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Kyla Mae Pliskie
27/F/Wisconsin    My balance lies within the realms of poetic and lyrical writing. And music. Cynical. Anxious. Easily Amused. Addict. Permanently Heartbroken. I like words. And commas.
I write what I feel. What I write is all the bio you need to know.
louis rams
florida    born and raised in n.y.c. and moved to florida in 1992 to be with our daughter, and now a grandson who will be turning 9 ...
maybe i'm not all yellow
Julia Rae Irvine
Nebraska    "We don't read and write poetry because it's cute; We read and write poetry because we are members of the Human Race." -John Keating, Dead ...
Amber W
Cadence Musick
Young girl, old heart. A melancholy mix in a world such as this.
"I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it." J.D. Salinger
Charlton, MA   

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