived long enough
You still have a grander life to live

I wonder how your mother felt,
walking into you not alive
She never even thought
she'd ever see her baby girl die.

And what about your sister,
She probably felt so bad
about all the times she picked on you
and she knew it made you sad

What about your father
what is he gonna do?
How is he gonna live his life
without you?

People at school are talking,
They're all wondering why.
What made her so sad?
that she just wanted to die?

How does your girlfriend feel?
She's broken into pieces,
This doesn't even seem real.

I never thought you'd go
I hope you'd never fall through
Bad things happen to good people
and that happened to be you,

Everybody will be praying
in hopes that on the other side
people will be up there to love you
and maybe you'll look down too.

I never wanted this to happen,
nobody did.
You were so innocent, so brilliant
And now you're gone.

It's really sad to see how much people care
after it's too late.
If we all showed appreciation,
we wouldn't have a funeral date.

© 2013 Samantha Girouard-Holt
 Oct 2013 HA
jeffrey robin
Lingers.... (The rain)

The drifting of the Lost Men

(the homeless and the hungry)


(they do)


Parochial patriotism

The flags of War

Tbe naked children

The gun fire

The plague

The helpless mothers

Their dying babes




The big mouthed politicians talk

Eagerly we listen




Our acceptance




(Our acceptance)


Lingers....:(in the rain)

The light silent drizzle

The meaningless sighs

The beauty of god

The life so betrayed
 Oct 2013 HA
Anna Pavoncello
Born and brewing on the road
A choice on me has been bestowed
To grant one side my presence there
Take time to choose; contrast, compare.

Offers, one side, an easy life
Let's sing all day, and play the fife!
The other, it seems, is harder still,
Yet full of life; a forest's trill.

"Come here!" one says, "there's much to do!"
"Have fear!" one says, "it's brutal too!"
"It's crueler there," says one, in rebuttal.
"It's cruel, but fair," one says with a scuttle.

Forever struck, undecided on the road
For which side is better; my humble abode?
Made soon is this choice, for ahead comes upon
Two lights on the hill, like a double edged dawn

Quick like a deer, I unfold into action.
Be part of the woods? Or a slave unto fashion?
To the judgement of others, their eyes on my back?
Or the home of the hunters, to survive their attack?
To the glistening great cities with the smog thickened air?
Or the rolling green trees, all alone in despair?

So towards the lights I will run, on the road I will ride.
For I will always remain with one foot on each side.
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