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 Oct 2013 HA
Russell D
Have the flames of love gone asunder
Has your fire finally gone out
Will I truly ever know
Or just live my life in doubt

Is there still an ember
That could spark to flame
If I could just manage
To find the right words to say

I never knew love
Then there was you
My heart sprung to life
As your light shines through

Is there any way
For you to love me again
Or am I left in the breeze
Like leaves to the wind
 Oct 2013 HA
Anna Louise
This taste in my mouth reminds me too much of the eagerness that would drip out every time I tried to talk to you. My eyes are heavy the way they got that night in the dark, with shadows pressed against them like your fingertips on my body. I have to take a deep breath. I have to breathe in the fall, and the leaves, and the frigid air just to know that I am not there anymore. I just want to close my eyes but they won’t let me see anything but the scars on the inside of my brain that were left there, sliced by fishing hooks. All the remnants of the words you caught me with; hook, line and sinker.
 Oct 2013 HA
Anna Louise
I saw her standing
on the edge,
still and silvery.
she was an abandoned car
reflecting moonlight
off her cold, metallic exterior.
she was the rusty outline
of a haunted house
whose ghosts didn’t know
it had been knocked down long ago.

she was overlooking
the lights in the darkness,
a silhouette painting against a galaxy
of scattered neon.
a silhouette painting against a galaxy
of broken glass.

she took a step
onto the stars
felt the moonlight
fall from her hair
and into
 Oct 2013 HA
There is something about
the way we seek
what we can't
or won't
reach for

Time and time again
we remain hopeful
to gain access
to the forbidden doors

Minutes turn into hours
hours turn into days
we gain and lose
as we walk through
and dare to reach
for the impossible
the fairytale
we want to see
in front of our eyes
not a picture
imagined by our minds
but a reality
that our hands
can simply reach
without a struggle
or loss of breath

Not sure what fascinates most
the easy way to happiness
or the metal doors
keeping the love
in our hearts
under lock and key
as we try and retrieve
what used to be
rightfully ours

Nothing is exciting
about waiting
and waiting
patiently praying
that maybe one day
you won't be the one
suffering for a lifetime
to get a bit of joy

The things we put ourselves through
the things we say and do
to build up the hope
and strength in our hearts
is something I'll never understand
but my mind seems to have a clue
maybe one day, I will know
the meaning of it all
and find myself
as well as the one
who means the most.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 HA
Patricia Tsouros
Stumbled in
mind & soul
I had no idea
that night would
would lead
to shattered scene**

 Oct 2013 HA
karen champagne
I wait on the pier.
I have yet to see you in the distance.
So quiet.
Just slight ripples of water.
I can hear my own heartbeat.
You are like a ghost in the distance.
An apparition.
You appear out of nowhere .
I have kissed many.
But not you.
I feel your breath from a distance.
Yet you are so far.
I feel the heat of your body now.
It is intense.
Not physical heat.
Makes me dizzy.
Spins me.
Who are you.
I want to kiss you forever.
I have never known this taste.
No words to describe it.
Like nothing else.
Like nothing before.
A comfort
Not the physical fit.
The emotional
The spiritual
My head still spins
I want this forever.
Be my forever.
 Oct 2013 HA
 Oct 2013 HA
It's not fair that she is basking in a glorious hour of learning
in the same room as
She'll wrap her arms around you like thirsty vines
and toss her head back and laugh
The thieving look in her eye fixed on your lips
to steal a kiss
The lips that once stole a kiss from me
because if it were I in that room,
to take a test I had not studied for for the duration of an eternity
would be worth it just to see
your lethal body
 Oct 2013 HA
Russell D
 Oct 2013 HA
Russell D
Seems I've fallen to pieces
and they've all gone astray
Do you have enough pockets
To carry them away

If you notice something missing
Pay no attention if its my heart
For it was gone long before
I ever fell apart

Patch me back together
When you find the time
If you have the desire
And if your of the mind

Maybe you'll have some use
For a partially fractured man
Maybe you"ll see the light
In my weathered hands
Jesus is a liberal
This is a fact that can easily be proven,
If you look at God’s Son in the scripture,
You may reach the same conclusion
Could you believe
That the God who created us
Created abortion
Maybe he found his children’s cries too hard to bear
So He came up with a solution that was only fair
“Take your children
Give them to me
I’ll give you both a better life, you’ll see
Don’t listen to those people outside
Their shouting is a sin
Please don’t cry, just come in.”
This same God
Fights for gay marriage
And cries when He hears His children being disparaged
He created love above all things
For some He created an Adam
For others an Eve
He did not decided this on gender or ***
But on who would love His child the best
And on welfare benefits
Jesus is number one
Giving to the poor and those who have none
Getting drunk on communion wine,
Jesus always would've voted
You see Jesus’ ministry was entirely devoted
To serving those who no one else would serve
Making sure everyone receives even if they don't deserve
So when you look at the evidence it’s quite clear that
Jesus was a democrat
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