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Silver Bullet Synchronicities, Literally, Layer into my Space a Perfect Union of Oblivion
The Ying, to The Yang, Baby....

Micro to Macro, Anomalous Events Don't quite Strike Me as anything Other than Normality in and of Different Scale

A For Instance

To my Eyes, the Sequoya Tree Appears to Tower, the Highest of the High
While our beloved Earth Teachers....The Ant....Grounded above and below the Mother Clay,
Will Look at Me as a Colossal Mammalian largely Trembling the World with Weight Infinite

To the Point

Perspective is simply a specific view, an angled ray of Light, Thus Strikes the Object in it's Own Precise Uniqueness

Note of Importance

If only One ray strikes angled Light, One angle of Light just won't Suffice....Every Perspective must be Offering of It's Own Accord, thus Strikes the Creation True....

Wholeness is Truth
Truth is Coherence
Coherence is Smooth and Steady
Do I know if I'll be Ready?....Not Really

This I Do Know

All Matter is full of Wholes of Space, NOT EMPTY, but Full of Life, Feeding the Flow into Motion, Flowing the Motion of Inert Mass, Spinning the Soul to Life, Spinning into Infinite Bliss


Some will make Life into Art with Dance
To Live Life at the Threshold, DANCE Your DREAMS into LIFE
Everyday and Every Night....DANCE

  ­              Bless You.....Bless Me...Bless Us All
Simple Poetry.....just my personal thoughts, lovem or heavem...
No Offense or Attack or Persuasive Intent Involved...Please Enjoy!
I HAVE drunk ale from the Country of the Young
And weep because I know all things now:
I have been a hazel-tree, and they hung
The Pilot Star and the Crooked Plough
Among my leaves in times out of mind:
I became a rush that horses tread:
I became a man, a hater of the wind,
Knowing one, out of all things, alone, that his head
May not lie on the breast nor his lips on thc hair
Of the woman that he loves, until he dies.
O beast of the wilderness, bird of the air,
Must I endure your amorous cries?
 May 2014 Guillermo Vélez
such a simple word, but I love it.
she breathes
and she does every single day.
she breathes on
on what? depends.
she breathes on my
my, my, my, what do we have here..oh..
she breathes on my skin
and I wish to never feel anything other than this feeling in this exact moment in time because in all honestly, *nothing
has ever felt this pure.
she breathes on my skin and
and? and?! what more can be done?
she breathes on my skin and calms
calms... me.
she breathes on my skin and calms my
my heart. my mind. my ever breaking spirit and soul.
she breathes on my skin and calms my mind
and she does. all I ever hear is my mind, but during these moments, our souls connect and I feel at peace.
I love her, I truly do.
Almost three months javajvaiavanahaparkerbaoavmwgansh<3 I love you L!

— The End —