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Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
So many poems
So little time
All the words
In my head
Yet none come to pen
Time fading away
While you grow everyday
More poems stuck in my head
I hate writer's block
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
A rose is a rose
For you are a rose
More beautiful than
any rose in the world
I wrote this when I was 5 year's old for my mother.
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
What I write is how I feel
It comes from deep within my soul
I have done everything within my power to make you happy
Still you never seem to be
I have found that in return you have taken my happiness thrown it away
Torn me down
Belittled me
Taken everything I am
To make yourself feel better
My only outlet is what I write
                                                            or Calm
Accept me
This is me and part of who I am
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
Twisted trunks and winding paths
There's no telling where you end at
Dark shadows at your side
A never ending night of terrors in the mind
The dark forest is no place to fight
Unless you want trouble and distress
Even black cats stray from parade
Witches dare to play in homage
Where creatures ready for malevolence come to play
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
He watches her in daylight
See's her face at night
Two long thoughtful days go by with her not in sight
He draws every perfect
And shape
He goes around asking if they'd seen the lovely lady
They take a look
Seeing a sketch of a perfect woman
Not a line
Or curve
Out of place
It looked as if a moment of time had been sketched apon the paper
No words given to him, but
Words run in his head
Dreadful thoughts flooded in
Sadness grew apon his heart
When he hears a woman call his name
He sees her lovely face
Written by my 16 year old daughter
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
Sun shines on the water so blue
The sand warm to the touch
White shaped clouds high in the sky
Water lapping the shore
Very serene
Clouds turn grey
Wind starts to blow
The water laps in waves
Higher and higher they come
Lightning strikes on the water
The air is cooler
Rain drops fall fat and heavy
The storm rages hard and long
Emptying it's full belly

Waves calming down
Wind turns into a light breeze
Sand is wet and compacted
Rain slowly leaks from the clouds
The sun show's off in the distance
Rain clouds dancing around the light
Rainbows shine bright
Tessa Tyler Sep 2021
Life is a sad winding road
Don't know which way it's going to
turn or go
People say they love you, but show hate instead
Real sweet to your face
Lie behind your back
Your heart aches and yearns for the
ones you love
Yet theirs don't do the same
You get taken advantage of every day
Reaped of everything you work hard for
Getting nothing in return
Then the day you get sick
Your ready to go
They all show up to pay their fake respect's
To take what you have left
You die
It's done
They won
Trust no one
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