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 Jan 2014 Grace
Dan D
No worries on her mind
No battles to fight
Just peace
Her head on my chest
Her hand in mine
I couldn’t think of a better place to be
I can’t believe she’s all mine
To watch her as she sleeps
To brush her hair back behind her ear
I can’t wait to be here for many more years
I look into her lidded eyes and see nothing but sweet peacefulness
This is what I crave
This is what I live for
Your happiness
Your peacefulness in my arms
everything we know
is human.
humans even create
explanations for nature
anything human
will come to an end
we can not build anything
to last forever
we can not feel
to last forever
we can not
last forever
in a world built to expire
there is no infinite anything
all that is infinite is space
and it seems the world has little of that
i can't think of anything more powerful
than an infinite vacuum of anything you would love
to last forever

*     * * * * *     *
every inch of our world
drenched, by the same water
over and over

endless cycle of repeating voices
noises visions of the noisiest
hungriest tool of destruction

demolishing villages
filling our oceans
filling our glasses
Bad displays of good hygiene  page 1
 Jan 2014 Grace
rained-on parade
Life is meant to
go on


nothing lasts forever.

Life is meant to have
ups and downs


flatlines mean death.
With yvk.
 Jan 2014 Grace
Seán Mac Falls
Rain wells in soft eyes,
Droplets drib by the windows,
My lips on her cheek.
 Jan 2014 Grace
Some faded curtain sways in a phantom breeze
      and air swells in the old duct behind the bed
Cowboy Junkies play
        Salted meat stench, tobacco and zest linger
The misted road on the outside
                                                     refracts moonlight through a crack

it's all too disjointed
but also clear, all so clear

The cliched call from anonymous houses, screaming; drunken screaming
                                  I  t  '  s     F  r  i  d  a  y     n  i  g  h  t
You're invited

The notion enters in eerie silences
                                                        ­and wood-frames creak
and the curtains still dance
       and green leaves look black in that middle point between the lamp posts
              and a stray car buzzes along a sultry surface; it is the moth, brazen in search of light
                                                           ­                                                                 ­                                  
and who are we, if not moths in search of light?                                                           ­                    
                                            ­                                                                 ­                                                  
              ­                                                                 ­                             Can you hear that ocean swell
                                                           ­                                                     or do you roar in unison too
                                                             ­                                        Would you change as the weather
                                                         ­                                                            and embrace everything
                                                      ­                                                                 ­                     everybody
                                  ­                                                                 ­                  and life
                                                                ­            to reach transcendence
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